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Everything posted by brgjoe

  1. I guess there is one thing I don't quite understand. The insurance company refused to pay for a $400K kidney transplant surgery. I guess because they claim they have limited resources. Yet, they were able to afford to pay Bull's team $2M a month retainer? Or even if it's $2M a case, that is still uber expensive. I would think just paying that claim would be less expensive and much less hassle (and less hits to the PR part of it as well)
  2. So...next week is the "Season Finale?" Wait, they've had like maybe 6-7 episodes so far, right? And a lot of them are glorified clip shows. Maybe they are finally running out of ideas for this silly group of imbeciles to do. I mean...Noah-Divinci now knows Tai-Chi? Really? Just where did he learn that one while out in the bush? And then we have good ol' Billy lamenting he can't be with them for that barn build. Since when has he been there in the first place? And it seems whenever work is to be done, he is nowhere to be found. Speaking of the barn build, why isn't Noah there helping? Seems to be it would be a better use of his time than collecting parts of animals. (ewwwww....) What do you want to bet that next week, the barn will magically be completed. And then stocked full with animals that came from....somewhere. And Matt's leg will be 100% healed too.
  3. I liked Trevor's Behind the Scenes-esque segment tonight. And he's right -- you only "know" someone from your brief interactions with them. You don't truly KNOW how that person is 24/7. I found him saying basically there's you, and then there's your internet search history to be hilarious. And he's right! Ok, at least in my case. :)
  4. Another great review, R.O. Had me laughing throughout the review. Matt and the smoker/bbq thing was so silly. First as he was working out in the woods, he hears noises. And what does the idiot do? He starts making noises himself because....reasons? Was he trying to communicate with that bear or something? How did he even know it was a bear? And that poor bear probably wanted to get as far as way from that group of idiots anyway. Probably mumbling they were dropping property values for all the other wildlife in the area. Bug zapper top hat? Less said about that, the better. I also would like to know where that stupid bee stuff came from. They never had anything such as that on any of the other ABP episodes. Nobody has mentioned they took care of bees in the past. And all of a sudden, "*poof* Bam has a bee farm. Okaaaaay. I laugh too at the "bush fixes" of hooking up all those batteries to run a welder and a smoker and gawd knows what else -- when they also show them with new power tools and apparently the electricity/gas to run them. Which brings me to something else. At least on those other Alaskan shows with people living off the grid, they still mention the need to make money. Some folks trap and some hunt and some mill lumber and such. On this show, is it really even discussed? I mean, the gas to run their tools/heavy machinery/vehicles has to come from somewhere. Not to mention medical bills. And my guess is the salmon bank account is running pretty low these days. So what are we to believe they do to make $$? Other than being on a stupid reality show such at this, that is. Probably will be away and won't see it this upcoming week. So I will rely on you all to watch it so I won't have to. :)
  5. I was also expecting the jackhammer to get stuck. Then I thought the idiots would resort to using dynamite. But my guess is that with that incident with Matt awhile back, no insurance company would probably let them use anything more powerful than a sparkler from now on. And I thought that since it was vital the barn had to get built (winter is just around the corner, y'know!), that it would pretty much be all hands on deck. But nooooo, apparently we have to have Billy teach Gabe how to drive. And that supposedly Gabe didn't know the difference between the brake and accelerator until then. Really? He's never seen anyone else drive before? And he's how old? Btw, he's really looking kinda rough lately. Looks like he has been putting on the pounds. Guess they are in Domino's delivery hot spot zones. Those accents are also wearing on me. Gabe is getting worse at it. Sometimes I can barely understand him. I think Bam and Rain are about the only ones who can talk halfway normal. And Bam Bam doesn't look like he really wants to be there at all. I like to also know where they got the cement and the milled lumber. Billy supposedly "closed a deal" to get them? With what? Leftover salmon? And it still boggles my mind that while the kids are living in tee pee's, they are concentrating all their efforts on building that silly barn. <smh>
  6. So...did anyone here "Like" or "Retweet" that Maria Bartiromo tweet that Trevor mentioned?
  7. Little disappointed though they didn't get more in depth on how they tracked down the shoes, who the person was that was in possession of them, and how they were stolen in the first place. I thought they would have a panel discussion of some sort, along with more footage. But they only had like a 10 minute or so followup after that episode was aired. Oh well, it was still great to see that guy's joy when Josh told him they recovered the slippers.
