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Everything posted by fib

  1. Its not really Paradise Hote because there is no 'forced recoupling'. There is a constant reevaluating of partnerships, but no one is forced to change partners. I watch it because it is flighty. It is amusing. It has always been editted well in a way that imparts silliness.
  2. Ugh. She is absolutely right, except no the producers are not good people. They are doing all this knowingly for cash. They excel at appearing to be good people. They are probably sociopaths. Which is why they cast Lee, and why they are almost certainly revving up his racist tendencies in their ITM and convos with him.
  3. Apologies. This show is slaughtering my ability to correctly use grammar. I think vocabulary is next.
  4. It also appears that Alex outlasted Bryan, Tickle, Lee, and Peter. But he and Matt and Bryan got zero airtime. I agree. But spelling boudoir like Bordeaux, Facade like Physde, etc is a different ballgame than spelling champagne c-h-a-m-p-a-n-g-e. One of those would be understood. The others would lead to serious confusion. Thine phone is a riot. talk about pucking the worst part of Shakespeare to adopt. Though at least it isnt turning your texts into iambic pentameter.
  5. Im 100% convinced this was shown out of order. Editting my double post to confirm this. In a cut away from stunning, Eric (eliminated earlier on physde) is shown sitting next to the still-in-contention Will. Then they next cut to Josiah sitting next to Will when Anthony is eliminated on Boutonnière to give us the final 2, Will and Josiah. Cant believe i cared this much...
  6. Im 100% convinced this was shown out of order. They cherry picked the moments when Josiah was cocky/entertaining to air. Im sure he was just more entertaining with "stunning" , ("i'd like to use that in a sentence: 'Rachel is a stunning woman' ") than what ever the word before boutonniere was.
  7. Eh. Dress isnt my taste, but it seems like Carly's. Its better in the photos linked than I thought it was from the first small pic. I think its sort of beachy , and im sure her undies werent visible except in the really bright lights of the people photogs. God i hope so anyway!
  8. Well, to play devils advocate, you could if you were drugged. But who knows what extracurriculars Corinne might take or the show might provide. Or wikileaks.
  9. I think its also that she knows she is allowing black men to look angry and aggressive, while falling for a white guy. Ugh. Lee is awful. I dont think the spelling bee was shown in order. I think they cherry picked amusing moments, and thats why it appeared Josiah got easier words. I think his easy words came early. But wow he got drunk.
  10. Its Hilton Head. Aka, the most southern part of South Carolina. Its a whole island of country club golfers for whom Charleston isnt deep enough in the south. Yup. Ha. Yes on Dean. That was beautiful. Props to him for noticing the subtext too. Fwiw, Racism is not a quirk, Brady.
  11. Lol. If the show was smart, they could even use hours of wedding prep to fill the gaping BIP airing hole. Just picture Carly Tristaing it up. "OMG ITS PIIIIINNNNNNKKKKK!" It could be truly snarktastic.
  12. Yes. It was clearly a cross promotion. Though it appears from social media that she is friends legitimately with some of them. I think its important to remember that the Ellen shenanigans served a few purposes: 1) create entertainment for the female audience 2) find who will do anything for attention, so you know who to include on BIP 3) allow Rachel to see who is husband material and who is there for the fame. I think this date fulfilled the mission! (Also, Rachel is a bit of a fameho herself, having appeard on this show too :) So you know, she may be into the hijinx)
  13. Like @Losemynumber, I agree with almost everything you say. But I don't feel particularly sorry for Corinne or DeMario at this point. But both of these people are adults who signed up for this show. They took a risk: risk being humiliated for a cahnce of fame. DeMario in particular, made this bargain after actually being humiliated on Rachel's season. I say this full well acknowledging that if Corinne was actually assaulted this sounds like an awful thing to say - that I don't feel sorry for her. But right now I dont believe the one anonymous-ish story of the assault. I feel truly sorry for anyone who is assaulted - especially around people they think are acting in their best interest. That is so destabilizing. Not just the assault but the ensuing lack of trust in your support system. I just dont buy that that is what happened yet.
