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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. My guess is James trying to make them all feel better/superior about themselves for kicking Nat out. He's covering his butt in case Veto goes bad for him. He seems safe with Nicorey, but he knows it's BB F5. Shit happens sometimes. I looked up the stipends. This link claims they get $750 per week, or $18.75 per hour for a 40 hour week. Or $4.46 per hour for the 168 hours per week they are in the house or jury :) Only paid after the finale. http://www.bustle.com/articles/168362-how-much-are-big-brother-18-houseguests-paid-stipends-prize-money-make-for-a-profitable So lots people without a "career" type corporate job could easily swing it. Plus you won't be spending any money and could probably cut some other living expenses like rent and insurance while incarcerated. Some employers will grant an unpaid leave of absence.
  2. So in theory, if James were to win Veto, (ha ha, I know.) he could pull down P/V and they could vote out Nicole. P/V could work on James, convince him the only reason they whacked Natalie was because of Nicole because, reasons. This could be your revenge, Jamesy. He's emotional and gullible and they have nothing to lose. That would be a real Fuck You, Nicole!! Nah, that would be too much fun...
  3. I totally agree. That is probably Paul's best move. He and Vic will soon realize that hooking up with Nicorey was a bad move. They are toxic and should have been busted up long ago. James climbing into the oven himself for a prize ROTFLMAO! Helicopter boyfriend indeed. Paulie won't change, but Nat will have some allies and will have no need to pretend to be nice to him. I hope the JH is big enough they can all have some private space and not deal much with their previous tormentors.
  4. She will find some other loser to latch onto. She's pretty enough. Good for Day and Bridget. Let her lie in her own filth.
  5. I hope James has kissed his AFP $$$ goodbye with that display tonight. That was dreadful. I've never liked the creep and this just reinforced my opinion. Nat is better off without him. Anybody with a pulse is better off without him. Then there are "the 4 Assholes of the Apocalypse" (h/t AS) now trying to suck up to James. Yuck! So Paulie is banging Z and is still an asshole. They deserve each other. Meech was cool. She'll have fun with the other girls. James throwing that HOH to Nicole finished his pathetic game. Nice speech Nat. Keep it positive! James, well, lame as always. Nice interview too. To me, it was obvious she was referring to Nicorey, but P/V either didn't understand or didn't want to. Then easily rationalize it as the "reason" to take her out Victor shouldn't gloat. He could be next. Paul shouldn't either. Bleep you, Nicole! Did filling the small container always give you a bigger scoop or was there some other "prize"?? Corey looks entirely too good at this. It looks like the lanes are less slippery than previously. Maybe it will get better as they spill yellow stuff. I actually want James to surprise us with a win just to bust up the gang of 4.
  6. Assuming James' adoptive parents are white, I can easily see him joining with the white South Carolina majority in bashing other minorities as a survival mechanism. He's safe as the good ole' boys token "Chinaman".
  7. CBS. Yes. 9/11. Seriously. Over. The. Top.
  8. Again my deep thanks to all feedwatchers for keeping me tuned in to reality. Maybe it's old age, but I just don't have the visceral hatred for this crop of annoying hamsters that I had in the past. ex. andy, evel dick, hayden, adam, rachel, maggie, etc., etc.,
  9. One positive thing I will say for James (maybe the only thing): He has never said anything about "taking the food out of his daughter's mouth"
  10. After 18 long seasons of watching Big Brother, I have witnessed many, many delusional idiots. James is now a finalist in the stupidest, most delusional idiot competition of all of BB. Yes, moron James. You voted out Victor and not Corey and now you are sucking up, pretending you think you might win. That final DR is total BS. He wants AFP, no way he could ever win. Man up tomorrow night. When Julie announces the live vote, you should stand up and self-evict. Walk out the door. But no. Chickenshit is your middle name, Nat would be smart to walk the other way. As the lesser of the evils. go Victor. Paul and his smugness annoys the crap out of me, but only half as much as Nicorey's. The VETO comp was cool. More of this producers! Bad Prediction: James will somehow stumble into HOH tomorrow night. Stupidity reigns. ETA: If it gets Paul out; OK.
  11. Paul doing his best to be an asshole. Armenia isn't exactly paradise either these days. ICYMI, "Third World" is no longer used by major organizations. "Developing World" is the consensus, but everybody still isn't happy about it. http://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2015/01/04/372684438/if-you-shouldnt-call-it-the-third-world-what-should-you-call-it
  12. As usual, It all depends on the HOH winner. Assuming J/N loses, the survivor will be forced to suck up to the winning pair to help whack one of the losing pair as the only chance to stay in the game. Unless this F4 deal holds up, then it doesn't really matter who the survivor goes to. We've seen deals crumble before when power makes the HOH do stupid things so you never know.
  13. At this point, I would like to see Natalie win just to enrage Nicole. That being nearly impossible, I have to go with "relatively" honest Victor. My Mom is from Nowhere, LA, so what the hell. They can put the rest of them in Pandora's Box and set it out for the trash.
  14. And that rat's nest on top of her head.
  15. Then Paul had to whine about it. He and his ego get worse every week. Like Victor's. Vic is totally right about James/Natalie loyalty, not that Nicorey are to be trusted. They get more disgusting every week. Crotch itch indeed. Fuck you, Nicole! You get what you deserve. James is just pathetic. I want him gone. Enough of this showmance. Pictor should realize Natalie would help them get Nicorey. James is useless, but would probably be a vote for Nicorey.
  16. If P/V really want James gone, Nat has to come off the block. N or C would vote James out, Nat votes to keep him and Paul has the deciding vote. Do they realize N/C want Nat out more or do they not care which one goes?
  17. Once James or Nat is gone, the HOH winning pair can use the survivor to break up the other pair, if they choose. If J/N somehow then wins HOH; anything could happen. It will be tedious until then.....
  18. My dad thought he was from a "small town" of 75,000. Right across the Hudson River from Grant's Tomb. It's all relative. I've seen Amarillo, TX and they think it's a real city. I imagine WF to be similar.
  19. That isn't like any "sex doll" I've ever seen. I guess you can get anything in West Hollywood. The obscure message will certainly turn up the paranoia machine!
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