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Everything posted by brgjoe

  1. I knew this would be a filler type episode. But I did enjoy it a lot more than I thought I would for a filler type of episode. I did learn some things. Had no idea that Triangle there existed. I would have thought it would have been mentioned a lot more before now(?) And I didn't know about those currents that could seemingly come from opposite directions to make navigating through it so tough. Drama aside, those crews that go out there are legit tough guys. I know I couldn't do their job. They (along with the Coast Guard who also are out there in the worst conditions) earn my ultimate respect for what they do. They earn every penny out there.
  2. Love the cold open from "that guy on CBS" tonight. Most cool to have Fallon and Conan in that opening segment. Then later, Laura Benanti! Doesn't get much better than that. I kinda this show from "that guy on CBS". Think I will keep watching it. :)
  3. Yeah, that was...strange. Don't get me wrong, I was largely entertained by it. Even if some of it really didn't make a lot of sense to me. I like Brainy. But I'm not sure I'd trade Winn for him though. And I will also miss Winn/Mon-El goofy moments well. But I suppose that makes some degree of sense for him to rejoin the rest of the legion in the future. Thought for sure Sam was going to buy it in that fight. And maybe Lena having something to do with it, giving her an extreme guilt trip about it. And then having Ruby stay with Alex next season. But since Sam did survive, maybe she and Ruby can exit stage left now. Guardian coming out pretty much nukes the CatCo thing, doesn't it? I mean, Kara was hardly ever in her disguise for a lot of the season, and only a few times did we see James in his office. With him outing himself, no way will be head of CatCo any longer, right? Baby rabies? LOL. You kids today. :) Yes, I am also tired of Alex pining for children. But I do think it's kinda cool to see her in charge of the DEO. And to have J'onn now out and about, free of the confines of the DEO structure. And so...Siberian Supergirl is probably going to be EEEEEEEEEVIL, right?
  4. I just peeked into Facebook and they do have a fairly recent update on their page. Apparently Bear had a scare with a tree branch. He got his eye poked by it and it scratched his cornea and had to be hospitalized. Knowing Bear it was an EXTREEEEEEEEEME branch that did that to him. I dunno...to me it makes me believe some of these folks are as dumb in real life as they seem to be on TV. I mean, is he still climbing trees for the hell of it? He's at least 30 now isn't he? Why the heck would he be doing that sort of thing still? Gee, I hope that doesn't delay the next season of filming.
  5. A few thought of my own off the top of me pointy head. I am glad I wasn't the only one who was confused at that scene where the "It's a trap!" took place. Mon-El and Kara looked perfectly fine after that explosion. I thought they would give a throwaway line that Mon-El's cape or possibly some future device shielded them from some of the force of that explosion. But...nothing was said. And I did have to chuckle that the week after they introduce "Non lethal methods", naturally someone at the DEO dies. Poor little DEO redshirt. We hardly knew ye. Yes, I know the show is "Supergirl". But we have seen Superman on the show before. You would think they would mention his name in passing or tell us why with the entire planet in peril, that he's not available for whatever reason(s). And that yeah, a really close relative of his is on Earth now.
  6. Agreed with most everyone here. DEO not having lethal force options is silly. "Hold still Mr. Supervillian while I take out my super duper tazor..." Ugh. And did I miss it, or did anyone on Krypton II ask anything about Clark? And you would think Kara would tell Supes about this, even though he left when he was a baby. I guess I hope this world is real and that it survives in the end. For nothing else, it would give the writers an excuse why Superman wasn't involved. "Oh, he's off world visiting his relatives on Argo City..." I don't particularly know why, but I was LOLing at the Guardian shooting basketballs backwards and swishing them. Another one of Winn's inventions? If so, give it to the Cleveland Cav's. Stat! ;)
  7. Oh wow. Sorry to hear that. What's weird is, like for the first time in years, not too long ago I thought about Blake and wondered if he was still crabbing. Then I see this devastating news today. So very sad. :(
  8. I guess put me into the "convoluted" side with regards to the story the other night. Here's this guy who has diplomatic immunity from all the good, charity work he has done over the years...all of a sudden deciding to quickly leave the country because one person (and another who has some form of dementia) says he was a baddie all due to them thinking they recognize his voice after all those years. Seems kinda flimsy evidence to me. But I guess I can see where he would want to leave quickly just in case. But at the same time, if I were to leave the country in a hurry, I don't think I would take the time to kidnap the head of NCIS on my way to the airport. But maybe that's just me. ;)
  9. About to type about how "hundo" was grating on my last nerve. Glad I wasn't alone in hating it. One little thing. Remember when those CM crew were dropping like flies due to all the injuries that were piling up? And Josh just sat in the wheelhouse basically doing nothing and not going on deck to help? Now the only time he went on deck was to make sure the count was right due to that stupid "hundo" (sorry) wager that was going on. He. Is. Totally. Useless.
