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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. God, that poor guy has “please kill me” written all over his face.
  2. I googled. Banner of Truth is an online bookstore selling Evangelical books, sermons, essays, opinions, gospels, etc. etc. In other words, endless verbiage by genus Evangelical, species HomusTalkethTooMuch, gender male. No hats, though, so dunno what RFP thinks he’s shilling.
  3. I am in a mood today, but can people just stop fondling bumps for pictures? I don’t need to see Josh’s meaty paw groping the outside of Anna’s uterus, I just don’t.
  4. As I refuseth to swipe for his Royal FancyPants, what is he shilling now? (Why is his mouth all crooked? Is it catching?)
  5. I wonder if she’s got a one-year contract or something. It can’t be costing Crap & Moreso much to send her free stuff, given these heinous markups. I would be shocked if she’s making more than a couple hundred bucks a month (if that) outside of the freebies. Her leghumpers aren’t exactly rolling in money if they’re all STAH moms with a gazillion kids. And all of them can’t be stupid; every time any of them walks through a Walmart or a Target they’ll see lower prices and better quality than this stuff.
  6. I am so over the expression “kiddos.” They’re children or kids. I blame the Gaines.
  7. From a well-known online retailer...$6.45. Free shipping.
  8. It probably takes a ton of time to maintain and when you’re moving, it’s hardly a priority. That and/or she was just messing with everyone. I still think it might have been a wig and possibly Cade’s fiancée’s because it was almost identical.
  9. The color was all I was WTFing over, because summer. But there are people who have the elan to pull that off and with your screen name, Jynnan, I’m guessing you’re one of them.
  10. Can’t see scarf. Shirt too tight...she needs to shop in Women's, not Juniors. Or not tuck. Pants are wrinkled, but best yet. Shoes with that outfit are a WTF, but hey, overall, B+?
  11. Well, crap. You’re right. I guess I was thinking that he’s such a beautiful sweet kid and Benessa (at least in public) seem slightly less caught up in all that garbage and with another decade of social evolution....? Sigh. Go on, Henry, be a good little brainwashed drone, get a crappy education, read one book ever, get married at 16 and start churning out babies for Jesus.
  12. Does Derrick understand that’s pretty much how he always looks?
  13. Oh DEAR GOD...like having just shoved a human out of your nethers and bleeding profusely isn’t enough fun and games???? “Here, chew this bloody piece of your own body part, that’ll fix it right up!!! Who makes up this shit and why do they hate women????
  14. Seriously, how do they possibly fill more than two episodes? Unless they go with the Rubes in the Big City shtick and I don’t see that exactly meshing with RFP’s self-image and even that’s not exactly compelling television.
  15. I can see them all naming them Mary. After all, any notion of individuality needs to be stomped out early and often and the Mary hook seems to be working, so...
  16. God I hate it when grifting and sucking up gets rewarded.
  17. Okay, as I have confessed before, I have a dark and twisted mind. But if anyone had a motive for sending Grandma into the pool it was Smugs. They’re desperate to have the show revived. The exiled Duggars are desperate to get back on the payroll. And I suspect Mary had more than a few things to say about Smugs massive screwups. If she’s headed straight for the arms of Jesus anyway... And I could see Michelle egging him on. It would make a great murder mystery...
  18. I start to wonder if the regular people in their area can’t stand them. Compared to most, they have a shit ton of money. You know JB likes to throw his weight around. And Michelle, Jessa and Smuganna certainly enjoy their D list status. I suspect more of them flaunt that, too. If I’m in a car accident across town and it turns out I waited an hour for help because the EMTs had to go hose down another Duggar hoohaw from yet another botched home delivery, I am PISSED.
  19. His boxers would be smaller than hers. The guy is cadaverous.
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