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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. They've been mine from the beginning, and the compassion they showed Bethany, plus their good attitudes, has only kept that going.:)
  2.  Amy & Maya were indeed awesome to give Bethany Amy's shoes. But sorry to say that they didn't do the rabbit ears thing. That was Kym & Alli, who did it to Misti & Jim.
  3. I am, too, but really, once Baylor chose to go with the guys for whatever stupid reason, her fate was more or less sealed. I don't see the guys breaking at all. I think the issue I personally have with Baylor is not that she turned on the women before they ever really got started, but because she wouldn't just own up when called out on it. When it was just by Jaclyn, she had some wiggle room for it. But once Val called her out, too, she needed to own up or look disloyal. Which she did. I do hate that John has an idol, but it's really glaring at how bad Val was at searching that she couldn't find it herself. No real contenders have stood out yet, though I think Jeremy might go far. So might Josh, Kelley, and Missy. Baylor, too, if she starts choosing her allies right. Though I think Julie's toast the first time Hunahpu loses now that John couldn't keep Val safe.
  4. Especially since both were in the military before. (Shelley was in the Army, Nici was in the Air Force.) Both branches pretty much teach you not to give in to frustration.
  5. Amy (the white girl) was in a marching band. Maya (the black girl) told Dennis & Isabelle not to give up.
  6. If you watched TAR23, Kym is the one who looks like Amy of Jason & Amy from that season and, when they're at the Pit Stops and talking in interviews, stands on the left side. Alli's the one who looks like Marianna of Marianna & Julia from TAR12 and stands on the right.
  7. Really? Didn't he win a challenge and lead a team to victory?
  8. That was Bill & Cathi in TAR19, but yes, he says "may" only if it's gonna be an NEL or TBC. Other than that, if an elimination is happening for sure, he'll say "will" on the first leg. The only leg in which an elimination still occurred despite him saying "may" was Vipul & Arti's ouster in TAR10 after Bilal & Sa'eed's mid-leg elimination.
  9. TudorQueen, did you mean to put this in Misti & Jim's thread? Because they came in second, not Keith & Whitney.
  10. It wasn't a delayed flight, though. It was being stuck on a later flight because they'd already checked in their bags and had to travel with them. And even then, they still nearly won but for their private car getting a flat on the way to the finish line (though that wasn't shown). I do think Misti & Jim are contenders, but their edit's gonna have to lighten up before I think they actually could win.
  11. Isabelle's a model, so I'm not at all surprised by that, anonymiss.
  12. Well, based on this week's episode . . . apparently not well. Really sad to see them go, especially after seeing them calmly reassess and then rock out Pancake Race, but they didn't seem to have nearly enough of the physicality needed to win this race. Dennis's struggles with rowing their punt kinda proved that. The only guy to really struggle with that current. Also, Isabelle's crying near the end turned me off to them a bit. Still, they seem like a lovely couple, and I wish them well. Sucks to see another team of superfans go so soon after all of their preparation, though.
  13. They did a good job using their military experience at About-Face. But like most others, they lost me (or came close to it) with all of their crying near the end of the leg. Especially Nici's. I sympathize. I do. Had to be hard knowing they were almost out of a race they'd prepared so hard for. But really, they didn't know if they were out yet, so they should've stayed calm until they knew for sure. I still like them, though, and hope they can be calmer on the next leg.
  14. Mostly silent this week. Most we heard from them was when Amy gave Bethany a pair of her shoes (good for her generosity!) and when they talked about how they were staying calm and attentive to clear About-Face. Oh, and Amy almost ramming Maya against a tree while on the punts. Not their best leg, but their lack of physicality at the punts was more to blame for their lower placement as compared to their performance at the Detour. Of the teams left, I think they're still my favorite. Their quiet competence is pretty much what draws me to them, despite their near-invisibility.
  15. Like Keith & Whitney and Michael & Scott, these two also owe the luck of getting the physical punting task to recovering after they bungled About-Face five times. Brooke badly lost her cool, but thankfully, Robbie was there to calm her down. I really thought Brooke would be the calming influence, but Robbie was instead, surprisingly.
  16. Like Keith & Whitney, they owe a lot of their recovery to the punting task. Scott's strength helped them fight back from his own failures at Pancake Race that got them stuck there to make four attempts. But still, I'm just not feeling them very much. Of all nine teams left, they are, IMO, the least interesting, and I'm almost hoping the injury one of them gets next week does take them out just so they won't be around to bore me much longer.
  17. We don't have to like it, though. And I know I don't, for sure. Anyway, we saw them stumble quite a bit with About-Face, and then even more when they couldn't master rowing their punt. They lost their cool for a slight moment, but on the whole, they recovered decently. They need to stop the happy screaming, though, because that's gonna wear on the ears after a while.
