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Sir RaiderDuck OMS

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Everything posted by Sir RaiderDuck OMS

  1. What an entitled ass. Yes Terrance, they voted your ass out unanimously because you're just sooooo awesome at this game and they couldn't handle it. I'm totally sure that was it, and not because you're pompous and switch alliances every five seconds.
  2. Yes, she took a lot of crap from Sumit's horrid mother. Then Sumit walks his parents out to the car, comes back in and Jenny lights into him for...walking them to the car and leaving Jenny in the house for a couple of minutes? She's screaming at him because he didn't stop at the door and wave to them instead??? And this isn't the first time she's exploded for little or no reason. The woman has a really, really short fuse.
  3. What would Jenny have to offer anyone, either in India or the US? She's a senior citizen who's also an idiot, lazy, dirt-poor, not conventionally attractive, has zero judgment, is endlessly needy, and flies into a rage at the slightest provocation. For someone of her advanced years, she is shockingly naïve about how the world works: witness numerous people in her life warning her about a relationship with Sumit (who has already scammed her multiple times), and her constant reply that she and Sumit are in WUUUUUUUV and why can't everybody just understaaaaand that and do what she wants? Frank Zappa once opined that a major source of unhappiness in the western world is love songs, most of which present a completely unrealistic picture of male-female relationships and how they work. A lot of people, including Jenny, think these songs actually describe real relationships, when in fact they describe something that will never exist for anyone: they're written as fantasy, not reality. These people either go through life thinking they were cheated out of something, or in Jenny's case, chase their mythical Great Love Story when it's obvious to anyone with an IQ higher than their shoe size that none of this is going to end well. Libby has no idea if her nursery rhyme idea will work. Nor do her sisters. Nor do I. Nor do you. There's literally only one way to find out: Record a few, put them out on YouTube, and see what happens. There's about a 99% chance they'll get nothing but a few novelty listens and will be quickly lost among the 500 hours of video uploaded to YouTube literally every minute of every day (no joke). There is a small chance they'll blow up and really become something. However, even if they become NOTHING, so what??? What has Libby lost except a few bucks to buy a keyboard and a couple of hours of her life creating a YouTube account, making the videos and uploading them? The way the sisters are dragging her dream is just nasty. Blood or no, I wouldn't want to be associated with these people.
  4. Every season, BB's Zingbot segment continues to be the single most boring waste of time in all of known media. Michael continues his likely march to victory, and he deserves it. Only a failure by him or Brittany to win either of the comps during next week's double elimination will derail his plans. Terrance was awfully whiny during the nominations. Why not simply win the damn comp instead of complaining?
  5. It's said that some men marry copies of their mothers. Sumit's mom is a histrionic drama queen, and guess what he married? Sounds like Jovi's mom got tired of being taken for granted as Gwen's 24/7 Nanny Service. Liz's two husbands must have been really horrid for Ed to seem like an improvement.
  6. I busted up when B & B finally had "video game weapons" and went after the guy in the hospital. Looks like Mike Judge is listening to the early criticism of Butt-Head being overly abusive to Beavis. In both eps tonight, Butt-Head was still in the lead position, but got as much abuse as Beavis. Finally, their riffing on the singing instruction video and turning it into a "Beat Your Meat" song was awesome. Bonus points for the Adele reference.
  7. He's looking for a woman desperate enough to marry him and get him his green card so he can live in the US and become a big star with the 90-Day franchise being his springboard. His master plan has three major problems, all deal-breaking: 1) He has no musical or rapping talent beyond what you'd see at any karaoke bar on a weeknight 2) His preferred stage name ("SojaBoy") is close enough to the stage name of the long-established rapper Soulja Boy that Usman would probably be hit with a Cease & Desist letter as soon as his first show was scheduled (in an interview a year or two ago, Soulja Boy basically said the only reason his lawyers hadn't gone after Usman was the expense and inconvenience of trying to sue him in Nigerian courts, which of course would not be a hinderance with Usman living and performing in America). 3) In the #MeToo era, Usman's televised, emotionally abusive treatment of two middle-aged groupies (Lisa and Kimberly) would create problems even with established, talented artists, never mind a fifth-rate hack who can barely sing a note without auto-tune.
  8. I'm getting a little tired of Taylor. First she sobs that her crush Joseph is gone, then sobs some more that she's on the block. Enough with the Tammy Faye Bakker act already.
