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Everything posted by fib

  1. Me either. Just pointing out that there is still some room for explanation, and that I also dont really trust TMZ to do anything beyond making this as juicy as possible.
  2. The info about the victim driving home from his farm for the day is news to me, as is the time of the accident, and certainly changes things. This is the kind of info that tips thigs even further against Soules. Keep it coming, Iowan! I think you will gave lots of interesting info to share with us as this develops! (And my apologies to the victim again - im just leaving open the possibility that there is some shared blame until there is more info like what you shared. I say this as someone who once rearended someone on a city street who was drunk and had passed out behind the wheel, stopped across two lanes just over a hill in a Dark spot with no lights on in the rain - so im a little biased! That said, i wasnt drunk and no one died and i still take some of the blame). Also, re cell reception, I just drove across texas this weekend and there were loads of spots in valleys with no reception, but I have no experience with Iowa at all). Im not maligning rural america's modernity, jut leaving Chris some wiggle room til its clear he doesnt deserve a lick of it. True, but he was charged with leaving the scene, not with open container violations (yet). Just pointing out that just because there are empties, or fulls (and we dont know which yet), is not proof that he was drinking while driving.
  3. Yeah. Media appears ready to roast him. I dont foresee a lot of Chris being featured in future Bachelor shows in the near future. Maybe Dr Phil and Celebrity Rehab, though
  4. Yeah, I'm going to watch this with interest. There is nothing illegal about having alcohol containers in your car, unless you are drinking from them. (How else am I supposed to get my wine home so I can get drunk watching this show!) I live In texas, where it is not unheard of for people who lose their Drivers Licenses (due to multiple dui) have been known to use tractors to get around the law against operating a vehicle. (There are allowances for farm vehicles on county roads here). Tractors have lights, sure. But they have to be turned on. People who are dazed because they hit the steeringwheel when they crash do things they might not do (like leavingthe scene of a crash) under normal circumstances (or sober). All that said, this is a LOT of ifs. I assume that he was arrested because there is a lot of evidence that looks even worse for him than what is filtering out so far. And since he got treatment, I assume the Docs took a bac test. This does NOT look good for Chris.
  5. While I fully agree with the idea that leaving the scene of an accident might generally indicate alcohol involvement (in fact, in texas, they have changed the laws so this has the same penalty, assuming that most hit and runs involve alcohol), I will happily await the results of the investigation for 3 reasons: 1) This occurred in rural iowa. Who knows if there was cell reception. There is a (slim) chance that Chris left to get help. 2) One article indicated that Chris apparently needed medical attention too, so maybe that's why he left. (I know that in rural car accidents, the delay in getting medical care is a factor in the chance of survival of the involved). 3) He hit a John Deere tractor. At night. Not a great time for a slow moving, large, poorly lit vehicle to be moving on the roads. (I say this is full recognition that it my statement has a good chance of coming across as victim blaming.) IThere is a chance, though, that because of this, Chris may not be as fully to blame as the headline of a "rear end, flee the scene at night, history of alcohol problems" might initially appear. So, I will reserve judgement until there is more info. BUt it is not looking good for Chris. At All.
  6. Wow, Whitney's most recent viral tweet, "Why is Chris Giving advice?" (or similar) comes to mind. What a tragedy. The poor family of the tractor driver, having their family's loss plastered all over the reality tv media.
  7. That video is fascinating. Can't believe they thought the express pass should be in the sneaky pouch not the passport. But hey, its a crazy situation.
  8. Ive watched twice and I cant figure this out: did Floyd lose his passport or their passports? Because I would be mad at my stranger-partner for costing me a chance at a million dollars and a race around the world if he lost his passport, but I would be LIVID if he lost MY passport. Just Livid. I'm not saying the air punch was ok, but I am saying that there would be screaming.
  9. I liked the leg design, but Im absolutely chagrined to see Seth and Olive go. They were competent, polite and diligent. I truly wish it wasnt them taken out by the uturn. I wish they had reached the uturn in time to uturn a team they knew they would be able to beat. Shamir and Sara or the likes. I wish the best team could just win this thing. And they seemed to be one of the best teams by a long shot.
  10. She was awesome. I felt pretty bad for the guy: it's clearly prettymiserable to be out in the wild not even able to help your partner when dealing with all the other stress, includng wondering if you have done major damage to your hand or if its getting infected. I will agree that the superfan episode was a neat idea in concept. And they seemed to get a relatively forgiving environment, which was helpful, (I mean, did they get any bug bites at all?). But I didnt like seeing him nearly take off his fingers with the machete at all. That's such a "Im not a physical person" issue and in an unforgiving environment, was unpleasant to watch. I'm glad Gabrielle made it. I was worried for her during that final swim. She worked so hard and had a great attitude. I'm thrilled for her. (Though I still think choosing to go on this show is insane!)
  11. Im sure that whenever shamir gets eliminated, he will do the rounds claiming he just has bigger junk than all the orher dudes and that was the problem. Ugh. That said, i work in safety, which means i know some of the drawbacks of harnesses. If youre in them too long, you can have curculation issues. However, those are the lightweight harnesses used as emergency backups, not the rappelling harnesses, intended to carry your weight longer. My main point is by trip 4, even in a good harness , im sure he was uncomfortable. Though there is no excuse for needing 5 trips to wash that window correctly. Im going to stand up for him in one other way: i dont think he intended to break the window. I think he was tapping on the window that clues came out of to try and have an escape route to get out of his harness as fast as possible without having to descend the whole way to the ground. Clearly that wasnt necessary since he rapelled down after all. Nor did it work, since he shattered the window they would have had to open to get him inside.. I think he was angry they werent opening the window, so he banged harder. I dont think it was ok. I dont think it was excusable, but i think thats one reason he disnt get penalized. His later angry outburst at Phil? Pretty awful.
