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Everything posted by islandgal140

  1. Yes, I think there are agreements between the family and maybe even TLC not to talk about or expound on certain topics. Case in point, mentioning that Janelle was married to Meri's brother. Seriously, I think if more people knew that or better yet cameras had been around when that happened, (combined with Kody and J's original wedding date was Meri's b-day) Janelle wouldn't be the fan fave that she is today. Sorry not sorry, those actions were grimy AF! I've resigned myself to the FACT that the tell nothings are useless, inane money grabs. The fact that there have been multiple award winning journalists who have hosted and they all equally sucked just tells me that TLC doesn't want these events to be great! They like the waters murky and don't want to clear things up as it protects the asset(the "stars" and the storylines) and can garner more seasons. The 90 day ones are just as terrible. It is cheaper/cost effective to keep producing an ongoing concern with a known quantity then trying to go out and find new shows/participants. Besides which, SW has been doing very, very well ratings wise.
  2. Yes, the timeline is a mess. However, I think when it was discussed during the rare tenders pity visit to "lonely old" Meri, Meri stated that she renewed for a few months (maybe 6?), not a year. That visit was likely in early spring/Easter and the wonky timeline here seems to be September/October so it could've been about to expire and she decided not to reup, especially since it seemed to be no problem for Christine to continue on filming in Utah with no seeming issues. Kody trying to make a differentiation between an act and a performance was some WTF! Given the subject matter, it was a distinction without a difference. The main thing Kody was worried about was blame. For someone who likes to beat the drum of accountability, he takes absolutely none.
  3. This episode cemented that Robyn is the bitchest bitch that ever bitched and probably not for the reason(s) that most have cited here. Towards the end of the episode, Kody brings up one of the most fascinating points that has never been brought up ever on the show before. He said that before marriage that Robyn made him promise to HER as a condition of marriage - and I quote: "this agreement that I have you - our sacred covenant - was if I am ever not in love with you, I won't just sit there and be in a pathetic place with you. YOU MADE ME PROMISE YOU THAT" But yet that rank bitch would not only wish that on every other freaking sister wife, but play an active role in making them stay. If I disliked her then, I hate her now! She is selfish, cruel and an ugly person both inside and out! She knew before marriage that she wouldn't want and couldn't stand what the other women have been getting for a decade, but it is okay and acceptable for them to stay in a defunct dead marriage so she can have her porch dreams fulfilled. She is the worst! This also proves despite her protestations of not understanding, she understands perfectly, otherwise she wouldn't had made such a request from the get go.
  4. Three Stooges minus 1 stooge, but I think even they would be embarrassed by this mess.
  5. Robyn saying she heard G@d speak to her in that white sports car and how they fell in love in it - you just know she was servicing her best customer in that car.
  6. Kody was selling his pride and joy and 2 other cars? Money troubles in narc paradise or just trying to raise money for the Prairie Plague Plot? I enjoyed Kody and Robyn looking super nervous during that Zoom call. I think Kody and Robyn has some kind of folie a deux (shared psychotic disorder of 2). Robyn looked ready to jump out of her skin during a mere zoom call, but she wanted to be invited to Christine's 50th birthday party?!!? So was this the 3rd time in a row we had to hear Meri tell the 32nd anniversary story. Yeah, this show isn't repetitive at all. Tony sounds like meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger. Why does he love to speak inappropriately in front of mixed company and Truly? They were eating good at Ysabel's farewell feast - lobster, steak and crab legs! Talk about an expensive feast! I want some! Way better than 6 dry, unseasoned, and likely overcooked chicken breasts to be split among 9 people at Kody/Robyn's house for Truly's birthday "party." I swear I am stay looking for a laser red dot during the Eeyore twins (Aurora nd Breanna) talking heads because they always look to be held at gunpoint. Janelle is well screwed when it comes to Prairie Plague Plot. She should sell it for market value to Robyn and Kody NOW. As I understand it, the plot she owns has both Kody and her name on it. I do wonder if Kody has a will or not. If he does, we all know Robyn is the sure bet to inherit the most of whatever he may own. If not, then it would be up to the laws of intestacy and the probate courts, but still Robyn as legal wife has more rights than Janelle. If Kody should die, odds are Robyn, as his legal wife, would inherit his interests and Janelle would be stuck with that witch as co-owner. Not only is Kody stupid but so is his friend who appears to buy cars for a living and should know better. What a pair of dopes!
  7. I think he is also looking for places to store some of his shit. He seemed super excited about a large-ish closet that looked to be close to the front door. Janelle told him it was for the washer and dryer and he seemed a bit crestfallen. LOL!
