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Everything posted by islandgal140

  1. This show, while compelling, is something I now almost have to get into the correct mental zone in order to watch. I had 3 episodes backed up on my dvr and finally worked up the stomach to watch - episode 16 was hellacious. Diana is indeed a demon. I thought she saged and brought ghostbusters in to "clean" her hotel rooms. That sage must act as a demon summoner, because it apparently brought all the demons to the yard! People needs to update their past cover with Camille as the most hated HW to Dirty Diana. Kathy, looking like she came from a Walmart shopping haul at dinner, was the ultimate rich woman flex. I appreciated Kathy's transparency of saying her and certain family members were investors in the tequila. The whole cast was kinda rude about it though, of course, none more so than her sister and Rinna. Frankly, I think they both are jealous of Kathy being such a fan fave, coming in mid-season, probably getting a raise and now being able to shill her product. FF5 doing their damnedest to try to save Erika from herself saying out loud that they couldn't defend her statements told me everything I needed to know. But oh yeah, how dare Garcelle speak up for Sutton when she is getting dogpiled every other day. As a lawyer myself, I don't even disagree with Erika that a court of law should decide but jeez louise, basically calling widows and orphans liars, denying them the title of victim and claiming all sympathy should be reserved for her because she can't go on her yacht (the Illegal) or fly private to Aspen anymore is just the most monstrous, grotesque thing on reality tv (outside of ID channel content). Seeing Kyle realize she backed the wrong team was mildly satisfying. She is still vile though. Dorit is gonna make me start hating her ass again. Her tongue bathing Diana is disgusting. Looking at her in that ridiculous orange jacket and proclaiming her "gorgeous" looking like she had been dumbstruck and was looking at an angel was almost comical. It does kinda demonstrate how Diana got to be the miserable shrew that she is with so many sychophants blowing smoke up her ass. None of her shit makes sense. A few episodes ago she mentioned having to get her wisdom teeth taken out by a charity because she couldn't afford dental care but famously said she has also never been shopping or goes to stores. Bitch what?!?!
  2. The 737k+ in the mark's bank account was the amount Walt said he needed to leave his family on BB. Saul went out sad. Got taken out by some dial up internet, Ask Jeeves and a Life Alert necklace. Marion being the one to expose Gene is sort of kismet and justice for all the elderly people Jimmy screwed over. Kim's "boyfriend" opting for miracle whip and who just says "yep!" throughout sex must be her way of punishing herself.
  3. This! Kyle is an energy vampire who drains to live. Kyle smiles widest when she is feeding and Erika's being 'lit' is an 8 course meal for her.
  4. Rinna wouldn't dare with the cast of Ratouille in her kitchen
  5. This is not what a watch RH for! I watch for mess and pettiness. Not to be triggered and enraged! I thought I was mad over what Erika did to Jax, but the gruesome foursome made me 'flames licking at the side of my face' made. Is that wrong? For all of them to essentially say - stone cold sober and day(s) later after time for reflection -- that Erika getting a few moments of pleasure is more worthy of protecting than the thoughts, emotions, psyche and feelings of a child in the critical age of development is utterly grotesque. And let's not be obtuse. It is only ok because of who the child is (or more aptly, what he ain't). I couldn't see them fixing their rancid mouths to say this about Rinna's grown ass daughters or even Erika's damn near middle age son. If Erika did this to either of their children, neither of them would stand for it. Kyle would rush to say how wrong it was if it were Dorit's kids and Dorit would do the same for Kyle's. The saying goes it takes a village to raise a child. Garcelle, this ain't your village. And for Kyle, that dumb bitch, to say that she likes someone better mentally altered on pills and alcohol, after decades dealing with Kim's substance abuse, truly earned the nickname Vile Kyle. She has clearly, CLEARLY, never been to AL-ANON. Fuck Mauricio too. He's glad she did it?!?! Never look at him the say again. To see him essentially salivating over Demon Diana (and all the potential listing she could get him) was gross! Dorit is a spineless POS. Glad Crystal had the good sense to pull Jax immediately out of that toxic situation. Just when I thought I couldn't dislike Erika less - she goes exceeding my lowered expections. Again, this ain't what I came here for!!!!
  6. Good lawd what a train wreck. I know we are not supposed to slut shame, but since I dislike Andrew so much and he is such a giant raging jackass. 350 women?!!? Holly, is far too nice. Yeah, I know he was missing his daughter and all, but baking for that jackass cupcakes? Hell naw! Pairing an Asian woman with a white man who stated a preference for blond surfy white women? A new low for the "experts." I wonder if they thought it would be ok because she dyes her hair blond and wears blue contacts? I wouldn't put it past them. Asking couples to rate their attraction to the other wives/husbands has got to be the messiest, worst exercise EVER! That isn't smart for couples IRL let alone couples slapped together for maximum drama on this messy ass show. Did all the couples have to do this? I noticed they only showed the ones for the couples on the shakiest grounds. MESSY!
