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Everything posted by ivygirl

  1. Sorry. I'm tired. Either that or I can't be bothered with these people anymore, lol
  2. Ha. I came here to make a "couldn't help but wonder" joke. Just couldn't think of a good one ;) Hmm. "I couldn't help but wonder: Can you really 'make it nice' when you're speaking at 100 dB?" "I couldn't help but wonder: what are we doing here WITH Dorinda?") And now I *really* can't help but wonder if the woman in that one SATC ep (with the woman who gives Carrie a scarf, with the crazy husband) really IS based on Dorinda! If D and R* go way back, maybe Candace heard the stories straight from the Moaner's mouth!
  3. Aww, but I *like* listening to woodpeckers! I think Landon seems a bit more tolerable this season because she isn't face to face with Kathryn. They do each other no favors. Every time I see the title of this ep, I think of Morrissey's "Seasick, Yet Still Docked." The lyrics are even kinda appropriate, as this show is kinda "Southern Charmless" these days...
  4. Judging from tonight's RHOBH reunion... I started to actually believe that rumor. She seemed to be fine with (for the most part) taking a back seat to the crap show that was Rinna. Perhaps her ragtag group of wacky thirty-somethings is looking far better in comparison...
  5. Reality Reunion Boot Camp. Don't give VH1 any ideas!
  6. Cheers to your birthday! Drinking a real-sugar Dr Pepper (in a glass bottle!) in your honor. Well, I'm drinking it, so it's a virtual party with your PTV pals :D
  7. These ladies are exhausting. The cross talk is exhausting. The topics are exhausting. And that is MY TRUTH and I OWN IT!!!!1!!!1!1!1! If it's prescription it needs to be labeled.
  8. Anyone remember that old show "Fight Back"? They used to have a segment with viewer questions, which were frequently about warning labels, odd ingredients listed on packaged foods, etc. One letter was about the tag that read "do not sleep with curling iron on." The letter writer was like, "what the heck?" and they explained that people would use the curling iron as an ersatz space heater, which would start fires. I felt bad for those who felt the need to do that (not enough money for heat) but the visual "Fight Back" used--of a woman in bed, curling her hair in her sleep, as the question was read--still cracks me up. It's just missing Tony Danza (playing Tony Manza) saying "Ay oh! Oh ay!"
  9. Haha, Whitney repeated my line about The Shep/Austen triangle and there being no honor amongst thieves. Well, "repeated" it in that I wrote it last week and it was in this week's episode :)
  10. I'm with Craig on the "greet your kid" thing. I mean if Thomas was so focused on the polo match, he didn't have to be so brusque about it. And Craig is right: if it had been Kathryn doing that, they would have turned it into a three-episode story arc.
  11. So I know I'm a broken record on this but I remember that last season, Rinna would jabber and jabber at people to force them to explain themselves, and then when it came time for her to "own it," she'd clam up. Now she did it again today. Jabber and jabber at PK, Dorit, etc. to force them to explain themselves, then with the bunny she's all, "I don't have to explain myself." Rinna can't be gone soon enough. What happened to the purported dressing down she got?
  12. I know by now this comment was left about 20 pages ago (lol), but here's a toast with some chlorophyll water, pulled straight from the jug Eden gifted me.
  13. I can't stand the double-teaming of Erika and Rinna against PK. Not because I'm a big PK fan but because the constant interruptions are driving me nuts.
  14. I wonder how many times he's been turned down with the line, "nah thanks, I'm allergic to shellfish."
  15. I was giving this way too much thought last night, and considered what would happen to Shep down the line. In 15 years, when he decides he wants to get married, he'll be chasing after a 28-year-old Cameran type, who will go nowhere near him because she has some semblance of class and sense. Then he'll get set up with a Kathryn type and repeat the sins of the father (TRav). *** The other part of this episode that cracked me up was actually Whitney. He made sure he matched his shirt to the color of Patricia's boudoir/parlor.
  16. Especially when they encourage(d) each other to cheat on those Vegas trips. It's like, we'll excuse our own bad behavior and then blame the girls for getting pissed. Someone with a better memory of Ariana's actions, remind me. She said something along the lines of, I always believed in them and always knew it would work out. Is that true? I could've sworn that at some points she was right there with the rest of them, criticizing Katie and encouraging Schwartz to walk away. Am I misremembering? It seemed like a little bit of revisionist history...
