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Sir RaiderDuck OMS

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Everything posted by Sir RaiderDuck OMS

  1. Bully on Alvarez for finally realizing what a dead end the MC life is and cutting the cord for good. At least I hope that's what he's doing. Since we're down to the final two episodes in The Shield/SoA/Mayans shared universe, I wonder if we'll see anyone else coming back besides Taza. What was the point of Galindo's visit to Felipe other than giving Danny Pino and EJO one last scene together? While it was well-acted by both men, it boiled down to "Hi. I hate you. Bye."
  2. That may have been the highest body count I've ever seen on a single TV episode.
  3. Am I the only one who was reminded of Pinhead from the Hellraiser films?
  4. What exactly is "Diversed Education"? For that matter, is "diversed" even a word???
  5. My wife travels more than half the year on business. She immediately pegged Meisha as someone who doesn't travel much or at all: Business travelers figure out a system that does not involve completely unpacking all their suitcases and strewing stuff everywhere. Not only does that leave you nowhere to sit or put things, there's WAY too much risk of accidentally leaving stuff behind when you leave. When Mrs. RaiderDuck and I travel together (or I have the opportunity to visit her in a market), I always stay the heck out of her way when she's packing up, as she has a specific system she uses to make sure she doesn't forget anything. Cleo bugs me (and it has nothing to do with her being trans -- I couldn't care less about that). Like her, I grew up mildly autistic and had to practice how to act and what kinds of things to say. You imitate people you know or see on TV or in the movies, and gradually learn by trial and error what works and what doesn't. But you should have this crap figured out by the time you're in your 30s. After a point, you're just using it as a crutch. Maybe they attend services at Our Lady of the Jiffy Lube? She entered into an online relationship before her dead husband's body was even cold. She realizes now she went WAY too fast but instead of just admitting it and telling Razvan how she feels, she's trying to nag him into dumping her so she doesn't have to admit how unfair she's been to both him and her kids. Example: He makes it clear he's going to film a video where he kisses a woman, then asks if she wants to be the woman in the video. Rather than saying Yes, she refuses but then acts hurt that he's going to kiss someone else. He literally can't win with her. I'd think a clause like that would be largely unenforceable. If Gino cheats but denies it, how would Jasmine prove anything without hacking his phone or hiring a PI? What he bought her was nice. She could have at least been thankful. And she wouldn't be the first woman (or man) to find out that "Playing hard to get" only occasionally works. More often than not, the other person will eventually tire of the constant hoop-jumping and just go find someone else. My guess (and I do not have or claim any "inside info"): Her school district was already looking to fire her, and the pictures were just a convenient excuse. If what we've seen is any indicator of her true personality, would you want this shrieking harpy teaching your children?
  6. You can't convince someone who doesn't want to be told they're wrong. Someone (might've even been you) once mentioned an episode of MTV's Catfish where a guy was being catfished by a scammer impersonating Katy Perry. MTV introduced the victim to the actual catfisher and played him (the victim) a video message from Katy Perry herself saying "I'm sorry, but you've been scammed. You and I have never spoken even once." Even after all that, the victim was still making excuses for why megastar Perry "had" to falsely deny they were in an intimate online relationship.
  7. Amanda said her now-deceased husband was the only guy she'd ever had sex with. This could literally be a situation where she was living with her parents until moving in with Jason, which means she's never lived in her own, much less while taking care of two young kids. The attentions of a foreign playboy may make her feel wanted and desired, and there's nothing wrong with that, but she needs to be going to counseling and concentrate on her kids who obviously have not fully processed their father's death. For the three weeks she's gone, her toddler children will be without either parent. If she needs companionship/dick, I'm sure one of her or her late husband's single friends would be happy to fill a FWB role that does not require her to abandon her fatherless and grieving children for weeks on end. No doubt an incredibly horrible and unfair situation was inflicted on her, but HER KIDS ARE THE IMPORTANT THING RIGHT NOW. Don't make their suffering even worse by leaving them without any present parent. So Riley owns 20,000 jazz albums? How would you listen to even a fraction of them? What a colossal waste of money, especially in an age where a $10/month streaming service can supply any music you want whenever you want. And whoever referred to Elton John, one of the biggest-selling and most influential popular music artists ever, as "minor" or "obscure" or whatever simply doesn't know what they're talking about. Tayray was well on his way to becoming this season's David (and I mean "Lana" David, not Annie's David or this season's deaf David), but it looks like the producers took pity and stepped in. The sound mix during the deaf David sequences was creepy. I understand they were trying to convey his isolation, but hearing nothing but his breathing was unsettling. Jasmine continues to be awful. If Gino had asked her to pay big $$$ so he could live in the same apartment building as an old girlfriend, her resulting freakout would have probably violated numerous international arms treaties, but since it's the other way, she expects him to be OK with it. She and Gino are both terrible people.
