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Everything posted by fib

  1. Slate's feminist blog, DoubleX, calls out the show after Nick questioned why Andi had sex with him. It also calls out Nick for the sexism inherent in the comment: Andi is called a slut.
  2. I think they're set up with a chance to succeed, though the conditions are clearly tough. I think the best example of that was when EJ and Laura joined forces in Peru after two (though really three) other survivors quit in week 1. The first 2 struggled much more significantly than EJ and Laura with the basics like fire starting. But EJ and Laura did have some struggles. We're clearly told that the locations are scouted in advance and picked carefully - the campers know where they 'should' camp, and have water and food sources. As far as the wild animals staying away? I think really most wild animals scare easily and the relatively heavy traffic of the production crew during the daytime might reasonably be enough to keep them away. The thing that I have been most skeptical of so far is the saucepan that Ky found in the Bayou so she and her partner could boil water. Really? A saucepan, just sitting there where you're looking for firewood. Things that make you go hmm...
  3. Ari333, it's your DVR unfortunately. But it looks like there's another airing Tuesday night at 10 ET and wednesday around midnight. Argentina Impossible. Here's the full schedule from DSC: http://www.discovery.com/tv-shows/naked-and-afraid/tv-schedule.htm
  4. A poem for the fora, to lament the upcoming return of the terrible Bachelor poem: Oh no, not more Bachelor rhymes! Must I suffer more poetry crimes? Producers really should squash Ballads from cleat-heads like Josh. After everything he has been through, From Dylan, I'd excuse a haiku, From Chris, a rude limerick if it coupled the word dick with Nick But a page full of verse from a Jock? Each couplet should be scored as a balk. (Not looking forward to next week)
  5. Is JJ an unreliable witness? yes. Was Marquel a little more heavy handed this time? yes. Is Andrew probably a dipshit POS? yes. Andrew, had he wanted to resolve things, could have reached out to Marquel privately. They could have buried the hatchet, posted a photo to instagram both wearing cheesy no racism shirts, and then handled things differently on the show. When it was brought up, Marquel could have said, " You know, there's no way to know what happened that night, but Andrew's a stand up guy, which I know from my interactions since the show, and I'm glad to be a part of the movement to end racism." And Andrew could have said, "I have no idea what I said that night, but I certainly don't think of Marquel and Ron as the black guys. I wish this controversy hadn't happened, but it did, and it hurt people. At least I can work with Marquel to fight racism. (and then some stupid twitter hashtagtivism promotion where they donate some money to a worthy cause for the retweets of their photo).
  6. My favorite aspect off Chris's dismissal? This guy clearly knows how to play the game, especially compared to Nick, who took all the heat for it! Chris was always polite and Charming around Andi, while Nick found himself sullen and salty. Chris understood the power of the pack, and seemed to have bros in the house to bolster his goodwill, while Nick was a lonewolf licking his sad 'I didn't get a one-on-one' wounds. Chris played to the producers when appropriate, staging the lovely secret admirer letters and getting in on the Nick bashing when necessary. Nick was pretty good at this too, (with the flower delivery and the sneak away with Andi after Marcus' date), but his optics of his producer shenanigans were less good: the flowers appeared to come at Eric's expense, stealing away from his time, and the sneak away looked like he was stealing the romance of Marcus's night for his own advantage. This is why, IMHO, Chris will be the next Bachelor even though no one realized he was playing the game so masterfully!
  7. Yup - the first time this was evident was during I think Matt's season, where Noelle the Photographer's 'house' in Loveland Colorado was a recognizable resort, which announced their participation in the local press. It came out shortly thereafter that her family's home was a perfectly nice small, working class home. I'm not sure who pulled the plug, Noelle's family or the show, but in a lot of homes, there wouldn't be room to set up lights and cameras. I think that's one of the reasons a lot of the meals are done outside - there's often a lot more room for the show to work with and maintain 1st class production values, or the homes look like McMansions, which do probably have enough room for the show to work with.