  17. Which is more than we can say for Landon last season, who brought a flannelboard and a set of puppets to describe her website to the investor/whatever-he-was dude last season.
  18. This ep: 100% less Gizmo in a cart; 100% less interesting. Why was "Achy Breaky" Billy Ray Cyrus out partying with Shep and Crew? (Haha, escatefromny! Great minds ;) ) By the previews I was annoyed that Austin was getting together with Chelsea but now I don't care. Shep is a jerk and I care not one whit for bro code, at least among these people because there is no honor among thieves.
  19. Rewatching the finale and rolled my eyes at one of the reasons Adam thought he should win. He just got married, just had a baby, and has his shop so he could use the money the most/for the best reason. What was he implying, that neither of the others had "important enough" reasons for it? I don't deny that those are financially intense seasons of life.... but I mean, why is *that* the reason he should have won the money? Daniela has a son. Jordan... I don't know, maybe he wants to start his own family or business too? MOST people have important reasons to use that amount of money. One reason doesn't make it more important for them to "deserve" to win. I hate when contestants pull that stuff.
  20. She really does know how to laugh at herself. Last season, I loved that she wore a "What are you doing here without Dorinda!?!" T shirt.
  21. You're right; it was more appropriate than most of the outfits, and I thought that was thoughtful of her. It just looked odd--to me--for LuAnn to be wearing it... reunion outfits aside, she generally looks very modern. (I did wonder if it was a slight dis to Sawnya, wearing an older dress and Blossom hat for the occasion.) i personally loved the black dress with the big white flowers. I forgot who wore it, but it was floral without being Laura Ashley-esque.
  22. Bethenny had me with calling Carole out on her dismissive attitude... and then she lost me with the comment about "crusty" women attending afternoon tea parties. LuAnn's 90's puffy-shouldered floral dress was entertaining. (Old Ralph Lauren! I was almost right with my Laura Ashley guess) But I allllllmost prefer it to this cutout-shoulder trend. And it's more chic than Bethenny's foul attitude.
  23. Give her time to realize her crime. Let her love and steal...
  24. You are one funny bunny :) I've been thinking about this ep and I can't really come up with one super memorable moment, perhaps because (as others have noted) so much of this was already hashed and rehashed over the season. I'm also realizing that who one likes and dislikes while watching is largely a matter of degrees. No one has clean hands here, so I suppose that--in most cases--favoring one cast member over another depends on the balance of what you find enjoyable versus what irritates you. (Except Rinna. She's intolerable. LOL) For example: I can see how LVP sneaks those snarky/nasty comments through, but I find her general manner much more fun and appealing to watch than, say, Eileen who (IMO) can't seem to let things go or take anything lightly, or Erika, who (IMO) very rarely seems to enjoy herself. I don't find that fun to watch. But I've seen many of you argue in favor of Eileen and Erika, and I totally understand your perspectives. I'd rather watch them than someone who shrieks and talks over others on the regular. Aside from Rinna I don't really want or need any of these women gone. There isn't a quorum of unlikable people that would make me stop watching a la NJ and Atlanta (I won't watch if I only like one person... not worth my time). Odds are, the likelihood of the producers replacing any of them (except Rinna) with someone more enjoyable than the last is low. And I've seen that people I like who end up on RH shows (see Kim Fields) can be super boring non-starters. All this said, I hope we now move on from pantygate. It was never all that interesting to begin with, and I think we've covered several innings' worth of bases. Let's move on to Rinna getting hers ;)
  25. And the cops as well? I was mystified that they didn't stop to think that hey, maybe the guy on the lam had a disguise, so don't just wave him through because he now has hair, even though he's in the car that you've been chasing for blocks. I was a bit underwhelmed by this conclusion as well. They did a good job of tying it all together, but I don't feel satisfied the way I do with other season-ending episodes of shows I've loved. It's a tough balance to provide both closure for that season and curiosity for the next, but I feel this leaned a little more on curiosity and less on closure... maybe to create more demand for a second season ;) -- which I'd definitely want.
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