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  1. I agree that Matthew was completely out of line. He should have waited until Trixie came home to discuss his concerns about her hours. That having been said, when I have a migraine, which is what I think he had, I can be cranky and out of sorts myself, so I'll give him a pass. I adore Trixie, but if I had a little one that age, I wouldn't go trotting off for three solid days a week, nanny or no nanny. For all intents and purposes, she is his mommy--she's the only one he has ever known. I have always found it odd that they have not had Trixie consult Shelagh about how to do the family thing. She's had to deal with infants to teens, and she seems to have worked out a part-time schedule that works. Note that Shelagh left the delivery with a cheery, "see you and the baby tomorrow" when Trixie arrived. She must have an arrangement that lets her do her beloved nurse-midwife work during the day and focus on her family at night. Trixie is a great midwife, and I am sure they would be happy to work with her. On a side note, all of the moon shot scenes brought back wonderful memories. For those who were not around then, the world really was entranced by it.
  2. Be still my Turner loving heart. Tim to the rescue! The look on Sister Julienne's face when she recognized his voice was priceless. I don't think Shelagh's comment was cold. It actually reminded me of something my own dad would have said. I think what she meant was that this was not a moment to wallow in self pity. And arguably Tim took it that way because he headed out to give his dad his white coat and bag. And Matthew has completely stolen my heart. He doesn't have to be there. He just wants to do the right thing. (It doesn't hurt hat he looks darn hot while doing so.) Come home, Trixie! We need another Christmas wedding.
  3. I agree completely. The absence of Trixie and Phyllis allowed the writers to focus on some other characters, and character development is always a good thing. As a Shelagh fan, I loved seeing her get to show her stuff. (I do wish they would update her hair style to match the times. It's been the same since she left the order.)
  4. I'd choose Shelagh or Trixie. Even before they got together, Dr. Turner thought Shelagh was the most talented midwife. She's the one called in to turn babies when they are in the wrong position. And Trixie could even do a C-section if necessary. All the midwives are talented and compassionate, but those two stand out in terms of their skills.
  5. Picking Shelagh to take over is very much in character for Sister Julienne. I have always thought she viewed Shelagh as the closest thing to a daughter she would ever have, and the feeling is reciprocal. Shelagh told Sister Julienne that Teddy was on the way before she even told her husband. Sister Julienne confided in Shelagh when she feared she would be named mother superior, and she absolutely dotes on the Turner tots. Sister Julienne has always been able to rely on Shelagh in a pinch. I understand the criticism that Sister Hilda has stayed the course as a nun and deserved the honor of organizing the celebration, but I also understand why Sister Julienne was concerned about Sister Hilda's judgment--it has not been all that long since Sister Hilda's alcohol fueled hen party.
  6. Oh for pity's sake. If Janelle got sick, Kody would run in the opposite direction as fast as he could! The boys would do anything for their mom. Kody would do nothing.
  7. Could Matthew and Trixie be any cuter? Her wish is clearly his command.
  8. I'm glad that Trixie and hot widower have become friends before they move on to romance. Trixie's beaus have not always appreciated how smart and talented she is. Matthew has had to lean on her for help and respects her mind. Now that a proper period of mourning has taken place, go Mixie!
  9. There is nothing like a Tim sighting to make my day. I have loved the Turner family from Day 1. (With Tim moving out, for a minute I thought they might adopt Oliver! His mom clearly knew that you could not do better than the Turners.) I like that hot widower continues to mourn his wife. That's as it should be so soon after her death. But he and Trixie have mad chemistry and baby Jonathan needs an adoring mommy. Please give Trixie her happy ending, but find a way for her to stay on the show.
  10. Scum of the earth!!!!!!!
  11. That poor girl is in pain!!!!!!! I'm as Covid careful as anyone, but you can't ignore that child's health. Kody is such a loser!!!!!!!!!
  12. Kody would be a nightmare as a partner whether he has one wife or fifty. As I was watching last night it struck me that I can never remember him just being nice to any of the wives--even those who are in his favor at a particular moment. It's easy for us to be critical of the wives, but no wonder they are so messed up. He never has a loving, supportive word for any of them. The man you love should make you feel better about yourself. Instead, he is constantly whining about them to anyone who will listen. I can't imagine the man I love accusing me of being controlling in front of our friends. Kody accused each of his wife of doing that when he did his puppet routine. Good for Meri for not sitting still for it!
  13. If I were one of the wives and getting a dog would keep Kody away, I'd start a kennel!! Seriously, he doesn't like pets because he wants every ounce of attention for himself.
  14. I was disappointed by the lack of at least a Tim reference, too. He is one of my favorites! I wish they would give him a good storyline for the upcoming season.
  15. Still not digging Jamie and Eddie as a couple. She was way too quick to want to grab the freebies associated with his status. Jamie has class.
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