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Everything posted by islandgal140

  1. Shannon gives David no quarter. She wants all this attention from him but what is she doing to garner it or even make sure David gets equal amounts of attention from her? Is she willing to give it in return? Case in point, the opening scene where David comes home. He enters the kitchen gives a nice smile and hello to both Shannon and their daughter, in that order. He genuinely seems happy to see them both. Shannon barely says hi, if she said it at all. I can't remember. However, there was no smile on Shannon face and it really didn't look like she was happy to see him. The daughter runs over to hug and kiss her dad. Shannon just stands there by the counter looking totally disinterested. David disengages with his daughter and walks over to kiss his wife. Would it have killed Shannon to smile and look happy to see her husband? Meet him half way for a hug and a kiss? It almost seems like she wants him to fawn and worship at her feet while she stands there like an ivory statue. Shannon may love her husband. That love maybe because he is the father of their children or because she is nostalgic over what they once had but she sure as hell doesn't like him. It shows. Can't wait to see Tamra shrieking and running barefoot away from Lizzie. That is the only thing giving me half a hope with Lizzie as a new addition. Tamra has such damn non-stories this season that I wouldn't doubt that she pulled some beef out of her ass (meaning outright lied about some shit) to start a conflict and garner interest and attention. Tamra is that bitch. Count me as surprised that the OC gets so many vacays this season. Hawaii, PV and Bali. It is not like they have ATL ratings.
  2. Due to all the botox and surgeries, Brandi can no longer make faces. This trip is interminable. Make it stop!
  3. This goes ditto for me. I kept wondering if she was replaced by a pod person. Who is this blond woman and what has she done with Vicki. Aside from the 'you can't leave my timeshare stuff' which was pretty mild and her continuing relationship with Brooke's, Vicki was pretty flawless this episode. What has the world come to when Vicki, VICKI!!! is reasonable, perceptive and taking stock and ownership? She had the Beador marriage down pat but what shook me to the core was not only the parallels she drew between her and Don's marriage but that she actually admitted to being a nagging nag that tore Don down instead of building him up. What the what?!?! Also the Beador's were a wonderful illustration of how getting into a set pattern of snippy/nagging behavior can taint everything. I do believe that Shannon believes that she wasn't trying to be a bitch or a nag when she was commenting on David's drinking. However, due to years picking on him for every little thing from how he drinks water to eating salsa chips before dinner that is all David can hear now and he associates every comment with her standard negativity and an attempt to put him down. You get what you invested into the relationship. Vice versa with David. He may think his comments are teasing and playful but Shannon doesn't think so. Saving their marriage will be hard because they seem so set in their ways and David does seem checked out as pointed out by Vicki. Yes, David is a cutie. He is on his way to being a silver fox. He has such a boyish, youthful face. My inclination is to announce myself as Team David but I can't do that because I just sense that there is some deep underlying events that set the relationship up into this rut that he is just as, if not more, responsible for. I just wonder if time will reveal all. I loved the Mexico scenes and again Shannon is showing how seamlessly and wonderfully she fits into this cast. I am gobbling this up like it is the manna of the gods because the pattern is that the HW watch themselves, become self aware and change their behavior thereby taking the real out of reality. So enjoy while you can. Without the Mexico trip this episode would have been a complete snooze. I FF thru Tamballs and her mechanical baby. This is shit that Gretchen and Slade would have used as the meat in their storyline. Not interested! I watched Lizzie's segment because I want to give her a chance but so far she is failing me. That whole 'I want to have it all' stuff does not hold my interest first all. Why is that even still a question being asked? Secondly, asking Miss Heather how she has it all? How stupid can she be? Heather is a lady who lunches who just went back to "work" about 3 years ago and that "work" was being on a reality show followed by doing guest spots on a handful of shows. I am being generous with handful because I could probably count them on one hand and have some fingers left over. Heather had and has help by the way of nannies, assistant, maids and now a personal chef. Not that there is anything wrong with any of that if you can afford it. However, a middle to upper middle class chick with no staff, 2 kids, a business and household to run and an unhelpful husband asking a woman with seemingly unlimited resources and no real job how she has it all makes no sense to me. Heather manages to have it all because she married well. How's that for an answer? Chick is really asking the wrong person. Speaking of personal chef. He served french fries at both meals which I thought seemed a bit much. I don't even understand how Lizzie wants another child when she barely seems able to raise the ones she has. Plus she even admitted that her husband gives her little help and she relies on the generosity of her mother who is getting up there in age. I am not one for kids so that oldest son was working my nerves. I can imagine them be that family at a restaurant or on a plane. It also seems like the kids can't articulate which is problematic at their ages. I can't believe the older son is still wearing diapers. Gurl! Younger son is interesting. He looks like his dad but those paternal features are exaggerated much like his mother's. He is all eyes and lips.
