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Everything posted by fib

  1. She struck me as litigious. She was in prosecutor mode. It wasnt flattering. I always hate the leads by the end of the season - it took me longer to hate Rachel, but I got there tonight. It wasnt the "my best life" comment, it was the way she totally ignored Peter's well composed comment that he just needed more time before hometowns, and trumped it with, youre just not ready to get married and thus process isnt for you. God forbid she have to admit she made a mistake on date selection that made thungs harder for them. This. I said the same thing out loud to my hubby. If they cant compromise on something like this? They wont work as a couple. Sad but true. Peter seemed to realize that, which struck me as part of why he was cuaght off guard when her tone went frosty. Didnt like the live format. Thought it was a little unfair to everyone involved. Some emotions are better to feel, digest and then respond publicly to.
  2. Eh, i think a lot of the companies Marcus helps have pretty terrible branding before he works with them. Im. Not sure his marketing team are geniuses, but it is usually an improvement (this may be the exception).
  3. I agree that this crop of bakers werent the most impressive: the group that went out in the middle: Val, Tom, Rav? They just never seemed to improve after not wowing early on. Maybe Rav did, but not enough. I think Selasi and Andrew improved, but Selasi just wasnt as good as Jane or Candice. Andrew got close. Though I think he got star baker in the semis to make Candice seem like less of a sure thing. It did somehow lower the excitement each week cause it usually seemed like there was always someone who hadnt been baking to the same level as the others. I think i was only ever surprised twice: once when Benjamina went home, and every week Val hung on. Thrilled to see Candice win. She was talented and hardworking and ambitious.
  4. Isnt tht the second child? Jade and tanner are due soon, no? anybody catch these idiots on Family Feud? Wow. There are some dummies on this show. I imagine it takes some effort to make Lace and Amanda look kinda intelligent!
  5. Say Hi Lexi, what are you doing here? Instead of, "who is this?" His whole spiel sounded like Shaggy's "it wasnt me" song from ~2000. He just proved himself to be someone who doesnt respect women at all - Not even the one he is chasing - enough to treat honestly.
  6. Ugh. Yes. But not every immigrant has wholeheartedly fond memories of their hone country. Or likes stereotypes. My family is Irish and my mother is downright insulted every St Paddy's day. I realize the church image isnt the equivalent of a "Kiss me, Im Irish" shirt, but i do think there is a happy medium between Greek inspired and rootless, whicch neither of them were hitting. Pantelis was GORGEOUS. Waynesboro is a cute town really close to Gettyburg and definitely on the Civil War trail. Its a day trip from DC, Baltimore, and Philly. Its not exactly a tourist hotspot, but it does seem like somewhere that could manage a chocolate storefront.
  7. Lee is not sincere in his contrition. How do I know? At one point he responded "I hate racism". It was part of his explanation as to why he posted the KKK vs NAACP, as well as part of his facebook post getting cut off when it went to twitter. If you think that the NAACP, by providing scholarships to African American college students and defending the civil and voting rights of Black people is racist? You may just have a deep seated implicit bias against black people. Kenny is hysterical- did you guys cath him videobombing deans talking head at one moment? So funny. No one will be picked/ announced as the Bachelor til after BIP. Dean was given the apparent audition because he was the most loved candidate of the eliminated men, but with 3 hot men still in the running for Rachel? Fleiss will wait. The #3 guy is the classic pick: Ben Higgins, Chris Soules, Sean Lowe. They wont pick another top tenner anytime soon. Juan Pablo ruined that for the top ten also rans. Producers want to know what they are going to get, and an early exit is just too much of a personality unknown.
  8. I think its just bad makeup. She is too monotone, with her overbronzed skin and ombre hair. Combine that with Nightime eyes (heavy lashes and mascara, with light sparkly eyeshadow), and its just not right for a daytime setting.
