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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. Where is pocket now ? Any chance he will show up In Salem soon ? Maybe he can date Claire.
  2. So people think boss Darlene is going to together with her employee hot guy? not a good way to keep a job.
  3. I doubt he cares about visiting hours since he was going to force needle into Ciara. Why is Rolf drugs so easily accessible to everyone? Bens face was truly scary when he lunged at Ciara I thinks Sami is bored and it might be fun to play with Lucas and Chloe for a while. They are more fun then Allie.
  4. As the one who was never my parents favorite I always understood Kevin resentment with Randall. Even though he was not Randall’s fault. Young Kevin knew what words to use that would hurt Randall. He may not have known the terminology but he deep down knew his words hurt. He lashed out. I did find it very odd that young Kevin and Randall would hang out together. Really did not think that happened without Kate. Randall addressed his issues and I hope they can move forward. Kevin will just need to accept his family will never see him and put him last all the time. At least he has a really good relationship with his nieces. Hopefully he won’t make the same mistakes with his children.
  5. Can we see the whole card Victor wrote to Ciara? He is sorry they did not to go to wedding but maybe it’s better since the church blew up lol. Finally someone else thinks Ciara should not be with Ben. Thank you Chad. It makes sense for him too feel this way too. so was Gwen acting for Jacks benefit when Abigail was ordering her to have an abortion? Gwen has never seemed that meek and is very capable of sticking up for herself.
  6. Was just thinking Randall’s children and the big three have a lot in common. Kate/Tess identity insecurity issues mom’s favorite Deja adoption the dads favorite Annie people pleaser the one who is left out.
  7. Kevin gave a painting to Tess and Annie in early season and said no one not even Kate knew he painted. This episode shows Kevin had a painting in his room and he told Randel it was his work. Randall asked Kevin if he still paints and Kevin says no.
  8. I miss Sarah too. the news COVID update interpreted the show for me. Last viewed was Chanel saying a different name. Susan questions Sami about Lucas and Brady telling Chloe he knows about her feelings for him. did I miss anything ?
  9. If too many people are pregnant at the same time it means a baby switch is coming.
  10. The actor who played Laura was very breathy. Jennifer looked really pretty in that clip. also Just wondering when did Theo and Ciara date and why did they break up ?
  11. I think it would have been better for Ciara to leave to be with her mom.
  12. Lucas “it’s not like I have not seen you naked before “ sami “ that was a long time ago. The statue of limitations is up “ 😂 Kristin’s plan is stupid. It’s like she wants Brady and Chloe together. So wanted Nicole to figure out the Kristin Susan switch. Maybe she killed Charlie?
  13. Those hide your old hands. not really a surprise considering this police force he was tired after he and Sami finished all the “potato chips “ well on Days the last place you find anyone is at work
  14. Was starting to give up on romcoms. Some I watched not long ago were just vulgar for the sake of being vulgar ( no comedy). Then a few I just thought when the movie ended the couples would not stay together. a few weeks ago I tried to watch some really like Alie’s wedding even though Ali is making all the wrong choices and he does hurt people in the process you understand why he is making the choices. His two love interest are both beautiful and interesting.
  15. UO I don’t mind Rafe. do wonder how a relationship with Ava would work. Besides her being nuts I mean. Rafe has always wanted a child. Ava could not even love her own child.
  16. So Lucas is blackmailed to sleep with a beautiful women ? Wish Kristin would black mail me lol maybe Lucas will confide in Chloe about Kristin and they can turn the tables.
  17. Hope Ciara wakes up and kicks his butt
  18. Marlena is back to hypnotism. What is so wrong with getting a job geez chanel marrying a guy she thinks has money she met drinking on a park bench who lives in a dinky hotel room. Not a great idea
  19. It almost felt like Ava was framing Tripp and she really did it. I liked Rafe saying here we go again lol so that’s Belles button in evidence that the police have been ignoring. Is she protecting John ? Or is she guilty. So she was willing for Sami to go to prison. Interesting Always love Lumi
  20. Was Sami diary posted online because I would love to read it 😂
  21. Ben is not my favorite character but this story is doing him no favors. I actually think this could have been a better story and they should have had them fall in love again like old school soaps.
  22. I find Abbys spinning out of control very sad. She is letting her grief and anger take over and it obvious she needs help. IMO The actor playing Abby is doing a wonderful job with this. In her mind Gwen wanted to destroy her family succeed it then then killed her grandmother. No one is listening her pain and thinks she should just move on and accept Gwen. How could she possible do that ? Why are the people she loves not supporting her? The more they push her to just accept and move on the more the pain is taking over and anger and revenge are taking its place. She really needs her mom or brother to talk to.
  23. The women on this show are making very poor choices lately. I need them to smarten up.
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