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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Glad to know I'm not the only one who wasn't a fan of Gina. Nothing against Chelsea, but Gina could be awful, so I won't miss her. Best of luck to Chelsea, though.
  2. More on characters besides the Pearsons. I know they're the foundation of the show but can we spread it a little? We know William back and forth, what about Randall's bio mother? What about Beth's family besides Zoe? Miguel is married to Rebecca yet we never see him. Hell, what about Tess and Annie? I don't count Toby because we're learning more about him through Kate, namely his depression. Stop introducing plots/ideas if you're not doing anything with them. Beth said that she hates her job, but there's no mention of it beyond one episode. Kevin paints well but we never see it again. Randall has been unemployed for a year, and it looks like Beth is the only one making any money. How's that apartment building full of tenants we never see?
  3. Regarding what Kate said, Kevin may be a privileged pretty boy, but he has worked to be taken seriously. He left The Manny, he did an off-Broadway play to work on his craft, and acted in a serious drama headlined by a respected director. Furthermore, he's made an effort to be more mature and take responsibility for his actions, even when it doesn't benefit him. Kate knows Kevin better than anyone, so her casually throwing the idea that Kevin can't pass on Jack's legacy (through children) had to sting. He's made some momentous changes in his life, so why wouldn't a child be among them? And as willingly as she dishes it out, Kate can't take it. When anyone pushes back, she gets upset and bails. Would she really have listened to Kevin or Randall if they had said some awful things like that? I love William, but his appearances are like Jack's flashbacks: well-worn territory that's meant to pull at the heartstrings. He had a beautiful farewell, so I'm tired of them going back to that apartment. I did like meeting Chichi. You know who else I'd want to know? Randall's biological mother. Sure, she's dead, but so are William and Jack, and we see them all the time!
  4. It really was a thoughtless, cruel thing for Kate to say about her brothers, hormones be damned. In Randall's case, that's twisting the knife deeper. Just how long has Kate felt this way? Does have any influence on her not wanting to adopt? Insecurities or not, I understand why Randall would be upset, and probably overthink this.
  5. I would also like to see Randall interacting with Tess and Annie more. Or Beth with her daughters. Oh, hell, anything with Beth. As usual, Randall means well, but he is pushing his adoption and identity issues onto Deja. It's his nature to give 100% whenever something is going on, but he needs to just let her be. Deja's not trying to run away, she wants to be there. Speaking of which, I'm really not into this community center thing. They already bought an entire apartment building, now Randall wants to tackle the neighborhood? Being landlords is enough, slow down. I wonder how all that is going considering that Randall is still unemployed. I'm guessing rent from the tenants is supplanting his lost income? And I'm sure he got a great severance package, but if Beth is the only one bringing in money, it could be why she's so stressed. It's been a year since William passed. Although Rebecca did deserve the dressing down from Toby, I still feel like she gets shit on more than anyone else in that family. I thought it was at a college party. Kevin gave Randall some pick up lines so he could talk to Beth.
  6. Huh, you're right. I stand corrected; I thought the other seasons were longer. This one really felt disjointed.
  7. That was an underwhelming and disjointed season finale. This year really suffered from the cut episode order, considering the episodes are only 30 minutes long. The whole season ends up being, what, 4 hours? I'm thinking Nathan was glossing over his issues. I'm wondering if he suffers from depression or something more serious and wanted to get away. Why did they go into Daniel's life just to cut him loose three episodes in without another mention? Unless they're going to do what they did with Lawrence, and play a "gotcha, he's back!" later on. Well, Molly got what she wanted. She's leading on the case, and as suspected, she's completely isolated. Way to go, Molly. At least she reconciled with Andrew. I actually didn't mind her sending Nathan away, but her cavalier mentioning to Issa was nagl. Issa was right to call her on it. Issa was trying me, though. She's just now applying for other jobs? And she bought new furniture and art for her place?!? With what money? I just wanted to scream "But...you ain't got no job!" Is Lyft paying her that well? If she genuinely put her finances on hold to play Party Planner for a month, that's dumb. I'm sorry, I know she's insecure, but that's dumb. I love that Kelli was dressed as Shonuff. Surprised Tiffany didn't have the baby, usually a pregnant character ends up giving birth by the end of the season.
  8. Seeing Kanye like this makes me sad. It feels like he just gets deeper into the shit and there's no way out. The first performance made no sense, and the censor must have been asleep, because there were at least 3 f bombs during the song. Second was pretty bad, he didn't have the vibe with Teyana like he did with Fade. As for that third, it was eh. No idea who the woman in leather pants was, but she seemed nervous. Kanye also made a speech after the credits, with the SNL cast just hanging in the background. Chris Rock was in the audience and put it on his Instagram story. From what I saw of it, awkward is putting it lightly. I noticed that none of the Black cast-members were on stage for that part, and I read that Adam Driver also left midway. Such a damn mess.
