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Everything posted by brgjoe

  1. Of course it being a "reality" sort of show, you don't know what is scripted and what isn't. The Sig/Jake thing and the Wild Bill/Sean quota situation could easily have been set up by Disco producers. That being said, yeah, Jake didn't come off very well at all again. If he just would have said something like, "with the colder conditions we have this year, what is a general direction you went to have success in the past when conditions were similar?" And then leave it there and don't pester Sig if he didn't give you the exact answer he wanted. He just came off as an entitled, whiny, and not emotionally fit to captain a vessel on the Bering Sea. I had hoped he grow into the role as captain. But he doesn't seemed to have changed much at all. At least not that I've seen so far. Don't care about Josh at all. I watch the show live, so those when he is on, I either go and fix myself a snack or just change the channel.
  2. I believe it is. I read somewhere that Expedition Unknown has already been renewed for another season. So my guess is you're right -- this new show will run for awhile and new Expedition Unknown episodes will air. At least I hope so!
  3. Maybe it's just me, but I thought it would have been kinda funny if it turned out she was the one stalking him. You know, with that drone of hers and all. But then again, Raj has already had a crazy girlfriend before, so perhaps they didn't want to go there again. I thought it was an OK episode. I laughed a few times. Though I thought that Tenant Committee thing went on far too long. And it most likely will be forgotten about after this episode. And yeah, the first thing I would have done with that drone was check the data card on it. If I found it in my yard, I would be curious if someone was spying on me or something.
  4. You beat me to it, LR. I also liked that Colonel. Kinda hope he makes a return somehow. I will also miss Shalita Grant. I think the new character will probably be fine. But will definitely miss Percy though. And she's acting the heck out of that character too -- you can see the conflict in Percy's demeanor and facial expressions as she fights with her decision. I just hope she gets a good sendoff now. And yeah, CIA guy definitely looked like the obvious bad guy to me. He even was wearing black. :) Filler episode, but at least one with a decent amount of action.
  5. I thought it was an OK sort of episode. Agreed with most the best parts of it were the scenes with Bishop and Palmer were stuck in Abby's lab. I thought immediately about the windows. Not necessarily to try and break them. But I thought maybe they would try to signal through them (like Morse Code or something) to the outside world that they needed help. And yeah, I can't imagine Abby would be too happy with all that destruction -- especially her precious Mass Spec. unit. I actually don't mind Sr. I guess mainly because he's our link to Tony. And I thought his big secret was that he was dying or had some sort of serious illness. That's the reason why I thought he quit the Sherlocks and also decided to act brave and impersonate Ducky during that episode. Him being dumped being the big secret just really seemed like a letdown after all that. And even with inside help, I just couldn't buy those bozos being able to get into a secure facility like NCIS like that. They seemed so incompetent from the very start. And speaking of incompetent, you'd think MTAC would have an outside landline or even a two way radio in that place so you could call out in case of a cellphone dampening field being activated.
  6. Sorry to hear that about Josh. Definitely hope he has a quick and speedy-type recovery from this. But dang...either on the show or off of it, he still can't seem to catch a break!
  7. I completely understand the daughter being a bit standoff-ish. It has got to be confusing for her. Heck, it's confusing for me! I mean, it is nice Chunk wants to connect with her and be a part of her life. But I also get she also wants to be loyal to her dad that she knew -- the one who helped raise her for all those years. It just seemed to be bit awkward to me to see them be so much of the storyline that night. Glad to see Cable back. Even if it was pretty anti-climatic. Wonder if we'll ever see drone-coffeegetter-nerd guy again.
  8. I wasn't going to say anything about it, but yeah...I also got sick of hearing "Molly" being mentioned so many times as well. It was almost like they needed some filler dialog. "Quick, our episode is several minutes too short. How can we add some more material? I know, have each character say 'We got to find Molly!' over and over again. That should work!" <a bunch of high 5's go up in the writer's lounge> Assassin guy was amazing. Almost as good as Ziva was. ;) I did find it funny that this guy who could take out so many trained agents, that he would just be restrained by handcuffs. Both in NCIS headquarters and in that transport van. I would at least put in leg irons and perhaps even a straitjacket. :) And one more plus to the episode, Gregorio didn't annoy me as much. So there's that.
  9. It turned out better than I thought it would be. I just thought it would be another one of those "Super secret! Don't tell anyone! Totally like off the books! SHHHHHHH!" style mission. While the FBI apparently was kept out of the loop, at least (apparently) some at NCIS did know about it. And Isler was back, so I'll give bonus points for that as well. And unless I missed it also, I didn't see what happened to that person who attacked the hijackers during that shootout with Country Mouse and Miss Annoying. Too bad Isler is going back to DC. Was hoping he would stick around. Maybe have a FBI district office he could head up in New Orleans? But regardless -- I would hope he would get his job back. Especially after all the times Pride went off the rails and has kept his job. I shall definitely miss Percy. Just hope they don't kill her off now.
