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Everything posted by mansonlamps

  1. So agree with this post. They show Kate as an underachiever since childhood, but suddenly when she has two toddlers in her mid thirties she divorces, remarries and becomes this ball of energy, confidence and ambition, I just don't buy it.
  2. George Clooney was positively goofy looking (imo) in Facts of Life and Roseanne. In ER he finally came into his own, though who knows if he would have been given so many chances of he didn't have such a famous family.
  3. Because then she wouldn't have equalled her (probably) POTUS and Oscar/Emmy winning brothers!
  4. I have very mixed feelings about this. It sounds good in concept, but in what universe do we pretend that every teacher in the country is 100% qualified to guide a child through gender identity or sexuality issues, especially very young children?
  5. Yeah, I was rolling eyes when they said it was Maggie's 30th birthday.
  6. I gave up on Big Sky a long time ago. My hate started when Ryan Phillipe's wife and girlfriend sang together at his funeral🙄 and then culminated in the scene where the psycho killer did the whole nursery rhyme thing while splashing his house with gas. The beautiful scenery wasn't enough.
  7. In today's atmosphere, I would be shocked if Rome was fired, but I guess it's possible depending on how significant the parents contribution is. Obviously none of this makes any sense, but here we are🤷‍♀️.
  8. Don't hold back so much, tell us how you really feel😂 Do we know yet if this is the season finale or series finale? I am ready for this train wreck to be over.
  9. If you belong to any Facebook cooking groups, people are always asking what to cook for family parties because so and so is a vegan and someone else is a vegetarian. IRL, the vegans and vegetarians I know always say don't worry I can always find something to eat. And if not, they eat a pb&j or whatever when they get home. They don't expect their hosts to be short order cooks or provide multiple main courses.
  10. This was me with Ben Affleck. All those years of Hollywood trying to make him a leading man and I just didn't get it. Then I saw him in Gone Girl and I finally saw the light. Oh wait, This is Us....hmm....I have a LOT (unfortunately) of experience with dementia and alzheimers and agree this portrayal is not typical of anything I've seen. But, as someone else mentioned, I don't think showing her yelling, hitting, losing her temper, falling out of bed, etc. would be how people want to see Rebecca's end of life, this portrayal is sad enough.
  11. I guess I should have specified kids of the same age. The scene just came off as patronizing to me.
  12. I have so much self control (😂), I am waiting for the weekend. But I absolutely will get walnut shrimp.
  13. I'm usually a huge Beth fan, but I hated her telling them what to do like for some reason she thinks she's in charge of 2 grown adults that aren't her husband. The sudden reveal of Kate's massive accomplishments makes me even more annoyed we spent so much time on Deja's teen angst instead of on Kate's story Loved when Madison said Kevin was the only reason they stayed in California...ouch BFF Kate! Plus their kids are cousins, that could have been another reason. And FINALLY Kevin speaks up about Randall and Rebecca's "frankly inappropriate" (not sure of the exact words he used) relationship😂. I was not a fan of her telling him secrets to keep from his siblings, even if it was just the tooth fairy.
  14. In fairness, these subjects were part of history and social studies classes, I guess it needs to be in Math class too but I'm not sure why tbh.
  15. No one is diminishing anyone's assault experience, but it's hard to believe that physical assault isn't considered more traumatic than a power move? Is this the current thought process?
  16. I am older and don't have young children so am attempting to educate myself. I grew up in the 60's and 70's in the whitest area ever, the north suburbs of Chicago. Back then we learned about the horrors of slavery, genocide against Native Americans, the Holocaust, Jim Crow, race riots, etc., It was presented as horrendous, though no one blamed individuals born at that time which may be the difference today? Has education devolved that much that young people aren't learning about the reality of how the USA became the USA?
  17. Ok, I don't know where else to put this, is anyone else getting constantly redirected to a McCormick spice ad you can't get out of unless you exit this forum altogether? It's only happening for this show, but it's happened over and over for days. I swear I will never buy another McCormick spice it is so obnoxious...probably not what they or they or the owners of this site were going for.
  18. I don't really see any burning need to see more Annie.
  19. Lol, he had a "Thunderbolt" moment (from the Godfather) at six. Yeah that's normal😂
  20. This is not meant to be critical, but aren't most TV shows well down that path in 2022? Doesn't surprise me in the least, nor should it.
  21. Your opinions don't change the fact that Rebecca could harbor deep seated resentment over some of these things. Dementia patients aren't always kind and quiet about sharing things from their past. That would be hard to watch though, given the epic love story they've presented to us. I think you may be thinking of her role in American Horror Story where she had to be padded. Her more current public appearances show her to be very much the same as Kate. Well hopefully they can go both ways with this and abandon the fat suits used in many shows, notably young Monica Gellar in Friends.
  22. This explains why every kid I ever babysat for called me Caffy😂
  23. The only thing I was fooled by was the fact that apparently no one in the school realizes the student is transgender.
  24. This episode ruined the entire series for me, I can't believe I wasted so much time watching.
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