  10. Yep, I knew as they were celebrating and Pride had to leave the table, I just knew something like that would happen. Except I thought he would be shot by Bad dude Attorney General. After all, nobody saw him kill himself -- there was just that sound of a shot ringing out. So it was a bit of a surprise to see Bad Ass Hitwoman doing the deed. And yeah, this was a lame cliffhanger. Everyone knows Pride will be back. I'd tell LaSalle to lawyer-up. That if the IRS has anything to say, they have to communicate through his attorney. And have specifics IN WRITING about any possible laws/violations that might have occurred with the company. I also wish LDP hadn't been a baddie. I think he could have been a nice recurring character for the show. And yeah, you knew when Estes was getting into his car he was toast. I think if I were a law enforcement type there, I'd just get a bus pass. ;)
  11. I hope Reign sticks around for awhile. It doesn't hurt she looks very...nice...in that costume of hers. (ok, enough of my shallow end of the pool comments) I am tired of Martian Manhunter getting his butt kicked almost all the time. And not only was hit butt kicked once again, he was still feeling the after effects pretty much through the entire episode. And if they needed one more person to help turn the tables on Reign, why not Supes? Or MM with earplugs? Don't see why it had to be Cape Choreographer Mon-EL to the rescue. And you knew 12 year old (going on 8) Ruby was going to mess things up by trying to contact mommy. Ugh. Once again Kara gets on her high horse and then later on does her half-assed apology at the end of the episode. Like most of you, totally with Lena here. Not only are those world killers affected by Krytonite, but also other supervillian invaders as well. And if she wanted to, Lena could have already used that stuff on Supergirl long before this. This being said, I hope they don't turn Lena EEEEEEEVILLLLL. That would be most disappointing. I also hope that Lena was messing with her in the elevator. I bet she was -- I think she definitely knows Kara is Supergirl.
  12. Yeah, this is getting a bit old. Earlier it was the FBI that was focusing on Pride and his team. Now it's some "mystery agency" that is coming after him. I wish they'd stop with this sort of plotline. Not that Pride doesn't deserve to be admonished for a lot of the crap he has pulled. It's just a tired story that I wish they would move on from.
  13. I saw where this summer (May 29th?) the show will air new episodes on the Discovery Channel. Wonder if this is just a summer change, or if new seasons will be shown on the Discovery Channel from now on?
  14. Nice to see this place actively snarking once again. So, if they are going to be in Colorado next season(?), I wonder what the show will be called. "Colorado Bush People"? "Alaskan Bush People: Colorado Edition"? "Alaskan Bush People: You all know it's fake anyway, so we don't care anymore"? My guess is they will have at least one special, probably full of video clips once again. Maybe another holiday show as well. I guess we shall see...
  15. It was better than Tony's sendoff, but not by much. I also agree the best part was the poker game. Wish it had gone on a bit longer. Still PO'ed that Reeves died. Just like Dorneget, they dispatched him as soon as his character started to get more interesting. And gee, who didn't realize that email invitation wasn't some sort of a setup? Surprised it took them about half the episode to figure that one out. It was nice to have Tony checking in via phone. I had hoped he would make a surprise appearance, but I kinda knew the odds wouldn't be good for that taking place. I actually enjoyed seeing Angry Abby though. Much better than Infantile Abby we saw much of the last few seasons. Also liked how she mentioned the names of those characters who were killed off in previous episodes. Totally missed the barking dog thing. LOL at the writing staff for adding that in. Not really thrilled with the episode. At least they didn't make it a total clip show which I feared it might be.
  16. I seriously thought for a second that they'd use the "Josh comes to the rescue!" angle. That with the crew a couple of men down, Josh would "selflessly" go down on deck and help out and be hailed as a hero of some sort. Nope. Not the case at all. I should be ashamed of myself for even thinking he'd go the extra mile and contribute in a meaningful manner. Good to have a Murray update of sorts. Too bad there were no cameras on his boat. Still, it was nice hearing his voice and it was good of him to help out Jake. Also hope Keith is OK. Between the stress and long hours on the job, it's amazing more of them don't have health issues.
  17. And I would think in a death penalty case where apparently there is a lot of media attention, they would ask for a change of venue. Especially since apparently the "eyewitness" might have given tainted testimony because of the media circus around it. It sure seemed like the evidence was sketchy at best. Especially for them calling for the death penalty. Any physical evidence (hair, fiber, DNA?) linking the person to the crime scene? Any sort of proof that the defendant had any contact with the victim(s) at all? That working on the roof and seeing the house thing was again kinda out there as well. I imagine one could see a lot of houses from a rooftop. Doesn't mean he knew the victim(s) at all. The biggest proof is the vehicle. And like a previous poster said, they don't have proof that the guy is lying about how he got it. Unless more info will be released in part 2 of this episode. And I don't know why Benny was going for a mistrial? All it means is they can bring the case to court again. Though maybe Benny wanted to try it in front of a different jury, perhaps.