  10. What the frick!? He's leaving!? <insert Herman Munster's Darn, Darn, Darn, DARN! here> Yeah, there is no way he was making money or even breaking even without the Discovery Channel folks (and their production company) footing the bill. I mean, with all those workers, equipment, land use, etc., I bet he would be deep in the hole otherwise. Did Todd pay off the bet with Parker yet? Or perhaps they are waiting for the final episode of the season to do that.
  11. Still watch it most weeks. Dang, cupcake has really grown! Last season she looked even smaller than Cutie Pie. Speaking of which, poor Josh. Either they have really scripted him to be the fall guy each and every season, or he really is bad at this moonshining thing. Did they say how his trailer caught fire? And what did he tell the police/fire departments that I am sure what to know just what the heck he was transporting? Enjoying Mark and Digger and seeing what they come up with next.
  12. Wow..didn't know there was an Expedition Unknown area here on the forums. Most cool. I also enjoyed "The Secret" episode. What's weird is I live in IL and have been in the Midwest for most of my adult life. And I have never heard of that book or that search for the treasure(s) before. It's so sad the creator of that treasure hunt died in a car crash. But it was cool of Josh to interview his daughters on the show. And I really thought Josh had found one of those boxes in St. Augustine. Just a piece of tile...sigh. I can understand why this quest can be fun and so utter frustrating at the same time. I really hope for updates here. I wonder just how many of those boxes will be found. Good luck to those who are still searching!
  13. If this indeed is true (about that cancer diagnosis either being phony or at least heavily embellished), then it is a new low for sure. Not only for the Browns (which admittedly, I wouldn't put much past them even before this), but also for the Discovery Channel. Because they went right along with this scam. They were equally complicit as the Browns were in this. I will definitely re-arrange my viewing habits now.
  14. Forget abut magically stopping cars, and having planes simply start dropping out of the sky and every electronic device being easily hacked like that -- my disbelief came up front and center when that landline just magically started working after all those months (years?) of being inactive. Ok, they may have gotten a dial tone, but there is such a thing as a paying a phone bill for the phone line to actually be usable. But I can fanwank and maybe say they were able to use it by telling the operator (do they exist either?) they are law enforcement and this is an emergency. But still.. And maybe it's just me being cynical in my old age, but I really thought Sebastian's high school classmate was going to be shot and killed in that shootout at the school. Glad that didn't happen. She was nice, I hope she comes back in a later episode or two.
  15. Laura Benanti is her name. And you're right, she is really good at it!
  16. I generally liked it. Mostly for MW's performance. You could see his angst on what to do about this once that little twist in the story was revealed. Though I didn't really think Bull's little "spit take" on the suit of that guy was in character. After all the years of study and all the cases you've been through and all the accomplishments you have achieved, the only thing you could think of doing in that moment was spitting on someone? Like, really? But other than that, I thought his anger and his conflict was very well done. The "confession" scene seemed a bit hokey to me. I just didn't see something like that happening basically on the first date. But I can excuse that a bit by the fact she was a patient and they knew each other pretty well anyway. Just seemed a bit too contrived though.
  17. Nice to hear the word "Vance" finally being uttered. But otherwise it was again another very predictable episode. Knew from the beginning that drone was the primary target. And when they robbed that "electronics" store (something they mentioned over and over again) that they would use those parts to reprogram that drone's navigation system. And that once his wife was found there in that "safe house" (also known as "red shirt residence") that the drone would target that place. Oh well, at least Pride wasn't yelling and screaming and being his usual insane self in this one. Maybe they will tone down his character a bit now. (not holding my breath on that one though)
  18. I am still going "WTF!?" at that ending. Then again, I am a PC guy and not a Mac user. ;) Yes, and I totally agree -- I hope we are done with wayward children episodes now. The last two shows weren't very well done. There have been plot holes you could drive semi truck convoy through. Not to mention being on the creepy/icky side of things. And yeah, the "Patty Hearst" thing was the first thing I thought of when they were caught robbing that jewelry store. But it's possibly they didn't mention it since a lot of the younger demographic perhaps has never heard of her before.
