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Everything posted by TobyBelle

  1. To add, I think she is getting a different experience in DC. I don't remember which episode, but there was a scene of her taking the kids to the library and joining a story time group. It was uncomfortable for her and she volunteered to read a book aloud to the group. She is probably getting a lot of interaction with different groups of people and witnessing different lifestyles. She now has to measure those to the values and worldviews she has grown up with. Maybe she likes what she sees and realizes that her faith isn't legalistic like the Duggars practice it to be.
  2. Emma became one of my favorites in the episode with the vets bowling. The guys from the military showed up and Emma's attention was on the little boy. She even carried him in the group photo. She was really sweet. It would be nice to hear a little more from the vets. If they don't profile them when they are TCCs, they're just in the background the following seasons. I really like Holly, too, and I didn't notice her in her TCC year.
  3. Same here. I feel like I am supposed to knock "Halloween" out of my vocabulary. And is it ok to make deviled eggs or do a secret Santa gift exchange? Sorry, just rambling. And then what a stir Harry Potter caused among the Christian crowd when the book first came out. It's just a book telling a good story! I'm fine with dressing up into something for the day that you dreamed about becoming like a ballerina or firefighter...whatever. You don't have to focus on witches and spells.
  4. All the siblings tend to give each other these knowing glances like when JD saying there is no girl and he is in no rush, and then he looks at his brother (don't remember who he is). It seemed like there were a bunch between Jana and Joy. You just wonder what sibling secrets they are all hiding.
  5. And the dumb thing is with Jessa and the sheer shawl she had on, you could totally see her bare shoulder through it as she was walking back into the dressing room.
  6. I'm watching this episode right now. So is JB serious about putting the house on sale? "If it sells fast, Derick and Jill can move in with us." Pssst, Derick! Go house shopping now and don't tell the in-laws! Take your bride and run! Seriously though, I had the impression the parents acknowledged when Josh was marrying that once the kids marry, they're their own family entity. Why are they not letting go of their daughters? Wow! Anna is really different now. I think someone posted earlier she seems a lot happier. I agree. She seems more confident and carries herself differently. More mature? More modern? I'm getting the sense she's the glue that holds the family together. She doesn't seem to be the meek, submissive wife I thought she once was. She definitely seems to have more of a powerful presence than Michelle does in the house.
  7. I was scared of getting in trouble so I moved this to the Josh and Anna thread just in case. :) I liked what you said GEML. I know that it isn't very popular with everyone with what he is doing and especially because he might've gotten his position due to his name, but I would like to give him the benefit of the doubt as well. We all seem to agree that the move to DC was a good thing for him and Anna and perhaps it is starting to show now. (And, by the way, was it ever said how they made the decision to take the DC job? I would've liked to have heard their thinking process). And even though he doesn't have a college degree, who knows what's in store for him in the future. He'll probably make connections with other people who will give him new opportunities and who knows what doors that will open up for him especially with what he is learning now and with developing new skills. Everyone has to start from somewhere and maybe he'll be able to find his place eventually. It just may have started later than normal, but it will be interesting to watch. Please don't judge me for being on his side on this one!
  8. When I saw that episode, it seemed like his parents were blindsided by the invitation. They were asked what they thought and they were almost speechless. I got the sense they didn't like the idea at all, but because they were being filmed, they didn't dare disagree with it. I definitely thought if it were my son and JB threw that invite out, I would say hold on, we need to talk it over with Ben first. We'll get back to you. I would resent that he's calling the shots for my kid. I don't care if he's 19 and considered an adult. I feel as his parent I'd have the obligation to warn him about what he's getting into. He probably wouldn't listen anyway because he's blinded by love.
  9. I will shamefully admit that did cross my mind. It was his posture and demeanor when he was standing next to her. It might've been at the jewelry shop. I figure he is doing his best to show that he will be a good husband and take care of Jill. I am very sensitive about the whole husband is the head thing. I think some guys take it to the extreme and lord it over their wife. Sometimes when I listen to some husbands speak to their wives at church, it's like they're talking to a child. That irks me to no end! He gave me that vibe that he might turn out to be that way. Thanks, Shopgirl406 for sharing this. It is good to know that someone has connection to him and vouch that he is a decent guy. I liked what I saw on the Nepal trip with Jill doing some work as a midwife and her sitting alongside Derick as she experienced the culture. As someone posted before, she was fine eating the food, but JB wasn't so open to it. With that experience, they seemed like a good fit.
