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Everything posted by lezlers

  1. Ugh, of all the scenes to re-air in that catch up special. That one makes me RAGE. That poor, sweet, innocent boy. How shitty and devoid of any shred of maternal instinct do you have to be to think it's okay to sit in a car with your four year old son and cry to him about how mean his "stepdad" is to you? Are you fucking kidding me? That chick needs to be throat punched, repeatedly.
  2. If I recall correctly, Barbs' other kids are total fuck ups as well. She's also raising her grandson from Jenelle's sister. If all three of your kids turn out fucked up, the problem is with you. So yeah, I'm not counting on Jace breaking the cycle, sadly.
  3. Yeah, I thought it was pretty well known that fans HATED Battle of the Block. I think "fan favorite" is code for "Grodner likes it." I mean, who is going to prove them wrong? I like that they only had the first 8 houseguests on the first ep. When they introduce them all at the same time it's too many names to remember and people to get straight. I was REALLY trying hard not to, because I like her and enjoy her DRs, but I can't get over DaVonne leaving her baby for possibly 98 days. I have a six month old and WHAT? I miss her terribly after an eight hour workday, I couldn't imagine leaving her for months at a time and having nothing really to distract me from missing her for a large chunk of time (these houseguests spend a lot of time being bored out of their fucking minds which is prime time to think about your baby you left for possibly longer than 3 months.) I mean, I know baby won't remember but I just think it's shitty to leave them for that long when they're that little (it's likely she'll miss her crawling/walking, ect.) I mean, it's worse for the kid to leave when they're older (like James leaving his 3 year old) but babies change so much their first year, it's a really crappy time to leave them for a prolonged period. I can't help myself, I totally judge parents of small children who go on Big Brother. It's selfish as hell (and the chances of winning aren't great.) And I can't freaking stand that blonde New Yorker.. It's like she drank an entire case of Red Bull before speaking. She can't open her mouth without looking and sounding like she's about to jump out of her chair. It's exhausting.
  4. The panty scheme makes sense to me because Piper is self-destructive and can't make a wise decision to save her damn life. I wasn't in disbelief for a second on that one (I may have even muttered "of course you are" when she started making out with that new chick after manipulating the system to get Alex back there so she wouldn't be alone for a whole 2 months. Piper is THE WORST.)
  5. Thanks for clarifying. That makes sense. I think I project a little because I had my baby girl the day after Cate and aren't even close to losing the last 20 lbs of baby weight, not for lack of being healthy. I just work full-time and have 2 kids so don't have a whole lot of time to work out (I'm also probably a good 15-20 years older than her and damn does weight become difficult to lose the older you get.) I'm lazier than I should be, but if anyone called me "huge" I'd run away crying. Postpartum women can be VERY sensitive about their weight and I feel for Cate. I couldn't imagine the general public scrutinizing my appearance and calling me huge and unhealthy on message boards. I guess that's kind of what she signed up for tho. And Great Kazu, I think you're being a bit willfully obtuse on the matter. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand the statement that calling someone "huge and unhealthy" when they're probably carrying, at most, 20-30 lbs extra weight, can lead to an environment where eating disorders flourish. Did she say it directly TO Cate? No. Obviously. It's the general attitude that 20 to 30 (I think it's more near 20) extra pounds makes someone "huge" that leads to a culture where many women develop disorders. Again, not that complicated of a statement. You might disagree, which is fine, but it's not that complicated of a statement.
  6. I didn't mean it in the literal sense, I meant the general attitude. Cate is far from "huge."
  7. Also, Tyler lucked out that their baby was born Jan 1 with that birthstone necklace. That boy was playing with fire on that one. I had the same due date as Cate and my daughter was born Dec 31 (and I *gasp* still have about 20 lbs of baby weight to lose! I'm so huge and unhealthy!) That would have been an unfortunate purchase for me.
  8. Everybody in your life must look like Maci if you think Catelynne looked "huge" in the unseen moments episode. This was taped what, maybe 3 months postpartum for her? Give me a fucking break. Statements like yours are what create eating disorders. I agree with everything else in your post, tho. I got pissed when everybody was like "yeah, go Ambie! That bitch needs to back it up!" You're right, she's likely been in Leah's life consistently more than Amber at this point. AMBER is the one who needs back it up with that noise.
  9. I think a lot of these kids look at babies as sort of a keepsake for whatever relationship they're in. Like, if you're together with them, you need to have a child that's part of both you. For the rest of that child's life they're a walking, talking reminder of your relationship. It's a terrible way to think about having kids, but I really think that's how they look at it. How else do you explain getting pregnant (or trying to) at some point in every relationship you have? Look at Jenelle in TM2. She's gotten pregnant by every loser she's dated (except Kieeeeefa!)
  10. Promises, schmomises. Say what you need to say to get her into rehab, then do what you have to do for the safety of your children. How does Leah, a drug addict who is filmed screaming at her kids, have the upper hand when it comes to custody? Come on.
  11. This is why I have a problem with people that have children without being married. For some couples it's fine. They're totally committed and don't want to get married for whatever reason. Cool. But when they're not married because they're not "ready" to be married? WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HAVING CHILDREN TOGETHER THEN?? It kills me. Children are a MUCH larger commitment than marriage. If you're not "ready" for one, you're sure as hell not ready for the other.
