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Everything posted by slitz

  1. There's a first look now. http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/season/episode-720/videos?clip=2890211 The CLAWS are out!
  2. I was just reading the Reality Tea recap and noticed something in one of the pictures from Ramona's party. Is that Marisa from Ladies of London I see behind Sonja and Kristen?!?!?! I know it's another Bravo show but a Ramona party is the LAST place I would expect to see one of those ladies grace. eta: Shot, I can't seem to figure out how to post a photo here. Here's a link to the recap. The photo is about halfway down the page. http://www.realitytea.com/2015/08/12/real-housewives-new-york-finale-recap-starting-dummies/
  3. I have to say, Brooks' explanation of his plan to halt chemo and try "blasting antioxidants" into his body has me scratching my head. A beloved local radio personality here in Central Florida (he's been on the same station for nearly 25 years) just passed away today after a 7 year long battle with non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, the same cancer that Brooks says he has. He has been so upfront with his battle and what they were doing and not once was there any mention of halting his chemo to try what Brooks is describing. I just don't get the thought process behind it. And it has me questioning EVERYTHING he has said about his cancer. I hate to think that he and Vicki are lying about it but I can't help but wonder now.
  4. No no, dont! It made me laugh and I needed that today. :)
  5. I bolded the above...and it made me laugh to see because that was pretty much my nickname throughout all of elementary and high school. lol
  6. I already love Heather but I love Vacation Heather even more! I adore that she's absolutely willing to try anything once.
  7. Well Meghan has managed to achieve something that no other Housewife on this show has managed, not even Gramballs. I am done. I just can't anymore with her or the rest of these "ladies" (with the exception of Heather - maybe she comes off a bit pretentious at times, but she owns it and I love her obsession with champs). Lizzie's a non-entity this season, Shannon is just a hot mess of anxiety and neuroses that makes me depressed every time she's on my screen, Meghan is even more useless to me than she is to Jimmy, and Vicki and Gramballs are...well, Vicki and Gramballs. I have the last three episodes on my DVR and apart from watching the First Look last night, those three episodes remain unseen. I have no desire whatsoever to view them. Instead I will read the recaps and forum here. Much more entertaining and I won't have to hear any of their screeching.
  8. Count me in on the "But she was clearly joking" train of thought. Truthfully I find Carole's sense of humor much more in line with mine than I do any of the other housewives. There tends to be a thread of meanness in most of the others' jokes, IMO at least. Not that Carole hasn't been catty a time or two, but I find it happens more often in some of the others.
  9. Don't remind me...I'm still paying off my cards for all my Gretchen Christine Beaute products and purses! ;)
  10. As a step-child, I'm going to chime in on this discussion. My older brother and I both call our stepmother "Mom". To us she is Mom. She has loved us, tended to our hurts, disciplined us, cheered us on, cried for us...all the things that a Mom does. Just as our Mother has. The difference, and this is something that my stepmom said to my mother last year...I may have two Moms but I only have one Mother and no one can ever take her place, no matter what. So I honestly have no issues with what Meghan was saying. I think one of Meghan's problems is that she has a hard time expressing her thoughts in a way that people like Vicki and Gramballs can understand. Personally I want to slap Vicki so hard she never speaks again. Her attitudes towards SAHM and now stepmothers is not only ignorant but, IMO, cruel.
  11. Ohhhh...do you have a website where I could see your pieces?
  12. Oh boy...I can see I have a lot of catching up to do! I've been on vacation for the last 12 days so I've missed quite a bit! I did manage to catch last weeks' episode on repeat one morning in the hotel and all I can say is that Carole is right...The Countess is back! For her to be so outraged at Heather and Carole is, IMO, ridiculous. And Ramona is horrible. I just have no words for her. I usually like Ramona but I'm having a hard time with that right now.