  8. I loved the UK and Aussie versions and watched them on Lifetime, but damn most of the time they don't even air the whole season and have since stopped running them all together. Where do you guys watch them?
  9. Is this a joke or true? If true, not to be crass but, this could be part of the reason that Robyn is Kody's favorite "pencil sharpener." LOL! Half of his kids w/Janelle he isn't speaking to - Maddie, Gabe and Garrison. Hunter and Logan seem to want no parts of the show and frankly they both have BDE (big dick energy) and I bet Kody grudgingly respects them and their boundaries. The only one really left is Savannah who he only just recently took off his ignore list.
  10. The other big mind phuck after Robyn sad clowning over not being invited to Christine's 50 bday party was her saying that she wished her relationship with Meri was as fun and light as Meri/Jen. Oh I don't know, maybe if Robyn called her once and a while. Witch! Maybe if Robyn didn't have Meri spend 2 years in solitude during the Covid years complying with Kody's Robyn's impossible mail wiping rules and then still not able to visit because - new excuse - that would upset the other family members. Witch. Maybe invited her over and acted like bringing over the tenderettes to visit Meri wasn't some act of charity to some lonely old spinster but rather spending time with mom #2, you know the great plyg perk. Witch! That is what is so frustrating about Robyn. Friends/sisters are forged and require investment, time and effort. She does nothing or worse yet, actively sabotages shit and wonders in frustration and confusion why shit is the way it is. It is because of you DUMMY! Robyn's motto - I've tried nothing and now I'm all out of ideas (tm The Simpsons).
  11. It has been doing incredibly well and they are seeing some of the highest since its inception. I think it may even be beating TLC's smash 90 day fiance show. Last week I saw Sister Wives briefly in the top 10 watched shows on Max.
  12. This was a big WTF! moment to me but I did catch something subtle. Mykelti said she told them 1st and I quote "because I needed help" followed by an awkward laugh. I translated that to mean $$$$ 'cause let's face it, it for damn sure ain't for child care/babysitting. The sleep in queen Robyn can't watch her own kids, plus they live hundreds of miles away so it must be financial. Mykelti and Tony are sucking up for that filthy lucre. What do her and Tony do for a living anyway?!?! She did tack on another explanation re: morning sickness but that struck me as in addition to needing the other kind of help. YMMV. WTH does the carriage house need a kitchenette with a huge island w/quartz counters if it is mostly for her clothing business? Seems like that would take up more space and not add enough storage as opposed to setting it up as, oh I don't know, a retail shop w/warehouse storage capabilities. It seems to me she needs a nice customer facing area for online sales and the rest should be dedicated to storage. Party was cute! Janelle looked amazing in green. Aspyn and Ysabel have such gorgeous hair!
  13. Feels like TLC have one pat of butter and are trying to spread it over a whole loaf of bread. I would rather have 10 impactful episodes, than 15-20 with a lot of filler. Kody advocating for separate household was a complete 180. Prior, everyone agreed that moving to LV and living apart was ground zero of the family's disintegration. From the outside though, the LV cul-de-sac seemed like a great situation and compromise, but of course, Kody and Robyn have no chill and got greedy. I think Celia Rubenstein's analysis (as usual) is spot on. The question still remains, why is Truly trying to learn a bike at a later age? Was it me, or did it seem like last year, Truly paid Kody dust and didn't really seemed included to go to his and Robyn's house to spend time or the night. I think Ysabel's (or another non-Robyn sibling's) presence makes her feel better going over there.
  14. I have up not until now agreed with some who saw a few of this season's episodes as boring, slow and repetitive, but I felt that way this episode. They showed the footage of Truly being born twice this episode. Why was that necessary? Given what's happened seeing Kody in those scenes looking at his phone, hard to think he isn't texting Robyn or at least thinking hurry up and give birth already so I can get back to the love of my life. LOL! And good gawd, if I have to hear Christine talk about plygs and hospital births one more damn time.... Hearing Janelle saying she had a different mindset and has Kody down as father on her kids birth certificates makes me wonder if Christine doesn't out of that fear. Last week I wondered if Meri was faking this to keep the checks rolling or she was really the type that need a brick building to fall on her to get a clue. Looks like it is the latter.