  9. Lol. I hated this episode, so it took the whole week to catch up with the thread. My thoughts: Brian struck me as mansplaining the situation with Rachel and him to her family, which is partly why it didnt play well. He seemed to make a lot of assumptions about what they thought, and addressed those, instead of just explaining his feelings. It rubbed me wrong too. Nothing bugs me like be not listened to and not having my questions taken seriously. Fwiw, her friends did the same shit. Telling Rachel and Brian how thy perceived them to be. And Rachel ate that up. So I think a) she likes that, and b) it was validating cause she is into Brian. Lastly, I think Rachel really likes booze (no judging - so do I), while Peter is into a cleaner lifestyle (based on his instagram). I think that is part of the hang up with him: She may be out of his league, but if you dont want someoneone who drinks all the time, youre not gonna be into them. & if Rachel's booze intake is like most of the lawyers I know, and it seems from the show like it might be, A wellness guy like Peter might balk.
  10. Theres a lot wrong with a lot of the crotches in that photo:Ashley, Becca, Dean. Ouch.
  11. Lol. Thx. It has nothing to do with where shes from (and honestly, i grew up in Jersey and moved to within 20 minutes of where Ashley went to high school.). It has to do with the way she presents herself. She was "Ashley Kardashian" for a long time on these boards and embraced it. I think she is in LA now, but she lived in New York's Jersey suburbs for a long time. She had talked about how she would take the train to visit Jared in Boston and how he would visit her in Nee York. FWIW, I respect the hell out of Ashley I. She has masterfully monopolized screentime and gotten a career out of this show in a way most participants want and few succeed. But I still think she is poor substitute for Vanessa, who is a bit prettier, curvier, and more exotic in all the right ways. Vanessa gets places on her looks and maybe her brains. Ashley I is all hustle, which is pretty awesome. But she comes across as needy and desperate, whereas Vanessa comes across as aspirational. I just dont think swapping Vanessa for Ashley I would be considered trading up.
  12. Lol. Maybe. But that was also a spectacularly douchey group of guys. Josh, Nick, Chris Soules, Bachelor Pad Marcus who "married" his BIP honey, Cody who got engaged to Michelle Money for fame after 1 date. Yech.
  13. Ok. So Dulé Hill elwas a just about perfect analogy. And I tend to agree with you on Eric. Then I heard he is hotter with a beard so I went to Instagram to check it out. https://instagram.com/p/BVF5pAZjy4a/ He still wont be everyone's cup if tea, but Damn. I think Bearded Eric is HOT.
  14. And seriously - no one leaves Vanessa for Ashley. If you didnt like the shi-shi high maintenance snobbery of a Quebecoise? You're not gonna like the low-rent Jersey version of the same damn thing. Don Draper didnt leave Megan for Peggy, and never would have. (No matter how much I liked Peggy, I think it probably worked out better for her nthat way. And Bless Ashley I, she aint no Peggy).
  15. If thats true, then its Rachels fault for not giving him a one-on-one date after week 2. She had a lot of guys get one on ones only to be eliminated... will, anthony, jack stone, it reminded me of Emilys season that way. Unfortunately, Rachel had 31 suitors, which diluted the amount of time she could spend with each man, AND, she seems to have had less private dates than previous leads. In week 2, rach: 1 (peter) vs jojo:1 (derek) In week 3,, rach: 1 (anthony) vs jojo: 2(chase and james t) In week 4, rach: 2 (dean, jack stone - eliminated on date) jojo: 1 plus 2-on1 (Luke, alex v chad) in week 5, Rach: 1 plus 2-on-1 (Bryan, Kenny, Lee) : jojo: 2 (robby, jordan) Week 6, Rach: 2(Eric & Will - eliminated), Jojo: 1 plus 2-on-1 (Wells- eliminated, Chase vs Derek Week 7, Rach: 3 (Bryan, Peter, Dean), Jojo: 3 (Alex- eliminated, Jordan, Luke) So, going into hometowns, Rachel had 10 one on ones and a 2 on one. Jojo had 10 and 2 two-on-ones, but with 5 less guys to spread them around. No wonder Peter feels a little neglected. He got the first and the last one on one and nothing in between.
