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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. Chad you were right Kristin has changed. Stabbing is new right ?
  2. Second hand embarrassment for Gabi today. Abby I liked you yesterday. Should have known that would not last. Chad and Abby come across so Smug. Why is Abby attached to him at work? kind of loved Zander telling Kristin to get off her high horse.
  3. Neighbor in my apartment complex is kind of driving me a little nutty. I feel like I am being watched and i find that creepy. Whenever I go out to get mail, go for a walk or just to move car he sees me walking in building and comes out and stands in hallway. He lives right across from me so no way I can avoid him. One morning I went out early to store. Tried sneaking quietly inside and fell down the stairs. Hit both knees on the steps and thinking to myself if I broke anything can’t go to hospital and I don’t know last time I shaved legs. Luckily just sore and bruised for a few days. Friend says maybe his just trying to be nice but it’s just a little much feeling like someone is watching you.
  4. Abigail was making a lot of sense today. Looks like Gabi has a possible new love interest and he is cute. I know we are supposed to have sympathy for Kristin but I don’t. Run Sarah Run.
  5. Today Megan said she meet her husband on a Bill Maher show. In previous shows she said they meet on Twitter. Which is it?
  6. I still can’t get over the Eve spoiler. So Eve can’t forgive Jennifer but can forgive a man who murdered her child? a better story would be to keep Eve coming back every once in a while to give CIN a foil.
  7. My biggest surprise with Justin and Kayla is no one had a reaction to it.
  8. Ciara should be worried about Ben anger. Is he still getting therapy?
  9. Poor Bryan thinking no one love him when everyone’s phone rang before his. At first I thought it seemed unfair that some of the relatives were also chefs but overall it did not seem to help. Leanne seems to do to much. When I saw how many pans she had going I felt overwhelmed. Glad her mom is okay. It’s was awesome seeing all the chefs step up and help. We have come along way since season two.. Jen dish was ingredients that so many dietitians say to eat. Wanted to try it and its the dish that sends her home lol. Not sure what happened but when she was send home her words were silent. Her expression did not look like she was swearing.
  10. Is she going to kill him. Please.
  11. Sara was so mad her blue veins were showing when saying her vows. lost power so don’t know how the wedding ended or if Kristin found out about the baby.
  12. Will it ever come out that Kristin planned to steal Sara’s baby like she did to Teresa?
  13. Lily takes good care of her dads. She seems to know them well even if they don’t know she is there.
  14. How to Markleys quick fire dish not place in the bottom? That looked awful and I actually like him. Brian V. was shocked his dish was in the bottom. Dont think he is use to everyone not loving his food. Jen was the only chef I noticed who was not excited about the vegetarian challenge. She does recover well in the kitchen though. In past seasons that burner turned up instead of off would have been a big issue.
  15. Everyday I call and check on some elderly friends they are lucky their daughter and granddaughters live downstairs. They are in eighties usually very active. They Would usually plan an activity each day, The wife has handled the staying in much better. Husband at first was going out. The other day he got dizzy and passed out in bathroom. When I talked to her she said after that he stayed in bed all day and did not eat anything, Asked if she called doctor she said the office would not take her call and had a message to call 911. Asked her if she could call a different doctor. Finally was able to get her to talk to a friend who is a nurse, friend was able to take his blood pressure. It was so low she said he needs to go to ER. daughter drove him, you basically drop off patient and leave. No visitors. He remembered his cell phone but not his charger . He has a phone in his room now. He was dehydrated and he was bleeding inside. When I talked to him he was about to have a test. He has been on a liquid diet for two days, His wife messaged me today that he will be sent home today,
  16. Yes but that was Marlenas thousand wedding. And she always wears white lol. But this is CIN the new super couple. has there ever been a wedding not interrupted in Salem.
  17. Are Ciara and Ben going to have a big wedding? Marlena will officiate and Will can be the best man. Shaun and Belle better be at the wedding.
  18. Her reaction kind of made me wonder did she know along. Because he has a plan. It seemed so fake. I don't know I don't buy it. Hopefully I am wrong and Stefano is gone for good. Everything in the scene was wrong. Was very worried for that nurses safety.
  19. Even worse then the talking self destruct Chip was Sara and Kayla having a conversation during the count down.
  20. Wearing pantyhose is in our dress code policy at work. What exactly is Ciara qualified to do? Not sure she finished college. Has she held a job for more than a few months? what is she going to put on resume for leaving those jobs? being kidnapped, breaking my boyfriend out of prison.
  21. Teared up when Jay said both his sons were leaving.
  22. I bought hair dye kit. I ain’t going down with our fight. The virus is affecting people close to you and people far away.
  23. Rafe has a special way to welcome all the new females to Salem.
  24. Thought this was a cute interview. Sweet they will all miss Ed the most.
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