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Everything posted by slitz

  1. Eh, I give Heather a pass on this. I can only stand to be inside a Yankee Candle store for about 10 minutes before I start to get a headache. And some of the boutiques that feature candles and bath products like Meghan and Jimmy's new store, forget it. 5 minutes and I'm out of there. It can be seriously overpowering. One of my favorite bath and body product stores, that I conveniently enough discovered on my trip to Ireland (LUSH), I can no longer go in to. Any time I want one of their bath bombs or bubble bars, I have to order it online. There's a store in the Orlando airport...I can't even walk past the store opening without my sinuses flipping out.
  2. And men...I've seen some comments that absolutely disgusted me. It makes me sad that there is so little empathy out there.
  3. Throwing my 2 cents out there... Regardless of how "easy" it was for Meghan to get pregnant, she still lost a baby. To see comments on here and else where blasting her for mourning the loss of the second baby is sickening, to be honest. The first time you hear your baby's heartbeat is a whirlwind of emotions...hoping and expecting to hear two and only hearing one? I can't even begin to imagine the devastation that both Meghan and Jim must have felt. And now having to relive that moment and have complete strangers blast you for your reaction? WTF.
  4. WTF? How are they not aware of last years' cancer scam?!?! Who in their right mind would want Vicki to be in their charities commercial?
  5. My guess is that they'll somehow convince Heather to sit on the same couch as Vicki and Kelly, since it seems as though she doesn't have quite as many issues with them as the other ladies do at this point. Or Meghan. Actually, I'm going to go with the seating chart being Meghan, Kelly, Vicki, Andy, Shannon, Tamra and Heather, in that order.
  6. Obviously YMMV, but I viewed that little snippet between Tamra and Meghan as a cute little exchange between friends. I guess I should now be retroactively offended by any of my taller friends leaning their elbows or heads on my head/shoulder? Guess I'll be PMing my old theater friend from high school and telling her off for using me as a resting place. Sorry but I just don't see why there is any sort of outrage over this friendly exchange between these two women. Should anyone over 5'8 start expressing outrage at Tamra for calling out Meghan's height? Jesus.
  7. There's a video up now of Meghan and Jimmy finding out there's just the one baby. I know lots of you are over Meghan's IVF/pregnancy storylne but dammit, this got to me. http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-11/episode-13/videos/meghan-finds-out-shes-only-having
  8. All this talk about the LA freeways is bringing back lots of memories. LOL I lived in the San Fernando Valley (near the 101) and worked in Westwood. I rarely ever took the freeways but would do the surface streets. Coldwater Canyon to Mullholland Drive to Sepulveda. Driving on Mullholland was easily the favorite part of my drive. I still sometimes miss those views. OT...holy christ, what a nightmare that particular MIL is! If Shannon's been dealing with crap like that the whole time she and David have been married no wonder she's a little nutty. Relationships with in-laws can be so tricky. I have only met one of my DHs sisters (he has 2) and have never met his mother. He is not close with any of them, for various reasons, and he has pretty much stopped trying to have a relationship with them. When I was pregnant with our first son, an invitation to my baby shower was sent to my MIL and two SILs (they all live together). It was addressed to each of them. Well, one of my SILs is always referred to by her nickname, Evey, not her full name, Evelyn, so I had her nickname on the envelope. I also had it spelled the way my grandmother, also an Evelyn, spells it, Evie. Holy crap, the shit storm that caused! My DH was called and proceeded to be yelled at about how disrespectful that was and that he was an ungrateful, hateful asshole to have done that...never mind that he's not the one who did it. He basically told them they could all go to hell, that it was a shame that his son was never going to get to know that side of his family and that he would make sure that his son knew why. I have some limited contact with his mother still (facebook) so that she can at least see photos of our sons but that's it. So bravo to David for telling his mother off for her behavior that night. It sucks and it is so unfair to the kids but they also don't need to be around that. There's enough dysfunction already...in the Beador house and our own! ;)
  9. This is a good point and reminded me of something that happened with my stepfather passed away. He used to teach at USC's medical school and as we are big football fans, we used to get season tickets to the USC games. We sat next to the same group of people for close to 10 years and everyone was very friendly and would catch up at the beginning of the season on everyone's lives/family/etc. Outside of that though, we didn't see them during the rest of the year. When my stepfather passed away and the obituary ran, they all saw it. Every single person that we sat next to at those games showed up at his funeral. I can't even begin to tell you how much that meant to my mother and I. They didn't know us outside of those games. They didn't have to take time out of their day to attend the funeral of a man they only saw on a handful of Saturdays in the fall. But they did. I can't say the same would be true for Vicki.
  10. All very true. Which is why I understand why Meghan didn't go and I'm not going to get upset that she didn't. She's an adult perfectly capable of making her own decisions. And frankly, Vicki has brought it on herself. She was nasty to Meghan all last season and likely would have been even without Meghan donning her "Nancy Drew Detective Girl" hat.
  11. This. I get why Meghan didn't, honestly I do. BUT, if it were me, I would have gone and it would have been for those very reasons above. In my opinion, it's just the right thing to do and I do remember being a bit shocked last night when Meghan stated that she wasn't going to go. It would have been such a small thing for her to have done. But I'm not going to crucify Meghan for not doing it either. Yes, she and Vicki and "friendly" with each other, but they are by no means friends. I highly doubt they talk to each other everyday or at all when not filming. Count me in for Heather's version of camping. I've done the rugged camping, I've done the trailers like what Tamra had arranged for (and those were a whole heck of a lot nicer than what I experienced as a kid!) and I'll take Heather's version (personal chef included) any day of the week. Sorry, I like being comfortable even when I'm "roughing" it. If that makes me a "princess"....well that is what my name means in Hebrew so I guess it's accurate! LOL Kelly's a fucking moron. I can not believe she actually undid the strap of her helmet, claustrophobic or not. She's beyond lucky that she didn't break her neck or worse. I missed the very beginning so I didn't catch Shannon's explanation for why she couldn't attend Glamis. Whether her excuse is real or not, I probably would have had the same reaction if I was her and found out that the woman who had spewed such vile vulgarity at me the last time I saw her was going to be on this trip as well. No thank you.
