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Everything posted by AD35

  1. When May shot Andrew and he went into the cell, my jaw practically fell to the floor, especially when Coulson asked her if she knew she might kill him. Overall I enjoyed the ep til Ward showed his face at the end. Dear Santa, all I want for Christmas on this show is for Ward to get thrown through the monolith/portal so he can spend whatever remains of his miserable life on the same planet Gemma was stranded on. Only this time make it permanent.
  2. In my area he was shilling Icy Hot in a commercial.
  3. AD35

    Man of Steel (2013)

    The criticism regarding for that particular moment in the movie has to be the result of comparison with Christopher Reeves's Superman (and Terrance Stamp's Zod). Reeve's version had several years of experience using and knowing his powers and limitations. Stamp's Zod was content to rule Earth and largely leave it as it was. Cavill's Superman didn't have the luxury of time to figure out an alternative way of defeating Zod. And Shannon's Zod made it quite clear that Metropolis (as well as Gotham City) and elsewhere on Earth was going to be wiped out to make way for a new Krypton. In such a situation it's literally kill or be killed. And what would be a realistic alternative to that scenario?
  4. I saw it on the first day of release and like others have said, it's a highly enjoyable popcorn movie. One thing that I liked in this one compared to the very first one was the unspoken acknowledgment that just because a predator like a T-rex can't see you (remember Sam Neill's comment?) doesn't mean that he can't smell you. When the I-rex starts his rampage, Owen pours gasoline on himself to dowse his scent when the I-rex is looking for him.
  5. And who's to say that Eobard has to be a biological descendant of Eddie. What if Eddie and a future Mrs. Eddie Thawne decided to adopt instead? As far as trusting villains in this ep and the last, I hope that for the next season Barry will be alot more streetwise and not be so trusting. He doesn't need to have Oliver Queen's perma-scowl when dealing with them, but showing some common sense would help alot. And while he's at it some hand-to-hand or martial arts training should be in order as well.
  6. The Amy/Sheldon breakup I saw coming. The ring I did not. Since she's decided to take a break from Sheldon for awhile, does anyone think at some point she'll start dating Howard's half brother next season?.
  7. I could be the episode where Sheldon, on a visit to his mother in Texas, found out she was having (gasp!!) sex outside of marriage with a man she met in her Bible study group. Mary told Sheldon that she wasn't perfect, but that man's booty was. As far as the main plot with this ep, I expected something more with the moms meeting face to face for the first time. Maybe if it had taken place earlier in the show's run the writers would have been more up to the task. But there was this little gem from Mary. "A good Christian would've turned the other cheek. A good Texan would have shot her."
  8. Unless I'm mistaken Wells/Thawne also referred to Barry as Joe's "son" when he was in the coma, so maybe that's just something that's common knowledge. I was glad to see Iris figured out the real secret about Barry but not so happy to see Joe's reaction when he found out Eddie wanted to propose to her. Eddie may not need his permission to ask Iris but she doesn't need Joe's permission to say yes if she wants to either. They're already living together so Joe's permission is moot anyway.
  9. This felt more like a filler ep to me, enjoyable but still filler. I'm not a regular watcher of Arrow so I have no idea of how Routh is on on that show, but I thought he was tolerable for being a discount-priced Iron Man/billionaire. As for practically everyone knowing about Barry's other identity except Iris, if Grant Gustin ever guest hosts on SNL in the near future, they have got to work that into a skit. At least Iris knows something is up even if she doesn't know exactly what it is yet.
  10. That would have been the only realistic option Cisco would have had at that moment. And as for the absolute zero weapon that he made, I would have assumed Wells/Thawne would have disabled it the first opportunity he got. When Cisco first mentioned its existence Wells/Thawne did get angry. I'm sure it had more to do removing any possible threats to himself than keeping Barry safe.
