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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. So...is it the same words but with A REALLY HUGE FONT? Popups? Scratch n sniff? Puzzles? How do they turn part of a book into an entire book?
  2. Okay the whole thing is completely fucking horrifying but this line cracked me up... If nothing else, it will make life a lot more interesting for that poor wife...
  3. I’m not buying it. Jill plagiarized this from somewhere. Has there been any prior evidence of anything resembling this kind of writing ability? This kind of psychological insight (your husband is not your father)? Hell, just the ability to string three sentences in a row? This is “yay” woman. Shower curtain terror woman. “Besthubbyevah.” Either she’s been slyly faking the role of Fundie bimbo all these years or she stole that shit from somewhere else.
  4. I can see him refusing just to maintain control. But seriously, I now desperately miss the days of cream of crap casserole and cheap wrinkled clothing because neither ever gave me visuals I want to gouge my own eyes out over.
  5. So now Jill is out there bragging about her sex life and talking up lotions and sexy underwear.* Congratulations, JimBob and Michelle! You’re the proud parents of a Kardashian! * I will remain forever grateful that she has not chosen to model her lingerie online. But it would not surprise me, either.
  6. Other than my huge dislike of TMI (especially from a cult that yammers on about modesty and eye traps), I think this is what really frosts me: Jill, talk down to me when you’ve been married for a few decades and when you’ve actually been through some life. YOU.DON’T.KNOW.ANYTHING.
  7. Well I can only assume that it’s thanks to Jill and her buying lingerie online advice, but the ads I see on this page have changed from cheap-ass oversized clothing to cheap-ass sleazy lingerie that I do NOT need to be looking at.
  8. I’m going to guess that by “spends time with” we don’t mean “read”?
  9. Women don’t have feelings that aren’t preapproved by their headships. Seriously. This is making me stabby.
  10. But, but...wives don’t get a page! That’s what makes them godly! I am honestly disturbed by that manifesto. It’s one thing to have some snark fun about the hypocrisy and lies about money, clothing, recipes, etc. It’s another to see something that turns women into simpering dependent brainless asskissers as a matter of policy. I am...nonplussed.
  11. My guess is it’s plagiarized from somewhere. I agree...too many words for Jill.
  12. So that’s How To Become A Clingy Codependent Doormat 101. And I only made it to “look nice for him” before the snorting became uncontrollable.
  13. If he’s getting some that often and still manages to be such a grumpy putz, that doesn’t bode well for the future.
  14. Not according to google...just a typo, but what a job listing to have that happen! 😆
  15. So I went back and looked...the house is only 1475 sq ft and has four bedrooms. They’re not getting those bookshelves out of there without chopping down an outside wall. Interestingly enough, since Reverend FancyPants listed it himself, there are no photos of The Celestial Office on the real estate listings anymore, if there ever were. He might have been hoping he could move them. But if they’re attached to the wall, real estate law in many states says they convey with the house.
  16. Great catch on the room size. Wasn’t it something like four bedrooms in 1700 sq ft? If so, that’s not much more than 8 x10 and yes, that Brobdingnagian monster of a desk doesn’t leave any room to walk around it. And he’s got the photographer using some kind of wide angle lens. Words fail. This guy is seven kinds of jackass.
  17. Wow, good point. That’s going to dump a ton of water right in front of the front door. The whole thing should have been installed around the corner to the right. Here in new houses they have to be directed into drain pipes under the ground to avoid dumping tons of water right next to the foundation and potentially into the basement. Great builders, Derrick...
  18. That photo looks like a caricature. He needs a monocle and a gramophone to complete the look. ETA: And a raven.
  19. I suspect there’s a relatively large percentage of leghumpers who think it’s peachy that Anna forgave him and that they didn’t get divorced, so Anna is targeting them.
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