  7. Oh how I love this delicious mess! So glad it is back. I wonder why they skipped S8 I, for one, prefer the fact that no legal marriages are taking place. I think it is crazy to alter your marital status based on "experts" on a damn TV show with an abominable track record. I'm not trusting anyone when I have to change my filing status on my tax returns. All the weddings were so beautiful. Each had a different venue, different feel and an abundance of beautiful floral arrangements. The brides all looked amazing to me, in gowns that were beautifully tailored and fit their personalities and venue. In short, none of it looked cheap and thrown together at the local lower to mid-range hotel. I can't recall everyone's names yet but I love the 2 night weddings (Ella with the red roses and Selina). This is gonna be such a confusing season. There is a Selin and Selina. I feel bad for Selina - the bride with the groom whose schlong is not aligned with his brain. Selin is coming off like an ass. But does he have a tiger tattoo? Or was it an eagle? Andrew is the worst. The worst wasn't even that he told her the sex was bad, it was that he told her the sex was bad but it wasn't his fault because he knows he is good at it (allegedly), has the right equipment (allegedly) and knows how to use it (allegedly) ... so basically its not me its you. Tamara isn't as cute as she thinks she is. Olivia is a doll and I am rooting for her. 7 years being primary caretaker to her dying father sounds so damn dreadful. Brent is a cutie and the only really 'hot' groom to me. Al is technically good looking but ugh! I am with his bride - far too immature. His sister is gorgeous. Al going in for a kiss, after that long pause and being rejected is one of the cringiest TV moments. Yikes!
  8. I had hope that there would be some holding Jen's feet to the fire due to the wives sprinter van reaction, but shit went down hill fast and furious. They are now officially worse than the BH wives at confrontation and deflection. No one really said 'boo' to Jen's face but instead they fucking question the memorial date of a woman's father? If I was Meredith, I would never forgive Bad Weather for questioning my dad's death and/or memorial, especially Twitney. I hate violence and turned against Monique because of it, but I would have been hard-pressed not to body slam that bitch in Vail if she got in my voice talking about "at least you know where your daddy is." I would have at least dragged her ass for filth. NO ONE stirred the pot like Bad Weather this season. Their hate boner for Lisa is ugly and ridiculous while they sit next to a woman indicted for disgusting felonies! Does it say something about my character or lack thereof if I would rather be called a whore as opposed to Shrek? Hell, I can either embrace my whoredom and have fun OR disavow the "D" and become a born again virgin but ain't shit you can do about being ogre ugly. That kind of ugly goes down to the bone marrow and there ain't a filler or surgery that can fix it! The mere sight of Jennie is revolting!
  9. Saw this elsewhere, had a good giggle over it and thought I would share here. Kody, its a little late in the game to want the authority and respect of a father. He is not the ALPHA he thinks he is. There is no way a single man can adequately parent that many kids with multiple wives. IMHO, it just can't be done. He was essentially a golden retriever with somewhat boundless energy who flitted from household to household and spend 2 days a week at best with them. He'd show up ruffle their heads, giving out meme-like advice and muttering platitudes. Plus, since the addition of Robyn he hasn't been fully mentally present with non-Robyn kids. Now at the 12th hour, when they are grown, he's fucking Mussolini. That is not how any of this works. Christine seemed so at peace and lighter. So Robyn is now 100% confirmed to be his one true wife. I thought Christine's take on Janelle and her marriage to Kody was diplomatically put and well stated. Janelle fills her own tank. Janelle is some kind of weird breed that I don't really understand. I think she is fine time-sharing a piece of man, as long as she gets to say she has a husband. Christine saying yeah no thanks to a friendship with Robyn was everything! If I remember correctly, some of the adults (Janelle but I think mainly Christine) were actually angry with Meri because how 'dare she discipline their kids.' Granted, I understand they both don't have the best relationship with Meri, but jeez, wasn't that one of the much touted benefits of that plyg life? Many moms? The kids were freakin' throwing punches and an adult stepped up and put a stop to it. It was one of the few times when I was on Meri's side. Watching Robyn or Goblyn (as I am currently resorting to calling her) fake cry on tv was quite the sight. I mean WTF!?!? Her eyes weren't red, her eyes didn't even look like they were moist! WTF was she wiping at?!?! I just know she must have put micro-tears in the sensitive skin around her eyes dragging that dry ass tissue across them again and again. Enjoy even more crow's feet. Did she attend the Michael Scarn school of acting and improv? That was so bad it was funny. TLC is really doing Meri wrong repeatedly showing her walking from behind. I don't think I have ever had the displeasure of seeing and actually using the word 'lumbering' to describe a woman's walk before in my entire life. The nanny is more a part of the Brown's lives than Meri is at this point.
