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Everything posted by TobyBelle

  1. Your reply reminded me that I forgot to add that some girls come out of the office after getting cut telling the other girls waiting their turn what happened (and I don't mean the ones waiting outside the building). I don't think I've ever seen a girl who has been given another chance acknowledge those sitting on the floor. Maybe because of that, I thought Colby's kiss was odd. I wonder if there is an unwritten courtesy rule of how you exit the office whether you've been cut or not.
  2. I didn't mind Melissa R as mentor last season, but I don't care for it this season. As a viewer, I thought her pulling out the girls was disruptive to the flow of the scene. I'd rather watch them dance and listen to Jennifer's corrections of the girls. However, I appreciated how Melissa dismissed Shelbi's excuse of being a 9-5 working girl so she might quit her job by saying she herself was a 9-5 working girl when she tried out. Correct me if I'm wrong---is Colby the only girl to ever blow a kiss to a TCC waiting her turn to be called into be office on her way out? I know she might've been wishing Rose well, but I thought it could come off all wrong. To me, she was gloating she got to stay another day, and obviously Rose was stressed out, and I don't blame her if she was thinking she might be cut that night. I wouldn't appreciate having the girl before me come out of the office with a huge smirk on her face blowing me a kiss. The look on Rose's face right before she was called in was so sad.
  3. I recall in one season for the first meeting, they had the lower scoring TCCs from audition sitting closer to the front of the room. There were a few vets sitting amongst that crowd, but I can't remember who. It was sad to see those vets become crestfallen when Kelli explained the seating arrangement. And was it Megan, during her solo, that they said she would be ready to be a DCC right then and there (or something like that)? The only other person I remember them saying was just as good as the vets during her rookie season try out was Mackenzie Lee.
  4. Colby has this smugness with her glances and smiles that makes her come off so fake and untrustworthy. Yes! Courtney is also getting on my nerves and I don't know if she is overplaying it. When I saw her jumping around at the end, it crossed my mind that maybe she's trying to be the bubbly one with the personality that the team loves and can't be without like Mackenzie Lee and Jordan Chandler. However, those two seemed genuinely who they were.
  5. I do recall one season Kelli saying that some girls use props to hide their lack of dance abilities. It might've been when Stephanie (not sure of her last time) was using a cart and it toppled over during her solo.
  6. Did anyone hear the background voice during Angela's solo? It sounded like Judy saying at one point, "Ohhhh, that was bad!" And then she went on to say, "...you have to make it look sexy". I don't know the song so I didn't know if that was Judy or the song lyrics.
  7. Maybe they are focusing more on their Facebook page instead. They seem to post regularly on there such as profiles of individual cheerleaders, but I like seeing the photo galleries on the website.
  8. I agree. When I first saw the preview for that episode, I was horrified thinking they were seeking out fertility treatments because of their belief, and saw that it wasn't that at all. The point of my original response to the topic was in reaction to them being called out for seeking fertility treatments when they did not. I wanted to be fair to them when that was not what happened on the episode.Anyway, I don't see anything wrong with them visiting whomever for an answer and that is probably because of my bias as well. Michelle always acknowledged that one day she'd hit the age when her body would stop reproducing. I don't see the harm in them making a visit to find out of this was the time. I struggled for 2 yrs to get pregnant and even tried fertility drugs which didn't work. I wished I was given a definitive answer of "No, you can't have anymore children" so I could've gotten on with my life sooner instead of waiting and waiting and holding onto to all the old baby clothes and toys that were taking up space and were a reminder of what I couldn't have anymore. To be fair to Michelle, she probably needed to hear it and be affirmed God had given her all the kids he had planned for her. I don't see them going to hear that answer as going against their belief, but confirmation.
  9. My understanding after watching that episode was that they went to the fertility doctor to see what her chances were of getting pregnant at her age. After doing all the blood work, they were told it was slim. I didn't get an impression they were going any further with any type of treatments. That visit pretty much sealed the deal for them that her baby making days were over. They just wanted to know so they could move on.
  10. Plus if they didn't work out, would the friendship between the families go sour?
  11. I would expect Michelle and some of the sisters being present at the birth. On the other hand seeing how Jill And Derick spent their wedding day together, I could see them wanting to do the same thing during the delivery. In fact, I would love it if they did do that. I envision Derick pushing everyone out of the room, shutting the door behind them, and then sitting with Jill while they prayed or whatever. I admit I'm kind of biased because I wanted our baby deliveries to be a moment that only my husband and I shared together (expect with medical staff, of course). To me, it would solidify that they are a couple and she has cleaved from her family. Am I dreaming?
  12. How many episodes will be in the new season? I'm curious now to see if they will cover Joseph's admission into college.
