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  1. Finally watched one of the AfterBuzz clips with Mia. Carla asked Mia if she could even think what her favorite sytycd season was? Mia answered right away--Season 4. I thought she would've said S3 or S5 but I'm glad she chose S4. That was my favorite as well.
  2. Surprised that Nigel made the statement about Koine. He made it seem like it was all an American vote-thing because she wasn't on their radar. In the 1st performance week, there were 4 contestants who got OTT praise--Lex, Taylor, Kiki and Koine. So obviously they were aware of her abilities. T20 would be nice but my #1 w/b fair treatment and critiques. Don't have your chosen ones before the competition starts and then push them on everyone each week. Reduce the audition episodes. In that way, there will be no need for double elimination nor will it run into dwts. Also, before the dances for that week, have like a "look for" segment of the styles with demonstrators, even if it becomes redundant. Then, the choreographer should let the viewers know what is a must for their routine (besides the emotions). MAYBE this will force the judges to be more honest and forthcoming.
  3. Caught up with dwts. After last season, I think I'll give this cast about a month before becoming invested. They were so positive about Lindsey. She looked robotic to me. If she's tied for the best, I need to give them time. Are there any female ringers this season? I know people like to see the growth arc. I do too but I need for them to have some talent. Right now it's just Jordan and I'm thinking the dwts viewers will not have him as one of their favorites.
  4. Hopefully it will still be renewed. I guess we really shouldn't be surprised. The tweens can absolutely identify with the younger dancers. They would either bring their family or friends along. Some people just like to see kids do anything. Dance junkies will just watch. They just appreciate the show and the fact that the kids are good is a plus. The viewers for the 18+ are more cynical. They expect so much from the dancers whether technique, performance, public interaction/interviews, personality etc. They also expect so much from the choreographers. They expect the judging to be fair and beneficial. It looks like things started getting better after the auditions. Then for the next month or so people were invested. It even went above last season. After then, people had either lost their favorite or had come to realize the show's manipulation. Why watch if you think someone has already decided who should move on? The episodes after losing Dassy and Kaylee/Logan even had negative changes in the double-digit. So the people probably just wait to watch clips online instead of watching live. Then wait to see if the chosen one won.
  5. It maybe a lotta bs but I can see the tween girls voting right now. I think that was the real objective of the piece.
  6. I won't go this far. But I do think it's the best routine that Lex did.
  7. Agree with this. I was really surprised by how well he performed tonight.
  8. Really don't know what you are looking at for this? If you are looking at youtube views, Taylor, Lex and Kiki's will always be near the top. I would guess one of the three was always at the top on a given week. It just looks like they have the largest fanbases? For instance, Kiki's hip hop had the most views. But I can see them reprising the tap for variety purposes. I think the Luther hip hop was Lex best duet. It allowed him the freedom and individuality to shine.
  9. Since auditions, the show has shown that Lex is the chosen one. So, if Lex doesn't win the entire thing, I will know it WASN'T rigged.
  10. Agree. He's been the pick since auditions. Didn't know about the Kinjaz connection until a poster mentioned it a couple weeks ago. Fans of dance crews are very loyal. With the Travis connection, his solos, group performances, judges constant overpraise or glossing over the bad, plus the Kinjaz connection, he should be a shoe-in. But wouldn't it be something if Kiki won? I don't think he will. The show has already started bringing him down by showing his leap. People think Mia's duet is for the boys. That will be a must see. ETA: Forgot about the injury. That really should motivate the fan base.
  11. It's bad this season but nothing like S8.
  12. I know. That's why I said "I'm always amazed how people can see the same thing but come away with different perspectives. "
  13. I guess I don't look at it as a "but". He had more routines to learn and like you said Allison has the years on him. I was really trying to say how well he and Allison performed this routine. But I wasn't watching the routine to compare him to Allison. Come to think of it, I think this was Allison's best performance this season. Love Dee's choreography.
  14. I had thought, in the beginning, that Nigel'em were trying to help Jenna get a dwts pro position again (out of the troupe). He would talk about how good her choreography was, of course her performing skills, kept rewarding Kiki, etc. So I thought they were trying to feature Jenna on purpose. But all this does her no good for this season because she'll still be with sytycd when dwts begins. But there's gotta be a catch somewhere.
  15. That's why I can't wait to see what they are trying to do with Kiki? I know the other male contestants can't do ballroom like him. But they did have to try to do the movements. The show or someone had the technical movements for contemporary/jazz removed or disguised. And let's not go to hip hop.
  16. I'm always amazed how people can see the same thing but come away with different perspectives. I thought this was the best performance. Allison was great but Logan was very good as well. I was surprised how well he related to her. I don't think there's another contestant who could've done better, including Lex.
  17. Compared to most of Doriana's past routines, this does look like it was paired down. In fact, this was along the lines of the disco she did for Neil/Sara in S3, music and all. It even started with the male doing his standout--Neil did turns/flips and Lex did turns/split. I guess Neil was more use to partnering because I don't remember him missing a connection? I won't say anything about the samba from two nonballroom dancers. I never expect it to turn out well. That's why I still give credit to Josh/Katee (S4) for theirs. I liked those as well. But the standout for me was Dee's routine performed by Logan/Allison.
  18. Toward the end of the competition, quality usually goes down. The dancers bodies are worn down and they have prepare for several routines.
  19. All Lex has to do is show up next week and he should be fine when it comes to voting. People/judges have been with him since auditions. They're not going to abandon him in the last week. The judges may not can give the OTT praise but they'll have diarrhea of the mouth to justify whatever.
  20. I would like for the AS to be responsible for the choreography. Jenna seems to be able to choreograph. But I remember not liking several of the AS work--Allison, tWitch come to mind. I think that's why people give Allison so much grief on dwts. Her work for dwts just seem so busy. If you know you're not good at it, get someone.
  21. I was just the opposite when it comes to the contestant's solos. If they didn't show personality, I wonder why would they want to compete. If they can't show personality in their own solos, they probably won't in the other choreographers' works. A lot of people use the solos as justification to vote for a contestant. I don't because some dancers just have better choreography help. Of course I like to see the dancers in their element. But I see the solos as a tie breaker. I use to use group performances as a tie breaker as well. But they usually have a couple they want to spotlight. So I just watch them for enjoyment.
  22. I've always liked the 1st bollywood--S4 Josh/Katee. There will never be a disco as good as S5 Brandon/Janette. I even liked Ade/Melissa's. S1 and S3 had good disco routines but I don't think they were Doriana?? At least, S1 and S3 didn't have all the lifts.
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