  10. Agreed. I just imagine it is full of the For Dummies series of books. For instance, the time he had to figure out what cat fishing was and had to make do with:
  11. I really felt the abused kids thing when Gabe was expressing wanting to be a team player and help to align the wives to comply, when Kody, feeling immediately threatened, shot back that Gabe was NOT the head of household or leader of the family. You can tell that Kody feels threatened by his grown sons, who all for the most part seems more mature and smarter than him already.
  12. Is it me or have the Browns, been cursing A LOT this season. I remember when they didn't cuss at all. Now they just let the expletives fly. How TF is Janelle the Teflon Queen!?!?! How Sway! I am ready to tear my hair out watching this mess as Robyn keeps getting away with her manipulative BS over and over again. Even Gabe and Garrison were letting her off the hook talking about we thought the rules were Robyn whispering in our dad's ear, but it is all Kody. What!!! No, y'all had it right the 1st time. All the talk about the Sobyn's keeping the rules and feeling like head of household only in Robyn's house makes me want to retch. So I guess Kody isn't even fulfilling his role as spiritual leader in his family. Isn't he supposed to like lead services or something? What a crock of BS. That greeting upon Kody's return shows that the Sobyn/Kody marriage is the only marriage in that family. They are officially monogamists. LOL! At the hopeful look in Robyn's face when Janelle pondered aloud if she wanted to still be in a plural marriage. Sobyn was probably thinking her plan was a few years ahead of schedule of ousting Janelle, only to be dashed. LOL! I'd have been happier about Christine putting all Kody's funky shit in the garage if she hadn't sorted it all and labeled them. Too much time, kindness and consideration for my taste. That jackass deserved all his shit in the front yard on fire. But standing ovation to Christine for saying she ain't staying with no intimacy. Finally, someone has raised their standards and realized they deserved more on this mortal coil. Christine is the only one saying outright that there is obvious favoritism. I really hope the internet is lighting Robyn and Kody's ass up and not just each and every Sunday, but each and every day.
  13. And in retrospect, what an awful decision that turned out to be. I am wondering if she regretted not spending this last Christmas with her mom given what happens? Christine and her side of the family really come across as such cockeyed optimists. I get the sense that they really didn't account for the post-surgery pain and recovery time and expected a miracle - Ysabel completely pain free after the surgery.
  14. I always thought one of the most despicable things Kody ever said was that he was not responsible for his wives being or feeling emotionally fulfilled. He said this in response to a polygamist husband (who was visiting the Brown's in LV) stating the exact opposite - that he (the visiting ply husband) was responsible for his wives feeling happy and fulfilled. Of course, Kody's outdouched himself when last season he told his teenage daughter to go have major back surgery by herself. All this shit tracks. Aurora is mini-Robyn and annoying. I hope she never lives plyg, otherwise she will be in a perpetual state of tears and panic attacks. One burning question that needs answering: Can you be considered spiritually married if your husband keeps saying you have no marriage to speak of?
  15. That was some primo shade! Most people mistake outright insults for shade, but it ain't. Shade is subtle and if done incredible well, needs a bit of time and unpacking for the target to even realize they had been insulted. I'm getting a real "Flowers in the Attic" (sans the incest, hopefully) vibe at the Brown compound. Seems like all the kids are shuttered away from all civilization and goodness gracious, watch old VHS tapes of Robyn breakdancing (da fuck). I think at this point I would wonder if I died and went to the Bad Place. Both Robyn and Meri making it seem like Janelle and Christine don't value the family because they made a choice to spend the holiday with their kids who couldn't/wouldn't comply with Robyn/Kody's rules was despicable. Kody conflating strict unquestioning compliance with showing respect and love - how is it possible to keep getting douchier and douchier with each episode?
  16. To think this episode started with Janelle unnecessarily trying to apologize to Kody (which still ended in an argument) and ended with her saying "fuck off" to him in front of all the wives was perfect! Questions I would love to have answered and likely never will are all concerning the Brown family financials. Who works, how much does TLC pay, and how the income and bills are divided? Also, what work does Kody do outside the show paycheck? I really find it hard to believe that TLC pays well enough to sustain such a huge family, especially that million dollar home with Robyn, several rentals and the mortgage on Coyote pass.
