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Everything posted by slitz

  1. Honestly, I don't think they are really even trying. They don't have to. The woman has a fully stocked bar on every floor of her house. She was the neighborhood drunk way before RHOC came calling.
  2. All that means is that Kelly was supposed to be on Season 8 but wasn't because her daughter couldn't film. This does not mean that she has signed contracts for next season. It is WAY too early for that yet. And wouldn't that be Season 12 anyways?
  3. That article linked in the media thread actually states that Kelly had originally signed on for season 8. This is season 11. She ended up not doing it because her husband did the same thing Simon Barney did and blocked their daughter from being filmed. This was during the time that they were separated and Kelly was engaged to someone else. So no Kelly next season...yet. They usually don't send out contracts this early anyways. But I agree, if Kelly is back next season I'm done with this show. I am 100% in Heather's corner with her reaction to Kelly's vile behavior and I absolutely would have asked Kelly to leave the party as well, whether it was "my" party or not. No one deserves to be called that or screamed at like Kelly did to Shannon and Tamra.
  4. Wasn't it Joe that called Theresa a **nt (I can't type it either) when he was on the phone with his alleged mistress during the wine tasting trip?
  5. In all my years of theater (okay, really not that many but still), I have only seen this done once. And it was my freshman year of high school. So yeah, no, I don't buy it at all that the girls would have been watching each others auditions. By the way, first time commenting on these but I LIVE for these podcasts and visual aids. Bravo!
  6. And cue the ugly cry...
  7. Thank you! I'm so glad to see someone else that feels the same way about Jeff Lewis. I watched the first season of Flipping Out and was just appalled at how he treated his staff. YMMV, but I found nothing funny about the way he treats them. I have no doubt that, in his own way, he loves those closest to him, but there's no way in hell I would have ever put up with being treated that way by my boss. Obviously they are willing to put up with it and/or find him funny, but I do not. Is Heather snooty and materialistic? Yes. But, as Lisa Rinna would say, she owns it. She calls herself Fancy Pants. But at the same time, I've never, to my recollection, seen her be rude or dismissive to any of the waitstaff we've seen on the show, or the staff at any of the resorts they've traveled to, etc. She's certainly never been as rude or insensitive as Vicki has on several occasions.
  8. Same here. Personally I find her entertaining and funny. I enjoy getting her perspective on RHOC and a little bit more scope on what's happened that didn't get shown.
  9. Yes, this is typical Viki. My comment was in response to another poster stating that Vicki making the down payment could be construed as a "gift". If you are paying someone back, sorry it's not a gift. It's a loan, plain and simple. And I'd be more than happy to tell Vicki that face to face. And now I need the brain bleach again. Thanks for that. *shudders*
  10. We're planning on a remodel of our kitchen and a second oven is the only thing that I have said is a must-have. If I could, I would trade my dishwasher for it to get it now...and I HATE washing dishes by hand.
  11. I don't know about you but I know that for myself two ovens would be incredibly helpful. There are lots of dishes that I make that require different temperatures. Having a second oven would make my life so much easier sometimes. So if Brianna wants a second oven and can afford it, I say go for it.
  12. Because Vicki was insisting that Brianna move back to the OC before Ryan was discharged from the Marines. Not only that but Vicki has repeatedly said that she "bought" Brianna and Ryan a house. She did not. She is not making the mortgage payments, she is not paying the property taxes or making the insurance payments. Fine, she made the down payment but you can't call a LOAN a gift. If you are being paid back the money it was never a gift. Vicki herself has said that they are paying her back the down payment once they sell their house in OKC.
  13. But Vicki's not really paying for the down payment. She has stated, as has Brianna, that as soon as their house in OKC sells, they are paying Vicki back. And I haven't heard anything about Vicki co-signing their loan and you just know she would be mentioning that as well. Vicki doesn't do anything if there's not a way for her to spin it in a favorable light for herself.
  14. It's even worse than that. Both Vicki and Brianna have stated in their TH's that once Brianna and Ryan sell their Oklahoma house, that money will be used to PAY BACK the down payment to Vicki. So....how is this a gift? I swear, Vicki's perception of what constitutes a gift or what is deserving of a casserole makes my head spin.
  15. Not sure if other's commented on this already, but I'm pretty sure Meghan's mom meant to say grandchild...because really, how many women can say they were present for the conception of their grandchild? None I hope. And I need brain bleach now. *shudders*
  16. I had to watch this using the Start Over feature on my crappy dvr box (it won't record anything now and I haven't had time to go replace it) and it stopped at the very tail end of Kelly and Shannon's sit down. What happened in the previews? Is this when Kelly calls someone a See You Next Tuesday?
