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Everything posted by fib

  1. Bless you @Wandering Snark For the laugh and for the memory of when my taste in tv was so much better
  2. Lol. You all are better grammar nerds than i am, I guess. I totally missed the "could care less" comment, but I was totally stuck on how it's clearly "wiffit" not "witchit" ?
  3. I agree that the stylist let her down. Why oh why would you ever let somoone wear fuschia shoes to an event on a red carpet? I love the top half of the dress and the color. The lower half is either ill fitting or illsuited to her figure. Its just the wrong length on her and makes her legs look thick rather than strong or shapely. She looks better in everything she has worn on the show Here's a link: http://www.justjared.com/2017/07/12/elizabeth-olsen-rachel-lindsay-lindsey-vonn-go-glam-for-espy-awards-2017/
  4. I havent seen him on those shows, but he seems SO BORING in everything Ive seen him in. And inarticulate. He is pretty though.
  5. Couldnt agree more. Ben is boring. And said nothing of interest for a whole season. And his podcast with Ashley I is the most inane thing i have ever listened to. And his season sucked. And he treated Jojo terribly. No. please Fleiss. Id prefer Chad - at least he was funny. Just send him to rehab first.
  6. Holy moly. With all this talk about diction, I cant believe I forgot to mention how ludicrously bad Rachel was at pronouncing places names in French. Considering French is considered one of the the most beautiful languages in the world (by people who have clearly never heard the Quebecois speak it ;-) ), it sure sounded like ?To me. I kept picturing Joey when Pheobe was trying to teach him french phonetically: she would say, "Zhe ma pell" and he would repeat, "bloo dee blah". Did anyone else not the size of the GOBLET of wine she had on her Brian date? She literally had a large wine glass full to the brim. And it looked like Brian had one too, but it appeared to be water. If that is how the show counts a drink, BIP's "two drinks per hour" will not be much impedidmwnt to drunken chicanery!
  7. Yes! Is she oblivious to the fact that women sometimes buy men engagement watches?
  8. I assume it was Sunday so Rachel being religious wanted to go to church. Switzerland is heavily Catholic (40% according to Wikipedia), and that is the largest denomination in the country. (If you think of Switzerlands location, Italians are heavily associated with Catholicism, and Switzerland has a LONG border with Italy) Swiss Reformed is next most common, whose closest american analog is probably Presbyterianism, though Swiss Reformed churches do exist in the US. Switzerland wouldnt have many common American denominations like Methodist or Baptist churches. Those denominations have roots in European reform movements, but developed here in the US. Plus, there is rich history in catholicism, which Rachel, being a curious and intellectual person, might find fascinating.
  9. Youre the onlyperson saying this. Or anything close. Bad grammar is common (especially on this show). But there is linguistic acceptance of the language patterns we have heard Eric use and the way some urban Black people speak. there is also acceptance of several specific appalachian dialects. What we are saying is that the way Eric speaks? Its legit, accepted by linguists, and that if you find his language a lot more offensive than some of the other contestants on the show, you might want to think about why. And that calling him lazy, uneducated, etc? Its coded.
  10. Yeah, i dont think i would do well living 24/7 with a sadistic, sociopathic, shitshow of a misogynist racist like Lee. I cant hold Erics reaction to that against him. Or Kenny's. I mean, in real life, you would just get the hell away and that wasnt an option here if they were still interested in being on the show or dating Rachel. I dont think he is the guy for Rachel, but I do think he makes her feel comfortable and supported, which she seems to appreciate.
  11. Also, Andi was a junior prosecutor. Ie, it could really hurt her ability to do her job if defendants with good lawyers could prove they didnt get a fair trial because of her "star power" in front of a jury. Rachel, by comparison, is a defense litigator in a civil litigation firm. Having "star power" can help her bring in clients to her firm, and help her make partner faster. If, that is, she handles herself well. I sort of feel like the Demario thing really worked to her advantage on this front - she was able to cut through the bull, keep a cool head, and smash the bad guy to smithereens. Also, the cache' of being the first black bachelorette? Thats a pretty big to do, as evidenced by how much support she has gotten from Hollywood types this season. This could open up the ability ot appear on Court TV or Local News, etc, when they need a legal expert. That could really help her firm with free exposure. I think she will probably stick with Law, though I think she will probably shift focus to a heavy PR role.
  12. Fwiw, I said the exact opposite. I'll leave that there, but I recommend you go back and read what I said because it was neither insulting to Southerners, nor dismissive of regional dialects. And "fixin' to" is not proper grammar. I also think that Failing to completely change the way you speak, particularly when you are in a relaxed environment as Eric seems to be with Dean and Peter or with Rachel, is not a sign of a personal failing. For one, it really sounds like his access to resources growing up was really very very bad. He may be able to speak "properly", in the right situation, but I agree that if he can't, thats not a personal failing. People like Eric, with limited family support, terrible schools, broken communities, etc? They are killing it to be functioning adults with steady jobs and college degrees. I dont care if he speaks the way I do. And I didnt care that Raven didnt speak the way I do either. Lastly, there is a mix with Eric on what is cultural and what is regional, but i will say that a number of the things complained about on this thread? Common no matter what your race is up and down the east coast in old cities like Boston, New York, and Baltimore. But no one called Gia Allemand ignorant for having a bunch of regionalisms.
