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Everything posted by TobyBelle

  1. I want to say the backward mask was first done by Cassie during her solo performance. I don't remember which season of MTT that was. The judges looked impressed...or rather Judy did, and it seemed to be incorporated into the Halloween halftime show after that.
  2. I like sassy and spunky, too, but it has its limits. Jessa was wearing thin on me towards the end. I think if we knew someone like that in our circle, we'd be telling her to take it outside eventually. Or even to say, "Can you please not invite Jessa because I can't take her attitude anymore." There is sassy and disrespectful. I'm fine if she is trying to exert her individuality and independence, like taking the stance she will hold Ben's hand during prayer, but being a brat and raining on someone's parade is another story. That was the Jessa I was seeing towards the end. I guess it can go both ways, though. If you can't stand the Jill-types, you wouldn't want her invited to your party either.
  3. I am in the minority for liking Jill it seems. I rather depend on her to be in charge or ask her for help over Jessa. With this season and seeing how Jessa was responding to her parents, and up until now with the IG photo, I wouldn't be surprised if she and Ben are secretly plotting a new life and then running away in the dead of the night never to be heard from again.
  4. I agree with you, GEML. I know the board is typically for snarking, but I want to be fair to the Duggars where deserved.
  5. I had recorded old episodes and caught up on some this afternoon. I watched Kittens and Konstruction that showed them restoring the Stonybrook House. I got a bit fearful for Jill and Derick hearing how as they were working on the house, the doors were stolen so they put up an alarm. I hope they're safe in the house now that it's occupied. I'm just a paranoid city girl. Despite all the criticism that the Duggars put their kids to work and don't encourage the kids to get a college education or real job, I think it is admirable that JB teaches them skills that they could use as fall back in case. Sure, I would love to have some of that business savvy or shrewdness he has to make extra money or self-employed. It has been mentioned JD has a house and this episode told how he got it which was he helped a bank clear out wood on a property it owned so it paid him with the house. Sweet! I don't get the impression they are slackers and that I cannot criticize them for. Getting back on topic, what Derick can learn from JB could be valuable since we know company jobs aren't guaranteed for life. And then there is retirement to think about.
  6. I'm not crazy about the scavenger hunt idea for proposal either. It reminds me of that lady whose boyfriend made her do an Amazing Race type thing for her proposal. It's like the girl has to earn her proposal and, sorry, dude, maybe I'm not that desperate for YOUR ring. I'd leave him hanging at the proposal spot. With that off my chest, it was a nice setting to propose where he did and even tho the whole family was included, I'm glad he didn't allow them in for the proposal itself. However, I was kind of disappointed the whole thing wasn't a complete surprise for her. I guess that's where I'm a romantic. I'm jumping threads here, but I liked Josh's proposal. It didn't turn out the way he wanted, but I loved the look of shock and surprise on Anna's face at the restaurant. I felt Ben and Jessa's engagement was anti-climatic.
  7. When they were saying their vows, it sounded like the crowd were saying something in response. At first it sounded like they were bursting out laughing or there was a commotion. I didn't bother to rewind and turn up the volume, but I haven't gotten a chance to rewatch it either. Does anyone know what that was about or what they were saying? Or was I hearing things?
  8. Couples were doing the sand thing over the unity candle for awhile now. It works better for outdoor weddings.
  9. I just finished watching the wedding, and I must be a sentimental fool because I enjoyed it. I actually read all the posts first so I spoiled it for myself (I couldn't help myself), but some of what some posters had issues with, I didn't see the same thing. An example is Jill constantly interrupting Derrick. I didn't see that at all. I was getting tired of JB's emotions and going on and on about giving her away, but then I forgave him as he was giving her away because he was beaming. Then when he sat down, he was wiping his eyes. He truly loves her. I also really enjoyed the the first look scene. It was really touching. I liked when he was hugging her and then said he didn't want to mess up her hair, but Jill said, "You're fine". Now this is a question I do have because of that scene. I was expecting him to kiss the top of her head and I can't imagine not getting a peck in like that or on the back of the hand now and the entire time they've been courting. So when they talk about first kiss, do they mean only on the lips or any at all? The first kiss did look awkward, but the kisses they had afterwards looked normal. Not that awkward, gross way like David Waller after his first smooch. Boy, you could tell he had a lot to learn. Derick and Jill's kisses looked so normal to me that when Anna was talking about it, I thought she was going to say, "After that first kiss....I could tell that it really wasn't!", instead of what she really said which was to expect cousins soon. By the end of the episode, I wanted to slap Jessa. It seemed like she had been getting more ornery and stuck up after each week. Before it was refreshing to see that she seemed like she was breaking away from Duggarism and speaking her mind, but now it's downright rude. Stop throwing a wet blanket over everything.
