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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. Wasn’t his dad gone most of his life? Joey should be more like Kayla.
  2. Joey was emotionally drained by what he did and with his family covering it up for him. Did those emotions just go away? Even if Ava was brought back to life Joey still had it in him to kill someone. a lot of people on the board did not like his take on the character but I found it interesting.
  3. Sunny was right that people are comparing the two elections and saying exactly that. It’s kind of difficult to cut those people out of your life when they are family 😟. Even if I disagree was glad someone brought it up.
  4. Then he would have dated two women who tried to mess with his sister.
  5. Imagine the fun time if Harris became their boss.
  6. How would she know that ? Over half the people who go into stores don’t wear their masks right. At restaurant people take their masks off for long periods and when I have to cash them out they “forget” to put them back on. Or the fun ones who come right up to you and pull down the mask to talk to you. There are a lot of factors not just they people who worked during this whole thing. Back to the show. I can’t understand why anyone would want to date Jackie or why anyone’s sisters would encourage that. I would tell my bother to run.
  7. When mark and Becky lived in the trailer wasn’t she looking into medical school?
  8. In that clip Is Brady flirting with Chloe?
  9. David and Darlene would be divorced and would share custody. Mark and Becky would still be together. Mark has the city job that Dan quit. Becky is a nurse and works with. Premie babies.
  10. Becky was wrong but the boss did seem to not like her. There was no reason to make that comment about her age, where she lived or talk about her being written up during dinner. Becky should have written the boss up for working off the clock. At my work place you are allowed to take your masks off in the beak room. Only five people at a time and you can’t sit close together. We also can’t have a family member as a supervisor so that part was unrealistic to me.
  11. Steve Martin is so entertaining and it was such a joy to watch his interview.
  12. How did Jan end up in coma and how long was she in a coma ?
  13. Friendships can be very strong especially women friendships. Just Lani and Kristin don’t have the history of a Jennifer/Hope/Kayla. Also maybe it’s just they way I view it Lani seems to be a better friend to Kristin than Kristin is to her. usually I don’t mind Julie today just was just wrong and Abe should have told her to shut up and mind her own business .
  14. Abigail constantly battling with her mental illness is more relatable then Bens going away due to true love.
  15. Can tell I took a break from the show when I thought Brady figured out Belle was in trouble.
  16. Claire has always been chatty and hyper but I never thought she was dumb. Her being friend with Jan is weird. Claire has had issue with her mom in the past not much with her dad. Knowing what Jan did to him why would she befriend Jan? Makes me think she has some deseeded resentment towards her parents. To bad she doesn’t know a good shrink she could talk to about that.
  17. Sunny was not happy with what Bill Maher said.
  18. Darlenes attitude really stinks. I disagree that the job is beneath her. I have worked with many people who have more schooling then her and none of them act like her.
  19. Madison seems like a whole different character. She use to be kind of fun and quirky. That’s why I liked her for Kevin. I don’t think Madison is going to survive childbirth. Just my opinion Kevin is the child most like Rebecca. Him losing his spouse at a young age and raising children alone would be so similar to Rebeccas story. No teacher should be touching any student or petting their hair (?). That was such a strange story to me. Especially for Tess age group. They pronouns was a little more believable. Wonder if we will ever see this teacher.
  20. Johns change is personality is very sad and scary. He needs to talk to a doctor about it. What reason has Tripp given for not wanting a DNA test? JMHO it kind feels like Nicole is projecting her own issues on Allies situation.
  21. Is the baby’s name really Lady liberty ?
  22. I don’t think there is a shot to become undead either 😂
  23. They just did this with baby Bonnie. Bonnie said Lucas was the father. DNA test came back matching Lucas. The father was his half brother Rex.
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