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  1. This was not made for anyone who knows history. The changeover from Austria to France was a elaborate affair. Louis XVI was FAT. And Antoinette refused to speak DuBarry, who was considered no better than a common prostitute, until forced to by Louis XV. Disappointing.
  2. Kandy Muse should consider immigrating. She'd actually stand a chance of looking good.
  3. After binge watching two seasons of the Drag Race UK, I must say I'm very disappointed. I can't believe that these folks have the nerve to call themselves 'drag queens'. "Basic' doesn't even begin to describe these queens. It's like they haven't got the slightest idea what 'glamour' is. The most 'glamourous' queens on this show would be laughed out of the werkroom in LA on the first day. Is this the same country that produced Alexander McQueen and John Galliano? That probably explains why they both headed out and designed for French houses. Maybe it's because they don't have the tradition of drag-balls that Americans have. I'm not familiar with the drag scene in England but it looks like these queens just slap some makeup on, put on a dress and go down to the pub to tell a few jokes. Do they have pageants or drag balls? A lot of people think that the UK is so classy because they have the royal family, but has anyone really taken a close look at them? Some of the frumpiest people on the planet. Poor Katie Cambridge was pathetic until Meghan showed up and made her step up her game. Princess Margaret was the 'glamourous' one and Jackie Kennedy could out-glamour Mags in her sleep. I couldn't believe the finale of the first season. It looked like two of those queens had raided Queen Elizabeth's closet. They were dressed like senior citizens. The show clearly tried to step it's game up by picking a younger and more diverse group of queens but still. Joe Black, who is supposedly some sort of drag legend in England, wore a Tudor frock to represent the Brighton Pavilion! I was laughing my ass off. This so-called 'legend' didn't know that the Brighton Pavilion was built during the REGENCY. And then they had the nerve to bring that fool back. I don't blame Ru for going off on those sad-sacks. They had had SEVEN MONTHS to pull their shit together, to maybe pick up a fashion magazine or LEARN TO SEW. And what happens? The 'legend' BRAGS about getting her dress at H&M. Ru showed a lot more patience than I would have. I would have caught the first thing smoking back to the States. I can imagine that there are drag mothers in the US who wish they could get their hands on Tia or Tayce or even A'Whora (on a good day) and make something out of them. Those girls think that all they have to do is be 'pretty'. Well, they ain't that pretty. And Wesley Snipes, who is an attractive man but an unfortunate looking woman, looked better than any of these queens in 'To Wong Foo...' Forty-nine year old Tamika, recovering from colon cancer and wearing a colostomy bag would wipe the floor with the 'prettiest' one of this sad lot. I can understand why these queens are competing for badges and a trip to Hollywood. There's no way any of them deserve a REAL prize.
  4. That was some kind of fuckery. Ru has let better, more talented queens walk away but she wasn't ready to let Kandy go? Bullshit. From the very beginning, every queen on this show has talked about how they were bullied when they were children. Yet Ru not only allows bullying, she ENCOURAGES it. I'm not talking about garden-variety drag-queen bitchery; that's expected. For me, it started with that 'Heathers' bullshit where one group of so-called 'pretty girls' ganged up to go after the girls they called 'boogers' (most of whom were Black). That was so successful that I guess Ru has decided it's a necessity. I honestly thought that Silky was the bridge too far. The response to her was so negative that I thought Ru would dial it back. But Kandy is so much worse than Silky. At least Silky had some intelligence and you could understand her when she spoke. Kandy is untalented and unintelligible. Her drag is pathetic. And as far as I'm concerned, when Kandy leaves she can take Tina and Gottmik with her. One would think that a trans-man would want nothing to do with a bully like Kandy but Gottmik has always struck me as a bit of an asshole. And Tina is such a filler-queen, I don't give a fuck about her. It's nice that the Rose and Denali got a chance to shine in the Rusical but who's kidding who? The reason they've been stuck in the background all this time is because they're not very interesting. They can sing and dance but other than that, they don't have much going for them. I'm very disappointed in Ru. Maybe these queens are the best she can do during a pandemic. But I'm getting tired of queens who have been doing drag for a minute, don't know who the fuck SYLVESTER is but want to demean and push aside queens they should be learning from. I still can't think about the way Pearl disrespected Ru ON HER OWN SHOW without seeing bright red. Drag IS changing, and not for the better, in my opinion.
  5. I've been COVID-19 lockdown binge-watching Drag Race and I was absolutely gobsmacked by Pearl's rudeness and disrespect towards RuPaul. I have to admit that I lost a little respect for Ru when he didn't toss that disrespectful little punk out in the street. Everybody loves drag queens now but I remember back in the day when men like RuPaul risked their lives if they walked the streets in drag. When I lived in NY, I remember the groups of 'bridge and tunnel' thugs who would come into the city just to hunt gay men to beat up. Tyra gets dragged a lot (I have a good idea why), and she deserves some of it, but I don't believe that she would EVER speak to RuPaul the way that Pearl did. I'm sure that Tyra has enough home-training to know that you don't speak that way to the man whose name is on the show you're competing in. But I guess Tyra doesn't have Pearl's privilege. I only wish that someone like Bianca or Latrice had been there. They would have put Little Miss Pearl in her place with a quickness. I've reached the top 4 and I don't think I'm going to watch any more of this season. It's getting harder to tell the finalists apart. Young, 'pretty' White boys who think they know everything because they've been doing drag for a minute. Not today, Satan.
