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Everything posted by threebluestars

  1. I think both actors are weak and I think the scripts suck a big one. It's so childish and the writing is one cliche after another. I think I'm out ... the pilot was the high point.
  2. How did Adam know his sister's name? She never said it as far as I can remember, and later in the episode he refers to her as Noriko.
  4. I would like to watch Gibbs and Fornell: Private Investigators, because I think it'd bring back the spark missing from NCIS.
  5. Well that sucked. Not sure how invested I am in the show now that Percy's gone.
  6. My mom saw her name in the credits: "Is she the blood drinking one?" lol. That episode was so good and it stays with you!
  7. Rob Nagle, who played Albert the owner of the tow place, played a serial killer on Criminal Minds. It was bothering me where I'd seen him before, and I knew he was a bad guy. His voice is very distinctive.
  8. I really liked this episode. I liked the serial killer case too, because I liked the reactions from the characters. I'm used to these cops that are so tough they aren't thrown by this creepy stuff, but I loved seeing that Kensi didn't want anything to do with it, Deeks was freaked out ... a nice change from stoic cop. I feel like they'll be called in at some point - I actually wish Alicia Coppola had a show, because I love her, she's so good in everything. I could almost have seen this as a backdoor pilot for some reason. I liked the partner switch up. I think it's a good way to keep the show fresh - different pairings bring out new writing, and I think it makes it more interesting. I really love Hidoko. I like that she has loyalty to Mosely in the same way they all have loyalty to Hetty.
  9. I wasn't sure about this at first, but I'm really enjoying the show now. I think it's entertaining and the lead has really grown on me. I'm interested in the brother's storyline too (and usually I get super bored with side stories).
  10. I was so sure Rossi was going to open the door and get shot by Wick at the end lol. I almost wish that had happened.
  11. I suspect maybe they knew she was leaving early on and backed off the relationship stuff, but it came at a weird time when they had been pushing it. It has been really uneven.
  12. I wish they could do a big story with Abby leaving, but I doubt it since it's extremely obvious Pauley Perrette and Mark Harmon want nothing to do with each other. It's probably going to be something totally lame, like she gets a new job offer. Just go, for crying out loud. They need to address Gibbs/Abby. It is BLATANTLY OBVIOUS they have had no scenes together. It's distracting and stupid. The character leaving storyline needs to address this someway, because it's become a completely unprofessional piece of crap that these two actors are hampering things on-screen without a whisper of anything going on on-screen. Pile of shit, writers. I feel like NCIS is floundering really badly. I am still holding out for cancellation and a spin off: Gibbs and Fornell: Private Investigators lol. Guest appearances by the NCIS people occasionally. Emily Fornell there to yell at them when they're stupid.
  13. As much as I HAAAATE that Shalita Grant is leaving, I kind of like how they're handling Percy leaving. I've been in that type of situation where you just feel pushed out and not a part of things. And no one notices the issues, and you feel like you don't want to bring them up because you know nothing will really change, so you find other opportunities. Then you do leave and everyone is kind of weird about it, because to them, things were fine. It's just an awkward situation that I've seen play out so many times, so I like that they're not killing her off or anything. And I like that she had issue with Pride and that factors in, because the man was a giant douchecanoe in many episodes.
  14. I am curious if they were trying to make the audience wonder who Darlene and Becky were married to, only because they never said any names. Darlene said "I don't have a partner" and Jackie said "since your husband died" - no names used. I noticed what looked like a lift of some kind on the stairs? Also not surprised the same furniture and stuff is there. My house has the same dining set and same living room couches from 25 years ago.
  15. I really enjoyed it too. Nice to have an episode every so often that doesn't revolve around rescuing the world. I also liked how they handled the white lie, although since Paige doesn't know, I think we may still be in for some angst, which ugh, put a sock in it. I don't see any Florence/Sly connection yet, but in a way it'd be nicer to see her turn him down and then over time come around and start liking him. I think that happens a lot in life, you initially are like "nah" and then time shows you who someone is and it changes things.
  16. All the NCIS recipes seem to want a romance. We had Ziva/Tony, LaSalle/Percy (although she's leaving so that's a goner), and we had Deeks/Kenzie here ... and I am just wary that they're trying Sam/Hidoko. Just a vibe that they're testing the waters. I don't think it's needed at all, we have enough relationship stuff with Deeks and Kenzie. I'd love to see more male/female friendships that stay friendships (a la Bosco/Yokas on Third Watch, who were like the ultimate in never getting together lol).
  17. That end scene with Callan and his dad was really powerful. I really hope we see him again - alive, untortured - because I feel like Callan has been through way more than enough with his family. Anyone get the feeling they're sort of testing out Sam/Hidoko?
  18. No one. I hate when reality shows bring back contestants. You were eliminated, move on!
  19. Yeah, it was a nice closeout for Granger ... they all thought he went off on some big mission but he just went to his family for his final days.
  20. I am glad I'm not the only one who can't identify more than 4 people on these tribes. I wish they hadn't switched so soon, it's thrown me off completely. I also find them, as a whole, pretty boring and homogeneous.
  21. I really don't get what the point of this arc was. Did someone owe someone an acting job? It felt like I was watching something they had to do because they lost a bet or were required to by contract or something. It was so weird. This used to be such a smart show. I miss that.
  22. They're in LA now right? I think that might be why we don't see traditional go-sees. Too spread out compared to NY maybe? But I do miss them. I loved watching them have to navigate around. And I see the budget has dropped for travel too lol.
  23. "Well, it's about bloody time!" LOL Oh, Hetty. It took them so long because your breadcrumbs weren't obvious enough lol. Next time leave a note.
  24. I wish they would have reaired a few of the final episodes of S1 before they came back, because everyone is recalling all of these things I totally forgot! (Thank you, BTW!) It was off air so long I really wanted a refresher, and the previouslies were not as helpful as I wanted lol.
  25. I wondered if somehow Carol's cancer in the real timeline was tied somehow to Amy's existence and the mom needs Amy to be gone for her to be alive.
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