  9. My daughter wore something like that...when she was an infant. Bilal, still a narcissistic ass, says Shaeeda "failed her first test" or whatever. What about YOU failing to treat her honestly the very first day she came to America? You failed that one big-time. Every time Jenny said "Sumit's parents are going to take him away from me," Mrs. RaiderDuck would loudly point out that Sumit is 33 years old: even in India, it's very doubtful that his parents would have the legal authority to "take him away" from anything. Of course, as obnoxiously stupid as Jenny is, she probably thinks this is a real threat. Jovi and Yara are both hypocrites. He thinks it's OK if he goes out partying and leaves her home, but is butthurt if she does it. Meanwhile Yara, who was so put out by his partying, now thinks nothing of leaving him at home while she boozes it up at her local meet market with her friends. And then she says nothing while they drag her husband's looks??? Ugh. So Charlie's become such a drunken lout that none of his siblings want to be around him, but Mommy has to make it all about her? With her and Chuck as parents, no wonder that family's screwed up. Continuing the 90-Day tradition of people ignoring good advice from their friends and family, Kimberly storms out when her friends point out what a terrible idea it would be to bring Usman over whilst allowing him to have a second wife and kids back in Nigeria. Usman, meanwhile, has yet to display discernable talent at music, rapping, or anything except conning desperate middle-aged women. And on the previews for next week: we "get" to see Ed full-frontal naked, and Angela continues to redefine "White Trash" in new and innovative ways.
  10. I can never understand why a HoH gets angry when the Veto winner refuses to use the Veto so the HoH can backdoor Player X. If the HoH wants Player X gone so badly, nominate them. Good on Kyle for refusing to do Taylor's dirty work. As for Taylor, she lost a lot of goodwill this week. Proposing to Monte and Turner that she'd nominate both of them and hope the right person would win Veto so she could nominate someone else as a replacement? Ridiculous, and I don't blame them one bit for thinking Taylor's power went right to her head. While the early season bullying of Taylor was downright cruel, we caught a glimpse of why some of the houseguests originally found her unappealing: beneath the nice-girl exterior is a major sense of entitlement.
  11. I doubt such a clause would be enforceable. Bilal could bareback Shaeeda every night for the next couple of years and it's still possible she wouldn't get pregnant: his swimmers might be faulty, she might have a hostile womb, his DNA might not be a good match for hers, etc. At least he has a steady, respectable job, which puts him ahead of a lot of people in this franchise. She wanted to be butthurt by something? I've met people who actively look for things to be offended by. We got maybe two sentences from them every 15 minutes or so. Not even their snark could save this snoozefest. He had plucked eyebrows, too much makeup and was wearing women's boots. If you were to freeze the screen on him and Kenny, bring in someone unfamiliar with the franchise and ask "Which one is gay?", 9 out of 10 would say Tim. The tenth person would pick Kenny only because he was much better dressed.
  12. Why do I suspect he's going to be surprised when he leaves the house and discovers his "DJ Showtime" shtick DIDN'T catch on?
  13. The new ep rocked. The thought of Beavis with even less intelligence is horrifying. "Paris or Houston?" was a minor classic.
  14. I watched some LF last night. Daniel knows he's a dead man walking. I watched him talk 1:1 first with Indy, then Terrance, and not ONCE did he discuss game. He did mention multiple times how bored he is. His entire demeanor was that of someone who's waiting for Thursday night so he can go home. Kinda pathetic to spend ten years of your life trying to join something, then be in a hurry to leave because you screwed it up so badly. I hope Julie confronts him both about his bullying AND his use of the Veto power that directly got his BFF Nicole sent home.
  15. He was that way with everyone: "You owe me an answer!" Actually, they owe him nothing. How they voted is their own damn business. He's just mad because his and Nicole's great plan of Browbeating Everyone Into Doing Our Bidding failed more spectacularly than New Coke or the Kim Kardashian/Kris Humphries wedding.
  16. Daniel: You spent ten years trying to get on BB, and it only took you a few weeks to alienate everyone by being a horse's ass. Nice job!
  17. True Story: Back in 2009, my cousin became pregnant with a surprise baby. She made a Facebook post discussing it, including the phrase "unexpected pregnancy." Based on that post, her FB ads started filling with come-ons for abortion providers. Now my cousin is very Pro-Choice, but even she was a little offended at the idea that having an unexpected pregnancy automatically meant she wanted to terminate.
  18. What is with Bilal's family and stupid, unfunny "pranks?" Thais' dad is a jackass. Thais needs to learn that the sooner you can tell a disapproving parent "You're YOU and I'm ME, and it's OK if I make different decisions than you," the better off you'll be. Kobe is right to be pissed at Emily. The night before the wedding is a horrible time to say "I don't know if you're on the level." She may be the single dumbest person in the history of this franchise.
  19. Anyone else notice that Kara seems to schedule her entire life around her next drink? She's either an alcoholic or well on her way there. Emily continues to be insufferable. I look up lots of stuff in my browser all the time. Doesn't mean I'm planning on doing it right away (or ever), and Emily had no right to freak out on Kobe for looking up apartment rents in another city.
