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Everything posted by fib

  1. Yah - I read somewhere that he never made it to Montreal outside his one show visit, which, considering how rooted there Vanessa seems to be just seems... shitty.
  2. Oh god no. He would be a shit show. They wont destroy this franchise with him as lead. Maybe theyre giving him some other tv show prize. But i dont think theyll give him the lead.
  3. Nothing. She went on the bridal photoshoot date. She was a bridesmaid. She was cut on week 3 with a bunch of other people who were blondes at the time - maybe thats partly why you dont remember her? She does look different.
  4. You may be right... Evan posted on twitter a picture of "his daughter", so I assumed that that was announced too during the show. I was doing dishes during this part, because yuck. BIP seems to have forgotten that this show is supposed to be fun. Dragging out this DeMario/Corinne nonsense is literally killing the joy. Im not enjoying this season at all. It feels like Im watching an afterschool special by the Mens Rights movement. Ugh.
  5. Because she looks really different and left really early on Nicks Season. She was on a group date around week 3 - the Olympic date - and told Nick he wasnt paying her enough attention. He sent her home in the middle of the date. Oh, and because Nicks season was "the corinne show" and we didnt really gat to know anyone else.
  6. Um. This was totally fake. 1) ultrasounds this early? Theyre intravaginal. As in: wand in your hooha. Which is not what we saw.(thank god) 2) ultrasounds at this stage are not conclusive for gender. I 100% guarantee they had the blood test that tells you gender. 3) Carly stated she took the test in Mexico and hinted that it was right after the wedding. As in, she noticed her cycle was late so she took a test. Late cycles happen - like - 2 weeks after ovulation that leads to concepiton? I doubt they were in Mexico 2 more weeks ( the minimum is like 9 days) So yes, she was probably preggo at the wedding, which, you know, might have been scandalous in 1917, but in 2017? Well, nothing is scandalous if Chris Harrison doesnt say it is. /gynecology lesson.
  7. My stupid abc chamnel preempted the show for Trump and then midway theough the show rescheduled their programming. My dvr couldnt keep up. Harumph. Can someone please tell me if awful Alex went home? This is the only thing that will cheer me up.
  8. Kenny is telegenic. But imho, He's not that handsome and he is not that mych of a catch: Wretstler/Stripper with a child already? No. thats paradise material not lead material.
  9. Ben H also said on his podcast that while he isnt closed to the idea, it wouldnt be an opportunity the way it was before : he is starting a coffee business, running a charity, working in software sales and doing Almost Famous with Ashley I. Plus, he is boring as shit. Please Fleiss no. Ben H, Jared, no. I would accept: Peter, Will (too boring?), Anthony (ditto?), Josiah (too immature?), Arie, Chris Cupcake from Kaitlyns season, Dean (too young?), penguin Matt (if he has a personality), ...
  10. I was super impressed at Peter's non response immediately after the show. Then he showed up GMA and I was glad I didnt publicly praise him for his short lived silence. I agree his friends should cut it out, unless they are like my friends who are active on black twitter and such: Delightfully snarky with everyone and everything. Since I dont follow them, I wont judge. But i wont begruge anyone well-intentioned snarking.
  11. Im not watching this show, but Chad clearly has always had some charm and warmth. What Chad also has shown is an alcohol problem: he gets drunk, acts outs, blacks out and forgets everything he did. Then he gets angry that people are abrasive the next day, because he has no idea why theyre mad at him and theyre mad cause he was a drunk buffoon/asshole. So if Chad isnt drinking? I think he might just behave.
  12. Found this tweet from Rachel to be interesting: Here's hoping she is recognizing that the show doesnt have her best interest in mind and that fan reaction to her is about her character as portrayd on the show not her actual self.
  13. I really wish I had kept track of all of the ridiculous things that came out of his mouth. The proportion of time with awful things coming out of his mouth to total screentime was like 75%.
  14. I agree. I think they changed the format so that people would watch all 3 hours. What they got was people emotionally rxhausted and done with the show before Bryan proposed. This was a production fail. The peter/rachel break up was really compelling tv, but i had nothing left at 10pm when i was getting to the Bryan part of the show.
  15. THIS IS EVERYTHING. Agree. But I think Bryan is a good fit here. He also seems immature for a 37 yo. Never having a serious relationship? Seeming like the good guy while mommy scares away your girlfriends? Falling in live superfast? These are not the attributes of a grown up.