  8. Don't know about series being over, but I am over Keith. I used to give him the benefit of the doubt. That he was just an emotional dude who got angry a lot of the time due to being under a lot of stress. But now I think the guy is just a borderline psycho. I mean, just because mean ol' Casey says some mean things about him, his solution is to have his crew go over to the CM and have psycho Freddie swing an axe at the galley table? That's what he feels is an appropriate response? Assuming that wasn't some Discovery fakery going on again (always a bigtime assumption), I would have Keith and Freddie arrested for trespassing and criminal damage to property. Either way, I wouldn't mind at all of Keith wasn't featured next season.
  9. Am on the fence about seeing this one. For those who have bravely ventured into the theaters to watch it -- is it really that bad? Or is it one of those films that is so bad it's good? You know, like a lot of the cheesy horror films you would see on SyFy these days. If it is still fun to snark at, I might just go and see this thing anyway.
  10. Assuming this isn't some more made up drama (like maybe a setup for Monte to get his own boat next season), leave it to Keith to spoil a perfectly nice after catch celebration. And what is it with Keith and Freddy? It's almost like they bring out the inner psycho in one another (though with Freddy, it doesn't seem to need much coaxing). And I know Keith pays well and that's a steady job with him on his boat, but...all things being equal, I'd MUCH rather work for Monte than Keith. Because you never know when Keith is just gonna lose it. And now especially so that he will side with Freddy in almost any sort of dispute. Even one with his own brother.
  11. I was away so I didn't catch much of the episode. And I refuse to actually record this stupid thing. So I take it that Ami is well enough to travel after (supposedly) getting over Stage 3 cancer? Especially having to travel over those crappy roads? And they are now in Washington instead of Colorado? Well, at least there should be plenty of Starbucks nearby. ;) Poor 'Bird. Billy can spend 6 figures on land deals but still not enough $$ apparently to fix her teeth. And I didn't catch it, but apparently one of her cats was accidentally ran over. Probably by some poor unpaid Discovery intern. I was surprised to see Bam Bam. I thought he was pretty much over the show. Then again, maybe those paychecks help. I see No-UH will be back too. Maybe he can whip up a super-duper wind turbine again. Which of course will break when the idiots try to set it up once again as well.
  12. Yeah. if I were that poor Greenhorn (Spencer?), I would be seriously re-evaluating my career choice here. Yikes. And what is it with the Saga and their anchor? Haven't they lost it like 3 or 4 times now? Great to see Harry go on deck (are you taking notes, Josh?) Though I was saying, "Don't hurt yourself, Harry! Don't hurt yourself out there!" But that was most cool of him to go out there and help.
  13. Which I thought would happen several times. I kept saying, "Don't fly so close to the ocean!" Really thought several times those choppers were gonna get swallowed. It was OK. To me, it kinda fell apart at the end. They didn't seem to know how they were going to end this movie, so they threw a bunch of ridiculous hodgepodge stuff at us and basically called it a day. Jason Statham is in great shape though. I will give him that. And it had enough thrills and special effects to keep me entertained through much of the film. Maybe a slight step above those B-type movies frequently shown on the SyFy channel. (and I happen to like a lot of those for snarky viewing pleasure)
  14. I also called shenanigans on both the Sig potting over thing and the emergency distress signal gossip. Both of those just had to be scripted. Are that that out of ideas that they have to pull crap like that? Assuming I am totally wrong (which of course, is entirely plausible), both incidents are just highly bizarre. You KNOW Sig would have screamed and yelled and cursed if someone were potting over HIM. And then put the blame on his daughter for doing it? Really, Sig? What a smarmy thing to do. And then who would start a rumor about another vessel in trouble like that? You know that sort of thing would cause all sorts of anxiety with all the families that were on that boat. Not to mention a possible wasted trip by the Coast Guard. So either it was someone with a very sick sense of humor or....the whole thing was made up for us TV viewers. I choose the latter scenario.
