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Everything posted by wingster55

  1. And yet the replacements for Al & Miles had them breakup not through mutual understanding, but because Lana was a literal walking kryptonite. I disagree. I don't want to point fingers...but one of the actors wasn't matching the others...passion for lack of a better word. That was in one of her last eps right? I always took that to mean she really didn't know Barry. Even Cisco knew from a comatose Barry that Iris was his....something.
  2. Something needs to happen with her character...leave or shake it up significantly. I believe they said that all of Nora's reactions to the characters last season will be explored, and she was pretty suspicious of Caitlin (Harry was in the scene too but he's gone now).
  3. Candice wasn't making faces imo..she did smile whenever someone mentioned Danielle directing. Re: clapping CP rarely does that in any panel or interview.
  4. Wrong gender :P I don't remember/know about pre new-52 but in the new 52 he dated Patty before he had (or realized he had) feelings for Iris. I believe they broke up because of said feelings.
  5. The setup was there for Caitlin to have some feelings toward him. Cisco stating that Ronnie and Barry were the only ones to get Caitlin really upset is a very non subtle hint.
  6. It was a while back, but if I recall Emily was responding to a tweet about something (fan's tweet?) where she and Danielle were tagged. EBR responded to the tweet but actually detagged DP from her response. Or what @JJ928 said. Thanks for the evidence.
  7. I don't know if she ever followed DP on instagram, but she doesn't as of now. She does on twitter though, but after the detagging that's not worth much (side note: anyone remember which tweet convo that was? I want to find it and laugh).
  8. I feel like she did go actually. There was a video of her on her birthday last year (which was DP's wedding day....) surrounded by people confirmed to have been there. Plus she looked fairly made up, in a hotel/hotel bed.
  9. I'd predict that none of them will show up. If Arrow's 100th wasn't part of the crossover then neither Kara nor Barry would have been in the episode. Sara and Ray were more important to Arrow so I would think they'd still be there. For Flash my prediction is that the guests would be Rick, Robbie, Wentworth, Keiynan and Violett. No more, maybe less.
  10. What makes you think that? I can see maybe Felicity and Oliver making some sort of appearance but nobody else.
  11. What pics did she delete? Were they just of her and DP? I just scrolled through her entire insta and there still are a few pics with Danielle in them.
  12. Thank you for doing so. Much appreciated. I really am mostly curious about what happened between them. It had to be something big since CP went from this to the unfollowing
  13. Is there a link? Not to say I don't believe you. It was always obvious but I never thought she flat out said it.
  14. Hold up...is that legit (the Vampire Diaries bit) or just a speculation?
  15. The lack of promotion this movie is getting is disgusting. 5 months away and not even a 1 minute teaser?
  16. Where did you find that from? Edit: never mind. I somehow forgot what thread this was.
  17. This would be amazing.
  18. We weren't really shown that, Scott just showed up in a random van. Weren't the accords after the first Ant-Man? So why would they be on the run? They didn't break any laws at the time.
  19. Waste of Michelle in this one. I get she may have more in a potential sequel but I'm skeptical. The plot was pretty thin...they focused too much on humor. Plus I wanted to know about Bill and Ava's fate. Why did the FBI arrest Hank and Hope? Also why was Hope mad that Scott went to Germany. From what I remember of CW, I thought Scott was kidnapped.
  20. I don't remember if it was "without a hitch" but both Barry & Iris and Wally & Linda saw it all the way through.
  21. Being a bit darker isn't the same as fighting with Nazis. There's a thing called a journey. Well, Wonder Woman, while great, had to battle against the fact that it was fourth in the line of three stinkers. Not in my eyes. Thor 3 itself was one in a line of generic term movies from 2014.
  22. He's only darker because he's a bit more brooding based on that distrust and what he did to Zod. It has nothing to do with his personality or his desire to help. Having Superman be distrusted because he's all powerful is a very logical response from the people, government etc. Plus...there can't be new/different versions of the character? He has to be exactly the same as the Reeve movies, comics etc?
  23. How could he not be a darker version when the world that he wants to protect doesn't trust or believe in him? And that the point of the trilogy was to get him to that place. Not sure how Batman is a racist though. Point, but people seem to have preferred Thor 3 based on box office which I will never understand.
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