  4. The Sami/EJ rape storyline didn't bother me. I realize that may cause my membership privileges in the womanhood to be suspended but I don't care. I loved them during this period. I didn't care for the Santeen back story but the pregnancy with twins and EJ faking paralysis was GOLD. GOLD JERRY! They had the chance to be an iconic supercouple but the powers that be pissed it all away with their failure to commit one way or another. It all went to shit and now I can't stand the sight of either of them. I fell out of love with them probably about 2-3 years ago because of the constant back and forth and all the crappy things they did to each other. Mainly, EJ kidnapping his own child and Sami shooting him in the head. James Scott's acting has gotten progressively worse over the years. I hope if he does continue with acting as a career he engages an acting coach to get rid of all the ticks and habits he has amounted over the years. Allison Sweeney's acting is perfectly acceptable. Not great, but not awful. I am not sad to see either James or Allison go. Shawn Christian is one of the better actors on the show. He is leaps and bounds ahead of James Scott, but the writers have been trying so long and so hard to make Dan the character happen that it is a mute point because most people can't seem to stand the sight of him. Returns of old fan faves don't excite me. In fact, just the opposite. It fills me dread because I just know the writers are going to destroy all the good will and good feelings I had about them. People go on and on about how Galen is a terrible actor but frankly I think Drake H is just as bad if not worse. The only difference to me is Drake at least had an amazing history and was part of an iconic supercouple and has been coasting on those fumes for years. The character of Stefano should be retired and given an incredible send off. I just don't see the need for him and feel he has lost his edge. Time for a new villain.
  5. Can one ever be to old for a ponytail? Perhaps, but I don't think so and if there is some arbitrary cut off age, I don't see Carole as there yet. On the other hand pigtails? Most definitely. Carole needs to stop with that. I am not one of those hair purists that thinks a woman over a certain age needs to basically say goodbye to long hair forever and cut it all off but pigtails past a certain age? I just can not deal or condone That is right up there with bows and barrettes - strictly for kids.
  6. When Kristen was cauterwauling during the rappelling yelling "I hate you all" she sounded almost exactly like the Wicked Witch of the West screaming that she was melting after Dorothy had thrown water on her. It was uncanny! "What a world!"
  7. My UO, which I am not sure are unpopular as I don't have my fingers on the pulse of the Supernatural viewing public: - I really don't give a damn about the half brother still roasting on a spit in hell. He was always an unnecessary add on to me. - Cassie and Dean's sex scene from route 666 is still the hottest ever featured on the show. - I love Daddy Winchester, mostly because of JDM's beauty, and really hope they would resurrect John or at the least have him come back as a spirit or in a flashback or something. - The whole busty Asian hooters mag running gag thing always bugged. Especially since I don't think there has ever been an Asian female character featured either as a hunter or love interest damsel in distress of the week. Is that because things would've have been awkward? - Dean's most special kind of man pain is played out and frankly, I think I maybe over it. - Jared's acting ability may not be on par with Jensen's but I feel like he has become a non factor & non entity on his own series and it makes me sad. He is the straight man so thee was always a danger that he would be 2nd fiddle to Dean but I wish they would imbue him with some personality. Even Sam's diet is a source of ridicule. Every time I see that big ass man with a salad in front of him I want to LOL! How did he get some damn big on rabbit food? - This past season made me realize that I hate angel arc stories. With the exception of a few angels, they are just as big assholes as the demons. Maybe more because at least the demons realize they are assholes and screwed eternally. - The trickster wore out his welcome after Tall Tales and Mystery Spot. I really hate him in all subsequent episodes. Hate! Every time he popped up I wanted to punch him in his face. - I liked the concept of Amelia, Sam's love interest. She was just a terrible, terrible actress and the story was of course, poorly executed. - I like Charlie and that they have a gay character on the show, but I seethe because I think this was a way for the show to appease fans by having a female on the show that wouldn't be a possible love interest for the either of the boys. - I want the boys to have significant others. Are they supposed to be asexual monks or have one night stands for life? - I have liked most of the love interests to a varying degree. - The show runners have been trying to get blood from a stone with some of these stories from the past 2-3 seasons. I think it is getting to be time to put this horse down. - I loved Gordon the Hunter and wished they hadn't killed him off. I liked when the boys would work with other hunters or use their hunter resources/network. - Speaking of hunters, the show needs to go back to focusing on them and bring in some that aren't Garth.
  8. With the exception of maybe 2 episodes and a scene here or there, I did not care for the last season. So it feels like time to me. My only wish right now is that they make the series available either on Netflix or Amazon.