  15. I haven't been keeping up with Meri in the off season, so I too am wondering what happened to her dog! It has been well over 2 years since her great humiliation when Kody and her celebrated their non-anniversary on screen when he was skeeved out by her attempts to kiss him and he said plainly and boldly that "he wasn't coming." The door was not only closed but painted shut and brick walled over like something from a Poe short story. If she didn't get a clue then she may have an humiliation kink. Frankly, her behavior in scenes vs her interview comments don't jive. Yes, I realize that there is substantial lag time between scenes shot and interviews, however, that disconnect has been going on for several seasons. I think she knows it is over but has been playing along for money. The SW show pays but it also fuels her other sources of revenue. Let's face it, anyone susceptible to MLMs are more opt to sign up to a reality "star's" downline as opposed to Susie homemaker in Lehi, Utah. She is one of the biggest sellers of ugly mismatched leggings, even if that company is reported to be on its last legs. Plus she's got her inn which I wouldn't doubt a large proportion of visitors are likely looky loos who hope to bump into her. It is a win win for her. Part of me doesn't blame her for staying as long as she has, but I just hate the way she kowtow to Robyn. She literally looks afraid of Robyn. Just look at how she was trying to tell her she was moving her business to Parowan, but in her interviews admits that Robyn barely calls or texts.
  16. The talk about Mormonism and Easter is interesting. I have never been that intellectually curious about that religion because frankly, it sounded like a scam and problematic (patriarchal and racist). Some dude found some gold tablets in the forest that no one else clapped eyes on (maybe his wife?) which told him he could have all the young tail he wanted as long as he called it marriage?!?! How convenient. Probably oversimplifying, but you get the main drift. To be honest most of what I know about Mormons I learned from South Park and one serious doc series I watched years ago I believe on Netflix (not the Keep Sweet one). I know they call themselves The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints but I really did not know whether they celebrated Easter or Christmas. Frankly, I wouldn't use the Browns as litmus test or example of what Mormons of any sect typically do. They are the epitome of cafeteria Mormons who are or used to (in some cases) belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Kody. This is a control and domination tactic. He wants his son(s) to come onto his territory/his domain, bend the knee and kiss the ring of him and Robyn. You don't want to know where I want to shove the menorah - lit candles and all!
  17. Meri would be a bleached skeleton on Coyote Pass with the plague infested prairie dogs using her rib cage as shelter and her spine as a slide to dive into that "pond" by the time he resolves his unresolvable entanglements and Robyn would still tell her to have hope. Oops or maybe not because Meri would be of absolutely no use to her then - no storyline, no resources.
  18. Ugh, I thought we were getting Meri finally leaving and Robyn's ugly cry last night, but apparently I was wrong. I went back and re-watched the end of e9 and realized it was framed more as a midseason trailer and not as 'on the next episode of SW" Damn! I get and love that Christine is giddy over leaving that jackass but she needs to slow her proverbial roll with Janelle. I admit that sometimes I am like Dory and forget stuff that happened just last season, but is this the 1st time Kody ever admitted that Robyn is the love of his life? Why would he even admit that and then claim, with a straight face, there is no favoritism? What is worse is that he makes his ill treatment of the 0G3 their fault by saying they are not loyal, like Robyn. It is disgusting! Also, that is like a series ending statement. The grand experiment is over and he has chosen his dark queen over all else, including his non-Robyn kids. Take that horse out back and just put it out of his misery. OMG, that story about Kody leaving the OG3's wives home at the crack of dawn to go help Robyn get the tenders to school was heartbreaking. It does lend credence to the feeling I always had that even if he was in rotation and going over to non-Robyn's homes, he wasn't fully present and was just counting down the minutes until he can go back to his real home and wife. How does he out asshole himself ever. single. week?!?! I feel like I need to call the Guinness book of Records. Do they have a category for World's Biggest Asshole? Really, this just sounds like a guy who divorces his wife and once he finds a new wife and family, abandons all his prior relationships and children. It happens more often that people may think. Meri is obviously someone who needs a ton of bricks to fall on her to get it or she just needs to admit that she is just still here for the checks. None of the shit she is doing makes a lick of sense. Why reup the lease on that gigantic 5 bedroom mcmansion? Worse yet, why does she still have hope? I can admit that I do believe and it may have even been shown on screen (remember, I'm Dory) that Kody did sweet talk her and likely tempted here with a new start if she agreed to move to AZ, but he has been nothing but a gigantic flaming jackass to her since then. If anything, that anniversary episode from 2-3 seasons ago should have KILLED ALL HOPE. That was the most humiliating, cringey pathetic display by Meri but apparently wasn't enough to end this nonsense. Robyn being Robyn, instead of saying how important it was for the family that her kids get Meri as a 2nd mom (plyg perk), she frames it like how important it is to Meri, like she is some charity case. She sure treats her like one. I have to go on the official record and say that Janelle is an odd duck that I never really understood. She wasn't born into polygamy but saw it in action and liked what she saw. Frankly, I just think she doesn't want the full time responsibility of having a man in her home 24/7 that she has to cook and clean for, but at the same time, she wants some kind of commitment and tie to a man. She wants that spiritual commitment but only needs to see him a few times a week for a little slap and tickle and companionship, but then wants him on his merry way so she can garden, read or whatever else she does that makes her feel independent. I can respect that but I don't necessarily think she needs to sign up for polygamy again to get that, but whatever.