  10. I'm surprised Jessa would be a midwife. There was that one episode she accompanied Jana and Jill on a birth so she could be videographer and she looked freaked out and uncomfortable when it was time for delivery.
  11. For $500, I think they all should've gotten a facial and spa treatment too. And a goody bag to take home. It was nice to see her gussied up with trying on the dresses. It helped with "seeing" how she could actually look on the wedding day. I thought the dresses looked snug on her too, but that could've been because she had the extra layer of clothes underneath. Plus she had those clips holding the dresses tighter on the back.
  12. In that case, I wonder if that's why JB chose him for her. If she is more strong-willed and blunt or however he described her personality, then he won't butt heads with her all the time. She probably does need to be with a "yes ma'am" type of guy.
  13. Ben was funny on the car ride to the camping trip when he said something about as the husband, he will have the final say, and that will be, "Yes, ma'am!". I didn't expect that to come out of his mouth! JB sounded like he tried to play along by agreeing with him that that is how it is sometimes, but I didn't believe it for a moment he believed that is how it should be.
  14. @BitterApple Her response sounded really snarky. And to add, I couldn't read the expression that crossed her face when Jessa said what she said.
  15. Oh gosh...I have really mixed feelings about Derick and Jill now that I have finally caught up on the shows this season. It was eye-opening when they were looking for a wedding location and Michelle said it was "ironic" that Jill had already put together a wedding budget even before she and JB were to sit down and talk to her about it. I thought, "Good for Jill!" Take THAT Mom and Dad! And then I noticed when they were choosing their wedding bands, Jill and Derick were really focused with choosing them together that Michelle was pretty much shut out. Jill actually looked grown up. I thought from the beginning they seem to be well matched and will work out well, but then when the men went out on the camping trip, I was getting this weird vibe from him as you see him and Ben side by side. They are night and day. It was the way Derick carried himself that made me uneasy and not because he is older. I hope in the end he's nice to Jill. I am probably reading too much into it. Despite how I may not agree with the way the Duggars do things and with their beliefs, I do wish her well.
  16. Did Jill back talk on Jessa in the beginning of the episode when they were packing for the trip? She was asking Jess if she could borrow from her stash, and Jessa replied she didn't have a stash and only packed one outfit for each day. When she turned around to walk away, it sounded like Jill retorted, "Well, look at you..."
  17. http://starcasm.net/archives/263315 This is an argument I can never win with all my Christian friends. Maybe I'm wrong or naive? I am tired of women getting the blame for dressing immodest. I always say, you could cover up a woman from head to toe and a man will still have sensual thoughts. And it's okay for a man to show his bare arms? Seeing all those muscles isn't going to cause sensual thoughts in women? The topic is so one-sided.
  18. Some articles I saw today. http://www.eonline.com/news/582232/jessa-and-jill-reveal-the-dos-and-don-ts-of-the-duggar-household-no-booze-no-dancing-and-lots-of-sex-once-you-re-wed http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/09/656002/#.VCGrToZQBqQ.twitter
  19. This was the main thing that grated on my nerves this episode. I got tired of Judy harping and getting mad at the girls for not getting the entrance on the first night season after season. And then to be mad at them for not being used to the kicks with their boots on for the first time. I liked the scene of Britney working with Chandler with her hips. "Shut the car door. Shut the car door." Haha! That's exactly what it looked like.
  20. I still can't wrap my head around the whole courtship and chaperone thing. What guy would want to put up with JB and Michelle dictating the rules? I'm thinking Derrick and Ben must really love those girls to stick it out and not run away screaming. I would tell my sons to run away screaming. I figured with courtship, the couples get engaged so fast because they want to get away from the parents and chaperones as soon as they can. I commented to my husband if we set up the chaperone rule, I could see our kids taking their younger sibs along and paying them $20 to scram and come back until it's time to go home and keep quiet about the whole thing.