  18. You mean I had to sit though all that blood and gore and violence and Gregorio somehow...lives!? Well, color me disappointed. ;) And you would think that once Professor Serial Killer was ID'd, there would be a massive man, er, personhunt throughout New Orleans. But apparently she felt safe enough to stroll into a bar and kidnap Gregorio's girlfriend. On the plus side, those red light cameras actually were useful for once. ;)
  19. Didn't see the previews. But my goodness -- I think it's more dangerous to be an NCIS agent walking the streets or just being at home, than it would be in the field diffusing dirty bombs. Yikes. I did like the episode in that it finally it gave Clayton something to do. It's nice that his character is involved in that volunteer project. Other than that, I thought the case of the week was pretty much a snoozer. Hope Abby's sendoff hopefully somehow ends on a good note.
  20. I guess Keith hadn't mellowed as much as I thought he had...LOL. I get that he was feeling lousy, was sick, extremely tired and cranky, etc. But to talk that way to your brother basically where anyone within earshot of the deck could hear it, was a bit much. I guess I didn't see what the big deal was either. That he set on the wrong side of the storm or something? I understand you would want to possibly set in a way to protect the crew against high winds and seas. But isn't weather changeable? I mean, out there couldn't the wind be blowing one way one minute, and another way the next? Feel sorry for those on the CM crew. They had some back breaks there. And they also have Josh on board as well. Poor guys. ;)
  21. I know one has to be careful on how to judge people on this show. Some receive good edits and some get bad edits. But...from what I have just seen so far, Jake Anderson shouldn't be a captain. He is still far too emotional. Every time and I mean pretty much EVERY TIME something goes wrong, he flies off the handle. And I couldn't believe how he treated Keith. I mean, he couldn't get a word in edgewise inbetween Jake's relentless whining. Keith is trying to HELP you, Jake. Don't act like a spoiled brat. I understand why Sean was withholding his successful fishing in that area. I can get him not wanting 10 boats showing up there. I still think it's not cool of him not to even answer though. You made an agreement to be partners. If you didn't want to give up any info on the fishing, then don't become partners with another boat in the first place. Having said that, I do wonder what would have happened if the roles were reversed. That is, if Casey was having great luck catching the crabs and Sean was the one waiting for word on the fishing. We have seen in the past other captains kinda fibbing in the past. They would answer on the radio, "Uh, the fishing here isn't very good..." while the camera pans to them pulling up 80's and 90's into the pots. And yeah, Josh is useless. I want to FF whenever he is on my TV screen.
  22. Yeah, I didn't like that episode very much either. Part of it is, I typically hate hostage situation stories. Because usually they have the same old tired moments repeated over and over. Like having the cop first attempt to blend in, and then having him be discovered as a cop later. And then you have said cop doing something stupid while being a hostage (i.e. dropping the phone so everyone knows he's communicating with the outside). And we have a hostage getting sick (a heart attack or some other medical emergency). And then the, "Please take me with you -- let all the hostages go!" stuff that always seems to take place. And I am also a bit weary of those corruption storylines as well. On the plus side, for continuity sake, they remembered the landline. And even the pink phone too! :)
  23. I kept wondering when the other shoe was going to drop about the store. As in all those famous people never did go there. I thought perhaps the new assistant might accidentally blurt it out towards the end of the episode or something. I am happy that didn't happen -- she's a nice addition to the comic store and it's nice to see that comic store actually being successful. I missed the first part of the episode. Did Penny actually move the telescope to find that comet, or did Raj move it there and she just happened to look into it at the right time to see the comet? Or did she move the telescope to the right spot to see that comet? If she actually moved it, she definitely should get naming rights to that comet.
  24. Good interview with Comey I thought. Like him or not, agree with him or not, I found him fascinating. In fact, I am going to do what I very rarely do. I am going to buy a book from someone plugging it on a talk show. Looking forward to reading Comey's book now.
  25. This episode was a tough one to watch. Just a question or two about it though. I didn't know the defense can tell the prosecution what charges they should file. I thought it was the prosecuting attorney that decides which charges to bring against a defendant. So if she felt she could win with a lesser included charge like manslaughter, I don't know why she didn't want to put it up there as an option. I guess I didn't understand how Bull and his team could determine what charges to bring and what to include or not include. So, what happened with Bull's sister is somehow a big secret? I guess I don't get that. You'd think it would have come up before with all the years they have been together. And oh yeah, that domestic violence shelter was dedicated to a Jennifer BULL. How common a surname is that? They are smart people who work for him -- someone could have put 2 and 2 together pretty quickly about that. And I thought the one witness who came forward was a bit sketchy. I mean, she *heard* some stuff happening but never actually *saw* anything happen. Surprised she didn't get cross examined a bit more thoroughly. Anyway, I knew she would be found not guilty. Doubtful this show would send an abused, pregnant woman to jail.
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