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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. Jill, when people can count your pores, you need to back way up. Think selfie stick, mmmkay?
  2. So...worst outfit ever? I thought the olive green sack pants were going to be it, but she’s outdone herself. Horizontal stripes AND ruffles on her lady pillows? Isn’t that like a thousand Gothard demerit points?
  3. Eh, she may just have crappy posture and/or a pooch. Pooch happens. We’re all just so used to seeing only public figures who have personal trainers, plastic surgery, eating disorders and Spanx that it’s easy to forget that lots of regular people pooch.
  4. I have read that three times...and it’s still all a total load. We humans sure know how to make life unnecessarily complicated, don’t we...
  5. She had 19 children. She ALWAYS needs to pee.
  6. As I refuse in principle to give RFP clicks, can someone explain WTF the obese guy has to do with condemning alcohol? There are plenty of fat teetotalers, so I am confused...
  7. I’m going to go out on a limb and say he wasn’t talking about a second jelly doughnut or a late-night run to McD’s.
  8. That is so fucked up. It sounds like it’s all about honesty and accountability but it’s really one half step from being both a threat (“I have the hots for Cade’s fiancée”) and a whip (So you had better up your game...and not piss me off.) Hey, Jer, how about you take responsibility for your reactions and actions and keep your pants AND your lips zipped? SMDH.
  9. Well, it was a real contender for the all-time TL;DR record...
  10. I’m too lazy to go hunt it down, but IIRC in his online screed for her birthday about her many advanced (and largely mythical)skills, one of the attributes he listed was that she’s gorgeous. So, hey, once a year...
  11. Eh, she’s just regular. But it’s okay, because Derrick thinks she’s “gorgeous.” 🤮
  12. While I’m at it...that guy is not a “Roy.” Rodney, Richard, Ryan, even...but Roy? I think they cast the guy too young and too pretty. Someone like the ex-priest who was a little younger and very attractive, inside and out, would make more sense. Roy also creeps me out with the incessant handsiness and perkiness, but just because I wouldn’t sleep with him...🙃
  13. Felicity is the one the camera lights up. They look weird without her.
  14. Okay, I’m sure there’s someone here who would know, but even for a low rent D list event like this one, they have to have someone like a publicist shilling for them to get on that red carpet, right? So who’s paying for that, TLC? I thought Evangelicals hated all that is evil, Godless, liberal Hollywood? How do they square that circle?
  15. Well, those harlot shoes she’s wearing kinda do... Toes! Pedicure! Red! Heels! So...much...foot...nudity! Oh, the defrauding...
  16. Buice dude giving RFP top billing isn’t very smart. RFP will grab onto that with both manicured hands and never let go.
  17. So I googled...G3 and that Buice guy have a presentation out there with a description that begins, “What is missions?” Tells me all I need to know, really...
  18. And could they also please bitch slap him, tell him he needs botox, say he skews too middle-aged for their brand, and laugh at his shoes? A girl can dream, can’t I?
  19. I am always the last to find anything in popular culture, so I just stumbled onto this a few weeks back and I’m all alone here right now, I suspect. I LOVE THIS SHOW. I only allow myself to watch it while I’m running on the treadmill, so the show is my bribe to myself to work out. Can someone please explain how someone who looks like Roy is supposed to be all in for a threesome with Sol and Robert? What kind of fucked up Daddy issues explain that weirdness? And he’s creepily over the top with the flirting with both of them. Now If it turned out he was playing them to get his hands on their identities and assets, now THAT would be an elder scam that made sense.
  20. Well, well, well. Look whose colorful candy coating got outed... Pssst...RFP, if you so desperately want to be a fashion brand, don’t be hating on the gays. Putz.
  21. This fucking guy... I just can’t with this.
  22. Interesting discussion... To me, it’s a question of having the ability to make choices for one’s life and being conscious that the power of choice exists. If the Duggar spawn had been actually educated and free to explore all of the world’s possibilities and then STILL chose this life, so be it. But that didn’t happen and so far, none of them have had the spirit or intelligence to seek it out for themselves. Yes, some change is being seen because of some of the headships. But what if Jinger had ever been able to decide on her own whether she wanted to be married and a mother at a relatively young age? The Duggar children were deliberately programmed into one narrow path and exploited for money simultaneously. What happens if that path closes? What awareness of other options do they have? Will they still be “happy”?
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