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Everything posted by lezlers

  1. This is actually an accurate statement. My current assignment is the domestic violence unit. Once the state files charges, the complaining witness cannot "drop charges." This is because many people call the police in the heat of the moment, not thinking about the fall out ("oh shit, I called the cops on him for pushing me, now he's in jail and can't bail out and is going to lose his job, I don't work so now we can't pay the rent and we're all going to be homeless in two weeks! WHY AREN'T YOU JERKS DROPPING CHARGES, HUH????") Then if the dude really is an abuser, he'll beat her up worse the next time or possibly kill her. OR someone calls the cops just to get back at their partner because they're pissed after a particularly bad fight, then they feel bad later. It happens All. The. Time. My favorite is when they actually tell the cops "what are you doing? Don't arrest him! I don't want him arrested!!!!!" Then why did you call the cops, dumbass? It's not just women who do this, however. I've got plenty of female clients as well. That's why you shouldn't call cops for stupid shit you have no intention of following through with. I have a feeling Jenelle is definitely one of these women. As much of a douche as he is, I actually believe Nathan's story that he just tried to get her ring off her finger. Stupid and a total asshole move, but he didn't hit her. Jenelle's been through the system enough to know how it works. Kind of like Kail, who totally lied about Jo hitting her so she could get a restraining order to keep him from seeing Issac.
  2. Are we watching the same show? Jenelle doesn't WANT Jace back. She's SAID as much. She's currently not making ANY attempts to get him, so why do you keep commenting about how he should be home with her? You know what's really bad for a child? Being in a home where he's not wanted. Like Jenelle's. I mean, she couldn't even manage to drive to her appointment with her attorney for custody without drama. SHE made the decision to turn the car around and go back to the house to argue with Nathan. That sums up her entire attitude towards her children. Men come first. Period, end of story. Also, they just showed a scene where she and Nathan were up at 4 am, drunk and fighting (Jenelle might not have been drinking but her being up and alert at 4 am is suspect.) Could you imagine if Jace was there for that? It was bad enough Kaiser was.
  3. I wouldn't care. If he really wanted to be involved in our son's life, I'd be grateful that he was willing to make the move. It would also mean no more 3 hour weekly car trips. Win win. Of course, I'm not a narcissistic selfish shrew like Kail, so there's that. I think about what would be best for my children before what would be best for ME because I'm not a shitty mom. I also don't think Jo gives one single, solitary shit about Kail. I do feel bad for Vee tho. I couldn't imagine moving away from all of my family and friends whilst pregnant and then with a newborn. Girl is going to get really lonely, really fast.
  4. Thanks everyone for explaining!! I was so confused watching to show, assuming Steve was also against the twins and Austin, but it all makes sense now that it's been explained. Thanks. :)
  5. Wait, I don't understand. If Steve wanted to back-door becky, why wouldn't he tell John to use the veto so he can do JUST THAT? Is it because John is aligned with Becky so he didn't want to piss John off? If so, why do we never see John in any of the James, Meg, Jackie, Becky meetings?
  6. I think it's bullshit if they totally gloss over Leah cheating on Germy. Why does Leah get to demand a pretty sparkle edit and basically demand that they keep huge, important pieces of her life secret so the casual viewer who doesn't follow message boards or social media is left confused and wondering why Corey and Germy are being such dicks to her, when that isn't the case at all?
  7. Any "sober coach" worth his salt wouldn't start a relationship with an addict fresh out of rehab (especially if they checked out early.)
  8. Naw. I think the more likely scenario is he's lobbing softballs at them at the direction of Mtv so that none of these princesses refuse to come back because they got their feelings hurt by the big bad doctor. This is why I don't trust any "doctor" that goes by "Dr. (first name)"
  9. Very true. One of my friends is friends with a woman the rest of us don't like. It drives us crazy because we can't articulate WHY none of us like her, we just DON'T. So then we feel like assholes because there's no good reason not to like her and continue to go to lunch with her anyway. And the only negative thing I have to say about Chelsea is GIRL, figure out your foundation shade. Half the time she looks like a damn oompa loompa. Orange is not flattering. It really surprises me that someone so into beauty could make such a glaring error in her foundation choice. I kept getting distracted during that scene with her and Taylor in the attorneys office because she just looked so orange next to Taylor.
  10. I think Kaiser will be fine. There's no way Nathan and Jenelle are raising him to adulthood. He'll likely be raised by Nathan's parents, like his daughter. I just hope it happens before he starts developing memories. As for Adam's friend, I'm pretty sure he's his sponsor. That or his dealer. He's got to be one or the other. It's also kind of always amazed me that Kail seems to hold on to friends longer than any of the other girls (except Chelsea.) She seems like SUCH a drag to be around, I can't imagine how soul sucking it must be to hang out with her consistently. Also, I thought Sterling had a boyfriend? Isn't that who was visiting her during the last episode where her and Javi were making everyone super uncomfortable by fighting in front of their houseguests?