  18. A fine recovery after taking the penalty last time, but admittedly, they owe it largely to rowing the punts and having Keith's strength for it. Other than that, they faltered at Pancake Race and are lucky that Michael & Scott and Dennis & Isabelle faltered at it, too. Whitney was funny falling off the punt multiple times, though. :)
  19. So far, of the three women's teams remaining, these two seem like the best one. They capably rocked out About-Face and redid the punting with no real complaints or drama. And they just plain hustled, on top of it all! Great job, ladies!
  20. Once again, still competent, but they made a slight mistake with the punts when they stood on the wrong ends. Easily recovered, though, and a deserving second-place finish.
  21. Still cool, calm, and competent. They pretty much dominated this leg quite deservedly. Bethany, in particular, cleaned up at Pancake Race. Nice job of them for having enough of a lead to get the Express Pass, too! Also adored Bethany's brief glance and smile in Phil's direction when they passed him by. :)
  22. Loved the return to England, and I liked the Detour a lot. Probably my favorite one in a while. I'm actually not that thankful for the punting task because it ended saving a team I'd much rather have seen go. Although did anyone notice that Phil wasn't shown saying the team placements from teams four through eight? Adam & Bethany: Still cool, calm, and competent. They pretty much dominated this leg quite deservedly. Bethany, in particular, cleaned up at Pancake Race. Nice job of them for having enough of a lead to get the Express Pass, too! Also adored Bethany's brief glance and smile in Phil's direction when they passed him by. :) Misti & Jim: Once again, still competent, but they made a slight mistake with the punts when they stood on the wrong ends. Easily recovered, though, and a deserving second-place finish. Kym & Alli: So far, of the three women's teams remaining, these two seem like the best one. They capably rocked out About-Face and redid the punting with no real complaints or drama. And they just plain hustled, on top of it all! Great job, ladies! Keith & Whitney: A fine recovery after taking the penalty last time, but admittedly, they owe it largely to rowing the punts and having Keith's strength for it. Other than that, they faltered at Pancake Race and are lucky that Michael & Scott and Dennis & Isabelle faltered at it, too. Tim & Te Jay: We saw them stumble quite a bit with About-Face, and then even more when they couldn't master rowing their punt. They lost their cool for a slight moment, but on the whole, they recovered decently. They need to stop the happy screaming, though, because that's gonna wear on the ears after a while. Michael & Scott: Like Keith & Whitney, they owe a lot of their recovery to the punting task. Scott's strength helped them fight back from his own failures at Pancake Race that got them stuck there to make four attempts. But still, I'm just not feeling them very much. Of all nine teams left, they are, IMO, the least interesting left, and I'm almost hoping the injury one of them gets next week does take them out just so they won't be around to bore me much longer. Brooke & Robbie: Like Keith & Whitney and Michael & Scott, these two also owe the luck of getting the physical punting task to recovering after they bungled About-Face five times. Brooke badly lost her cool, but thankfully, Robbie was there to calm her down. I really thought Brooke would be the calming influence, but Robbie was instead, surprisingly. Amy & Maya: Mostly silent this week. Most we heard from them was when Amy gave Bethany a pair of her shoes (good for her generosity!) and when they talked about how they were staying calm and attentive to clear About-Face. Oh, and Amy almost ramming Maya against a tree while on the punts. Not their best leg, but their lack of physicality at the punts was more to blame for their lower placement as compared to their performance at the Detour. Shelley & Nici: They did a good job using their military experience at About-Face. But like most others, they lost me (or came close to it) with all of their crying near the end of the leg. Especially Nici's. I sympathize. I do. Had to be hard knowing they were almost out of a race they'd prepared so hard for. But really, they didn't know if they were out yet, so they should've stayed calm until they knew for sure. I still like them, though, and hope they can be calmer on the next leg. Dennis & Isabelle: Really sad to see them go, especially after seeing them calmly reassess and then rock out Pancake Race, but yeah, as someone said above, they didn't seem to have nearly enough of the physicality needed to win this race. Dennis's struggles with rowing their punt kinda proved that. The only guy to really struggle with that current. Also, Isabelle's crying near the end turned me off to them a bit. Still, they seem like a lovely couple, and I wish them well. Sucks to see another team of superfans go so soon after all of their preparation. Another fun episode, though the ending was a bit saddening.
  23. Eh, after he kept looking at his computer instead of at least having the decency to look at her when she asked him to, I agree. I don't even hate Daniel the way most others seem to, but I do dislike him, and his arrogance is a major reason why.
  24. Thankfully. I thought Kalen would fester her way through the game like Gabriel last season, but luckily, Ramsay took a hint from all of the women thinking of her as the one who drags them down. As for Katie, I think that was a team decision, not just hers, wasn't it?
  25. Meh. Eavesdropping is a soap standard. Not holding that against Paige. I'm chalking that up to a writer's contrivance, and nothing more.
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