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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. Little Holly is so adorable. She is going to be one messed up teenager. It will be fun watching her and Ari grow up and give their moms a hard time.
  2. It’s been a strange couple of months. The lady with Alzheimer’s I was taking care of on weekends needed more medical help. She declined so rapidly it was sad. She passed away last week. So I went from working as a caregiver 36 hours to zero. It feels so strange to be thinking of a paycheck when someone dies. I am still working full time at store and part time at restaurant. There just is always another bill or something. Would rather have some nice news in personal life but I don’t have a personal life. Sigh
  3. @boes did you really say Eric was right? @Frozendiva I think Sony Gabby and Ari did have plans. They bought Gabby earrings. I hope Marlenas shoes are not ruined.
  4. The pacing of this episode was weird. Adrienne had to run out to the newspaper since she was the only one who could do the job. No Will can do it! Apparently he isn’t as rushed to get to work. Justin and Adrienne go upstairs to do what married people do between close doors (by the way Justin that does not count as a gift ). Will and Sonya wait around for them to finish ? Will still not going to work. Adrienne had to get there! Will has all the time in the world. Holly burns pancakes. Belle sends her mom flowers for Mother’s Day . Sami calls her mom Mother’s Day (cheapskate )and mentioned Will hasn’t called. Brady brings a Psycho. Eric brings a fit of anger. to be continued
  5. Bridget Jones Mr. Dracey. First of all she seemed more in love with Hugh Grants character even though he was a cad. Second she was too good for both of them. She should have gone Kelly Taylor and chosen herself.
  6. I hate this baby switch story. I am not a fan of Kristin at all but now she has to go through the death of her child twice. Brady is kind of forgotten in this story but he will be going through this again once is heartbreaking enough.
  7. @Blakeston that makes it even more sad and beautiful. I love Phil.
  8. Will has a lot of family in town but he feels alone in this story. Glad Ciara is telling him. Sometimes it seems like she is just team Ben 100 percent of the time. did something happen in the tj that she doesn’t talk to her mom?
  9. Can someone explain this ? I really did not know what Phil was doing at the end. Maybe it’s because I have not watch the show since beginning. I admit to let out a gasp and tears were following when Phil was talking about the last day with his dad
  10. Abby did apologize to Gabi. Chad and Abby even took her out for a nice lunch. Not sure why that wasn’t enough lol nicole really looked nice today. That dress was really flattering. Sony and Will were heartbreaking. I use to not even like them much. Seemed like they just folded laundry all the time. Brady is kind of gross lately
  11. That preview looks incredible sad
  12. The show has not been shown much here. Lots of breaking news going on. The one scene I did catch was Rafe and Steve. Rafe seemed to have a feeling something was off with Steve.
  13. Will really should not sleep without a shirt on while in prison. Mickey is sick and having lots of tests done right now. Wouldn’t they have already found out Sarah and Eric are not biologically her parents ?
  14. In a way it makes sense for JJ to help Lani. It’s a distraction. I doubt he wants to be around his family in his state. I do think Abby cares about him and sees through any Bs if he tries to say he is fine. Jennifer has always been very involved with her kid’s so her not at least visiting JJ doesn’t make sense. Lani doesn’t seem to care about JJ at all. A man she use to love. Eli should more concern than Lani. I was extremely disappointed in her.
  15. The worst women getting killed off and no one caring best Eric and Nicole reunited and being happy together worst not seeing them as a happy couple best Ben finally in jail worst Ciara turning on everyone to help Ben Ignoring her mom strange behavior Acting superior to others At least she found time to get some good push-up bras and a spray tan worse Sonny he lost his husband his mom and seems lost as a person/character He always seemed close to his mom. I don’t buy he was fine with his dad moving on so quickly worse Claire going crazy to prob Ben jordan going crazy to prob Ben best the return of Belle and Shawn to help their daughter I enjoy both these characters alone and as a couple. Best Gabby in revenge mode This character works best in revenge mode worst Lani not even trying to fight back
  16. The talk between Ben and Clyde in prison was intense. Ben is much more like his dad than he will like to admit. Is ben getting feelings for Will? Ciara looked so different it was distracting. It was a little nice seeing Xander being menacing again. Will and Sony were heartbreaking. Evan apology to Kate was a bit much.
  17. Why was Meghan so mean and hostile to their guest today?
  18. I like Eric and understand why he is anger. With the baby being sick it feels like Nicole is getting all the wrath. Don’t get me wrong I find what she did horrible but why bring up things she did from 20 years ago ? Imho Eric has also felt his faith was more important so as cruel as the since when do you pray it’s totally in character. Jennifer and jack were very sweet and romantic. Jen wanted a big party 😂 i think Hope is getting by because everyone close to her is too preoccupied with their own problems. Jen still doesn’t know how bad JJ is. No matter what you tell the mother! At least that’s what I always heard growing up.
  19. Marlena hasn’t told Hope to get out yet ? oh no Rafe is the next one to fall off the balcony.
  20. Maggie was excellent today if she would just leave her no good husband.
  21. Caria has already visited Ben. Why does she need Marlenas help
  22. They go out to eat every meal. Not enough social security for that.
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