  9. Really? Just $2.35 million? Wonder if that is just for the land? That sounds awfully reasonable, in fact practically a steal, for their location and the size of the house and lot. Tamra has no s/l this season outside of a continuation of that hackneyed shit Gretchen and Slade were trying to sell. Not that I miss them or anything but at least both of them pretended to want a child. Eddie ain't here for that bullshit! So what is the point exactly? Especially seeing as how there will need to be some serious special hoops to jump through and incredible expense for them to have a baby via surrogate. On the one hand I really want them to stop insulting my intelligence, on the other, it makes it all the easier for me to FF past their scenes with extreme prejudice.
  10. Luann is an ol' G and she knows the game and how this shit works! Luann isn't mad that the facialist was asked about HW, in particular herself. Luann is fuming at the larger picture. Luann is furious that Sonja set up this storyline and invited this non gold apple holding, non-cast member to come on the show and take shit about her. There is very little that is organic about this show. Before the season starts, HW sit down with production and discuss what their s/l is going to be for the season, the shooting schedule and who is shooting with whom. This wasn't a spontaneous scene. It was planned. Luann is just fuming that Sonja's grubby little hands orchestrated this. Luann is angry that it was premeditated and thought out with intent to humiliate and shame her on the one hand. On the other, affirm Sonja's self proclaimed status as a sexual siren wanted by all men. Plus I think Luann feels blindsided because she hasn't done anything to Sonja to warrant such a "takedown." None of this is seems based on Luann having actually done anything to Sonja in the past. Sonja just seems out to get Luann for no good reason other than envy. . HA! Sonja wants to be the Blanche Devereaux to Luann's Dorothy Zbornak. Funny how Kristen always feels like she is in the middle. Maybe because your ass is inserting yourself there. Even when she isn't a part of things she tries to be. Case in point, confronting Aviva about not wanting to take sides in bookgate when nobody was thinking or asking her ass about shit! Girl stop! Everytime some talks of being bored, I think of a Betty Draper line from Man Men, "Only boring people are bored." I was bored by these episodes because more than half the cast act like they don't want to be there. If they ain't feeling it, how am I supposed to?
  11. Even though I side with Shannon in her showdown vs Heather, I really was WTF with all her mother to mother BS. That "think of the children" shit just doesn't fly with me. If Shannon wanted to protect her kids she wouldn't have come on a Bravo reality show with that trainwreck of a marriage. Or better yet, giving them such a bad example of what marriage is. She is probably raising 3 future fire breathing Nagzillas. Hell they join in on the fun of henpecking David too. Talking about his bad grammar and chewing with his mouth open. I really hope they can break the cycle. But I digress. It is alright to be mad simply because an enemy can't keep your name and business out of your mouth. Leave the children out of this. I'm sure they already know your marriage is a shit show. I would really like to know why Shannon is on the show. She doesn't seem to be trying to sell me something so why is she here exactly? You know what is tiresome and annoying about these episode sometimes? That I have to watch a million and one re-tellings of a scene I just watched. Shannon told her husband, Danielle, Tamra and Lizzie what happened. Heather told Tamra and Danielle what happened. Next week Shannon tells Vicki, blah, blah, blah. I also don't think Shannon going over there was a great idea either but Tamra already had outright lied to her face and said she told no one. If she went back to Tamra without first getting confirmation from Heather, I don't see why Tamra would have changed her answer. Out of a desire to do good? Lead an honest Christian life? BAH!! This is Tamra we are talking about her. At least by going over there Shannon got the straight scoop that yeah, it was indeedy Tamra. Notice that right after it happened, Heather gave Tamra a call to provide a heads up that she dimed on her ass. With that little delicious nugget, Shannon had Tamra truly hemmed in and unable to weasel her way out of looking like the nasty distrustful varmint she is. Anything that outs Tamra for the piece of decaying possum roadkill she is gets a thumbs up from me. On top of that at her meeting with Shannon, Tamra looked like shit on a spindle. In case anyone is wondering, I don't like Tamra. Amen. Shannon doesn't yell but she does get a tone that connotes she is not happy which to me is a far cry from yelling. I think the mischaracterization is yet another way for Heather to look victimized and justified for not liking or getting along with Shannon. I FF the robot baby scene so I missed the comparison. Who's Astro? The dog from The Jetsons?
