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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. Ernie Hudson looks great. This all just seemed a bit un-Frankie like...she’s usually all about being honest and direct and damn the torpedoes. OTOH, she’s so bad at faking stuff that it’s always pretty funny to watch.
  2. Amen. Derick is all wrong to be a dog owner and Jill is clueless.
  3. Well, it makes sense that sperm and egg be reasonably close geographically for the, uh, transfer. At the same time, not so close that, uh, the sperm producer would feel undue pressure to, uh, produce, because that usually makes it more difficult to, well, produce. Especially as Barry is a pretty sensitive guy. I saw the couple’s renting the nice hotel rooms as a way to make it less clinical and maybe sort of a celebration luxury for both couples after the transfer. ComiCon...between Barry’s hollering his geek wisdom through the bathroom wall and Brianna finding herself in her worst nightmare, I thought it was hilarious.
  4. Well, given that Grace had stolen the Beach Rose scent in the first place and then left evil voicemails for the other company’s president while drunk, she had kinda put Say Grace’s back up against a wall. And the company had supposedly been in big financial trouble not that long ago. Brianna saw a number that she couldn’t refuse, apparently. But there are a lot of real life things like that this show glosses over...doesn’t bother me.
  5. I blame “Sex and The City” for killing pantyhose, and as someone whose feet blister way too easily, I am very grateful I was no longer in a profession that required office wear when it happened. Jinger is in Southern California. She’s married to an Instagram junkie who is obsessed with appearance over substance. I notice we never see her about to chomp down on any of the freebie crap, just RFP. She grew up in a semi-feral pack. So does she have food issues? I am going to say yes.
  6. Yes...CitizenJeanne spotted it first, but he/she is right. This dog is smaller, whiter, younger and has longer hair around his eyes and muzzle. Both are really, really cute to the point of tempting me to get one, and I am not a terrier person.
  7. I know. But I don’t think that’s going to happen, because first, it’s a comedy and second, they would only have one season to “process their emotions” (TM Sol Bergstein.) I did my best not to binge it all in one sitting...I managed to make it last for five days. And now I have to wait another year. 😱 Me, too...
  8. Ha. I read that sign and, since I am blessed with an inability to tell any of these people apart, I automatically assumed those are the women who had abortions and regretted doing so. Going to guess that’s not what they were going for?
  9. Well, Nick dropped a few hints about not paying any taxes and being at odds with the SEC, so it was signaled. Like Frankie said, those are white collar crimes...in three years he could be President. Sadly, she’s not wrong. With the right lawyers and judge, he’ll be home by Christmas. He was talking about how hard it is to tell someone something when you’ve put it off for a long time...voila.
  10. So in other words, Mr. MacArthur, you wimmin folk get back to the kitchen where you belong. Asshole.
  11. Okay, so I got interrupted a lot because my dogs were being obnoxious, but did Barry and Brianna make up somewhere in there and I just missed it? And an elementary school principal with anger management issues?
  12. If I were one of the poor delusional schmucks actually paying tuition and working my ass off learning Greek and Latin while this poser does nothing, pays nothing, learns nothing, yet ends up with exactly the same degree on his resume, I would go BALLISTIC. I just hope some of them get together and file a lawsuit...but here’s the thing: if they go public, it devalues the degree they’re working and paying for. ☹️
  13. Yep. It’s basically “separate, but unequal.”
  14. Another region was marked “crap.” She was a swaggering, drawling Texas cliche and I’m pretty shocked any college, even a junior college, would put up with that, especially on television. It did Texans no favors.
  15. You meant Brianna maybe? Because if Barry ends up with Mallory that’s going to make holidays extremely awkward... 🙂
  16. IMHO, Coyote. I get that Bud is still harboring a grudge against this woman, but 18 years? Would it be weird at first? Yes, but if Bud wants his brother to be happy, the way he supposedly is...make an effort at least. I wasn’t feeling Nick at all the first few episodes but he was super sweet in this one.
  17. Well, “Say Grace” has always been a family business...so nepotism is perfectly logical here. Brianna had zero experience in the beauty products business when Grace retired and handed it over to her the first time. Of course Brianna also supposedly nearly ran it into the ground...
  18. Guys like the Nick character hate to “lose.” They’re utterly driven to get what they want...and then when they have it, they’re on to the next thing. He won and now the trophy is sitting on his uncomfortable couch. Why didn’t they move into a new place to start a different life for both of them? Instead, Grace is dropped into his world after a courtship where she had a life and he dropped in frequently. Totally different dynamic. She’s been the trophy wife and she didn’t like it. Again, I’m just guessing because I haven’t seen the whole season, but being Mrs. Skolka isn’t really how she wants to spend her remaining years. Too much work, not enough comfort.
  19. Poor Jinger. All those days of wrangling Prop, who I suspect is entering the “NONONONO” stage, while RFP preens.
  20. And we all know there’s nothing hipster cooler than that! Annnd now I can’t eat my toast. 🤮
  21. Holy cow. That move where the women kind of backwards somersault UP onto a stack three people high? Amazing. Also terrifying.
  22. At this point, I don’t think he has any intention of being a minister. He wants to be famous for being famous. The end. I guess it’s possible he’s keeping this ministry shtick on the down low so that it doesn’t hurt his hipster fashion foodie brand and so that he keeps getting the MacArthur freebies and has something to fall back on...
  23. Holy crap, that was Elliott Gould??? I agree completely. The penthouse is gorgeous...and cold. All angles and sharp corners. I sort of laughed when Trophy Wife 2 said, “oh, but the couch looks so cozy!” Compared to the warm casual jumble of the beach house... I know which one I’d pick. It feels like they’re setting this up so that Nick is going to be gone more and more and Grace will start feeling all Robert 2.0. (Just speculation...I’ve managed to pace myself and have only watched through this episode.) Nick strikes me as a “I want what I want” guy but the kind who might then move on mentally once he has it. And I thought it was odd we didn’t see his vows?
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