  8. AFAIK, the meetup hasn't happened yet but she made it obvious she was going to do it despite Yohan's objections.
  9. And now we know why there's been so little Debbie and Oussama this season: She comes over, they have an argument, they go on a camel ride, they go to a poetry reading, she meets the parents (who are considerably younger than her), and he tells her he's only interested in continuing the relationship if they move back to the US. Can't really get much footage out of that. Methinks Yohan would be thrilled if Daniele just left DR forever. He certainly didn't seem to miss her at the party. His dissing of her was rude, but he's obviously checked out. He warned her of consequences if she met up with her ex-boyfriend, and she didn't take him seriously. (I'm not saying that Yohan's not overreacting, because I think he is. But when your spouse says "I'll be really upset if you do X" and you do X anyway, you can't say you weren't warned.) Mrs. RaiderDuck noticed that the cake shop, unlike Yohan's carniceria, had working refrigeration and didn't have flies landing on the food. Gabe sent all of his transition paperwork to Uncle Sam and never thought to make copies? El Stupido. Jeymi: Kris' failure to keep in touch with you was not because she was power-washing driveways. It was because she was scoring drugs, likely on her back, and being high for days at a time.
  10. The reason contemporary photos of the Pyramids of Giza all look the same is because there's only one good angle to shoot a picture from. If you try a reverse angle, the houses and apartment buildings a few blocks away from the pyramids will be prominently shown. The Egyptian tourism people would like us to believe the pyramids are far, far away from civilization when that simply is not the case. Has Kris never watched a restaurant renovation show? Restaurants (and a food truck is nothing more than mobile restaurant) are a giant money pit if you don't know what you're doing, which Kris and Jeymi totally don't. Meanwhile: Why would anyone volunteer to have hot oil dripped on their heads? How many hours in the shower and bottles of shampoo will it take to get that crap out? And while I think Rishi is a total player, I cannot STAND "Gotcha!" questions like Jen is asking. If you have something to say, say it. Don't ask leading questions designed to trap him into an answer. This is 90-Day Fiancé, not Perry Mason. Anyone else get the feeling that Nicole would love to open her chakras to Nouran, if you catch my drift? The two of them had way more chemistry than Nicole and Mahmoud have ever shown us. My guess (and I claim no inside information or spoilers -- this is just a guess) is there will be another episode's worth of drama over whether some relative will object, or maybe some dude from Gabriel's previous life will surface, but nothing will come of it and their storyline will end with Gabriel and Isabel getting married, after which we'll start seeing them on Pillow Talk. After ten full episodes, Debbie and Oussama have had an argument, a camel ride and a horrid poetry reading. Their storyline has brought no value to this season. If Yohan wore a flashing neon sign reading I AM ABOUT TO DUMP YOU, he'd be only slightly more obvious about his intentions that he is now. And Daniele, erroneously believing she is an incredible catch, continues to be oblivious to his growing dislike of her.
  11. Daniele: You may rest assured that our dislike of you has nothing to do with your height or age or body shape or career path. You may also rest assured that few, if any, of us are jealous of you. Our dislike stems from you being a judgmental hypocrite who: Seemingly lives to emasculate Yohan while criticizing him for things that are not remotely his fault Lies to him about major things such as your reasons for leaving New York one step ahead of the debt collectors, while yelling at him for the slightest perceived inconsistency Expects Yohan to make American-level wages and treat you to an American-level life in an impoverished country Acts offended and butthurt if he so much as smiles at an ex; meanwhile, you wave your close friendship with an ex in his face Generally behaves like the stereotype of the "Ugly American." Pro Tip: If everyone hates your guts, maybe the problem is with you, not them.
  12. Or he'll dump her at some point when it becomes obvious she's never going back to America. Without the carrot of an American Green Card, Danielle really has nothing to offer: She's twice his age, a demanding harridan, dishonest, and a total loon.
  13. Mahmoud's uncle even said that if Nicole had remained non-Muslim, nobody in Egypt would care what she wore.
  14. I think there were also some tickets for driving on toll roads without prepaying or somesuch. (I've never lived and driven in a state with toll roads, so I'm not really familiar with them. The closest was when we rented a car in Florida for a few days and just paid the rental company for their SunPass or whatever they called it so we could drive on toll roads without worrying about it. But my understanding is that if you drive on those roads without the necessary setup, you get fined big $$$).
