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Everything posted by mansonlamps

  1. But isn't that the point? That a girl like Megan would never be able to project "dark and edgy" successfuly so the show nailed it?
  2. He's from the wealthiest family in a small town. Agree, no way would Isabella have come up with that in 1999. Teens having sex with similar age teens wasn't celebrated, but it certainly wasn't widely thought of as child porn then either. Not even sure if it would have been considered illegal back then to film it? Agree with everyone else that the whole expulsion from high school and losing a scholarship for having sex is by no stretch of the imagination a thing. Our prom queen in 1979 had two babies and somehow never got expelled.
  3. Is he though? I mean he's cute enough, but the way they made him out to be spectacularly better looking than the other guys didn't ring true to me. Now Mohan, THAT I get🙂
  4. Nalini certainly gets some hot guys. Mohan was 🔥
  5. Same, but I also think it's ridiculous to portray this as such a noticeable tic for a kid. Honestly if I saw a kid doing that I would think she was just scratching her arm like she had a rash or something. At this point I can't stand either Alison or Emily. Alison isn't quite the stunner the show pretends she is and she's not likeable. And Emily is a straight up self-obsessed liar who screws over everybody, yet they are all supposed to be so invested in worrying about her. And I don't know how realistic it would be for either Alison, Edwin or Gogo to be interested in a threesome, so I hope they don't go there. I'll finish the season, but if they don't solve the murder I'm going to be so annoyed.
  6. Marty is by far the best character on the show. I would love a spinoff of Malcolm and Marty. As long as they leave Grover out of it.
  7. I'm just catching up with The Other Two on HBO and I was pleasantly surprised to see Brandon Scott Jones (Isaac) has a recurring role. I think the show is very funny and worth a watch if you have HBO.
  8. I laughed at this too, but it seemed odd to me that they would go there since the Ghosts audience wouldn't seem to me to be the same as a Stern show audience. It made sense on Newsradio when they did that because they were a NYC radio station and the characters were of an age to be fans. But I'm glad someone else recognized it🙂
  9. I love this show to death and I'm envious of the close friendship between Sam and Joel, but diarrhea between friends while on the phone was just too much for me to believe ( and stomach tbh, I found it more disgusting than funny). And I thought they couldn't top the underwear/bush scene from last week. If best friends are this close, I guess I've been doing it wrong😂
  10. If by weird you mean good, I agree.😂
  11. Not about the show, but how did you know you needed a CPAP? I never sleep, but no Dr. has ever suggested having ax sleep study or anything. Maybe I have bad doctors. Show related, I loved this episode but I wouldn't be sorry if Mr. Johnson never came back. I find him off-putting for some reason.
  12. Two people that disagree on something so fundamental as abortion rights and religion should know that about each other before they get married. It's unfortunate that this is how they discovered their differences, but she was right to walk away and he should be grateful she didn't pretend to be okay with it to "keep a man." This in no way implies I agree with her position.
  13. Weirdly, they did practically the same storyline on American Auto this week with the sand battery company. Favorite part of this episode was Alberta and Sass trying to anger Thor with an honorary mention to Jay knocking the phone out of Sam's friend's hand.
  14. I feel terrible, but any plot line that is Grover centric automatically turns me off because that kid is such a dud in the presence of a bunch of other talented actors. The character was so sorely miscast it turns me off.
  15. Totally agree. Whoever wrote this hit all the right notes IMO. Each generation has hypocritical things to criticize about the others and it was fun to see that unfold.
  16. Kima from the Wire is also a regular on a new show called Will Trent.
  17. Nah, I agree with you. It would have been better if he had asked her to help him diversify his reading list by providing opinions on literature he selected, but it didn't seem to be coming from a place of hate, just misguided ignorance. Just my 2 cents. She seemed perfectly capable of handling it without her mother getting him fired. That's just passive aggressive BS, if Georgia had to get involved, why wouldn't she confront him directly or report his behavior to the school board, not plant alcohol and porn.
  18. We weren't even in the Boomer demographic years ago, but they kept extending it. My oldest cousin is only 12 years older than me, but the difference between being born and raised in the 40s/50s vs the 60s/70s is HUGE. I know I'm considered a Boomer, but I identify way more with Gen X.
  19. I'm far from this age group and I'm sure they are more evolved than we were, but if anyone's boyfriend would have done that tap dancing routine in my high school, everybody would have just died from second hand embarrassment, especially the recipient.
  20. Good point about Hunter/Wong. I don't think they look alike at all, but the earnestness is the exact same.
  21. Just seemed like normal Queen Bee conflict to me.
  22. Fun fact: Lee Garlington was originally supposed to be the 4th regular on Seinfeld and she played a wisecracking waitress at Monk's in the first episode. For whatever reason, Seinfeld and Larry David decided to go in a different direction and we got the iconic Elaine instead.
  23. So of course I read that as "pubic" school teacher. I was thinking, Wow they have a specialist for everything!"😂
  24. It's one of the spices they now have identified as umami. A flavor enhancer for either sweet or savory.
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