  11. Hard to believe that this wasn't a season finale after all that took place. Best scene without a doubt was Cisco's final moments before Wells/Eobard Thawne killed him. Just the look on CV's face of utter horror and helplessness then BAM!! That's the most disturbing image from the show that I've seen so far. Since a reset to a few days before this ep is practically assured, then there's still no reason that Iris still can't find out on her own that Barry is the Flash and something shady has been going on at STAR Labs for awhile now. In the new timeline I'd say that it's Mason who gets the fist through the chest instead of Cisco since the investigation will still be going on.
  12. Was I the only one who shouted "Ghostbusters!" in their head when Coulson asked "who you're gonna call?" when he spoke to May about her ex?
  13. The episode was "Things You Can't Outrun". In that episode the first person to be imprisoned was Kyle Nimbus (as in nimbus cloud) aka The Mist. He was on death row and about to be executed when he was transformed. After his transformation he was able to escape and killed several people involved in his conviction including the presiding judge. The closest effort for a reversal that I can remember was at the end of the "Power Outage" episode where Wells takes a blood sample from the body of Farooq Gibran, to find out how he was able to drain Barry's power. So far no other example or mention of any work by Wells to find a cure.
  14. While binge watching several eps this past weekend, I saw that Caitlin did indeed state that she wasn't too happy about the idea of working above a prison for super-powered humans, and she's definitely a main character. Wells also mentioned that the prison (Cisco's idea) was only a temporary measure, only to hold them til a way was found to take away their powers (another moral question right there). And on that point I doubt if Wells is in any hurry to do that.
  15. That's the major thing I liked about this ep, Cavanaugh and Mientus played it like either scenario could be plausible. Rathaway's reaction to Cisco's first appearance could be either he felt he was being replaced as a protoge to Wells or potential rival for Wells affection. Wells's comment "....that you're still my guy" certainly adds fuel that argument. And on the other hand it could all be in Rathaway's mind about him and Wells being more than just work colleagues. Given what we've seen of Wells so far, it wouldn't be out of character for him to take advantage of Rathaway after he got disowned by his parents.
  16. While I was watching that scene to me it almost felt like a preview of the upcoming Batman v. Superman movie, in that someone having to use their experience and skills against someone with superpowers. Now that this week's metahuman is locked up (Star Labs must be seriously having Papa John's and Dominoes on speed dial), I'm looking forward to seeing Barry and Oliver team up in the next ep.
  17. That might have something to do with a report by a tabloid (National Enquirer?) that said Betty White was planning to leave the show after the current season. If so I can understand why the decision was made to end the show rather than continue without her.
  18. Although the show has been on for awhile, it doesn't seem that long ago when she referred to Raj as "the little brown boy" and Sheldon as "the skinny weirdo".
  19. Yes, Nicole Sullivan. I recognized her from seeing her on King of Queens.
  20. The nice touches that I like were the portrait of the Brigadier and the Chaplet funeral home (as in Dodo Chaplet, a former companion of the Doctor). I'm still a bit disappointed at Missy not being the Rani or some other time lord with a past tie to the Doctor but I wouldn't mind a future appearance by her. That's more than I can say about Clara for now.
  21. Raj basically called Sheldon a lousy friend for leaving him to fend for himself against a family of rats.
  22. Out of curiosity I googled "hot, dark and moist" and got very different results from Sheldon. Most of the ones that came up for me were for gingerbread and chocolate cake.
  23. In the last 5 minutes or so the guys are back at Leonard & Sheldon's apt watching Ghostbusters while Penny, Bernadette and Amy are at the show with the male Australian strippers (Bernadette puts some money in a stripper's g-string). It ends with Penny getting up and openning the drapes to let the sun shine brightly on a clearly hung-over Bernadette and Amy in bed together. Penny leaves the room while Amy falls to the floor in an attempt to close the drapes.
  24. Favorite eps: The Love Car Displacement, The Scavenger Vortex &The Egg Salad Equivalency, I don't have a least favorite ep yet.
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