  13. Ugh. If I hadn't already been on the Meghan hate-train, I would now. What a ungrateful spoiled brat! I cautiously sided with her regarding phone-gate because Shannon's reaction was just way too over the top, but Meghan is just showing what an immature brat she is.
  14. Guys, I'm not sure if I can watch this episode tonight. Aside from being annoyed with Meghan's behavior in the First Look, I saw the clip on Bravo's website of Vicki and the phone call. My heart just aches for Vicki.
  15. Agreed. Because, really, what else has Lu brought to this season? Some feigned indignation over Carole dating her niece's ex-boyrfriend that barely even lasted 1 episode. Then there was her collection that took up, if one were to put all the scenes together, one episode. So two episodes out of 13 so far? Meanwhile, the Sonja drama has been going on since the beginning really, then there's Ramona's divorce and Bethenny has also been a main focus. For everyone saying that Kristen and Heather should be worried about keeping their apples because of a lack of a storyline, so should Luann.
  16. I find it interesting that Dorinda hasn't posted a blog yet. Perhaps she was waiting to see what the reaction from the fans was beforehand and now she's realizing that not everyone is rushing to her side? I've read most of her tweets from the other night and even responded to a couple of them myself. While there are a number of people that are on her side, there are also a number that are not. Could be she's not getting the reaction she thought she would.
  17. THIS! Her reactions over Twitter, and honestly her reaction on the show as well, is so disproportionate to what happened. It makes me believe that what we've seen of her so far has mostly been an act. Could be wrong of course and maybe she just has a hair trigger temper when it comes to certain things (she certainly does when it comes to her daughter) and this perceived slight by Heather is one of them.
  18. Only that's not what we saw...unless I pulled a Sonja and blacked out and missed some scenes. I could be remembering this wrong but wasn't it at Dorinda's Berkshires home, when Bethenny went over and hugged Heather and that's when Heather told her that she'd just wait for Bethenny to come to her. Heather then said basically the same thing at Ramona's party at her restaurant, that Heather would let Bethenny come to her. I don't recall seeing any of the women pull Heather aside and tell her to back off. Again, I could be remembering this incorrectly. I try to block out all the shenanigans afterwards. Dwelling on it too much gives me indigestion. ;)
  19. From Luann's blog Ha ha ha ha ha!!! That's a good one Luann! I'm sure Carole and Adam would have something to say about that. She's just as judgmental as the rest of them! Seems like Luann may be laying the groundwork for her "Don't be all uncool" moment next week.
  20. Something I noticed last night....those were new Bethenny THs. Her hairstyle is different in them compared to the others we've seen already this season, and we haven't seen that top before now either. I wonder if these are now the ones they went back to film after the season started?
  21. The editing monkeys at Bravo must be clocking in some serious overtime then on the episodes coming after T&C, if indeed there are any. Usually there's at least the episode titles by now, but we don't even have those yet! And there's been not one single peep about them filming the reunion and I can't imagine that the Twitter loving Dorinda wouldn't be tweeting something about that.
  22. Holy christ, Dorinda is drunk off her ass in that clip. She's making no sense. Does she not realize that technically "shit" is a curse word and she just loves to say that all the time. You better back that shit up Dorinda and back it up real quick!
  23. I feel so lost. I have no idea what could have happened between them to cause Dorinda to go after Heather like this. The exchange we saw last night just does not seem like a big enough deal for there to be this much hostility.
  24. True. Almost every single TH she had about it, it was all about how this party was her introduction to OC society....and oh yeah, it's also for charity! #youareanasshatMeghan
  25. To be fair to Meghan(hurts to type that!), she didn't start back on Shannon until Shannon started up with her, IMO, bullshit excuses again. Obviously SOMEONE affiliated with JDRF gave Meghan Shannon's number. You want to bitch about that, you bitch to the person who gave your number out, not the person who called you looking for some help with a charity event. Meghan definitely should not have kept interrupting Shannon, made her look like a 5 year old, but Shannon's own apology was so fake, I don't blame Meghan for not accepting it.
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