  17. Ugh. I watched this shit show last night. I kinda hate myself now. My thoughts: Heather & Meghan: It was nice to see Heather and Meghan away from the other ladies in D.C. To me, it seemed like they genuinely like each other and have a good time together. I liked that Meghan told Heather how much it meant to her for Heather to have joined her on this trip. But Meghan, sweetie, do yourself a favor and the next time you are asked to speak at an event like that (doubtful after last night's performance)...have a speech prepared and make sure you practice it. That was just painful. And stop referring to Leann as "your friend". She's your husbands ex-wife and the mother of your step-daughters, not someone you used to giggle over boys with and braid each others hair. If you want to respect her memory, respect the relationships she had with your husband and step-daughters. Vicki: The only thing she brings to this show that is even remotely likable are those two adorable little boys. I loved the one little boy (I think it was Troy) locking himself in the car and just grinning when Vicki kept asking him to unlock the doors. Good on Tamra for staying calm and getting him to unlock the car. DH is calling BS on Brianna and Ryan actually paying for that house. I told him it's just how Vicki operates, especially when it comes to her daughter. "Look at this beautiful new car that I bought you...just kidding! You have to make the monthly payments!" He still didn't buy it and said he wants to see receipts. I told him to email Meghan and ask her to start an investigation. He had no idea why I then started laughing. Tamra: Yes, she's gotten more likable but I really really don't need to see her strutting around in a bikini and stripper heels. Sorry, but no. Shannon: That cupping procedure looked and sounded painful. I did like the little scene in the beginning of her and David working out together and talking about the party. I can't help it, I like the loon and I hope she and David are able to make their marriage work. And finally Kelly: UGH! Do I believe there was some sort of plotting/set-up with Jaci and that other lady? Yes. Do I believe Shannon is the one behind it? Absolutely not. This has the producers grimy little mitts all over it. That sit down with Kelly and Shannon was ridiculous. You could see the glee all over Kelly's face when she first started peppering Shannon with questions about how well Shannon knows Jaci. She thought for sure that she was going to catch Shannon in a lie. She is vile. Did I hallucinate this or did she actually say to Shannon that she was sorry about calling her ugly but meant everything else she said? Seriously bitch? That's your apology???? That's just another slap in the face. As Shannon said, who the hell do you think you are? HATE!
  18. I think it's because she's similar to Original Flavor Tamra. Whether it's Eddie or her "finding Jesus", Tamra has changed and it's been for the better. Now that's not to say that she's no longer a little shit-stirrer because she hasn't changed THAT much, but "vulgar trashbag idiot" is certainly how I would have described Tamra her first few seasons on the show.
  19. LOL That reminds me of my son. We love steak and have it for dinner at least once a week. So you can imagine our horror this past weekend when the only way we could get our son to eat steak was by putting ketchup on it. Didn't realize that's what they were doing shots of on BD. I usually only have that on for background noise and don't really pay that much attention to what's happening. On topic, I only made it as far as watching Kelly getting pedicures with her daughter before I had to turn it off. I am just so not interested in this season and I largely blame it on Vicki and Kelly. I will probably just continue to read the recaps and posts from everyone.
  20. Word. DH would have been horrified if he'd seen that. Personally I don't care for it (but I have an aversion to any tequila since one very drunken night of tequila shots when I was 19), but even I know that that is a sipping tequila and not meant to be done as a shot.
  21. Thank you! I was beginning to think I was the only one who noticed that. I already disliked Kelly but this just confirmed it for me.
  22. Get outta my brain and join me at my "I <3 Heather Dubrow" table!
  23. While I hate to defend anything to do with Vicki, I feel like I must here. A LONG, long time ago, my step-father and I drove through Oklahoma on our way to Nebraska. At one point, we started noticing a rather foul smell in the car. We also noticed all the cows on either side of the highway and what looked like a small dark hill up ahead in the distance. As we drove on, the smell got stronger, there were even more cows, and the hill got bigger and bigger...until we realized what exactly we were driving towards...Mount Caca as my step-father would say. By the time we drove past it, we were both on the verge of throwing up and the smell stayed in the car LONG after we'd passed it. So watching that, I had to laugh because I completely understood what they were dealing with. And it ain't pretty. The last thing you want to do at that moment is admire the cows that made that stench. But that's the only thing I'll give either one of them a pass on. Can't stand either one of them. I used to feel sorry for Briana, and I still do to some extent, but FFS, grow a set of balls and tell your monster mother that you need her to stay with you and not go repair the damage her lies caused to work. Or better yet, don't freaking drive for 20+ hours only days after having surgery!!! It pains me to say this but I like Gramballs better at this point. She at least appears to really be trying to be a better person.
  24. It's like someone spread silly putty all over her face before applying makeup. It is not pretty.
  25. I think one of the things that turns me off about Kelly is that she is very much aware of the cameras and is playing to them. Plus, did anyone else catch Tamra saying that she'd met Kelly years before through Lynn? And she and Vicki go to the same esthetician? And she somehow magically met Meghan a year ago and is now on the show too? Bitch has probably been trying for YEARS to get on the show. She reeks of desperation to me.
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