  9. I recommend it, and not just for Chris Evans. Unfortunately, the movie bombed because there was a glut of spoofing movies then, and a lot of them sucked. But NATM is hilarious. Chris Evans, Jaime Pressley, Eric Christian Olsen, Deon Richmond...everyone is great in it. I enjoyed it too, although I haven't seen Karloff's version. But I thought Branagh did a solid job in the role of Victor and casted the film beautifully. Especially with Helena Bonham-Carter.
  10. I think so but I'm wondering if they broke up. It sounds like Corky and Murphy have children, but the jury's out on Miles. Think Frank is still a confirmed bachelor. Something else I liked was that there was no animosity between Murphy and Avery. They're friendly rivals. Avery clearly has respect for his mother and her legacy, but Murphy is proud of Avery and what's he's accomplished. I was worried about seeing a "bratty Millennial" stereotype from Avery and was pleasantly surprised.
  11. Honestly, I wasn't expecting much, but I really enjoyed this. Some great throwbacks to the original series (esp the Arethaforever password) and I thought some of the former cast members got nice sendoffs. I do think Jim will make an appearance eventually. But I understand why he's not on the show. The cast fit into their old roles like a slipper. Speaking of which, I missed Miles so much. Once his neurotic self showed up, then it felt real.
  12. Special snowflake is part of being a Pearson. Remember, Kate's father managed to do a pretty good job schmoozing a car salesman into knocking a few bucks off their new station wagon. Screw the cost. As Jack said, "his family belonged in that car". Surely that was enough to melt that cold salesman's heart! It's enlightening to read these PCOS stories as a fellow PCOS'er myself (waves). I think the show did a real disservice on how they introduced it. PCOS isn't another word for infertility, it's a metabolic disorder that usually includes weight gain, if not difficulty in losing weight. And weight is a crucial part of Kate's story, whether we like it or not. Nothing the doctor said would make things perfect, but it could have been some solace to Kate knowing that her weight issues were more than just overeating and not exercising. I think Rebecca's bad rap is due to shitty writing. They're not afraid to show Rebecca's flaws; she wasn't thrilled about becoming a mother, she unwittingly played favorites with her children, she encouraged Kate's poor self-image (again, unwittingly). She's certainly made mistakes, but she's not a bad person, and I believe she loves her family. Unfortunately, her other half is written as God's gift to parenthood, marriage, and the working man. It's not that I don't like Jack, I'm just sick of the idolization of him. One of my favorite moments was Jack going to that meeting when Randall was a kid and literally propping his son on his back, telling him he'd always be there for him. That scene really showed why Jack was so beloved and respected. But now? It's just overkill. Especially when those heroic moments for Rebecca are so few and far between. Rebecca's character is used to prop him up, and Jack has never needed that. Since the very beginning, the show has said has emphasized what a great person he was and how lucky people were to know him. What flaws he does have are minimal, and usually forgotten quickly, whereas Rebecca is constantly dragged by her family or by her own guilt. That's why I didn't care about their first date. Like Jack wouldn't do whatever he could to impress her, or spend every last dime to bring a smile to her face? No, because that's what he's always done. Meanwhile, Rebecca is the shrew who didn't pick up the clues that her date was broke, so she didn't pay. Yawn. Which is why I'm hoping for meatier material when they show Vietnam and his brother. If it's more of Jack self-sacrificing, no thanks.
  13. I like the optimistic idea of the series, but the execution really needs work. I already watch This is Us, I don't think I can watch another schmaltzy drama. The foster mother/daughter thing was just baffling. So what if the foster mother had written a nice journal? That doesn't mean her daughter would be an appropriate foster parent herself. She could have been broke, battling her own demons, or you know, just not interested in fostering some random kid. Talk about desperate. And the freaking head of the psych department came up with that? I don't care how earnest it was, that plan had FAIL written all over it. Saw the throat culture being cancerous immediately. They don't just drop that stuff in there by accident. What was surprising was that Max already knew about it.
