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Everything posted by wingster55

  1. There's been a disappointing lack of Nightwing this half-season. Anyone notice the credits of the last episode? It's Conner's dog (forgot the name, sorry) sleeping as usual but this time with a Kid Flash doll. Foreshadowing?
  2. I'm curious about this...I like Steve but I would never consider him the lead. Did he have a plot this season? The Russian investigation really didn't go anywhere after the first few episodes. I don't really know how I would label his personality to be honest...he doesn't seem to be a big movie fan, no ambition or interests. All the other kids except El for obvious reasons (including Nancy and Jonathan) have some interest or unique personality...science, skateboarding, journalism, photography etc. What does Steve like to do in his free time?
  3. Let's get dangerous. https://ew.com/tv/2019/05/14/darkwing-duck-ducktales-clip/
  4. Quill hadn't been on Earth for what...3.5 decades? Wasn't he the least bit curious what had changed? Of his family that he was ripped from?
  5. Co-signed. Her character is really interesting but they did nothing with her.
  6. Freddie really tried to exploit Billy and while Billy called that out, it was quickly swept under the rug and focused more on Billy showboating. That bugged me.
  7. I didn't think about that. My big complaint was that Tony got the big hero funeral...but Natasha got nothing? Seriously?
  8. That's irrelevant in the plot of this movie. All those characters I mentioned have lost more than Tony. I hadn't heard that..hope it's true.
  9. If they try to spend a significant amount of time on Tony and his shallow pain vs. Cap, Nat, Hawkeye, Okoye and Thor....I'm going to rage.
  10. Why isn’t Danai’s name at the top? She’s on the poster so she should be there with the others also on there.
  11. Overall, the arrowverse the actresses throughout the 5 shows aren't very strong, albeit they've gotten stronger with the addition of BL women and JKP on the Flash. DP, all women on Arrow, CL and MB to a degree are all various shades of weak on the acting side tbh. Hey, if they want to show that the on and off training Oliver got over 5 years (mostly off) is enough to beat Nyssa every single time, then Laurel getting training from Ted and then Nyssa should be enough to hold her own. I digress though.
  12. That's interesting you say that...because I find both CP and all actors/actresses on BL to be tops and much better than Panafaker. I actually think Flash has strong acting overall with the exception of the aforementioned and Hartley (and Keiynan back when he was a regular)
  13. Yes, exactly. Especially the part I bolded.
  14. Maybe, but the whole OTF vs others is already there for the snowflakes. This just adds. Plus she's no issue with the three men on the other side.
  15. Oh, I wouldn't put anything past Panafaker.
  16. Not to keep this going too long...but the Black Hood plot disappeared for like...7 episodes. That kinda disqualifies it from being an A plot imo.
  17. And when it became hers (even though Archie became involved when it was the A plot from 2A. From that point on it became Archie and Hiram (hence the cliffhanger being another move in that war). When Jason's murder stopped being a sideplot for Betty and Jughead, Archie was right there in the thick of it.
  18. KJ/Archie was involved in the main plot last year, which alternated between Black Hood, North vs Southside and Hiram Lodge...he was at the forefront of all of those plots as he was in season 1 with Jason Blossom's murder.
  19. Theoretically, they shouldn't be able to outfight Nyssa...yet it happens far too often in Oliver's case.
  20. What exactly made T'Chaka a worse father than Scott? A bad brother and uncle perhaps but he seemed to be a good father to T'Challa.
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