  10. I wasn't sure where to post this and I don't know if his has been talked about before. I saw the episode (forgot what it was entirely about) where the Duggars were having some big shindig at their home and had that author Sarah Mally (?) who wrote Before You Meet Prince Charming book. Has anyone ever read it? I looked her up and on some forum, it said she is 30+ and unmarried? My first reaction, was yeah, that's no surprise because Prince Charming doesn't exist (I'm saying this as a happily married woman), she'll be waiting forever. I'm wondering if the book is as extreme as I am imagining it. It makes me think of the ladies at church who go through guy after guy because they are finding the perfect spiritual leader who can lead them, and then they just get older and frustrated because they're still single. On the other hand, I had to laugh in the episode where they were asking the girls about dating (Was this David Waller and Priscilla's wedding episode?) and one of them said something about you think you found Mr. Right, but then you find out his first name is Always. I thought that sounded pretty sensible. Anyway, just wanted to see if anyone knows about the book and author.
  11. Despite having chaperones with them wherever they go, I wonder with the reality of it, do Michelle and JB really think the chaperones are actually watching them like a hawk? When the cameras are off, are the siblings really paying attention to what is being said between the couple? That being said, I'm sure there must be times the couples get to talk unheard off camera and away from their parent's eyes. It seems like Jill and Derick are forming their own thoughts about how they want to be as a family. When the two were talking about having kids, I got the impression Jill wasn't thrilled about having kid after kid after kid like her mom. She sounded like she was beginning to question if that was all there was to being married.
  12. Aside from monopolizing on the fame thing, I have been feeling different lately about Jill and Derick. I think they're playing along with the parents or the show and I sense they have the Vulcan mind meld going on. Unlike Ben and Jessa, they seem in tune with one another and aren't sharing what they are really thinking with their parents and the camera. They pass on these knowing glances to one another. When they were at the auction, I thought it was interesting how she clung to Dad and had her head on his shoulder. As soon as Derick arrived, it was like Dad wasn't even there. I see them being a good team. I know people are down on her for acting immature, but I like how she carries herself when she is working as a midwife or working with kids when they are on mission trips. She's all business. I was probably the same age when I got married, and yikes, when I look back and even see young adults marrying at the same age now, it seems so young! I'll give her a pass.
  13. This past week's episode was awkward to watch when these two interacted. Those two are not on the same page. Ben is always getting shot down and just clams up.
  14. Poor Jason! I saw the episode where he fell 10-12 ft down the orchestra pit. The terror on his face was heartbreaking. No snark here. It must have been so scary for everyone.
  15. I watched the episode where Zach Bates asked if his girl would court him. (Forgot her name). I. just. Can't. It was what he said to her listing out why he thought she met his approval. It was like he was shopping. And the look on her face! She didn't look happy. She didn't look shock. She just had no expression at all. Maybe with Jill and Derick, it seemed more natural because there was a mutual like and admiration. This girl looked like she had no interest at all, but she said yes. Anyway, that is the problem I have with this courting business. The guy chooses the girl as if she was a dog at the pound. If a boy came knocking at my door and said that to my daughter, I'd kick him out to the curb! A friend was saying over dinner, wouldn't you like it if a guy came and said I am here to date your daughter so one day I can marry her. No! That's a red flag the guy might be nuts. What if he's one of those controlling guys?