  12. Does Corey have custody of the girlses now? And if Corey and Jermy had a brain between the two of them, they'd hightail it to their joint attorney's office right the fuck NOW and file for custody. Who agrees to give their kids back to someone who's high out of their mind?
  13. I love how Dr. Drew was trying to bully Gary into adjusting the custody arrangement by saying "she'll go to court, Gary" all ominous-like. So what? Does Dr. Drew actually think a judge is going to award Amber sole custody? I don't understand how Dr. Drew would think Gary would actually be intimidated by Amber's "threat" to go to court. I liked how he called Amber on her shit about not working the steps, but his attitude towards Gary regarding custody was repugnant. Leah's safety is what's most important here, but what Ambie wants. I used to really like Dr. Drew when he was doing celebrity rehab, but he's lost all credibility when he started hosting these updates. He gives shockingly bad advice sometimes. I'm also DYING to see Kristina's ex-husband. I can only imagine what he was like if she cheated on him with GARY. Ugh.
  14. No, you only said you're disgusted at the way she eats and that you "don't think it's okay" and that Cate clearly doesn't care about her weight and that she's setting a bad example for her daughter. I can see how you were defending her. Having a baby is crazy stressful, in the early days you're totally in survival mode. I couldn't imagine travelling out of state with my newborn and doing press tours when she was that little. The LAST thing on my mind would've been dieting. And that's okay. The amount of attention put on her weight in these forums is a little disturbing, frankly. It's not like she's a couple of episodes away from "My 600 pound life." As someone mentioned above, she's got a small frame so ANY amount of extra weight is going to be noticeable. She's probably no more than 30 pounds overweight.
  15. For fucks sake, the girl JUST had a baby! When are people going to lay off her about her weight?? Nova was maybe a month old when they went to NYC. She's just adjusting to having a newborn, probably SEVERELY sleep deprived and I'm sure the last thing on her mind is losing the baby weight. I had a baby around the same time she did and have JUST started making efforts to lose the weight. Tyler's not the only one that needs to back the fuck off Catelyn. It's "not okay"? Give me a break. Jesus.
  16. OMG, when are people going to stop naming their babies Jackson? It's a fine name but every other boy born for the past 2 years seems to be named Jackson. I'm pretty sure there's at least 3 Jacksons in my son's preschool class alone.
  17. I had genetic testing done for my second after I had some previous miscarriages (and was over 35.) I found out at 12 weeks. I kept wondering how she was having a gender reveal party when she didn't even look pregnant yet! Ugh, gender reveal parties. I didn't want to fault them because I like her and he really grew on me after she had the miscarriage but I find them super obnoxious in general.
  18. Yeah, I actually find thicker Amber to be reassuring, as that's a pretty decent indicator that she's not using.
  19. In defense of Catelynn and Tyler, I'm assuming the producers probably prod them to talk about Carly on camera a fair amount. too.
  20. I didn't realize she owns that shack she lives in. If that's the case, then it DOES change things. I stand corrected.
  21. Ah yes, the ol shut up ring. Gotta love it. Had one of those myself, once. Shockingly, I didn't marry that guy. Anyone can buy a diamond ring (especially the awesome checkerboard one Amber was sporting), until dude is standing at the top of the aisle waiting, it doesn't mean a damn thing. In the words of the great Kim Zolciak, the ring don't mean a thing! I like Amber's brother. He seems to be the only one out of the whole lot of them that has an ounce of common sense. I'm also not going to rag on her for having her family eat on the couch. In the first scene with her boyfriend and Leah, he was sitting at what looked to be a small table (which I'm guessing is seldom used.) Everyone there likely couldn't fit around it, so they ate on the couch. Not that I don't think Amber is a lazy heiffer, because I TOTALLY do, I'm just not side-eyeing her for being on the couch in that particular situation. I can't stand Maci. She was being such a bitch to her poor, beaten down boyfriend at that dinner. I get the whole hungry while pregnant rage (been there, sister), but a lot of her bitchiness was after she had eaten too. And I'm not buying this whole "we're too poor to afford a house with more than one bathroom and a bathtub" foolishness. Bitch, please. What the hell are you doing with your MTV money? I'm doubting the cost of living is THAT high where she is, she can afford to rent a decent 2 or 3 bedroom house. Farrah. Oh, Farrah. Her boyfriend seems skeevy as hell and if she's holding her breath waiting for marriage, she's going to pass out as a very disappointed woman. Never gonna happen, darling. That boy is enjoying dating Farrah The Pornstar. The minute the media forgets about her, so will he. Guaranteed.
  22. I'm sure if she were pursuing a BA at a 4 year college she would've mentioned it somewhere, since she gets a lot of negative comments regarding the amount of time it's taking her to get a piddly AA.
  23. You guys are kind of proving my point about Maci and school. ;) One of you WANTS to stay in school forever (and is working a demanding job while in school) and the other has medical issues. None of these things are true with Maci. She proclaims she wants to be done, she's never really worked a job (I give total side-eye to the social media specialist "job" she's had for all of ONE year) and she has no medical issues we know of. I mean, we've SEEN some of the reason, in multiple seasons she's shown dropping classes because she doesn't go (mostly because she doesn't feel like it or doesn't want to leave Bentley even when she can), then falls behind, can't catch up and doesn't want to fail. So yeah, no excuse other than laziness.
  24. Of course he is. Addicts almost ALWAYS have kids. Somewhere.
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