  8. IMHO, part of the reason Andi looks so awkward holding the roses is how HIGH she holds them. SHe keeps her arms tight to her side and then holds the rose up just under her chin. If you google other bachelorettes and rose ceremony, they hold the rose more casually, lower, with their arms more relaxed. Some held them up high, but they appear to have relaxed as the season went on. Here are some pics for comparison: Andi (pic halfway down page) Emily (pic 3/4s way down page) Ashley, episode 3 (right at the top in the video) and episode 7 (way down at the bottom) Edited because of course the links didn't work well...
  9. The Eric Passing reveal was so horrible. That felt unnecessarily exploitative, even for this show. I cheered when Marcus got up and left. Though I must admit, I felt pretty vindicated in my dislike of Andi when she was sobbing into her mic "I threw him out" … it felt very much about her, and not Eric, in a way that I did not love. Then I felt pretty shitty for critiquing someone's grief. Stupid show. This is supposed to be a show that allows me to feel good about myself in comparison. Thank God Bachelor in Paradise is coming.
  10. I've been to both, and yes, while Nice is a better place to go spend two weeks on the French Riviera, Marseille is not entirely without charm. I enjoyed it, as someone who loves food, boats, and city things like markets. I think they highlighted the nicest parts on the show, though I am shocked that there was no mention of the famous Bouillabaise. The port is fun to walk around during the day. There is pretty scenery nearby. Its a perfect spot for the show to highlight: they probably got easy support and comps from the tourism board, and there were 3 dates worth of entertainment.
  11. Oh I hope not. Her dancing date with Juan Pablo was the most stiff and awkward thing in history - no way is that something she can do well. please no. Terrible dancers with touchy attitudes are terrible tv.
  12. Andi and Brian are clearly not a match. He went pouty in the kitchen, and she couldn't come up with any small talk to draw him out? No, "You don't seem to be enjoying yourself… do you normally cook a lot?" "Oh, what do you normally do for food?" They are so not a couple. Codi is clearly sticking around for the drama. Andi has zero interest in him. My hubby thinks he looks like baby Jack from The Incredibles. I can't believe Andi liked Nick's 'poem'! It was crap-tacular! Andi's approach to the drama was weird - she was very probey. I think she might be feeling a bit insecure, which doesn't make a ton of sense at this point, since none of the guys have dropped out cause they aren't interested.
  13. There's a lot of press about Courtney's book - a lot of it is disturbing. She also talks about her relationship with Arie and the collapse of her relationship with Ben. She doesn't come out smelling like roses, though Im not sure her public personal can really be damaged much after her season and the aftermath. You can find a lot of it through here: http://www.realitytvworld.com/realitytvdb/courtney-robertson/ My favorite aspect of this? She seems genuinely surprised that someone who would bang her in the ocean while still stringing along 10 other women would turn out to be a self-centered asshat.
  14. He used to be pretty lovable, but after the Melissa/Jason debacle and a few similar moments (I think the Roxanne thing, and the Vienna/Jake thing), he clearly demonstrated that the show and the spectacle comes first, the contestants second. Hey, its working for him, and he can't be all bad if people like JP and Ashley allow him to be the celebrant at their weddings. He's not someone I would trust, but he's a pretty good host. And he doesn't come across near as smarmy as many other reality tv hosts, like Jeff Probst, for example.
  15. Hi Previously.tv! I'm fionab from the twop forums. I had vaguely hoped that the sad ending of TWOP would cure my reality tv forum addiction, but here I am… back to the show! Perhaps its a bit early and a bit mean, but I had this revelation today that Andi really reminds me of the psychopath Amy from Gone Girl (the novel) when she was in her 'cool girl' phase. As in, seems really cool, but in reality is a total control freak, and flips out when she loses control. Its so mean, and I don't really think she'll go on to have the life of that character, but it just… rung true when it occurred to me. I totally agree about Marquel hugging Tasos - I'm really glad we got to see that. He seems like a class act.
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