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  1. Thanking you in advance Baltimore Betty!!
  2. That whole IVF baby thing was some top notch bulldookey, imho. Even MIA was trying to run away from THAT comment after she made it. STOOPID. I saw that too! It's some new soap opera on CBS. She AT LEAST has that one liner in the commercial. I had to see it a couple of times before thinking "Is THAT Karen Huger?"
  3. Dorito's gonna need to cool it with the whole "bitch summer" thing and start looking for some old dude who has a big, fat wallet and a hearing problem.
  4. The thing that shocked me the most was the condition of Dorito's upstairs! Especially all those empty racks and all those boxes everywhere. What the hell happened to her "CURATED" pieces of clothing that she's usually so proud of? All I saw was big old mess!
  5. Welp, I guess that "open marriage" must have worked like a charm. Gino wouldn't have sex with her so she got pregnant with Matt's baby. What a doofus. I hope this means the E-N-D of the Gino/Jasmine storyline forever and ever and we never have to see EITHER ONE of them again.
  6. And her eyes are squintier than Stacy's. She's off on the lion "look" if she goes any further with the eye surgeries.
  7. Sounds like the Boston accent on the commercials. I agree the idea of the SHOOTER of a person has their WIFE complaining about TRAGEDY. You'd think the family of the SHOOTING VICTIM might have a touch more tragedy with which to deal. I'm passing on this ration of horseshit.
  8. I watched the Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet starting in that awful 2nd quarter! Those puppies though..... FANTASTIC!!
  9. ITA!! Quad's "new king" must be wondering who he's hooking up with after her performance at that dinner last night. WHAT a doofus she is!
  10. So... Is her going to rehab an attempt to keep from going to jail?
  11. ITA. It's just a place for them to show off their clothes, houses, hair, glam.....
  12. Purple would have been SO much better than that ugly blue!
  13. Her fee for doing the "Tell-Alls" is next to nothing?
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