  11. I think when it comes to friends trips, the intent behind the trips are what matters. If you're looking to "escape" from your husband and kids, that's a problem. Just look at how downright GIDDY Kailyn was when she was leaving for her trip. It was more than just excitement to go to CA. That girl was ELATED to be getting away from Javi. It was sad. Also, frequency matters. I can see a girls trip maybe once a year with day outings a little more frequently. But Kailyn said on a prior episode she wants to spend the "weekends" with her friends. What? I don't know anyone who, with a husband and small children, looks to spend every weekend away with their friends. That's not a healthy relationship. At all.
  12. I was confused about the Kail situation. According to posts here, Javi was pissed because she was supposed to come home Sat/Sun but then texted Javi and said she wouldn't be home until Tues. But on the show, she was saying she was going to be gone four days from the get-go. I think she's totally selfish and ridiculous for leaving that long anyway with a husband and small children at home to crash someone else's "family vacation" (hey Kail, if you want a family vacation, why not take your OWN family on one?) but if she really did say from the beginning she was going to be gone until Tuesday and Javi agreed to it, he was totally in the wrong for harassing her the entire trip about it (and she reacted horribly.) Leah: I was so happy to hear Cory finally going off on her. I could feel his frustration. I'd be at my wit's end with that girl.
  13. Pardon me if someone already responded to this, but you can't go to prison for contempt of court, much less for 3 years. The article stated he worked as a CO. He was arrested for contempt, but that's not why he spent 3 years "in prison."
  14. I've been both a stepmother and a mother and I think Megan is obnoxious. It's not like she's been in these childrens' lives on a regular basis for years. She's been married to their father for 4 MONTHS and dated him shortly before that. She lives in a different state from all of them but the seventeen year old. I guarantee you they do not think of her in any way, shape or form as a mother. Not even a mother figure. How can you honestly say that you think of some kids you see maybe a couple times a year that you've known maybe a year or so as your own? Come on. I don't blame Tamara and Vicki for laying into her at all. If you want to be a mother so damn bad then have a child of your own or be in a position where you're actually a full-time stepmom to Jim's kids because you sure as hell aren't one now. Gah. Megan bugs.
  15. Great thread! I always want to know what's happening behind the scenes, but hate getting spoiled, since it ruins the broadcast shows. This is perfect!
  16. Shoot, I'd just leave Issac with Jo. I'm sure Jo wouldn't mind. It's Kail's responsibility to pick him up, not Javi's.
  17. I was also confused when Kail said she wanted to spend the weekends with her friends. What? You're married with 2 kids, honey, that ship has sailed. Why did she bother getting married and having another child if she wanted to live like she was single with no kids? ETA: Holy hell, I just read that she was only supposed to be gone Saturday night, then texted that she wouldn't be home until TUESDAY. Is she serious? Neither my husband nor I would've ever gotten away with crap like that. How disrespectful! She sure did do a good job finding a chump to marry that would take all of the shit she shovels his way.
  18. I'm no fan of Adumb, I think it's a total douche, but not for that. He was a teenager. That was six years ago. If we held every dumb thing a teenager said or did against them for the rest of their lives, everyone would be considered a jerk. He's a douche because of the way he acts (no consideration for the safety of others, manipulating Aubree and Chelsea) now for sure.
  19. Wait, I'm confused. How did we get from 50% custody to "divide the girls between their fathers and let the mother die in a gutter somewhere"????
  20. The mother of my ex's daughter had BPD. It was scary. She'd go from calling him and screaming at him on the phone, to calling him begging him to come over and sleep with her (she had ZERO respect for our relationship, despite the fact that we had been engaged and living together for 3 years.) She was often drunk or high and their poor daughter had a host of psychological issues thanks to her mother's crazy. I feel for the children of anyone with BPD.
  21. I think Jenelle is just a very special and fucked up mix of sociopath, narcissist and borderline personality, as she exhibits traits of all three disorders.* *All of my knowledge comes from reading mental health evaluations in a criminal defense context. Which basically means I don't know shit and am totally talking out of my ass right now.
  22. I think Jenelle is a sociopath. She has zero empathy for anyone but herself, not even for her children. I think she's actually incapable of feeling remorse for the things she does or empathy for those she hurts. She's scary.
  23. Well that's just crazy talk. These girls didn't end up on a show called 16 and Pregnant from being responsible.
  24. Totally agree and I find that so, so sad. As a mother, I hope that my kids have things better than I did. My father wasn't really all that involved in my life which is why I chose a mate who would make a TERRIFIC father. I don't get jealous when I see my husband being a kick-ass dad to our children, I feel grateful. That's how it SHOULD be. Parents should want their kids to grow up having more than they did. That's a healthy relationship. Kail really, really needs some serious counseling. She had a terrible childhood and naturally, it damaged her as a person. That wasn't her fault. But her refusing to seek help for it and taking out her history on others in her life IS her fault. She needs to grow up and quit making everything about her.
  25. Exactly. Leah was saying she was so exhausted after waking up at SEVEN. I haven't slept in until seven since I've had kids. I wake up at 5:30 (usually after having gotten up 2-3 times during the night to tend to my infant) every morning, get both kids ready for daycare, then go and work all day. Pick up the baby (fortunately I have a husband who does his share) rush home, cook dinner, do bath and bedtime routine, get everything ready for the next day, crash out then wake up and do it all again. Am I tired? Sure. But I'm not slugging around with my hair all fucked up, my eye makeup running and my car looking like something out of hoarders. Get it together, woman.
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