  13. Floridamom, I was thinking the same thing. I thought perhaps I haven't watched enough episodes to know that Joseph liked teaching and discipling younger men. This announcement came way out from left field. I would rather hear it straight from the horse's mouth what his dreams and desires are rather than take his dad's word for it. I saw in the fine print of the school they can't transfer any of their class credits to any other institutions or transfer any credits into their school. Dead End. I wonder if the kids even understand the drawback of going to an unaccredited school.
  14. There was the episode Anna, some of the girls, and Michelle went to get pedicures while she waited for #3 to be born. Michelle was sitting in the chair next to her and she launched into her "words of encouragement". It was something about Anna knowing what to expect and she'd be prepared because she's been through labor and delivery before. Anna just shut her up with, "I'm not even thinking about that. I just want the baby to be healthy." I thought good for you, Anna. Honestly, it was irritating for me listening to Michelle. It reminded me of my own MIL who had to turn every moment into a lecture moment. I'm not stupid, lady! I figure Anna has settled into her role as mom. This is her family and her kids. It's a typical MIL-DIL relationship where they're battling for their territory. As for competition, that drove me nuts when I was having kids. I was always compared to another family and with each pregnancy I had, the first comment I'd get when people found out was, "Are you trying to catch up with so and so?" Then there were other times people would announce their pregnancies and say, "We're almost catching up with you!" i guess that is the thing to say and do when people are growing their families. Anna is no different making those comments towards her sister.
  15. Seeing the bride the for the first time walking down the aisle was actually a myth to me. for Asians, the bride and groom see each other for the first time before the wedding. The groom and his party go to the bride's house and picks her up. They go through a whole ritual before he can even get through the door. It depends on how much work the bridesmaids want him to do. Then the couple does a tea ceremony honoring her parents. Later, some will go and do their pictures at various locations before the ceremony. The first look was new to me, too, when I watched Derick and Jill's wedding, but them spending the day together was not unusual to me.
  16. I cringe everytime the family goes off to another country. JB makes fun of the other cultures while there, and it bothers me how they said they like taking the family to other places to be exposed to different cultures, but they live in America! It's a melting pot! They have different cultures in their backyard they could explore. Granted, I live in CA, so it's very diverse, so maybe they would have to go further out of the way to experience diversity? Sorry if I'm making an ignorant comment. That's why I like Derrick and Jill together, especially if they are planning to be missionaries because they are more open-minded. I won't be harsh about Jill, though. She is finally out of the house and will continue learning about life. I don't see her and Derick being different from any other couple that gets married and has to learn how "to be one" even if it was a quick courtship.
  17. If this is true, this makes me think about what advice would he give his younger siblings when they come visit. Would he keep his mouth shut or risk the chance of stirring the pot with the parents? It would be interesting to see how the family dynamics will change as a result.
  18. I don't remember the episode name and the sub-stories that were going on with the episode. I do recall that Michelle got to air out her grievances about JB in their counseling session and what she wanted more from him. I just don't remember what, though. And I erased the episode from the DVR! It did cross my mind while I was watching it, that the sessions brought them down to earth. Otherwise in their normal interactions, he was back to his normal jerk self with her.
  19. I hope you feel better soon, wanderwoman! I saw a few old episodes awhile back, like the one Jessa and Jinger volunteered at the coffee house. I was thinking how different she was back then and now. She seemed a lot friendlier and nicer then. Which episodes did you see?
  20. I don't think it is only a Duggar thing to have big proposal production. My engagement was unexpected to the both of us. I joke my then husband-to-be proposed under duress. Nothing planned and no one else was around. Ever since, it seems like people I know have groups of their friends and family involved with the proposal day. They're setting up the site and the ambiance. If it's not at some nice park, they do it at some venue like a museum. I always wonder if they have to rent that out. Even asking someone to the senior prom has become a big production too. Who can come up with the best promposal? Seeing Derick and Ben's elaborate proposals weren't unusual to me. My question is really when did these elaborate proposals become trendy as well as gender reveal parties?
  21. I am watching the old episode when the two go on a marriage retreat. It is interesting listening them...especially Michelle talk about their marriage problems, but what a jerk JB is. He totally condescends her all the time. "Michelle is ALMOST (my emphasis) a perfect wife". "You are calm...most of the time".
  22. Ok...not sure where to post this. I just saw this on internet news and I got weak. Poor girl! I think of the past season or two of MTT where they showed the girls learning the stunts for the halftime show with some of the girls never doing them before. It's fun to watch, but so scary at the same time! http://www.si.com/nfl/2014/11/09/baltimore-ravens-cheerleader-fall
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