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Everything posted by slitz

  1. I'm torn. On one hand, I get why Meghan didn't want Shannon at the party. While Meghan definitely could have handled the second confrontation better and not gotten so snippy, Shannon also did herself no favors with her reaction to Meghan when first approached about the phone call. And then on the other hand, seriously Meghan? You couldn't have extended the invitation to Shannon as well? All that would have been required was a hello, thank you for coming, you look lovely, wine and appetizers are being served over there, enjoy yourself! That's it! She would have looked a lot more mature in my eyes then. Now she just looks like a petulant child who needs a timeout. Apparently all is fine now between the Beadors and Emmonds but if one can read between the lines of Meghan's blog, that's certainly not the case between Meghan and Vicki. I have to admit, I'm a little bit excited to see someone try to take on Vicki.
  2. I bolded this because have you read Meghan's blog? Whoa. Meghan may have buried the hatchet with Shannon but she's got another one ready for Vicki.
  3. So did they shorten the season then? Normally we get at least 22-23 episodes, including the Reunion episodes. The last T&C episode is #15.
  4. AMEN!!! I struggled with being super skinny most of my childhood and up until my late 20s. I can not begin to tell you how much it annoyed me that people (including some friends and family) though I was suffered from either anorexia or bulimia. I got told so many times to go eat some bread or pasta that I wanted to scream. Anyone who really knew me would have laughed at the suggestion that I was anorexic or bulimic. But nevertheless, I was accused of both frequently. It constantly amazed me that people felt they could tell me to my face that I had an eating disorder. I mean, there was NO holding back. I even had a teacher in high school that would send me to the nurse to get weighed once a week. If I'd lost any weight at all, I would come in to class the next day and find a sandwich or something similar at my desk. And this was right after lunch so I was already full from eating. It was insane. I did not stay in his class for very long.
  5. I just watched Luann "perform" her new song on last night's WWHL. What in the sweet holy hell was that????? My eyes and ears are bleeding now. And I'm sorry, but that was not a flattering look for Luann. That skirt was an inch shy from showing everyone Luann's vagina. Not attractive on anyone, regardless of their age, IMO.
  6. What the hell is going on the forums these days? I can't directly quote posts anymore...very frustrating. KFC said Oh Ramona is definitely a snake and has said some truly horrible things to the other ladies. I just found it a tad hypocritical of Luann to be telling Ramona that she needs to downsize RIGHT THIS INSTANCE. How many years was it after Luann's own divorce before she sold her Hampton's home? She's in the middle of her divorce Luann. As Bethenny would say, get off her jock. She'll sell the house when she's ready to.
  7. Has a Housewife ever topped the "Trending Now" list? According to Yahoo's list, Heather is numero uno - I mean, numéro un.
  8. Ugh, I hate that dress she's wearing. Not a fan of that look, even if you do have a body that can pull it off. It just looks tacky to me.
  9. This is GOLD! The next time I go to confession (which, let's face it, isn't happening anytime soon - sorry Mom!), I'll be sure to let the priest know that my penance needs to include at least five Suck It Jesus'.
  10. Having trouble quoting posts this morning. Mountainair said I'm not a big fan of Meghan so far but I'm on her side with this as well. And seriously Shannon, you're going to scold her about still saying her maiden name? But either way, if this is indeed a charity that Shannon supports (which she hasn't denied), who cares if you threw the party the year before or not?!?! Someone was calling you for advice. If you can't talk at that moment, explain that, say you'll call them later when you can talk and THEN DO THAT!! Sorry for the all caps, but I absolutely hate it when someone says they'll call you back and doesn't. Drives me up the wall. Gramballs lurking in the background and eavesdropping on their conversation was hysterical! It's like she's got a radar that detects when any of the ladies are fighting and she scrambles on over so she can get all the dirt. I'm surprised Terry wasn't right there with her, his radar seems to be pretty accurate as well. ;)
  11. I haven't really wanted to chime in about the possibility of Brooks' cancer being fake because, well, the very idea of it makes me sick. That said, my mother had breast cancer about 15 year ago and her chemo treatment was a three week course of treatment. She'd go in for chemo on a Friday, be sick all weekend and then back to work on Monday. Every third Friday, it repeated. And while she did lose her hair and was sick on the weekends, she didn't look sick. She had some pretty good wigs that she wore to work (she works with children and she was afraid of scaring them) and when she had them on, you would not have known she was going through chemo. Meghan alluding to Brooks faking his cancer is just one of many reasons why I'm not taking to her. There's just something about her overall that I don't like, and what I'm seeing on my tv is not helping her any. Including her douchebag of a husband. No wonder Gramballs is calling Meghan her "mini-me". She's just as fake and nasty as the original recipe.
  12. You have more patience than I. I skipped straight to the Spartan run training scene at the park. I didn't realize that the party at Aviva's had happened by that point. I thought it was after the run, at the end of the episode.
  13. I think that happened during filming for last season. IIRC, Heather came over to Carole's after a day at court for some tequila shots.
  14. I watched the extended scene of the ladies' dinner and I have to say, Luann lost me after that. She's talked in her blog and her THs that Ramona was awful to her during her divorce. It seems to me that instead of rising above it and being there for Ramona, Luann has taken every opportunity to be just as nasty to Ramona during hers. I would have had so much more respect for Luann if she could have done like Bethenny and Dorinda and just listened to Ramona.
  15. So I may have joined Hulu Plus so I could watch this. I need to be stopped. lol The only thing that was said about Aviva was when Josh asked the trainer where he got his legs (very muscular calves...like WHOA) and Heather joked "We should get Aviva to get one with a big muscle on it." Now YMMV but personally, I didn't see this as mocking her handicap or the accident. This was prior to the big blow-up at Aviva's housewarming and all the subsequent fights so at this point, Heather really has no beef with Aviva. I think she was just making a joke, but not one that was meant maliciously. Again, I'll state that this is just my opinion and others may see it differently. But there was no joking about how Aviva has to hop. Not sure about what other scene you're talking about though or when that took place. Edited because the forums went crazy on me and put my post in here twice.
  16. I have looked through the episode threads on here and a couple other sites and have not found a single mention of Heather and Kristin mocking Aviva's handicap. I would think that if they had there would have been a HUGE stink made about it.
  17. I believe that was Malibu Country *hangs head in shame* I have a vast knowledge of completely useless trivia.
  18. This is the best news I've heard all day!!!
  19. I hope someone can find it because I've looked high and low (so much for eating my lunch!) and haven't been able to find anything.
  20. Oh I know the ladies mocked her for the flying/fear of planes phobia and asthma. That's why I stated that I wanted an example of them mocking her for her ACTUAL handicap, the loss of her leg.
  21. Someone may have asked this already, but can you give an example of when any of the ladies mocked Aviva for her handicap? And I'm talking about her physical handicap, not her fear of planes/flying or her sudden asthma. Those I think we did see some mocking of. But her actual physical handicap, which seems to be what you're referring to, I don't recall any of the ladies mocking her for that.
  22. Geez, can we not lump all Floridians in one giant party-boat?
  23. Hey! No bashing my home state...even if it is true. =P
  24. Or Orlando residents. ;) Sorry, couldn't help myself.
  25. I think this was talked about last season...but I could be confusing that discussion with a discussion that happened on TWOP.
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