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Everything posted by JeanJean

  1. Scarlett's Katie Britt was totally on point and very funny. The other sketches were decent, not great, but the show had a really fun energy that carried it. The cat picking one person was funny because pets really do that. I did like the Shonda sketch. The end-of-show Lisa sketch is still entertaining and hasn't worn out its welcome yet. And WU came back to life!
  2. I am so sorry. My family went through the same thing this year - one of the younger members was brutally murdered by a client. Trying to deal with it has been indescribable, especially for her parents and siblings. It's just, I think, so far beyond what any of us imagine ever experiencing. I am so very sorry for your loss.
  3. I keep thinking about her big smile that will never be the same.
  4. Janelle will never be the same. Nor Gabe. Unfortunately, I kind of know from experience, though not exactly the same. And I didn't lose a child - that's a loss you never get over.
  5. Oh my God, how horrible. My heart breaks for Janelle and the others in the family. I don't know how to feel about Kody and Robyn, though. Is that awful of me? That poor child. Poor Gabe.
  6. I liked Daisy. She seemed normal and not over emotional and exhausting like Jasmine. I wouldn't be surprised if Daisy's just stripping to put herself through school. Nothing wrong with stripping anyway.
  7. "We just happened to get our hands on some footage...?" WTF. The 90-Day crew SHOT the footage.
  8. He's handsome without the hat except for the difference between his dome and his face.
  9. I had pet chickens when I was a teenager. Didn't eat them and wasn't able to eat chicken for a couple of years after they were gone.
  10. Yes, happy happy happy birthday, @Pepper Mostly !!!
  11. Dear Ashley's mom, Those kids will need a grandma to watch them while their parents argue and have sex. Possibly while they're all out to dinner or at a school event.
  12. The running Mitch McConnell jokes on WU were great. I'm a little sad thinking they may retire those.
  13. I never like Heidi on WU, but she's always good in sketches.
  14. Meh-pisode. But I did like Kaci (sp?) Musgrave and I thought the final sketch was clever. The wedding preppers sketch sucked. (Two people saying the same thing together over and over just isn't funny to me.) PDD -nah. (I am convinced, however, that Pedro Pascal would make any sketch hysterical.) I wish they'd have a dog as guest host. Or maybe the 50th season could be all dogs and Pedro Pascal. I'm serious.
  15. Was anyone else distracted by Jessca's teeth? It might just be me. I'm kind of teeth obsessed.
  16. Someone who wants to be one of the shows next season?
  17. Forgot to say, I loved Janine's multicolored woolen coat.
  18. Good episode, as always. I teared up when Tariq started calling Nick by his actual name and little Nick smiled.
  19. I was actually a little sad about that. But that NYC apartment she and her sister were looking at? Has to be $5000/month or more. Could be $10K/Month. I hope she eventually makes her getaway from her mom's house. And starts reading.
  20. I can't believe the mom got cast without TLC help, though.
  21. I was a little embarrassed for her. She really needs to read more or take some classes. I do have hope for her, though, now that she's wanting independence. Can people really walk in off the street and be NY Fashion Week models? That seems suspect to me.
  22. Lexi kind of reminds me of Ava on Abbott Elementary. I really enjoyed the insult heightening between Lexi and Edward.
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