  6. I definitely think we've seen the last of Richonne. I can't see Danai returning for this fuckery.
  7. VERY funny! I have to admit I noticed the dueling weaves too! I have a feeling that Brittany's mother isn't the type of woman who would spend hundreds of dollars on fake hair.
  8. Bini looks like a 'regular' Black guy now. He's attractive but he doesn't fit the 'chiffarobe busting' fantasy she seems to have.
  9. Please read what I wrote again. I think I made it VERY clear what I was talking about.
  10. I hear what you're saying, but I think it's a different situation. Armando's family is just getting used to the fact that their son is gay. They didn't jump for joy, but they didn't throw him out of their home and tell him they never want to see him again. His father said 'I'm going to need some time'. Armando is from a different country with a different culture. A lot of it is because of religion but not all of it. I don't think it's fair to expect Armando's family to be on OUR timetable. Armando was clearly anxious on the ride down to his parents house. Kenny saw that anxiety and decided to ignore it because it didn't suit HIS needs. What kind of relationship is that? Kenny has shown little to no respect that Mexico is country with a different culture and a different LANGUAGE. He expects everything to be just like in the good ol' USA. If that's what he wants, maybe he should have stayed where everything is just the way he wants it. I'm a Black woman too and if the family of the man I wanted to marry said straight out that they hated Black people, I'd be out the door. And I'd NEVER go back. But Armando's family hasn't said they hate gay people. They welcomed Kenny into their home and treated him with respect. Maybe it's not Kenny's gayness that is the issue but his pushy, ugly American attitude.
  11. I don't know why what Brittany is doing isn't considered fraud. She agreed to marry Yazan and moved to Jordan to do that. Meanwhile, she has no intention of converting to Islam or trying to fit into Jordan society. Oh, and she's STILL MARRIED. If that was a man, he'd be dragged for miles. I had to change the channel because the sight of Brittany's face, not to mention Ari's whining, Kenny's tearful manipulation and Sumit's mother's tears, were too much for me. Are there any decent Americans on this show? Brittany clearly has some serious issues. She seems to think that this is some kind of game. Does she really think this bullshit is going to make her a star? She ain't that cute, even with the fake hair, braces and fake lashes. She's ugly on the INSIDE. She's playing with Yazan's LIFE. I can understand that she might have issues with converting to Islam, but Yazan has said 'MY wife will be a Muslim'. She should tell him that she has no intention of converting and call it a day. And does she have any idea that she is putting Yazan's life (and possibly his family) in danger? His family is being shamed all over the world. That means something in Jordan. I've always believed that if you have to travel 1000s of miles from home to get a man/woman...you're a LOSER. This show is proof positive.
  12. Getting away from all of those fools is good for a girl's looks. Her hair looked like she's been supporting herself and Herschel by doing shampoo commercials. I only lasted 10 minutes. THIS is exactly what I'm expecting.
  13. This was just sad. Nothing made any fucking sense. We were supposed to care about the deaths of characters that we've never seen before. And people who have spent 10 YEARS in the ZA thought it was a good idea to splash a little bit of blood on themselves and then traipse around in the biggest herd of walkers ever. I can see why the writers sent Michonne to Fantasy Island because she would never have gone for that kind of fuckery. Speaking of Michonne, why did they bother getting her pregnant and going through all that 'I'm carrying Rick Grimes holy seed' bullshit if they are going to TOTALLY IGNORE RJ? Let's not forget that wee Judith is SHANE'S kid. When RJ is big enough, I want him to claim 'the hat' as HIS legacy. The fact that they brought Maggie back (and that Lauren came back) shows just how desperate this show (and Lauren) is. Oh no wait; the appearance of STORM TROOPERS at the end shows how desperate this show is. The actors deserve awards for keeping a straight face. I was begging for Carol to jump off the cliff. I was sick of her smug, self-pity years ago. Lydia is the perfect 'daughter' for her. My hope is that Lydia brings her two 'parents' together to make a happy family. It would serve both characters right. It was nice to see Connie. I just hope she snatches that grey-haired bitch bald when she sees her. Too bad that she's being rescued by Virgil(?). Hopefully picking up attractive Black women and dumping them on deserted islands isn't his 'thing'. Good luck to this show if Norman, Melissa and Norman are going to be the leads.
  14. I haven't forgotten.
  15. Should someone tell Lydia about what happens to Carol's 'adoptees'? Nah.
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