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Everything posted by badhaggis

  1. Kail just did part three of her gender reveal on Instagram. One is a girl. Lincoln was so happy he was crying. It was really sweet.
  2. There is a bad flu going around. Rest and hydrate. Hope you feel a lot better soon!!!
  3. Corriero most definitely has something going on. His left eye looked infected then it looked like that side of his face was swollen and red. He did look a bit better yesterday.
  4. Join the club! I keep telling my hubby that menopause brain is a real thing! Boy Papa Mike was twisting himself into knots to not hold the defendant liable for driving her car. Technically when an accident happens you can go after the car owner/renter and the driver (licensed insurance agent since 2001). I'm not sure why the judges were having such a problem understanding that. The car was left where her brother had access to it.
  5. I don't think she has the capacity to put anyone but herself first...
  6. That is my usual response too! It was like a needle scratch moment and all I could do was stare at the eye he was trying so desperately to hide!
  7. Did you notice Papa Mike has something wrong with his left eye? It is hard to tell what exactly is going on. It could be a sty or pink eye.
  8. She paid her off to leave. This all isn't saying she treated the girl well. She basically threatened her if she said anything to anyone about her loathsome son. Then said loathsome son sees no consequence of his brutal crime.
  9. It was not exactly a poison it was a tea that prevents pregnancy.
  10. Every time I see a post on Jenelle's page I am afraid that harm has come to one of her children. Poor Jace I hope he can go somewhere safe that he gets his meds and therapy.
  11. The episode today had none other than the legendary Patricia Bean!
  12. It feels disrespectful to the victim and their families to me.
  13. New season still in New Orleans starts next Wednesday.
  14. I completely agree! And her causing the poor defendant her job AFTER the police told her she was not negligent! What a witch!
  15. Well, my going thru the change was 7 years of hot, sweaty hell and I did not emerge skinny- (or a crook, but I digress) I also ended up with curly, straw-like hair that is impossible to control. quote from: @Stats Queen I know what you mean! I always had curly, wiry hair but since menopause I have had to use much more expensive hair products or my hair is so frizzy. I wonder if that ever changes or levels out. I'm still is the throes of hot flashes and live in Arizona so it is not only super hot here + hot flashes = not a lot of fun. Maybe I deserve the earrings lol.
  16. Absolutely! I was always tiny between menopause, the pandemic and major back surgery I gained 40 pounds. It took me a year of exercising religiously (Pilates, aerobics and yoga) to drop 7 pounds. I'd like to know what kind of menopause Erika is going through! They say after 50 a woman can chose her ass or her face after 50. I chose my face. Erika seems to have chosen her ass.
  17. Paul Rubens was on "Face Off" (reality show contestants doing movie make-up). He was judging the looks on one he said "I love it" then he got an impish look on his face and said "but I don't want to marry it!" It was so adorable!
  18. It must be a Merle Norman tactic. I was aware I have large pores guys but thanks for pointing it our 50 times! I think the one on the show was possibly Oro Gold. They are in the malls and incredibly pushy.
  19. I agree "Tribunal" is much, much better than "Hot Bench". I will miss reading all of your wonderful, funny posts everyday. Where will we meet in the future?
  20. His dance number was amazing! I will never think of "She'll be Coming Round the Mountain" the same way again!
  21. I laughed much more at this than the last season opener. Jon Bass is hilarious as Scraps!
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