  15. At first, I thought Mahmoud was going to the living room to ask his mom that very legitimate question. Instead, he ran into the laundry room? Makes no sense. Gabe and Isabel are likely in this for the $$$, free airfare and visa fees, and/or a Pillow Talk gig (where their back-and-forth would probably be entertaining). As you and others have pointed out, he wouldn't even have to tell her parents if he wasn't on a TV show. Methinks Rishi isn't too sad to see Jen leave. He can allow himself to be married off to a nice Indian woman who won't mind being everyone's lifelong house servant. Meanwhile, Danielle continues to be a horrible person. Yohan is about two snide comments away from telling her to hit the bricks.
  16. I know some states have them because My 600-lb. Life's Dr. Now once cut off a patient (Steven Assanti) who was abusing opioids. Dr. Now explained that he was red-flagging Steven as an opioid abuser in the Texas database, meaning Steven would henceforth be arrested if he tried to fill an opioid prescription anywhere in Texas other than Dr. Now's hospital pharmacy. I don't know if there's a national database, but it may not matter. If you start telling your doctor in Alabama that you want an opioid prescription filled in (say) Mississippi, it'll raise all kinds of red flags unless you have a good reason.
  17. If the thief's defense is "She loaned me the bike," Kris might be required to testify that she did not give him permission to enter the garage or take her motorcycle. If the bike was insured, the insurer may require her to cooperate with any criminal proceeding. I've been cutting Kris a lot of slack, but this is where I officially call BS on her story. As others have mentioned, these cases are scheduled months ahead of time. Danielle is gradually taking her rightful place beside Angela and Big Ed as one of the worst people in this franchise. Free Yohan! Kris was injected with Diclofenac, which is basically a 12-hour Advil. It's good for muscle and joint pain, but will do nothing for opioid urges. Nicole: "I gave up EVERYTHING and moved all the way to Egypt for you...so even though I know things X, Y and Z are really important to you, I'm not going to do any of them and you just need to accept that." Whatevs.
  18. And now ET is reporting that Will Smith feels "embarrassed and hurt" by Rock's routine. Maybe Smith should have thought of that before literally starting a fight with a standup comedian. Or as William Shakespeare once said of people like Chris Rock: "...they are the abstract and brief chronicles of the time. After your death you were better have a bad epitaph than their ill report while you live."
  19. How does Rock's disdain for Jada Pinkett Smith "prove" he despises an entire gender??? Sounds like a beef between the two of them.
  20. Rock's dumb joke about Jada (like 99% of jokes told at award shows) would have been long forgotten by show's end if her husband hadn't smacked Rock over it. Now that joke will be remembered for decades. Heckuva job there, Fresh Prince. As for Polanski: I will NEVER understand how people give him a pass for the anal rape of a 13-year-old. Even though he's a talented filmmaker who's made some great films, I have resolved that I will never buy or stream anything of his while he's still alive (I realize that depriving a multi-millionaire of a few dollars of Blu-ray revenue is pointless, but it's one of the few legal ways I have of punishing him for what he did). On the day he dies, I'll probably buy Chinatown, Macbeth, and Rosemary's Baby: his kids will get the money then, and it's not their fault he's a pervert predator. If everyone's a victim, nobody is. Denis Leary* had a routine years ago about people being outraged about the dolphins caught in tuna nets whilst not caring about the tuna caught in tuna nets. *I don't know if this bit was actually Leary's or if he stole it from Bill Hicks.
  21. It's even longer than 7 years. When you declare Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the accounts and creditors you stiffed are wiped off your record after 7 years, but the bankruptcy itself stays on your record for 10. I speak from personal experience. The Road to Morocco thing reminds me of when Mrs. RaiderDuck and I saw Rich Little (now in his late 70s) perform in Vegas last year. He opened the show by warning that anyone under the age of 40 wouldn't know any of his impressions. I'm 51 and got maybe 3/4 of them. It WAS nice seeing Carnac the Magnificent (a famous Johnny Carson character I'd always loved) one more time, though. I remember reading a 2003 (or so) story about an Arab couple who traveled as a family a lot and had named their child (born in 1999 or so) Osama Bin Laden. EVERY SINGLE TIME they flew in or out of the US, they'd be questioned by TSA agents.
  22. I also suspect his primary concern over his mother's $$$ is how much he'll get when she dies.
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