  14. YMMV, but IMHO there are a variety of opinions and takes on this board, and a scant few have been awful, but I don't think its fair to characterize the board as having one single unified misogynistic take that represents the whole board. I personnally think the scenario in THIS event is very different from the Brock Turner and Bill Cosby cases. Those are awful. So is the Steubenville Ohio case and the media response to that ("Oh those poor boys who lost their football scholarships". - yuck). The more I think about this event the more I am stymied by the apparent need for everyone except Corinne and her pals to stay in the good graces of Fleiss and the other Bachelor production people, and how that might color their versions of events. Jasmine, DeMario, the anonymous sources, the crew? Their gravy train is on the line. Plus the fact that culturally it is OK in many places to take advantage of drunk women, and how we have seen that play out a few times on this show. Do you remember the "Bro Code" season? Ugh. SO that group of facts is making me question my opinion of what is going on. But I still struggle with the Corinne camp version of events. There is clearly an incentive for them to make this claim (to protect the Corinne gravy train, and probably a showrunner salary for Shelby). PLus there are apparent inconsistencies in the tale (which of course is true in every sexual assault case and part of the reason some people don't come forward). BUt add that to Corinne's history of outright lying on this show (in her dispute with Taylor), and the fact that I am struggling with the racial dynamics? I just am not on team Corinne. I don't think that makes me a rape apologist, despite the fact that questioning a victim's credibility is a time tested way to silence them.
  15. Eeps. I agree. I cant figure out her teams strategy. I feel like she would be better off either saying nothing or having one big US WEEKLY type friendly pr piece. This leaky tmz dribble drabble approach seems misguided. Is she aiming for a big settlement? Because if she is using Chris Soules's lawyer, Im not sure she is in great hands after that ridiculous victim move yesterday.
  16. Soules wasnt ticketed for the accident?Yeah. Cause he was arrested for fleeing the flipping scene. What a weird claim.
  17. Another statement from Corinne: http://www.tmz.com/2017/06/17/bachelor-in-paradise-star-corinne-olympios-i-was-so-drunk-i-did-a-face-plant/
  18. Youre right. Though stopping it is not the only option. They could have filmed it, then once DeMario left the area and Corinne was passed out and left behind, "realized" there was an issue and called for emergency help. These shows (All the Bachelor spinoffs) LOVE an opportunity to have lights and sirens and people hauled away on stretchers. But no one did that because probably, no one was limp or unconscious. Thats my take anyway. I agree its hard to stop filming, but there are a lot of ways to create drama. And stopping a contestant from molesting another contestant is a surefire way to cause drama, so I think that the producers would have prodded a lightning rod contestant to step in on Corinnes behalf and then filmed Demario's angry reaction to the cockblocking.
  19. Hi @violet and green, i cant speak for others on this board, but I know i have read a LOT of the reports on this event, and generally find the one above less than completely credible. If it is true, it is HORRIFIC. If Corinne was so drunk she was limp, she could not provide true consent even if she initiated the encounter and the show should have stopped filming. But that story, to put it gently, isnt very credible. Ie, why wouldnt producers help a limp contestant? Why would someone who helps a limp contestant out of the pool then perform a sex act desinged for the "limp" persons pleasure alone? On top of that, other stories that have come out about the event make this even less credible: the producerwasnt there. Hasnt seen the video. Corinne and demario saw the video, but didnt immediately lawyer up, etc. We dont know what happened, but it sure seems like there is something fishy going on. You may have a very different take and thats fine. I just wanted to explain the tone here.
  20. Interesting version from someone who was allegedly there. Sounds like DeMario may have a good claim for defamation or similar against... i dont know, corinne? Shelby? Eapecially if there is tape of the whole day available http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4604204/Bachelor-Paradise-pal-says-Corinne-came-DeMario.html
  21. I think its more likely the producer was associated with the show before corinne was and the casting crew either recruited Corinne on Shelbys recommendation or Corinne and Shelby became "besties" during the filing of Nick's season.
  22. Reality steve says: Is this correct? Is it just the phrasing thats wrong. Ive heard of publicists "dropping clints" but never firing them. Ive heard of stars "firing publicists" but never vice versa. Anyone have any insight?
  23. Me too. I loved his goofiness. And his Mussolini quote will go down in Bachelor history as one of the best lines of all times on the show.
  24. Last season's goofball Daniel comments on the scandal. He is both surprisingly goodlooking in the accompanying photo and surprisingly thoughtful: http://toofab.com/2017/06/13/bachelor-in-paradise-alum-daniel-maguire-speaks-out-on-corinne-demario-scandal-potential-cancellation-exclusive/?adid=newsletter-toofab_eme_1835_2017-06-13-story1-button
  25. I read that version of events on the Daily Mail. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-4599856/Corinne-limp-DeMario-hook-up.html
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