  13. Fixin' to, y'all, gonna and ain't... which are common in the parts of the South I have lived in... are not "correct grammar". They are however more socially acceptable than the language Eric uses in our society. Your family and friends may be different than the ones Im thinking of. My favorite Southerner teaches english writing to the government and has better grammar than my grammar nazi English-boarding-school-alumnus mom. So the grammar issue isnt universal among Southerners.
  14. Eric's language is no different in nature than some of the people who have been on the show from the deep deep south. It is a regional way of speaking. It is not polished, but it reflects where and how he was raised and the way people speak there. Im fine with the fact he doesnt code switch to hide his upbringing. IMHO, If you didnt have a problem with Raven's arkansas-isms but you are shocked at Eric's Baltimore-isms, it might be worth reflecting on your biases. I am soooooo tired of seeing Brian's gross kisses. He makes me really miss Arie, who knew how to passionately kiss on camera and make my knees buckle. Arie's story about his mom? HUGE red flag, especially after he said Rachel would be welcomed with open arms. I think Brian either doesnt have a good read on his family OR he is feeding her lines. YMMV.
  15. Its hard to explain, but it didnt seem way off to me. I think Kenny is a pretty in touch with his feelings guy, he clearly has a career that can benefit from the exposure, and he is living with Lee. I really think he went on the show hoping it would help his dancing career and wrestling career (Being a known commodity can open a lot of doors and really help financially). He was really stressed he was ruining it all. And then he would get faced with his awesome daughter: who is both a breath of fresh air and the reason he wants to do better financially and the readon he is chasing a woman like rachel. Thats a lit of conflicting emotions all at once. When that happens to me, especially something about my kiddo, tears just happen and catch me off guard.
  16. Except a dermatologist is a real doctor who knows the basics of heart arrhythmia, and should be able to tell you: 1) go to a specialist or 2) stop drinking so much caffeine. They are specialists. Ie, same training as your gp+years of specialisation. In contrast, Chiropractors are not mds. They do have specialized training, but not built on the same base as the rest of the medical community.
  17. I think it is more discomfort with the show and with the format. As in, he wants to kiss her, but is afraid of getting interrupted by another dude. Or once he gets going, he wants to keep going, but doesnt want to go to far and be made to look lecherous. Or, he really does want to get to know her (and we forget) but many participants have said they really dont get a lot of time to talk. I think he is charming and amusing and I think he is interested in her, rather than in love with her. He is older, and I think being more susceptible of this "process" is a sign of wisdom and smarts. Ymmv
  18. The rest of the cast must be BORING AS SHIT. Cant believe she got invited back, though I suppose it is a CYA to reduce damages in any lawsuit. (Ie, if Corinne did nothing wrong but wasnt invited back, she could be able to sue for lost wages?)
  19. No comment: Corrine's team has completed their investigation
  20. Yeah absolutely. I do think they should be highlighted differently. (And i only started listening this season when people started pouting here that they were podcasts, to be honest). And this is totally off topic, but this exact same issue rages on Slate's forums too. They are one of the leading podcast producers, and they still get this (whether a link connects to a podcast or an article) wrong. So I guess I'm used to it? Well, In that case I think he has good taste? I havent liked Bryan since day 1. Didnt like the kiss. Didnt like the sloppy seconds remark, and it made the kiss even grosser. Ymmv :).
  21. He is also really positive about the other dudes. He was so complementary towards Will and Anthony before the spelling contest. And he seems to have a pretty dry sense of humor (or maybe i am imagining that?) but like when he said he won the rap battle? I read that as a really good joke delivered in a perfect deadpan. AND he hates Lee. And he is pretty.
  22. I LOVE THEM. I dont have time to read the posts here AND the written comments. I never read them (sorry) because i loved the forums more. The "language of the bachelors" segments are riotous. I had no idea how many nonsensical items were habitually a part of the show. For those who arent loving the podcasts (i agree that being chained to a computer to listen to a long audio file isnt ideal, may I recommend subscribing to the feed through apple podcasts or similar? They download automatically and You can play them through your smartphone or ipod or ipad while you are walking your dog or washing dishes or taking a shower (if you put your device in a ziploc baggie). I listen on my commute, and it beats the bejeezus out of drivetime radio.
  23. Ha. Great call. One problem: he is not as handsome (with his long pointy face) or charming (with his inability to read Rachel) as Nick. So it didnt work. Did anyone get a weird racial "i dont want to be seen in public with you" vibe from his "i want to lick the door" comment? I dont think he meant it that way, but I think Rachel read it that way withher very cold response. And when you combine that with the hypersexualization of Black women, Its not a great look for Jack. Loved Rachel schooling Josiah: "youre very smooth, but you dont ask about me". Step it up Josiah!
  24. Of course. Sorry was just joking. I understand your concern entirely. But some drugs could be stolen from a participant and abused by another. Say, one contestant takes ritalin for adhd. They have a months worth in their bags. Another contestant steals it, uses it to get high, and does something f-ed up. Or someone has oxy for a back injury Another contestant steals it and has a opiate overdose (not heroin. Oops) Production is right to be concerned, though i do think the 'dispensary' may be taking things a bit farther than necessary. But they are fully into risk control, and going further than necessary is common in this scenario
  25. You mean like Birth Control? Maybe they are trying to finally have a Bachelor Baby? Its the last amazing thing that has never happened before: a baby conceived during filming! (This has nothing to do with HIPAA - which means you can't share health info. As long as the info is kept private and in the hands of a medical professional and not used for employment decisions, it is fine (and often necessary) for a company to know health info about an employee.)
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