  17. I wonder why Gabe didn't at least attempt to speak to Kody while he was at the house trimming trees? We barely saw any interaction between them when Kody was, in fact, there. I don't even remember seeing/hearing that they greeted either. Besides Gabe telling him which branches to trim, the two had no interaction as far as I could see. Just odd. The gig is up for Robyn and her manipulations but she is oh so tired of being questioned. She should be thrilled that it took them well over a decade and a pandemic on top of that to finally see the light. Every time I see Robyn's neck, I now have that song Tracy Morgan sang on 30 Rock ringing in my head:
  18. It is getting realer and realer each episode. When the mask falls, it really makes a thud when it hits the ground. Two things I never thought I would say about this show 1. The last two episodes have been good; and 2. I hope there is a tell all, even if it is the usual tell nothing, just seeing some form of interaction and body language to the questions asked would be telling. Ever notice that Kody often times refers to notRobyn's kids as simply the wives children? Not "our kids" but "your kids" or "their kids" as if he had no part in making them. He did that for the greater part of this episode. I was actually stunned by Kody's admission that Christine still resents him because of his negligence in failing to see the severity of Truely's illness. I do think some of the kids and wives are being a bit reckless but at the same time, I love them having their foot on Kody's neck and wish they would go harder and spill more of the tea. Promos for next week look good too. Robyn saying the family doesn't want to around her family and Kody keeping score of who is loyal TO HIM or not. I'm telling you, I see Meri sliding back, if not into rotation, then at least into a better or closer relationship with Kody because he viewed her as being loyal for following his (Robyn's) edicts.
  19. It didn't even really seem like there was much communication between Kody/Christian and Ysabel when she got to NJ, pre or post op. One of the most incredulous things said this episode is Robyn discussing how competitive the family can be between Kody and the kids re: height or competition between the moms but of course, Robyn isn't into it and doesn't participate. Robyn!?! The dark wife who rose from 4th spiritual wife to only legal wife who lives in a multi-million dollar home, who doesn't work and has a nanny and who Kody lives with full-time and by all accounts the only one still having sex with him, isn't competitive. Okay bitch! Having just finished watching way too many drama shows and documentaries about the opioid crisis, I hope Ysabel was able to be weaned off them successfully.
  20. Wasn't this the way of the Browns? The older kids help with the younger ones? I mean damn, Logan half raised those kids. I was so happy when he escaped. Robyn wouldn't even ask them to keep the young prince and Oreo borealis 6 feet away from Truely at the Prairie dog plague picnic.
  21. Wellity, wellity, wellity. Meri is so sad and alone and none of her sister wives call her or want to hang with her. It is almost like she is reaping the consequences of her past actions. Who ever heard of such a thing?
  22. Kody has always been a problematic, self-centered, ego-driven asshole but now I just see him as vile and contemptuous. It used to be that I could at least say, that despite all his faults, he raised some fantastic kids, but really they are great in spite of him not because of. He and Robyn's actions or rather lack of actions and support for Ysabel and Christine both pre and post surgery are nothing short of heinous and make them completely irredeemable. The least they could have done was forgo their nanny for a while and helped pay for at home nursing care during Ysabel's recovery. Jackasses! They talk all this shit about plyg families being better than us normies because of all the extended family and multi-mothers but when the rubber hits the road, we see it is all bullshit! Doesn't even seem like they bother to send over a casserole. Robyn might as well put up a "mission accomplished" sign. She has the monogamous marriage of her dreams. Bitch! That hospital Ysabel had her surgery looks like the Robert Wood Johnson hospital in New Brunswick. That is a great hospital. My dad had his pacemaker procedure there a few years ago. They have never had insurance. I think that came to light during poor Truely's illness many seasons ago. It looks like nothing has changed since then. They got money for nanny's, Robyn's million $ house, plots of land they will never build on, but health insurance for their army of kids - Nah! Priorities! I know it will all likely come to naught, but seeing the previews for the next episode made me unleash such an unbecoming villainous cackle. I need this! I never knew how much until now.
  23. To see all the hand wringing over water rights, you would think they were sparring over Pacific ocean views and not some stagnant mud pit. It was weird to hear Ysabel say her dad helped her get through all those months when she was living in such pain because the way I remember it, Kody didn't even know she was in that much pain. Why did last episode Christine make her 1st two weeks in NJ sound like a fun vacation, when actually it was a required quarantine? I felt such sympathy for Madison and her husband having to make such hard decisions concerning their daughter's limbs. Poor baby! Robyn really had Kody to herself that summer with all the wives away. Witch!
  24. Yep. Greatest example is none of them chose that plyg life after having a front row seat to the shit show that is their family.
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