  19. Just got around to watching this. I guess I don't get the point of Pride going through that therapy if he really wasn't going to change his ways. I mean, I guess he talks a good game about having to stop taking things so personally and having tunnel vision and all that. But he completely throws all that out and does what he wants to anyway -- proper protocol be damned and stuff. Not only should he have notified the proper authorities on those kids, but thanks to his incompetence, those kids were in danger. You'd think they should be taken in for their own protection if nothing else. But NOOOO...he has to do things HIS way. That all being said, I thought that DCFS guy who was Pride's friend was unnecessarily pissed off at Pride. He knows how Pride sometimes has that tunnel vision thing. He even said Pride was the same 20 years ago. So why is he all surprised at how he's acting now? And why would he have the time to stroll into NCIS headquarters and round up all those kids? Didn't he show Pride a stack of cases that he has yet to get to? Why would he create even more work for himself? Especially with him saying how much his resources had been cut. That scene just didn't make a lot of sense to me. Didn't much care for the guttersnipes either. I did feel sorry for them when their friends died. But at the same time, living on the streets and committing crimes against innocent folks isn't all that endearing to me as well.
  20. I think I did hear that. And that is rusty metal too -- shouldn't that be a tetanus concern as well? I did do some amateur detective work. Apparently the place is still open an in operation. I am seeing reviews being made on various travel sites. They still aren't that great. Apparently they are still doing some renovations to the place. Because after a lot of those (mostly negative) reviews, the people running the place basically say "Renovations are still taking place and we ask for your patience...blah, blah, blah..." So I wonder if ownership has changed, or it was sold to new owners and they are attempting to fix up the place and make a go of it. Regardless, I agree -- if Anthony decided it was so bad he wanted to walk out, he should have contacted the health authorities to get the whole place shut down. Similar to what he did when another slumlord owner wouldn't put up the $$ to help clean up her place as well. Anthony walked and called the local health department on that particular hotel.
  21. Yay! An appearance by Jon tonight! I wondered when I first heard the voice on that faked phone call that it could be him. Or someone doing a bad impression of him doing a bad impression of a Jewish reporter. ;) But lo and behold, it was indeed Jon! And yes, I know he has been on other shows plugging that Night of Too Many Stars special. But for me it's always nice to see him again.
  22. Yeah, regular flavored NCIS has been on a long time and has acquired a big fan base by now. I still watch it too. NCIS:NO hasn't been around for nearly as long. So maybe that's why it gets less traffic in here. I didn't care for Pride going off the rails again. But at least there is some hope that his character now will eventually change. Though I think Loretta's talk to him really triggered that behavior in this episode. Not that he didn't deserve being laid into by her. I mean, her son is stashed all nice and safe in NCIS headquarters. You would think they would have people watching him. Then when the kid says, "I have to go get some air" you just KNEW once he was outside he would run off. And of course nobody would have followed him or knew where he went. Will give this episode points for something a bit different. Never considered some sort of chemical that they could be tracked by. I think a bit on the far-fetched side that they could be tracked so precisely by that chemical in their clothes. But I suppose not as far-fetched as some rogue NCIS agent kidnapping some rich criminal boss's son and going back to said boss's home to tell them he was the kidnapper. So there's that. I also don't know why they don't mention Vance more. You would think he would have been mentioned when the FBI was leaning on them so much earlier. And now apparently he wants Pride to get some couch time. Even if Vance can't get screen time, it would be nice for them to occasionally mention his name and stuff.
  23. I missed the first 5 minutes or so of this episode (keep forgetting their airing this thing in the mornings now). But who called Anthony in this time? I didn't think it would be the owners, since apparently they don't seem to care about this place, other than what they could flip it for. And holy crap...all those insects around. And especially...bedbugs! That place should have been renamed Bedbug Bungalow or something. Geesh! Felt sorry for the staff though. They are not properly trained and have no direction whatsoever from the owners. Which is too bad, since that place if fixed up properly, would be a great place to spend the weekend. It's really big and spacious. With a lot of room for conventions/meetings/receptions, etc. It's borderline criminal how they let that place deteriorate like that. Also felt bad for Carrie and her crew. They spent all the time and effort to fix a pretty large room up, only to have it basically go for naught. Just a weird episode all around. Wonder if that hotel is still in operation or not. Anybody know?
  24. Yeah, I think her BF is doing some sort of ponzi scheme. He is just going to blow through her $$ and leave. That's my guess anyway. I thought Bull was going to hit up the mayor to use that influence to maybe ask the governor for a pardon of that teacher, so she wouldn't have that felony on her record. And also arrange for that kid to go to a nice college as well. So that part didn't turn out quite the way I expected. I think it's good Bull occasionally loses a case. This is why I am enjoying this season more than the last -- he's definitely less arrogant and god-like in season #2. And I doubt if we would have seen him lose a case like this in season #1.
  25. I also like Eisler (or however you spell it). Agreed that if he were demoted, he would most likely be doing desk duty in some dusty office somewhere. But I like him and it was good to find a way to get him back on the show. Although I am also going, 'UGH!" at yet *another* person having it in for Pride and his team. Still would rather have Meri than Gregorio. But admittedly, the actress is annoying me less the past couple of episodes or so.
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