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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. Damn! Just because I saw this coming in the first minutes doesn't make it any easier. Jay and his pasty sidekick are dead to me. I hope that Boston cop screws you both good. Good luck Mikaela in all your future endeavors. I hope you do get rich and nobody ever hears about it. You don't need the aggravation of being famous.
  2. I can smell that crapwagon coming.....
  3. I love Mikaela! I hope she wins. Saying she wanted to flip off Probst sealed it. Since that made it into the show she is probably doomed and Peachy will dance on her corpse, but that was great. I liked CC. They should have booted Michelle, but I understand the challenge angle. Michelle is smart. A good gamer, a good schmoozer and she has a lot of allies. But they don't know what we know so I don't want to judge too much. I like David too and think he navigated that pretty well. I'm happy they swapped the tribes, not that it helped the Xers much, for now.
  4. Yikes! These Millennials are quite the batch of idiots. I really hope they are not real representatives and CBS cast for shallow and stupid. Mari was incredibly dumb for not making sure she had the votes, never assume. Unless there is some rule against it, she should have got up and gone over and gotten in Hannah's other ear. IDK. Or she's clueless. Props to (I can't remember her name) for working it. I liked Mari and her misfit gang, but the gang got conned by the Kool Kids. Charlie Browns never learn even after watching thousands of YouTube videos. I'm on the David and Adonis team FTW. Why not! :) I hope they don't screw up the idol play as now countless players have done. I think they are missing the real target: Boston dude. Paul would actually be a good goat.
  5. Paul had a good chance of beating Nicole and a better chance of beating James. Neither were a sure thing. Puppydog Cody had no chance of beating Derrick but a slam-dunk beating Victoria. I'm laughing at Paul for not taking the better chance and that Nicole played him. As much as I don't like her, she beat him as fairly as is possible in this game. His own arrogance killed him with the questions.
  6. I smell production. I can't buy she brought that in the house with her 99 odd days ago.
  7. I was searching for words for that "look".
  8. I guess Paul really was too obnoxious. I thought he made the better case but, whatever. Congratulations Nicole. Please go back to Ubly and stay there. ETA; Yay Victor!
  9. The line of six or so of them huddling in the open rain was hilarious. I agree the challenge choice is an interesting innovation.
  10. Oh my! Quite a contrast between the tribes. Snot-nosed bratty kids and grumpy middle aged folks, with a couple screwballs thrown in. It's gonna take awhile to get all the names down. Beware the church girl. Advantage girl is smart to keep it quiet. TV writer David is an asshole. Good way to make yourself a target. Papa Smurf could be an easy target too. These Ms look doomed. They seem to have no skills and just want to play. Surprise! It gets dark really fast in the tropics. Almost like a light switch. So the Xers got drenched too. Amazing production gave them tarps. Then comes the evacuation. Wow! Brooklyn Zeke is hilarious. Impressive on the fire making! Go Freaks! Slam the Kool Kids! Damn. Ms win immunity. Looks like all those video games paid off! But back when the Xers were young, all they did was play video games too and the Boomers sneered at them as grungy slackers. It never changes. I was hoping to see one of the Kool Kids get whacked. Patience............ That eye infection looks nasty. I assume they are treating it and she doesn't need to be pulled. Well Rachel, that's how it goes. Failing at something you stepped up to do makes you an easy target this early in the game. She didn't seem to realize that was the "reason". Nice farewell speech. This season has potential. I am so happy we have no vets or celebrities or professional jocks. The generation gimmick will fade quickly once the tribal swap goes down.
  11. Me too! I really got to like Porsche. I did watch AR and most enjoyed Rachel suffering and losing.
  12. I'm rooting for Paul based on only one thing. He's not a veteran. James and Nicloe are just as annoying to me; only in different ways. A hearty thanks to all of the feed watchers! You all make the season for me. I can't say it was horrible like the Aryan or Rachel or Evel Dick or Maggie seasons, just crushingly boring most of the time. If I remember, most seasons end with this long, drawn out bashfest by the F3 of the most recent evictees. They really don't have anything else to do and the fatigue must be hitting hard. I won't be following this OTT, but I look forward to "seeing" some of you on the Survivor threads :)
  13. How blissfully unaware she is that she played exactly the same game. Nicole is just an angel's angel in her own tiny mind. FYN!!
  14. I agree. James has always just annoyed the hell out of me. I don't hate him; that would be a waste of energy.
  15. I think they all knew it wasn't live, so they had time to clean it up. Yes, they need to evict Nicole NOW!
  16. LOL. Indeed! The big question is: Who does he follow? My guess is Nicole, bye Corey. If he (or Paul) manages to pull off the win, it will be a mad scramble of who can promise James F2 ($50K) most convincingly. I'm not sure which one Paul wants out first.
  17. If Nicole or Corey win Veto, James goes to jury. If James or Paul win, one of Nicorey is going, with James casting the lone vote.
  18. No! Not Derrick! Yes Victor, hindsight is 20/20. Not that it really matters. Nat and Meech would have turned on you too. Of course Nicole wins Veto. Bye Victor. Paul seems to think he's cute or funny or something. That speech was pitiful. Victor's was almost as bad. Pretty generic interview with Julie. I wish we got a jury house segment, that would be so much more interesting than the breakup of the bromance. Oooh! So does stinking Paulie go after Nat in JH, or is Z pregnant?? Julie is such a tease! Yeah Paul! Flip it back around on Nicorey. I hope one of them goes but it could easily be James. Veto holder rules. Did James throw that HOH? How could he miss the Nat quote?
  19. So funny watching Paul and Victor blindsided after so smugly assuming their safety. I've hit that inevitable point in the season where I can't stand any of them. (trying not to overuse the H word)
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