  21. I have been so far behind on the happenings of the Duggars and now that I finally have a DVR, I'm catching up on old episodes when TLC airs them. Forgive me for being late in the game and rehashing old conversations! I recently watched Josh and Anna's move to D.C., although I missed the 2nd parter when the family says good-bye. I was so ticked off with Jim Bob for holding up Josh's move by spending an extra night at the Bates. Poor Josh and Anna! That was so rude and even though JB apologized over the phone, he didn't even sound a bit guilty or sincere about it. Was he for reals, or did the show tell him to stay behind an extra day at the Bates for added drama? Still, the nerve of him! And when the Bates first extended the invite for the Duggars to stay the night, and JB said yes---I didn't think that was his decision to make. It should've been Josh's because he was on a time crunch and the move was for him. He should've been consulted. I felt bad for him when he was trying to leave the next morning, but JB could barely get his eyes opened and all he could do was say, "I'll pray for you." No care in the world! I wonder what Josh was really thinking and was he cursing up a storm in his head. The first thing that came to my mind when they arrived at the new house was, I hope they have toilet paper in the house because everything else is back in TN! I admit, though, I liked seeing them make the last leg of the trip on their own because times like these draws husband/wife closer together and gels them more together as a family. I never thought much of Anna, but she has been growing on me. She is sharper than I thought. I gained even more respect for her in this episode when she said she had to learn to live away from her family when she got married and now he just gonna have to learn to live without his. Boy, was I rooting for her to be finally away from the rest of the clan, and for her and Josh to really be their own family entity. I agree with all the posters who say this move will be good for them. I look forward to seeing how they change from being in D.C. I felt Josh really got burned by JB during the move and wonder if that changed things for him towards his dad.
  22. I just discovered this show's thread. I enjoy watching the Duggars and, yes, I do get a bit creeped out by them too. It wasn't until earlier this year that I read they were associated with Gothard because of that scandal. When I was in college, I went to a Basic Life Principles Seminar. I don't remember anything, only that it sounded like practical advice. Plus, back then I never questioned anything. Fast forward 20 yrs later, my church went through BLP again. Listening with fresh ears and being older, I was horrified at what he was teaching. Since I'm new to this show's forum, sorry if I repeat anything that's already been said. The things that really bothered me were: 1. Single gals should never live away from home. If they do, they will have a reputation of being wild and living in sin. 2. Women are always to be under the authority of man. If not her father, then her husband. If she doesn't have a father or husband, then it would be her brother. (I guess if she doesn't have a brother, it would be an uncle). 3. A woman should never get involved in a man's affair. Gothard told a story of a man who owned his own business. It started failing. His wife took over and rebuilt it into a successful one. What happens to the husband? He runs off with another woman. Gothard said it was the wife's fault for butting in. If God meant the business to fail, then it should fail. I wonder how much of this influences the Duggar's view of how they should raise their daughters. I guess it doesn't matter how old the girls are, and if they remain single, they will always be under their Dad's rule even in their 50's.
  23. Thank you for this comment! I had mentioned the cymbal rolls in the show improvement thread. I thought I was the only one who was annoyed by it. It is even worse if you're watching on the laptop with ear buds on.
  24. And wasn't it with these outfits that Kelli said "too much boobs"? I thought that was a bit crazy considering the DCC uniform tops seem to show the same amount.
  25. I would like that too. When they're deliberating, with the editing, they cut off some of their critiques abruptly. "I think her kicks are great and...." "Ok, let's move on. Number 65!" And then who is cut and who moves on doesn't make sense. At first you said her kicks are great and then her number doesn't get called. And then there are those candidates who take a beating and yet they move on. There is no follow up to their decision. One of the ones I still puzzle over is Ann Lux. They were all down on her and as the viewer, you think she is a vet who is going to get cut, and then she gets called into TC. I would've liked a follow up explanation why they gave her another chance. I figure they think this is a way to build suspense during auditions.
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