  19. Every time I find myself wishing that maybe Janelle and Christine could be cooler with Meri after their respective separations from Kody, I think back to stuff like this and completely understand why. I don't think it is brought up enough how unfair it was that each house got the same amount and it was never taken into account the # of children a wife had. Equal and equitable are not the same thing. Equal means each is given the same resources no matter what. Equitable recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome. I'm sorry giving the same amount to a person who has one child as opposed to the others that have 6 is just not fair. Janelle and Christine's household must have suffered due to that. Meri had enough for luxuries. The other 2 probably didn't have enough for necessities. Meri may have literally been taking food off their tables and then she probably got mad when the kids came scrounging in her pantry.
  20. This! I just couldn't stomach to re-watch this show from S1E1. Just too infuriating. I did actually re-watch parts of last season, when Christine announced she was leaving! That was delicious but was also funny and infuriating to see Robyn and Kody constantly contradict themselves. How can it be both a shock and out of the blue, yet they were hearing rumors of Christine wanting to leave. Make it make sense. Both Robyn and Kody deserved to have the enamel slapped off their teeth for their performances during Christine's announcement. Robyn for calling Christine a liar and Kody for the knife to the kidney. Funny how the kids can live without seeing their dad for 3 days when her dark highness gets to go on vacay on someone else's dime. Grocery money my arse! Another reason not to re-watch. This used to drive me friggin' nuts. Witch just showed up, never lived plyg a day in her life and yet sits there as the authority figure!
  21. Hasn't Mykelti admitted that she thinks Robyn is manipulative or is that just wishful thinking on my part?
  22. I loved that you said this. Every time I see those 2 on screen I think of Ricky Gervais hosting the Golden Globes many moons ago. Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Schumer were being kinda obnoxious. Gervais said the duo told him several times to note that they are best friends. Gervais was like: “Basically, It’s like they’ve never had a friend before.” This is totally Meri and Jen's vibe. This part! I can't wait for the next episode. I really thought I saw actual moisture on Robyn's face during the preview of Meri finally having enough. I'm sure if there are, it is because Sobyn sees all the OG13 family Robyn pot money flying away out of her greedy gasp - as well it should.
  23. In Robyn's defense (which actually hurts me to type), that probably amounts to petty larceny.
  24. I don't even know if Kody is capable of love. If he is the narc that most believe he is then, no. Kody loves Kody. That so-called "love" is self-serving and self-centered. He always makes it sound transactional too. He "loves" Robyn because she is loyal to him. Its also triangulation, e.g. she is loyal unlike the other wives. As for Robyn, she loves being the favorite and having nice things. She had the ultimate come up. From trailer park to million dollar home and drowning in Precious Moment figurines and long-legged pants. Frankly, I am sticking around just to see if those two will suffer any financial repercussions without the income of the OG3. I found it interesting that Gabe said Aurora is usually in the Science building at school. Curious as to what her major is. Anyone know? Nothing short of a complete and total shunning of Christine would have satisfied Kody. He knew in his heart of hearts that Christine would win any popularity contest when he called her the "Pied Piper" that all the kids (not to mention the public) would take her side and follow her wherever she goes. This is why it always makes my heart sing whenever one of the kids say that they are having the holidays wherever Christine is. I think Garrison said it again this episode. What Kody will and can never understand is that Christine is loved and respected because of her consistent actions and loving presence throughout the entirety of those kids lives. We saw Dayton in the Thanksgiving and Christmas footage. Most notably referring to the motorized bikes as hillbilly scooters or something like that.
  25. LOL! at Robyn saying she and her kids got voted off The Brown Family Island. No, witch. You executed a coup of a banana republic, everyone fled her Baby Doc despotic regime and now you are stuck with the ringlet curled knuckle dragger on the Island of Misfit Plygs and all the lifeboats have holes in them (which you drilled) and you can't swim. Have fun!
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