  12. I am still on the fence about this show. The only one I like right now is Caroline who I expected to hate. Marissa is okay too although I don't like watching her talk. UGH! I feel like I am watching her mouth area engage in some kind of Olympic decathlon. That shit is doing all ten events at once. I am really disliking all the blanket cultural stereotype statements being so freely bandied about. All British are A, B, C. All Americans are X,Y,Z. Although I am sure that wasn't going to be avoided with the simpleton Bravo production, it still kinda bugs. One thing that made me chuckle and kinda seethe was in the beginning of the season Caroline was sorta deriding Marissa's marriage by calling her and indeed Amercian women in general Susan homemakers, pliable and submissive. I seethed because ugh, not true. I laughed because that is what a good deal of Americans say about the mail/email order brides American men bring into the country. I would much rather observe the differences and similarities than have them spouted off. Show don't tell. Caprice is ugly on the outside and inside. She is a Kardashian level famewhore. I think the only reason she wanted it at a restaurant was for pap pics. Caprice also seemed more pressed about the 4th of July debacle than the 2 participants. Girl please! Noelle is a golddigging golddigger and so obvious about that shit. During the 1st house hunting outing they went to some kind of apartment that was expensive but not particulary grand and she said how could she be a gold digger if she settled for an apartment like that? Then she turns around not a minute later saying she was worthy of more better than that. She has dollar signs in her eyes and I for one can't wait until she is on the receiving end of what the current ex is going through. Bitch, you have been warned so don't be surprised when all the assets go missing when it is your turn. Brunette Juliet is indeed annoying but I don't mind her at the moment. For a stylist she dresses terribly. Terribly! I can see that she wants to be fashion forward but it just isn't working for her. She doesn't have the 'it' factor or attitude to pull it off. Plus, it is like her clothes are hot off the runaway but her hair, makeup and accessories are all Mall of America. Does not compute! Blond Juliet is incredibly unfortunate looking and dressing. The fuck did she have on at the hat get together? Best part of the episode. I also thought it was adorable when she was carrying their dog around.
  13. Damn, had some issues so I had to re-register as islandgal140, but I am still islandgal at heart. Heather is a Heather. Additionally, she is a slithering snake. I will concede that it wasn't Shannon's greatest idea to go over there and "confront" Heather. Also, she was terribly roundabout with her line of questioning. Just ask the perpetually startled, dead doll eyed Who from whoville where she got her info from, whether she was talking shit about your marriage and then tell her to keep your name out of her mouth. Point blank period. Jeez! That being said I side with Shannon. Heather was a total asshole. Because the truth came out - Tamra was the source and yes Heather then turned around and told her mangy friends about it. I just thought it was incredible how Heather managed to turn that around and not only not answer any of Shannon's questions but also get her to apologize for the other night and throw her out of her house. Then turn around and deny Shannon ever apologized to Tamra. Just wow! I don't get all the talk of how Shannon's problem isn't with Heather or Tamra and that Shannon is misdirecting her emotions. I don't think she is. She isn't blaming Tamra or Shannon for the breakdown of her marriage or causing a rift in her marriage. Her issue with them is very focused and direct. Tamra broke her trust by confiding an intimate detail to someone Shannon has a bad relationship with. Heather is a vengeful, petty bitch who was probably all too glad to get this tidbit and have something else to lord over Shannon from her higher elevated, more prestigious, motor court vantaged view point. Now not only can Heather now feel she has a better house and possibly more money than Shannon but she can feel superior that she has a better marriage and family life too. Also, yeah, everyone knows the Beador marriage has issues but still I think there is a difference between knowing generically that there are problems and giving intimate details of what those problems are and move out dates. It maybe a distinction without a difference to some, but it ain't to me. Add to it that they are being revealed to someone you don't like and who damn sure don't like you and it ups the ante. Shannon is a big ass dummy for confiding in that swamp rat Tamra. Funny to see that Tamra realized she couldn't wriggle her ass out of being the runtelldat and decide to confess and throw herself on the mercy of Shannon. I've crossed over from mild irritation with Heather to strong dislike. I really can't stand her. She has the most infuriating character trait of tweaking or should I say outright lying about things in order to make herself look victimized, put upon and long suffering. To top it off, her ass is really bad at it because cameras are there to capture it all and make a plum fool of her ass. Even her 'sorry' text to Shannon after she threw her out seemed accusatory. Bitch please! I am so tired of seeing Terry's smug Gomer Pyle-ish face in the background of every damn scene. It infuriates me to think he has a reality show coming up on Bravo. Ugh! Bravo is really into recycling. Didn't we see that fake robot baby shit on ATL with Kenya? Where the hell is this supposed to be going anyway? Tamra's had her tubes tied and Eddie wants no parts of this bullshit. I will give credit to Eddie on that front. He may have been dumb enough to marry her but at least he is smart enough not to want to procreate with her. I rarely fast forward this show, hell I didn't even FF past Eddie and Tamra in the tube or Brooks and Vicki getting a massage but now Tamra is joining the likes of Gretch and Slade because I FF the fuck out of that stupid ass scene. Tamra looked like she was wearing a wig made out of dry kindling & hay in that restaurant scene with Shannon. She looked like a walking fire hazard. Shit could've went up in smoke at any time. That was the worst I have ever seen her look in the history of the show.
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