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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. Just when I think the internet selfie world can’t get any more stupid...
  2. So now her car “broke down”? And besthubbyevah is delivering pizza? Stand by for “Donate!”
  3. The more I think about this, the more I think it’s one of Derrick’s passive aggressive fuck-you-interwebz “jokes.” Probably they ordered from FoodHub and thought it would be ever so hilarious to have him pose with the empty carriers. I just don’t see this being okay with his image of himself nor does it seem like he’d make enough money to offset their spending habits anyway. If you earn it one night and then spend it twice on the next two “date nights”... It just doesn’t add up.
  4. If Derrick is in fact actually working delivering food to help pay the bills, I don’t know whether to admire it grudgingly or point out that if he hadn’t been a giant jerk to TLC he probably wouldn’t have to. Maybe both. But, being the cold-hearted cynic that I am, maybe this just might be a roundabout way to hit up the leghumpers for donations and/or shame JB into coming across with more cash. Can’t have little lonely Jill pining away for lotion time, after all...
  5. I’m just grateful nobody asked her what her passion is, because you know it was going to be Si and her “children.”
  6. Izzy seems like a worrier...he doesn’t need new things to fret about at his age.
  7. It’s a super cheap dress in super cheap nasty lightweight fabric. Just wait until she sits down for five minutes. Nope.
  8. At what point do they stop even pretending RFP is going to school?
  9. I sincerely hope not. Lying about an emergency during a catastrophe? If that’s not 10-20 in a federal prison, it should be.
  10. So the toddler knows what unacceptable crud looks like, but his mother doesn’t? Honestly, Sam is the smartest in this family by a mile. If he could drive, he should just take over.
  11. I love this show. I’m just glad there are two more seasons!
  12. If I’m JimBob, I’m just sitting back waiting for RFP to crash and burn and Jinger to come crawling back for $$$. The endless freebies don’t last forever and the next prop might not be as cute. Or it’s also quite possible he’s got a list of kids he’ll still help and those he won’t and Jinger has now joined that list with Jill. Or at this point the religious veneer has worn off his grift core completely and he’s proud of Jinger for continuing the family tradition of exploiting your crotch fruit for handouts.
  13. If I’m standing in the ruins of my entire life and some bland little bot girl hands me a Bible with one squeaky clean, soft white hand, she’s going back to Arkansas with that Bible in an orifice. ”Showing up Duggar” is NOT a thing that helps.
  14. That’s okay. I’ll judge him enough for both of us.😁 So how do you say, “Dude is so fucked” in biblical exegetical expository-ese?
  15. Still can’t with that rag on her head. The color next to the white in her onesie makes it look dirty. She’s a cute baby. (Yawn.)
  16. Was just coming here to ask that question! Thanks, OT.
  17. RFP could not be painting a bigger target on his back with his fellow students. If they’re paying tuition and working their asses off while he’s spending his weekends doing the ‘gram, sucking down free food and lodging and yet magically passing...something is way off. Maybe RFP is a whole lot smarter than I give him credit for, but Greek and Latin are not easy subjects. We’ve seen him post with one book one time?
  18. I believe it’s, “off you go.” Eh, I was thinking more along the lines of, “my cousin-in-law’s stepdaughter’s manicurist auditioned for you in Sacramento season 6!!!!” But your standards are higher. 😁
  19. At this point, who doesn’t know somebody who was involved in Idol? Besides, this is Simon Cowell, who is not known for sufferance of fools. I’m surprised he didn’t tell them to piss off.
  20. That boy has ZERO shame. I wonder if Jinger has any capacity for embarrassment, given that she was raised by Ma and Pa Shameless.
  21. My guess is went like this... RFP: “Simon! Can we take a picture?” SC: (Oh FFS. Let’s get this over with.) “Fine.” RFP: “I’m Jeremy Vuolo! This is MY wife Jinger Duggar, from TV, like you!” SC: (Never heard of either of you, wanker boy. Run along.)”Ummm hmmm, sure, good-bye.”
  22. Okay, confession time: my private name for RFP is Baboon Lips, because...
  23. Annnnd with that he’s made the leap from hella tool to total douchebag.
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