  15. I just stumbled onto this show today. I was watching a mini marathon of it this morning. I don't quite know what to think of this show. I saw the episode where not only was the home full of demons, minions, ghosts and such, but apparently alien visitations as well. I think she referred the family to a couple of shamans to help take care of the paranormal problems. But then she said essentially there was nothing she could do about the alien visitations/abductions. Even moving wouldn't work! I dunno, it just seemed a bit over the top to me. But it does make for an entertaining show. And that homicide detective seems like an on the level guy. And I bet some of the stuff he encountered as an NYC detective would also be most scary! I shall try to remember to watch this show on a regular basis now.
  16. Just saw an advertisement for the new season. Apparently Bear does survive that EXTREME encounter with that tree branch o' doom. At least I see him in the promo, anyway. The new season starts on Sunday, August 19th apparently. Set those DVR's accordingly!
  17. Dang, this was good. I can see why it was getting so many good reviews. Best MI film in awhile, all things considered. For a film that almost lasted 3 hours, there were very few filler scenes. It was pretty much good dialog and action throughout the entire movie. The cinematography was outstanding. Just a great all around action-adventure film. Easily the best film I have seen so far this summer.
  18. Yeah, saw that the other day too. So very sad. Way too young to go. Have to admit though, I didn't know him all that well from the show. The Pinwheel wasn't one of my favorite boats so I didn't usually spend a lot of time watching them. Still very sorry to hear of his passing. Thoughts/prayers go out to his friends and family.
  19. I watched this the other day as well. I wondered if that place was sold and/or still in operation. I did feel sorry for the guy. Trying to make a go of that place for 40+ years and having not a whole lot to show for it. I really did like the location. But with those aerial shots shown on the show, it looks like there isn't a lot of beach left. And it's likely to get worse should they get a really bad storm or two blowing by there. Still, it looked like spot I wouldn't mind visiting someday. I like it that you are right on the ocean essentially. I wonder what they were charging for the rooms. I'd think they could still get a decent amount of $$ for them.
  20. I missed the premiere of the new season as well. But I'll just wait and catch it in the reruns. They replay these episodes about 1000x over the next few weeks/months. I will definitely miss Preston. :(
  21. Regardless of what one thinks of her or what she said, she does have the right to privacy. I don't blame her for getting upset that people are trespassing on her property. I would get pizzed off about that as well.
  22. "This is what happens when you put a KGB agent up against a KFC agent." LOL! Welcome back, Trevor! :)
  23. Wow. Just wow. I mean, WTF!? That's horrible. What the hell is wrong with you, Edgar!? Once again, I just guess it goes to show no matter how well you think you know someone from what you seen from years on TV, you still actually don't really know what they are truly like in real life.
  24. I thought Josh actually found something this time, darnit! I thought for sure that bucket had those slippers in it! Probably Josh did too. Oh well... I also loved The Secret! I live here in IL and I am surprised I had never heard of it. It's amazing those boys found that one so quickly, yet so many other puzzles still remain to be solved to this very day. I think as time goes by though, it will be so difficult to solve though. So many changes to these places have happened over the years. Still, it would be great to hear about other puzzles in other cities being solved. I really hope if they are solved, EU will have updates on this.
  25. Yeah, I don't know what the deal is with Freddy. He seemed like a nice, caring, humble guy on the CM when Phil was there. I don't know if it was fame that went to his head, or he's back drinking heavily again or what -- but he sure is back to his nasty, bullying ways once again. If I were Monte, I'd fire his butt once they reach port. Mandy did seem very hesitant about taking the helm in those rough seas. Not that I blame her one bit. And I would think it would be difficult to do with Sig constantly barking out instructions every 2 seconds. But in the end, I thought she handled herself very well. Poor Wild Bill. Seems he always gets a crew that screws up something basic. This time it was bait issues. At least he was on the crab, despite starting late. So that did seem to improve his mood. Bonus points for this episode: No whiny Jake Anderson or camera hogging Josh Harris.
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