  16. This was my first impression when I heard the "wash your hands after you eat" conversation. When Ben said what he said, I thought he sounded like Michelle. It's exactly something she would have said too. She gives way too long explanations. Everything is really preachy and flowery. I could understand Jessa for saying what she said. You just do it and that's good enough! She's probably got annoyed to hear it from Ben. He seemed proud thinking that he gave a Duggar answer. If he had shortened his answer like, "Your hands will be greasy and will make things slippery", then I don't think it would be too bad.
  17. About the pasty and washed out look--when I saw Josh in shorts, the first thing I noticed were his pale legs.
  18. I know I will get fried for saying this. I can't fault Michelle too much if the younger kids are a bit messy and unruly in appearance. I don't have twice as many kids. With the younger kids you realize a little dirt doesn't hurt and they could wear the same clothes a couple of times. I used to HAVE to dress up the baby in street clothes to drop off the older kids at school even if it was a 10 min outing, but with the next kid, eh, staying in your pj's is just fine. Staying in your pj's all day is fine too. There are so many things we let slide after having more kids and you pick and choose your battles. And how many have had someone say to them, "I can tell you're not a first time mom!"
  19. I liked Lilah too! I especially liked her relationship with Wesley. And, I liked the scene when she shot Billy dead.
  20. I would have to watch it again. I was thinking because they thought it was stupid, they were holding back on saying anything at all because it was probably on the tip of their tongue to say, "This is the stupidest thing ever! Can we go now!" Huh! Michelle should talk. I watched an old episode the other day and JB and Michelle were sitting down together putting the final copy of their 2nd book together. They were disagreeing on a photo to include. Michelle said in her confessional that when she really wants something, she will stand her ground and insist on it. She was adamant on that one particular photo and she had that bossy tone as she was telling JB. I'm sure that was her true self. Or rather her old self coming out? I'm not going to launch into her and call her a hypocrite because I know she was trying to teach the couple good things. I think that one scene from the old episode is what marriage is really like and I can appreciate Michelle for admitting that and showing that side of her. For Jill to boss Derick is what I do occassionally to my husband, so I'm not going to judge Jill either. Our mouths slip a little here and there. Whether married for 10 years or in a new relationship, we are probably always going to be learning about better communication. For Jill and Derick, the honeymoon stage is over.
  21. Ben said it. He thought the date was a little silly. Playing along, I thought JB's illustration of the obstacle course was missing an important point. When they were doing the obstacle course and JB was telling Jill and Derick they needed to communicate, I was thinking, yes, but as a married couple you need to hang on to each other too. They get to hold hands, but Ben and Jessa can't. If one of them slipped and fell, what does communication have to do then? It didn't look right as they were coming down, he wasn't holding onto her to help.
  22. I think it was with my 2nd kid the nurse's face was up in my face while I was pushing. My husband told me later that he was afraid I was getting annoyed with her. It was farther from the truth. It barely registered that she was in my face. It was actually comforting having her there. On the other hand, while in labor another time, my husband said I was so brave. I wasn't too happy about that. What kind of encouragement is that? Like I had a choice at the moment to walk away from it? Anna looked completely out of it and oblivious to everything. Her experience sure didn't convince me of ever having a home birth.
  23. There's a part of me that believes they do read the boards and do things just to spite the viewers such as Jill always saying she's engaged to Derick Dillard. You would think they would cut that out by now since everyone has been complaining, but now it seems like they intensified it.
  24. Nutella with strawberries and bananas pizza! :)
  25. I just finished watching this episode too! It's interesting to backtrack with all the old episodes in light of how we are talking about Anna's changing. There was the scene they were getting pedicures and Michelle is lecturing Anna about delivery the second time around. Anna had this look on her face like she was being given unsolicited advice and wanted Michelle to stop talking. In response she said, "I'm just thinking about the baby right now and not the labor and delivery." Michelle, shot down, only could say that is a good perspective to have. Maybe the typical DIL/MIL relationship (if you know what I mean) has always been there and we haven't noticed until the DC move. It was touching to see Anna in labor and holding Mackenzie. That was really sweet to witness. I can't believe Josh went off to sleep when Anna was having trouble pushing that baby out!
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