  20. Memo to Patrick: You NEVER, EVER force someone's opinion unless you really want it. Thais obviously wanted to avoid telling her father for this very reason: She knew he'd forbid the marriage and didn't have the emotional strength to directly disobey him. Much better to get married first, then present him with the marriage as a fait accompli. But you went and bullied her into asking her father beforehand anyway. Nice job breaking it, idiot. Having said that, Thais' dad is an idiot and a jerk. There are exactly two things that can happen if you tell your child "I forbid this wedding": 1. They'll marry anyway and your relationship with them will be either ruined or at least strained forever. They may forgive you in time, but they will never, ever forget that you forced them to make that choice. And their spouse will be especially sour on you, both for the way you treated them and for the emotional wringer you put their spouse (your child) through. 2. They won't marry and will instead resent you the rest of their lives. Even if they find someone else and marry and have a wonderful life, they'll still occasionally think "What would my life have been if I'd married X instead?" and when they do, they'll blame you for their never finding out. Memo to Emily: Lots of people are "Kings" or "Princes" of their tribes in Africa. It's similar to all of the Dukes and Earls and Barons in the United Kingdom: some are fabulously wealthy, others are legitimately rich, but most are just normal people with a fancy title that means nothing in the rest of the world. Gotta love how Bilal is looking at an impending marriage solely as a business transaction: "Well, if I put in some seed money to start your Yoga business and we get divorced, my amortized return isn't going to be what I'd like." I guess he doesn't subscribe to the notion that you'd help your spouse because you love them and want them to succeed?
  21. The link below contains the requisites necessary for a Defamation lawsuit. There are three elements: 1. The statement must be false 2. The person making the statement must either know it is false or show a "reckless disregard for the truth" 3. The statement must be published. Nobody on Big Brother ever made a statement about Paloma's mental health that was aired on the episode other than they were worried that she wasn't getting enough sleep. Since she herself told people she wasn't getting enough sleep, nobody can be accused of repeating a false statement that they knew was false. She was shown complaining about a lack of sleep. She was shown saying she was worried about the effect the lack of sleep would have on her. Other houseguests were shown worrying about that also. They never expressed any concern that she would harm them, but merely what effect the lack of sleep (which has been indisputably shown to be physically and mentally harmful) would have on her. She was shown manically talking in the Diary Room, then falling asleep. We were then told she'd been removed for personal reasons. At no time did anyone knowingly make a false statement about Paloma or show a "reckless disregard for the truth." If a viewer chooses to make an inference based on the remaining houseguests forming a prayer circle and talking about the need to keep centered and whatnot, CBS and the production company could not possibly be held responsible for that inference. As for her future employment prospects: Pretty much everyone understands that BB is a high-pressure game show featuring a bunch of strangers crammed into an unnatural environment and competing for a large cash prize. If I were an employer looking for a whatever-it-is-she-does-for-a-living and she applied tomorrow, I might or might not hire her, but I would put zero weight on her leaving BB early. https://www.alllaw.com/articles/nolo/civil-litigation/defamation-character.html
  22. CBS didn't show Paloma doing anything she didn't actually do or saying anything she didn't actually say. Other houseguests were shown talking about her, but in a worried tone of voice. The show said she left for "personal reasons," which is not defamatory in and of itself. Julie acted like it was minor tragedy that Paloma was forced to leave, as did the remaining houseguests. There's nothing Paloma could point to and say "They defamed my character."
  23. Finished up Season 1 last night. VERY, VERY telling that when Sherlon was talking to the camera about seeing his son, it was all about wanting to do this with Odin, and wanting to do that with Odin, and wanting Odin to grow up spending as much time with him (Sherlon) as possible. This is wonderful of course, but I noticed he referred to Aryanna as "Odin's mother." "His mother" is the phrase you use when you're being respectful to your son's mother who you no longer have a relationship with. You don't use that phrase if you still have romantic feelings for her. He did finally use Aryanna's name towards the end of his interview, but I thought his language during that segment really said it all: He wants to be a good dad, but has zero interest in being Aryanna's husband or BF.
  24. Jesse is blander than bland, but still comes off way better than Kaitlyn and Tayshia with their borderline "Mean Girls" vibe. Remember them literally peeking through bushes and making snarky comments about every guy who walked up? If the producers had let Kaitlyn or Tayshia host solo, they might've been fine, but that's not the way their two seasons as co-hosts were set up. Props to whichever guy pointed out that Magic Dude's tricks would have a short shelf life. The twins' duo conversation was a total bust, and I suspect Rachel and Gabby went to the producers afterwards and said "This isn't working. We want to each talk to the guys solo. One of us will take the fireplace, and the other will take the backyard."
  25. As you said, she wants The Big Fairytale Wedding she's been sold since birth and obviously feels incomplete without. Everything else is incidental. I can't help but notice that every time Mohamed lectures Yve about The Importance of Compromising, the only person required to "compromise" is her. He's never willing to give an inch. Lurking beneath the weird vocal mannerisms and effeminate manner is a controlling tyrant. I believe his endgame is to live in the US with Mommy waiting on him hand and foot, and Yve there to provide a steady income and sex whenever he wants it.
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