  12. Frankly, after seeing that preview, I'm exhausted with Dorinda. I wasn't entirely sure about her at the end of last season and now I know for sure that I'm done with her. And honestly, done with this particular franchise as well. This used to be my favorite of all the RH shows but not any more. Bringing Bethenny back was a mistake I think. She is just far too nasty and vile for my tastes. Ramona and Sonja...are sometimes entertaining but not enough to keep me coming back every week. Carole and Jules are pretty much non-entities to me, Dorinda's exhausting, Luann is way too in love with herself...so I'm out. Good luck to the rest of you!
  13. Gotcha. I'm still good with Shannon, Heather and Meghan (for the most part). I can even tolerate this new version of Gramballs. So I'll probably still stick with the OC, at least for the remainder of this season. But NYC? Done. I just can't anymore with those women. And that makes me so mad because it used to be my absolute favorite of the RH shows. Bethenny coming back has completely ruined it for me. She's nasty, vicious, vile, hypocritical (at least Luann was right about that) and just flat out a mean girl.
  14. After last nights RHoNYC reunion, I could not disagree with this more. I would rather watch more of Meghan's IVF "journey" than another minute of Bethenny and Luann trying to knock the other one down. I'm FINALLY done with NYC. Now if Vicki and Kelly are both back next year, I could very well be saying the same thing about the OC.
  15. Wow, that's awesome that your husband is making it happen. I was lucky enough that I had friends who lived in Dublin so I didn't have to worry about finding a hotel otherwise it probably wouldn't have happened for me either. You will LOVE it. I fell in love with Ireland and am determined to get back there one day. And even on a budget, there's so much to see and do that is relatively inexpensive. I was there for just over a week and had maybe all of $500 for sightseeing, food, drinks and gifts and still managed to come back with some money...although this was nearly 16 years ago. LOL Anyways, when you're starting to make plans, feel free to send me a PM for some tips on things to see/go/do while in Dublin (if that's where you end up going). And because it can not be said enough, this trip is going to be completely wasted on Kelly, Vicki and probably even Tamra. I could see Meghan, Shannon and Heather enjoying themselves and not making complete asses of themselves like the other three. But unleashing that unholy trinity on poor Ireland? *shudders* Like the European countries don't hate us enough already.
  16. Question...does anyone actually know how old this daughter is that Bethenny called? I've seen her referred to as an adult, as a teenager, a child, etc. so I'm just curious if anyone actually knows how old she is. There is so much else I could say about this episode but others have done it far more eloquently than I have. All I will say is that both Luann and Bethenny came off badly. Neither of them "won" in their little showdown.
  17. Grew up in the San Fernando Valley, North Hollywood to be specific, and recall the 1994 Northridge earthquake in great detail still. That shit was scary. I don't think I've ever been so terrified. I live in Florida now and I'll take a hurricane/tropical storm/tornado any day over an earthquake. We at least have time to prepare and get somewhere safe if necessary. Not so with earthquakes.
  18. Don't forget, the women are still going to Ireland later this season. Which pisses me off insanely because I LOVE Ireland and have been wanting to go back for years and these bitches get to go on Bravo's dime. And it will be totally wasted on them.
  19. I missed this episode and probably won't be able to watch it on repeat for a few days. Can anyone give me a quick breakdown of what happened? Pretty please? Send it to me in a PM if you want.
  20. Anyone else notice that in Heather's last two podcasts she has not talked about the show? Nor has she posted a blog to the Bravo website. Curious about that. I was really hoping to hear her thoughts on Meghan's sushi dinner party and this weeks' episode as well.
  21. Oh yes. Vicki has always used her blog as a way to try and get insurance leads.
  22. UGH! The shoulder shimmy...I hate it when she does that. And of course she did that after Kelly's "They hate us because the can't be us".
  23. Holy crap, I actually enjoyed this episode...minus the Vicki and Kelly dinner. Ugh. Please get them off my screen...and tell Kelly that those jumpsuits she seems to prefer wearing do her absolutely no favors. I meant to mention that after last weeks "notrocious" pink onesie she was wearing at the sushi dinner party. Those ruffles on it didn't help either. Shannon's complete and utter shock at the birthday and vow renewal surprise was so touching. I teared up several times. Good job David. And I loved seeing the genuine excitement and happiness on Shannon's face at seeing everyone. This is the first episode I have truly enjoyed in a long time. No words for Jimmy managing to make it for the party but not Meghan's IVF procedures. Priorities Jimmy, priorities. At least we did get to see Meghan tell Kelly what an idiot she's being behaving the way she has been. Who would have thought that Meghan could be a voice of reason? It's like I'm in the Twilight Zone. And no Kelly, they don't hate you because they aren't you. They hate you because you're a raving lunatic who flies off the handle at the drop of a hat.
  24. HA! What's funny is I first put 9 lemons in a bowl but then erased the 9 because I couldn't remember if that was the right number or not. Clearly I should have gone with my first instinct! lol
  25. Welcome to the team! We have champs and lemons in a bowl for everyone!
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