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Everything posted by wingster55

  1. It's absolute bullshit that Iris and Felicity aren't crossing over. Especially the former for me as she's only done it once (and it was quite...lacking). Plus a Lois-Iris-Kara (and maybe Clark) scene? So much for "journalism is important".
  2. Whatever Cheryl has done (and sure it's worse), doesn't somehow make Betty's ok or less.
  3. Isn't that what Betty did in season 1? Rebel against her mom by dating Jughead before she even knew his birthday? And then side with the Serpents, that were complicit in Jason's murder, oh wait we're supposed to forget that. The amount she's gotten away with...like last season with blackmailing Cheryl even though Jughead's dad WAS GUILTY.
  4. Maybe...but why would he think that? "From Earth, also"? What, there's a possibility that he's from the moon?
  5. Oh wow, I completely forgot about Alex and Anissa (and their love interests). Ok you're right.
  6. We only have one LGBTQ female regular (or two now in Legends I guess), in Sara and subsequently Ava. So yeah, there could be more for men...but it's not as if there's an abundance of gay women.
  7. IIRC he was simply tired of TV, wasn't just going for movies (I believe he booked some play at the London stage) and even stated that if it doesn't work out he'll leave acting behind. A more apt comparison might have been Evangeline Lilly and her public declarations for a break, that...never really happened.
  8. I'm still waiting for ANYONE to release the cut scene from I believe 2.03
  9. Iris confessed her feelings and they kissed. Barry erased that from existence, but he remembered it. Thus immediately breaking up with Linda so he could be with Iris. Ergo, indirectly they did break up because of Iris. I believe Linda even said so in that scene. Well that's another SB issue.
  10. To be fair...indirectly it was.
  11. In the play Cool and Gee Officer Krupke are switched.
  12. Wonder if anyone is complaining that Ruby isn't a redhead like they did for Candice and Anna Diop. Oh wait...
  13. I was there for the latter part. Yes white women get criticized too for stupid shirt. I don't think it's a stretch or that I'm out of line that woc, particularly black women get that much worse. Uh huh.
  14. It was literally one line. A bit snarky, but disgusting? Funny that, that one line and brief moment of bitterness that lasted all of 30 seconds, from a black woman, is seen as such. Because she expressed a human emotion and flaw. Cool. For me, not buying a gift on someone's registry is rude.
  15. I assume you mean fans. Except generalizing an entire fanbase based on a couple of jackasses is unfair. Plus...this notion/insistence that Flash takes cheap shots at Oliver all the time....where? When?
  16. Didn't Joe just say that Barry didn't need to be like Oliver? Hardly damning words, but then again I mentioned Joe not being Oliver's biggest fan. Still just one character (and his stance isn't shared by anyone else on the team)
  17. Ohhh yeah. Right, I remember. That was a bit harsh...she wasn't that bad (they did fire her for a reason though).
  18. The level of delusion..is mind staggering.
  19. I don't think any show insulted Felicity. Certainly not Flash, they still use her as someone who is both capable to help them and also willing to do so. I don't think Legends did and I don't watch Supergirl anymore so I can't speak for them, but it would be random to just mention her. Oliver? Sure, Joe did a few times, last one being three years ago but that's just one character. Gold standard..yea it's a bit...pompous, but it's only been said between them. I certainly can't speak for all WA fans but the several that I know never viewed her as a threat. Nor do we hold any real bitterness about the double wedding (which wasn't even the only reason of why we were upset...just the most symbolic one).
  20. Earth two happened two episodes after Patty left, and one after she got hurt. So it was (imo of course) the beginning of the shift back to WA. Solidified I believe when Barry tells E2 Iris that he loves her. Sidenote: I've always found that moment to be a realization for Barry. That he still loved her (and never Patty). So the only WA breadcrumb was Iris fake "that's so great, she's great" when Barry told her he had a date with Patty.
  21. I'm pretty sure Todd said "Legends" after Grant asked if the vow renewals would be on their show or another.
  22. At the time not much, but two episodes later we find out that they're married on another Earth. We actually got a bit in those episodes actually. Iris reluctance to talk to Patty (jealousy?), their talk in that episode, and her getting hurt in the next episode (Barry being too slow to save her is his worst fear I think). Laurel may not have had a lot of screentime in season 2 but she had a near season-long arc with her downfall and alcoholism. It wasn't always written well, but it was there. Only Roy got something similar (besides Oliver). Season 3 was Thea's season more than anyone else.
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