  16. My mom has tendencies similar to Bryan's mom (though I am female, so it's not a mama's boy issue, it's just an issue). I tried and tried to explain to my hubby why I moved away, why I insisted on renting a car when we went to visit them, why I was concerned about moving to a place where they would consider moving to. Because she is sweet, charming, and tolerable in small doses. But she does stuff like after my son was born, she moved into my house, uninvited, for 3 weeks! AT the end of the third week, I called my dad and told him that he had better figure out a way to convince her to get out of my house or she would wake up one morning with her bags packed and next to the front door (learned that one from the Bachelor, I did). Well. Cut to living in the same city, and my husband is finally figuring it out. My mom is a well meaning, but controlling, uncompromising bitch (love ya mom, but you need therapy!) The reason this is not a complete and utter disaster? I have 36 years of having figured out how to establish boundaries with her. I CARE about the boundaries, and I stand up for what my husband and I need and want. If I dont want to have to deal with her opinion on something? She just doesnt hear about whatever it is. I have mastered the art of, "that's a very interesting take, thanks for your opinion, I will take it into consideration". It takes A LOT of energy to manage her. People with parents without mental health issues (like my hubby). They have no clue what its like. I wish Rachel luck, but I hope she isnt wearing the rose colored glasses that my husband had on.
  17. Yup. "Problems with your inlaws" vary greatly in size and scope. If your partner hasnt figured out that he/she needs a backbone and needs to stand up for his chosen partner in life against the demands of his family, then there isnt a ton of hope for the relationship. These relationships rarely make the marriage stage, but when they do, they are a complete shit show.
  18. Enabling is the key word. Ive never witnessed people like his mom in action before. Just closed mouth, never chiming in. I think they are terrified about him relapsing, so they dont want to upset him.
  19. I got the same vibe. Where is the ex when you need her? Yoohoo! US Weekly! Shell out some dough for the scoop, already!
  20. When I saw him next to his mom, I could see clearly where he got his penchant for cosmetic surgery :-). I agree that I would respect her more if she chose someone who wasnt ready to propose. But I do think she feels a lot of pressure to represent people who look like her, and if she chose some who wants kids but not a marriage, then I can already hear the horrible things racist commentators would be saying about Black Women's ability to get married and keep their man (despite the fact that this show's track record still sucks). Being the first Bachelorette not to get a proposal? Eeps Like it or not, ad the first Black Bachelorette, There is race at play here.
  21. Earlier in the season, a bunch of us remarked on the difference between Peter's eloquence about his past relationships, and how it showed he had worked through things in therapy, and compared that to Dean's conparative lack of eloquence about his mom's passing. To me it was tragic to see the group of broken people who clearly needed, and still need, therapy to get past their grief and failures. I felt for all of them: they all still need therapy. And this show? Not the place to get it. That said, Rachel pissed me off on this date: she just swooped in from her perfect family life to tell Dean, "dont you think you should tell him you love him?" Oh hell no Rachel. You dont get to tell someone their lived experience and their reaction to it is wrong based on your opinion of it. Your life experience is exactly the wrong kind of experience to rely on to base your recommendations on. I felt fir Dean a LOT in that moment, because he clearly needs emotional support and was falling for Rachel. So he took several steps he wasnt ready for, ON TV, and then she dumps him? Ugh. Here Dean, have a hug. Rachel owes you a big old apology.
  22. My 2.5 yo, 30 lb son does this to me... sort of. I squat to his level, he runs and hugs me (but there is no leg wrapping). I topple over 60% of the time. He thinks thats hilarious.
  23. She also probably feels acute pressure not to be the only bachelorette never to be proposed to, as the first black bachelorette. IMHO, the humiliation of that, the way the racial aspect would be scrutinized, would be debilitating.
  24. Sure, but bow out gracefully. You dont have to be an asshole to someone just because they arent the right match for you. Unless youre just in it for the screentime (Ian was). There is a way to break up with someone, and Ian showed he isnt great with people in that moment. Not that he was wrong about Kaitlyn. He was just an asshole.
  25. Erica Rose was on the podcast Why oh Why being touted as an amateur kissing expert. Ha! For anyone who wants to hear her "tips": https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/why-oh-why/id775053292?mt=2&i=389869837
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