  12. To us - we dont see everything that happens on the show :-) But I wholeheartedly agree generally with your point. It just had never occurred to me before that maybe he thought she wanted to discuss things on the show for the sake of drama. Its a highly unlikely situation, but an interesting one. Though I think if he had thought that, then maybe he would have said something as all hell was breaking loose for Andi after the show.
  13. Great point. And something that gets lost in the shuffle most of the time. And this really makes me wonder: 1) Andi clearly has no problem talking openly about sex (see her tell - all) 2) Nick knew this, but tried repeatedly to talk to her privately. Andi refused. The thought that is popping up in my mind: Maybe Nick interpretted this as Andi wanting to talk openly about their night? Its not the craziest interpretation of this situation!
  14. 2 more thoughts: 1) dawn was insanely tough going through the brambles. I thought she was being a bit foolhardy though. It looked as thiugh she wasnt even looking for trails. Just charging ahead thorns be damned. Her partner complained, but i think he was trying to get through to her: hey lets try to find a happy medium. She took it tho as him meeding a leader and just charged harder. I think there was a joint failure there. 2) what happened to the fire? Why did Dawn let it go out if she didnt know if she could use the bow drill? I tried to rewind and see what happened, but had no luck. It made me angry that she had this failure right away after Chad left but blamed it on him not her.
  15. I thought this episode was pretty touching. I felt for Chad and his clumsy fall - its something im surprised doesnt happen more often. I really liked the way they handled Dawn and her emotional distress. Classy, for a show that isnt exactlyp
  16. Oh is that what it is? That sort of makes me feel better. God. Hollywood must be a truly terrible place to be a woman over 45.
  17. Eeps. This. I hope she is okay. The change says "major illness" to me. Its not an improvement, and goes beyond aging imho. Can we talk about their accents? Even the gov's goes in and out. Its distracting.
  18. I would argue that most people seem to struggle to show their best qualities. Theor have been a few clear gems, but generally they all come off at least somewhat badly. It is a situation not designed to show people at their 'best', though it does show what people can accomplish in hardship, which is in itself interesting. Regarding your comment about families, i agree, though 7 seasons in, I dont really know why anyone would do this.
  19. I am too, though mostly I think what happens is this: They need to create drama about the limited supply of food during the episode to create drama. And there isn't much food, so there are plenty of opportunities to show the contestants talking about hunger, etc. So these are hyped more than the meals they are finding. Towards the end of the 21 days, 2 things have happened: 1) the contestants are more aware of whats around them. So they may have slightly better luck finding food since they know likely spots better. And 2) Once a contestant reaches the end of the 21 days, there isnt too much drama about whether they will make it to 21 or not. You're rooting for them to succeed at this point. So the show's calculus changes and they are more incentivized to show the meal successes. So the little meals are celebrated strongly. That said - I agree that it is totally suspect how often it happens. I just think it's a flaw of the formulaic nature of the show as much as anything else.
  20. Yeah - the edit was weird - I can't believe Tim sat around doing nothing but drinking water from day 3 until day what, 19? What an ass. The episode rankled big time, i think because it tried to give a balanced view of things since Tim eventually played a bit nicer at the end. I think the editors didnt want to show him in a bad light since he finished. But I'm sorry, Shannon can't have been that bad if you were able to tolerate her for two weeks. I think Tim didn't have any grown up coping skills to find a way to work with Shannon. Nothing she did seemed awful, though she did seem to be on the controlling side. I think I could have dealt with Tim's withdrawal if he had ever sat down with her and said something to the effect of: "This isnt working great for me, I think we need to find a way to work together. Either we sit and plan and find a strategy for needed activities, or we divide up responsibilies and let the person responsible figure out how to accomplish the task without interference". But doing this would have required seeing Shannon as an equal, or a competent person, and I don't think that's the way Tim sees women. SO it bugged the shit out of me when Shannon was shown apologizing to Tim, when he was the one who had been sitting on his ass for two weeks, and we never saw Tim apologizing in return. YMMV, but the misogyny of Tim coupled with the recent revelation of the facebook Marine group revenge porn scandal makes me feel really bad for Shannon having to spend 21 days naked with Tim.
  21. Im floored by her physique. She really looked amazing in everything she wore.
  22. I dont think she is going to get a lot of Cross Country skiers to use her agency, based on what we've seen so far. I just hope the show treats Rachel well. I dont want this to be an ashley season where they allow a horrible contestant to manipulate the hell out of the lead. We've seen that often enough that i understand WW's fears. But being the lead is also an amazing opportunity. And i hope Rachel hires a pr person on her own to help her navigate the tricky waters she will likely face when her season airs. Because you cant trust the show to do you right. They have their own agenda.
  23. SHe was eliminated very early. Episode 2 or 3 (in the rose ceremony after Liz was sent home) and was not really featured on the show at all. I know because I picked her in my little fantasy league against my hubby and she was the first to go on my team. She was clear evidence to me that Nick doesnt like Blondes. She was one of the "bridesmaids" in the wedding shoot date. I dont remember if she was the aggressive one who kissed the groom or not.
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