  16. So I have a few more thoughts on Rachel, Bryan and Peter: 1) Bryan seems a lot more likable and telegenic in his interviews than he ever did during the season. 2) Bryan calling Peter wishy-washy during the last chance date, when Rachel had already told Bryan she was choosing him is rich. 3) Peter wouldnt have been wishy-washy if he had gotten any validation at all from Rachel. Instead, he got lectured by her in public, and strung along when she knew she was choosing Bryan. 4) Rachel has admitted she had a hard time understanding Peter's position on the proposal. I think this is because she was hearing him speak, but reacting to her previous boyfriend. (She has admitted this was "triggering"). To me Peter was clear: he wanted a life with her. He wanted to marry her, but he wasn't ready to propose because he didnt a)know how she felt towards him or b)feel secure in their relationship (probably because she was IN LOVE WITH BRYAN). I honestly think that if they had been able to compromise, He might have proposed on the ATFR. 5) Rachel is mad at the show for how her relationship with Bryan has been portrayed, but she is directing most of her anger about this at Peter. Which is some Bullshit. 6) Rachel doesnt want any of her final four to be the Bachelor? That's some more BS. Girl has some jealousy issues. 7) I'm glad Rachel didnt choose Peter. Because they are not compatible, as evidence by their fight. If you and a partner can't find a way to compromise on issues that are important to you both, you won't work long term. So even though I was #TeamPeter, I don't think they were actually a good fit. But I didnt think that til their fight. 8) Rachel's "Best life" comment might be the bitchiest thing I have ever seen said on this show. That is NOT how you respond to someone who has sincerely apologized for something they have admitted was wrong, cruel, and unnecessary. Its not the comment that's wrong, its the context.
  17. Anyone know why Rachel wasnt on Kimmel after the show as announced? There must be some story... Also, I keep hearing about all the shade Peter threw at Bryan on social media, but i havent seen any of it - is there a compilation of it somewhere?
  18. Anyone else horrified that he's making $ off Rachel's awesome ssayings not his own? Rachel is the witty one who is good w/ words. "I'm chill, until I'm not?-That's something Rachel should monetize- not Bryan. Everything-else on that dumb store? blech. I dont want Dr Abs merch.
  19. 2 reasons: 1) several times he called himself a Chiropractic physician. That may be correct, but the common term is "Chiropractor", so saying C P sounded false and inflated. He also referred to his "doctorate" when talking to Rachels family. Again, nothing wrong with that, it just is stuffy when most people would say degree or Chiropractic degree or "finished chiropractic school". (Fwiw, he has a tin ear on a lot of items, not just this one: comments like saying to Rachels family "Im going to love her over and over" and the i famous sloppy seconds remark Even his proposal: "our first kiss? Was like a Chemistry bomb that just exploded!" *shudder* I will graciously chalk this up to his growing up in a spanish speaking household, but man,that mans mouth is not his best feature) 2) He was a front runner and front runners get more shade. Can we talk about Rachel at the "ATFR"? That white dress? She looked amazing!
  20. Yeah. It had been much uglier sometimes too. Bentley and Kalon come to mind as people who said it to the Bachelorettes faces. Kaitlyn got it all around. Peter fan here! (Warning ;-). ). Her apparent revisionism on this? It seems more about Rachel and her baggage than about Peter. He seemed pretty clear about his position, and she kept responding to what her ex did to her, not to what Peter was saying. Im glad theyre not together - two stubborn people who dont listen are not a good match - but I never fet Peter was manipulating her. I thought he was wordy and she was touchy feely. Again- not a good pair. Im not mad at her for going for her number 2, Im mad at her for being mean to Peter. I really didnt like all the shade she threw towards his possible Bachelorness last night. Like - you clearly broke his heart, do you have to piss on his consolation prize too? Especially if it really aleays was Bryan.
  21. Because his issue with Rachel was that he didnt get any emotion or sense of how she was feeling towards him til the breakup day. He didnt know how she felt, and that made him uneasy. He will have the opposite problem if he becomes the Bachelor. He will need to figure which of the women saying she loves him is lying. He was willing to propose if she was willing to say she loved him. But she didnt love him. Only an idiot proposes to someone who doesnt love them. And we saw her not hive him any assurances.
  22. Of course they are. But they aren't required to agree to every whim of the producers that makes it the most dramatic finale. Watching it live, having to respond to the breakup before the glee of the engagement? She could have put her foot down. Because if she said she wouldnt do things that way, what could the producers do? Have Chris do the live show without her? No. They would be flexible in an effort to get the best show possible. They could have compromised and done the first half live (with the Eric breakup) and the second half in the normal format. It would have been better all around. A pr person might have been able to see that coming, and help her fight for her image. Which right now? Isnt at its peak.
  23. Second! Juan Pablo slut shamed Claire, was vapid, and self centered. Peter never stooped that low or even close. Generally he was thoughtful, respectful, and contrite when in the heat of a breakup, he wasnt. Ymmv.
  24. Rachels's people blog is up. http://people.com/tv/bachelorette-why-rachel-lindsay-didnt-choose-runner-up/?utm_campaign=peoplemagazine&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social&xid=socialflow_twitter_peoplemag Sure Rachel, then why were you so frosty last night. And why are you shitting on Peter on twitter right now? Oh, I know. Because you chose to decide Peter was like your ex and you wanted to be right more than you wanted him. Youre pissed your season isnt being portrayed as a perfect love story. Youre pissed that viewers figured out that you want a proposal from him more than you wanted him, because when he offered to give you what you wanted, you were upset that it wasnt going to happen the way you wanted it. When all along you only really wanted Bryan. No lead ever comes out smelling like roses, and i think Rachel is feeling that tide of the public turning against her a bit. I wish she had gotten a PR person, because agreeing to the live show? That was a poor PR choice. Lastly, Chris Harrison sucks at interviewing.
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