  14. I wish Toby had pushed back with Kate more. His reasoning for not doing the IVF are valid. Beside the issue with his antidepressants, IVF is an expensive, emotional process. Their chances of conceiving are already low. Kate got swept up in the whole idea of a second chance, but knowing her, she's not going to compromise. I was surprised that no one mentioned adoption, given that Randall's adoption had such an impact on their family. Granted, adoption is no easy thing to do either, but at least they have a little more choice into what's happening. When Kate basically dumped her purse at the birthday party, all I could think of was how awkward it was. But people only exist to hear the Pearson's problems. I didn't care about Jack and Rebecca's first date. We already know they'll live happily ever after, regardless of the other guy. And I don't need to see anymore of how Jack is the greatest guy who ever lived and no one compares, blah blah. I'm more interested in seeing what happened in Vietnam. I liked the twist that Beth is trying to protect Kevin. It's not just shtick; I really don't think she likes him most of the time. Not that she hates him or wishes him ill, just that she doesn't like him and finds him annoying. Deja was right to tell Randall off the way she did. He means well, but he can't get out of his own head and his own experiences. I guess her busting the car windshield is water under the bridge? Hope to see more of Kate and Annie this season. I still think the woman they're visiting in the flashforward is Annie. :(
  15. I guess I'll have to handwave a couple of things that were bothering me: Issa devoting all her time and energy to this block party without having a steady job, and the legal matter with Lyft being settled. Next week is the season finale, so I'm just assuming the second part has worked itself out. And Molly takes another L. I would feel for her if she hadn't pulled this same crap in s1. Molly keeps getting in her own way, and the moment someone tells her the truth about herself, she's out. I doubt we'll see Andrew again, but I don't blame him for what he said to her. To make matters worse, Molly's made an enemy off Taurean. She really needs to wise up. This isn't always about getting to the top. She's only been at the new firm a few weeks and she has no allies. With the reputation she's earning, she'll have to watch her back with all of her coworkers. I wonder if she's still going to therapy. I knew Chad would end up losing his mind in church, and I loved it. I was waiting for the inevitable breakdown after his wedding-that-wasn't. He needs to become a regular next season! The moment Church Girl was going on about how she'd devoted a year of her life to service, I knew Lawrence was out. It's not a bad thing, but it was clearly too much for him. He and Issa are getting back together, that I'm sure of. But I think we'll see Nathan and Daniel at least one more time. I appreciated the realism of what Issa was going through with Nathan ghosting. She really opened herself up to this guy, and it hurts. Naturally she wants to know why he disappeared, and the lengths she went to were sketchy. But she deserves better. I'm glad she deleted Nathan's presence off of her phone.
  16. I remember that mother, it was one of the few times I sided with Abby. The fact that the mother was relieved that her husband “forgave” her... talk about disturbing. I didn’t know which was worse: her actually trying to have another baby, or her being married to a man who only saw her as a breeding machine for his children. I pitied that poor woman.
  17. What I like about DH is that they’re making an effort to be inclusive. The segments on the Stonewall Riots and the 504 Sit-In had openly trans actors and disabled actors playing the characters.
  18. Constance is the third woman I’ve seen wearing platform heels. Must be a trend this year.
  19. Damn, I was rooting for Leticia. Your time will come, girl! Also, these skits are terrible.
  20. Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. This isn't just ghosting. When there's legal issues and/or money involved, things get serious real quick. Now, Nathan's charm and transient nature look suspect, not inspiring. Issa really shouldn't be in the dark about this. She got a call from Lyft about the issue, then another call stating that the matter was settled. That's it. All the while, radio silence from Nathan. Issa has no idea how the matter was taken care of, what Nathan told them, what the other guy said, nothing.
  21. Am I alone in thinking this block party idea is a waste of time? It just feels so random and thrown out there. Right now, Issa doesn't have a steady job and that should be her project. She can still enjoy her freedom from WGY and look for a new gig. I just don't see the point of the block party. It was nice to see Issa and Lawrence have a real conversation and remind why they liked each other so much. Ugh to chlamydia, though. But Lawrence got lucky, considering. Nathan not following up about the investigation is very troubling. Did he come clean? Was there a settlement that he claimed? Did he pin the blame on Issa? Something's not right there. Tiffany was right and wrong. Issa and Molly haven't shown any enthusiasm towards the baby, so I get why Tiffany excluded them. But Kelli did offer to throw the baby shower. My thought was that Tiffany felt Kelli would do something inappropriate, or is just embarrassed by Kelli. Either way, it's an interesting insight that Kelli and Tiffany are considered best friends. I feel bad for Kelli, because she feels she really doesn't have anyone. And Tiffany didn't give Kelli a chance to throw the party she wanted. Dro ain't shit. Candace being pregnant may be a blessing in disguise for Molly. Let him pout Molly, because he's no longer your problem. Meanwhile, Andrew's available. Chad being single isn't a surprise, lol. Glad to have him back, I missed him.
  22. How to be Single is a perfectly enjoyable rom-com, as long as you don't watch it expecting anything more than what it is. It's the kind of movie you watch to kill time on a Sunday afternoon.
  23. The condom issue was mentioned last year, too. Issa said in an interview that they were using condoms, they just weren’t showing it. But it’s hard to imply that happened on the Ferris wheel, because the hookup happened so fast. Didn’t Nathan pull her panties to the side?
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